Creative Commons License

cc-by-icon-largerContent that is created by UI Libraries staff and for which the University of Iowa holds the copyright is available under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY) except where otherwise noted. This license grants permission for attributed re-use of the content of all Libraries Web pages, including tutorials, research guides, and subject bibliographies. Usage should appear with the following attribution: Created by The University of Iowa Libraries and used with permission.  The University of Iowa continues to hold the copyright to all Libraries-created websites and materials.

The vast majority of metadata – textual information enabling users to identify, discover, interpret, or manage content – is not subject to copyright protection because it expresses only objective facts or constitutes expression so limited that it does not meet the requirement for originality. Any metadata created by UI Libraries staff that may be protected by copyright is distributed under CC0 (“no rights reserved”) to the fullest extent allowed by law, permitting users to harvest, collect, modify, and reuse. The UI Libraries respectfully requests attribution in accordance with community and professional norms.

Content is provided under this license as is with no representations or warranties of any kind.  The University of Iowa and its Libraries accept no liability for the use of the content provided under this license.

For further queries about the license, please contact us.

Learn more about Creative Commons licensing options.

Use Fee

When using materials that the UI Libraries has made available from its online collections, there are two considerations. One is whether permission is needed from the Libraries as the physical custodian of the material; the other is whether permission is needed from the party that holds copyright to the material.

As the custodian of digital images of materials in its online collections, the Libraries does not charge a fee for their use and it is not necessary to obtain permission from the Libraries for that use. In some cases, such as if special processing or handling is required to fulfill a user request, the Libraries reserves the right to charge for cost recovery. In addition, for materials not already digitized and openly available on the web, the Libraries reserves the right to impose specific terms of access, use, or reuse based on third-party requirements. The Libraries accepts no responsibility for the use of materials from its online collections.

This policy does not address copyright considerations relating to the actual use of these materials once they are obtained from the Libraries. This is because the Libraries, although acting as the physical custodian, generally does not hold copyright to the materials in its collections and archives and is unable to license or otherwise grant permission to use material when copyright to that material is held by another party. The Libraries also does not grant licenses or permissions to use materials which are in the public domain, because no license or permission is needed to copy or use such materials. It is the sole responsibility of the user to determine the copyright status of any given material and to obtain from the copyright holder any license or permission required to use the material.

For further queries about use fees and reproduction of library collections, please contact us.