NOTE: All Math print journals will be retained.
Abdominal imaging
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Hamburgischen Universität
Academic questions
Acta applicandae mathematicae
Acta biotheoretica
Acta Chirurgica Austriaca
Acta diabetologica latina (1964-1991) title changed to Acta diabetologica
Acta informatica
Acta mathematica
Acta mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Acta mathematica Hungarica
Acta mechanica
Acta neurochirurgica
Acta neuropathologica
Acta Neurovegetativa
Acta physica Academiae Scientarium Hungaricae
Advances in contraception
Aequationes mathematicae
Ageing international
Agents and actions
Aging clinical and experimental research
Agriculture and human values
AI & society
Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie
Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Ophthalmologie
Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Ophthalmologie vereinigt mit Archiv für Augenheilkunde
Algebra and logic
Algebra universalis
Alternative higher education
Alternative lifestyles
American journal of community psychology
American journal of dance therapy
Analysis mathematica
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry
Anatomia clinica
Anatomische Hefte
Anatomy and embryology
Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik
Annales des télécommunications
Annali dell’Università di Ferrara
Annali di matematica pura ed applicata
Annals of behavioral medicine
Annals of dyslexia
Annals of global analysis and geometry
Annals of hematology
Annals of operations research
Annals of surgical oncology
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology
Applied mathematics and mechanics
Applied mathematics and optimization
Applied microbiology and biotechnology
Applied physics
Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback
Applied scientific research
Aquatic geochemistry
Aquatic sciences
Archiv der Mathematik
Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis
Archiv für dermatologische Forschung
Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere
Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung
Archiv für experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie
Archiv für Gynäkologie
Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Dermatologie
Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde
Archiv für Kreislaufforschung
Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung
Archiv für Mikrobiologie
Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwickslungsmechanik
Archiv für Ophthalmologie
Archiv für Orthopädie, Mechanotherapie und Unfallchirurgie
Archiv für Orthopädische und Unfall-Chirurgie
Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten
Archive for history of exact sciences
Archive for mathematical logic
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis
Archives & museum informatics
Archives of computational methods in engineering
Archives of dermatological research
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology
Archives of gynecology
Archives of gynecology and obstetrics
Archives of microbiology
Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery
Archives of orthopaedic and traumatic surgery
Archives of oto-rhino-laryngology
Archives of sexual behavior
Archives of toxicology
Archives of virology
Arkiv för matematik
Asia Pacific journal of management
Asia-Pacific financial markets
Astrophysics and space science
Atlantic economic journal
Audio visual communication review
Basic research in cardiology
Behavior genetics
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology
Beiträge zur Klinik der Tuberkulose und spezifischen Tuberkulose-Forschung
Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie
Biochemical genetics
Biodiversity and conservation
Bioethics quarterly
Biofeedback and self-regulation
Biologia plantarum
Biological cybernetics
Biological trace element research
Biology & philosophy
Biology of metals
Biomedical engineering
Biotechnology letters
Biotechnology techniques
BIT (Numerical Mathematics, 0006-3835)
Book research quarterly
Boundary-layer meteorology
Breast cancer research and treatment
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology
Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine
Bulletin of mathematical biology
Bulletin of the Orton Society
Bulletin of volcanology
Bulletin volcanologique
Cancer immunology and immunotherapy
Cancer metastasis reviews
Carbonates and evaporites
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology
Cardiovascular drugs and therapy
Catalysis letters
Celestial mechanics
Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy
Cell and tissue research
Cell biophysics
Cellular and molecular life sciences
Cellular and molecular neurobiology
Československá mikrobiologie
Chekhoslovat͡skiĭ fizicheskiĭ zhurnal
Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds
Chemistry of natural compounds
Chesapeake science
Child & youth care forum
Child psychiatry and human development
Children’s literature in education
Child’s nervous system
Chinese journal of geochemistry
Chirurgia plastica
Climate dynamics
Climatic change
Clinical & experimental metastasis
Clinical autonomic research
Clinical social work journal
Cognitive therapy and research
Colloid and polymer science
Communications in mathematical physics
Community mental health journal
Computational economics
Computer science in economics and management
Computers and the humanities
Conditional reflex
Constitutional political economy
Constructive approximation
Contemporary crises
Contemporary Jewry
Continental philosophy review
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology
Coral reefs
Crime, law, and social change
Critical criminology
Culture, medicine and psychiatry
Current genetics
Current microbiology
Cybernetics and systems analysis
Czechoslovak journal of physics
De Economist
Decisions in economics and finance
Der Züchter
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde
Development genes and evolution
Dialectical anthropology
Die Kulturpflanze
Die Naturwissenschaften
Digestive diseases and sciences
Discrete & computational geometry
Discrete event dynamic systems
Distributed computing
Documenta ophthalmologica
Early childhood education journal
Earth, moon, and planets
Ecological research
Economic botany
Economic bulletin
Economic theory
Economics of planning
Educational communication and technology
Educational psychology review
Educational studies in mathematics
Educational technology research and development
Empirical economics
Employee responsibilities and rights journal
Environmental & resource economics
Environmental biology of fishes
Environmental geology
Environmental geology and water sciences
Environmental management
Environmental monitoring and assessment
European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience
European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences
European biophysics journal
European demographic information bulletin
European journal of applied microbiology
European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology
European journal of applied physiology
European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology
European journal of clinical microbiology
European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases
European journal of clinical pharmacology
European journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics
European journal of epidemiology
European journal of intensive care medicine
European journal of law and economics
European journal of pediatrics
European journal of population
Evolutionary ecology
Experimental astronomy
Experimental brain research
Feminist issues
Few-body systems
Fire technology
Fluid dynamics
Folia microbiologica
Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens
Fortschrittsberichte über Kolloide & [i.e. und] Polymere
Foundations of physics
Fresenius’ Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie
Functional analysis and its applications
Gastrointestinal radiology
Gender issues
General relativity and gravitation
Geologische Rundschau
Geo-marine letters
Geometriae dedicata
Geometric and functional analysis
Glycoconjugate journal
Graefe’s archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology
Group decision and negotiation
Heart and vessels
Heidelberger Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie
Higher education
Higher-order and symbolic computation
Human ecology
Human genetics
Human nature
Human studies
Husserl studies
Hydrogeology journal
Hyperfine interactions
Iconographia mycologica
Il Cimento
Il Nuovo cimento
Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica
Immunologic research
In vitro
In vitro cellular & developmental biology
Indian journal of pediatrics
Inflammation research
Innovative higher education
Insectes sociaux
Instructional science
Integral equations and operator theory
Intensive care medicine
Inter economics
Interchange on education
Interchange on educational policy
International archives of occupational and environmental health
International journal for philosophy of religion
International journal of biometeorology
International journal of cardiac imaging
International journal of clinical monitoring and computing
International journal of colorectal disease
International journal of computer vision
International journal of early childhood
International journal of earth sciences
International journal of family therapy
International journal of flexible manufacturing systems
International journal of fracture mechanics
International journal of game theory
International journal of parallel programming
International journal of politics, culture, and society
International journal of primatology
International journal of the classical tradition
International journal of theoretical physics
International journal of value based management
International ophthalmology
International orthopaedics
International review of education
International tax and public finance
International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction
International urology and nephrology
Internationale Zeitschrift für angewandte Physiologie einschliesslich Arbeitsphysiologie
Inventiones mathematicae
Investigational new drugs
Israel journal of mathematics
Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics
Japanese journal of surgery
Jewish history
Journal d’analyse mathématique
Journal for general philosophy of science
Journal für Ornithologie
Journal of abnormal child psychology
Journal of African American studies
Journal of applied metalworking
Journal of applied phycology
Journal of applied spectroscopy
Journal of archaeological method and theory
Journal of archaeological research
Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics
Journal of astrophysics and astronomy
Journal of atmospheric chemistry
Journal of autism and developmental disorders
Journal of automated reasoning
Journal of behavioral medicine
Journal of bioenergetics
Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes
Journal of biological physics
Journal of biomolecular NMR
Journal of business and psychology
Journal of business ethics
Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology
Journal of Central South University of Technology
Journal of chemical ecology
Journal of child and family studies
Journal of classification
Journal of clinical monitoring
Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings
Journal of community health
Journal of comparative physiology
Journal of computer-aided molecular design
Journal of computing in higher education
Journal of consumer policy
Journal of contemporary psychotherapy
Journal of cross-cultural gerontology
Journal of earth system science
Journal of East Asian linguistics
Journal of economic growth
Journal of economics
Journal of elasticity
Journal of electronic materials
Journal of engineering mathematics
Journal of ethology
Journal of evolutionary economics
Journal of family violence
Journal of financial services research
Journal of gambling behavior
Journal of gambling studies
Journal of general internal medicine
Journal of genetics
Journal of geometry
Journal of heat treating
Journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
Journal of inclusion phenomena
Journal of inclusion phenomena and molecular recognition in chemistry
Journal of Indian philosophy
Journal of inherited metabolic disease
Journal of insect behavior
Journal of instructional development
Journal of intelligent & robotic systems
Journal of intelligent manufacturing
Journal of labor research
Journal of logic, language, and information
Journal of low temperature physics
Journal of market-focused management
Journal of materials science
Journal of materials shaping technology
Journal of mathematical biology
Journal of mathematical chemistry
Journal of mathematical sciences
Journal of medical systems
Journal of mental health administration
Journal of molecular evolution
Journal of neurology
Journal of neuro-oncology
Journal of neuro-visceral relations
Journal of nonverbal behavior
Journal of oil & fat industries
Journal of optimization theory and applications
Journal of paleolimnology
Journal of philosophical logic
Journal of plant growth regulation
Journal of plant research
Journal of population
Journal of population economics
Journal of productivity analysis
Journal of psycholinguistic research
Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment
Journal of quantitative criminology
Journal of regulatory economics
Journal of religion and health
Journal of risk and uncertainty
Journal of Russian laser research
Journal of science education and technology
Journal of science teacher education
Journal of scientific computing
Journal of solid-phase biochemistry
Journal of solution chemistry
Journal of soviet mathematics
Journal of statistical physics
Journal of structural chemistry
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of the American Aging Association
Journal of the history of biology
Journal of theoretical probability
Journal of tissue culture methods
Journal of world prehistory
Journal of youth and adolescence
Klinische Wochenschrift
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy
Kolloid-Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift für Polymere
Landscape ecology
Langenbecks Archiv für Chirurgie
Langenbecks Archiv für klinische Chirurgie
Language resources and evaluation
Lasers in medical science
Law and philosophy
Lettere al Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica
Letters in mathematical physics
Linguistics and philosophy
Lisp and symbolic computation
Lithuanian mathematical journal
Machine learning
Man and world
Manuscripta mathematica
Marine biology
Marine geophysical researches
Marketing letters
Mathematical geology
Mathematical methods of operations research
Mathematical notes [0001-4346]
Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR [0001-4346]
Mathematical programming
Mathematical systems theory
Mathematische Annalen
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Medical & biological engineering & computing
Medical electronics & biological engineering
Medical microbiology and immunology
Medical oncology
Medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapy
Metabolic brain disease
Metallurgical and materials transactions
Meteorology and atmospheric physics
Microbial ecology
Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica acta
Mikrochimica acta
Mikrochimica et ichnoanalytica acta
Milan journal of mathematics
Minds and machines
Mineralium deposita
Mineralogy and petrology
MIRCEN journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology
Mobile networks and applications
Molecular & general genetics
Molecular and cellular biochemistry
Molecular and chemical neuropathology
Molecular biology reports
Molecular biotechnology
Molecular genetics and genomics
Molecular neurobiology
Monatshefte für Chemie
Monatshefte für Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften
Monatshefte für Mathematik
Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik
Motivation and emotion
Multimedia systems
Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata
Natural hazards
Natural language & linguistic theory
Natural language semantics
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s archives of pharmacology
Neurochemical pathology
Neurochemical research
Neuroscience and behavioral physiology
Neuroscience translations
Neurosurgical review
New generation computing
NTM [Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 0036-6978]
Numerische Mathematik
Obesity surgery
Oil & fat industries
Oil and soap
Open economies review
Origins of life
Origins of life and evolution of the biosphere
Osteoporosis international
österreichische botanische Zeitschrift
österreichisches botanisches Wochenblatt
Oxidation of metals
Paläontologische Zeitschrift
Papers on non-market decision making
Parasitology research
Pastoral psychology
Pediatric cardiology
Pediatric radiology
Pediatric surgery international
Periodica mathematica Hungarica
Pflügers Archiv
Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere
Pharmaceutisch weekblad
Pharmacy world & science
Philosophical studies
Photosynthesis research
Physics and chemistry of minerals
Plant and soil
Plant cell reports
Plant cell, tissue, and organ culture
Plant ecology
Plant growth regulation
Plant molecular biology
Plant molecular biology reporter
Plant systematics and evolution
Polar biology
Policy sciences
Political behavior
Polymer bulletin
Population and environment
Population ecology
Population research and policy review
Probability theory and related fields
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences
Psychiatric quarterly
Psychological research
Psychologische Forschung
Public choice
Publications mathématiques
Publishing research quarterly
Pure and applied geophysics
Qualitative sociology
Quality & quantity
Quality of life research
Radiation and environmental biophysics
Reading and writing
Rendiconti Lincei
Research in higher education
Research on chemical intermediates
Researches on population ecology
Review of accounting studies
Review of derivatives research
Review of industrial organization
Review of quantitative finance and accounting
Reviews of chemical intermediates
Revue d’hydrologie
Rheologica acta
Rheumatology international
Rivista di matematica per le scienze economiche e sociali
Rock mechanics and rock engineering
Roux’s archives of developmental biology
Russian chemical bulletin
Russian linguistics
Russian physics journal
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie
Science & education
Science and engineering ethics
Selecta mathematica
Semigroup forum
Sex roles
Sexual plant reproduction
Sexuality and disability
Siberian mathematical journal
Skeletal radiology
Small business economics
Social choice and welfare
Social indicators research
Social psychiatry
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology
Soil mechanics and foundation engineering
Solar physics
Somatic cell and molecular genetics
Somatic cell genetics
Soviet physics journal
Soviet powder metallurgy and metal ceramics
Soviet radiophysics
Space life sciences
Space science reviews
Springer seminars in immunopathology
Statistical papers
Statistics and computing
Statistische Hefte
Stochastic hydrology and hydraulics
Structural chemistry
Structural optimization
Studia geophysica et geodaetica
Studia logica
Studies in comparative international development
Studies in East European thought
Studies in philosophy and education
Studies in Soviet thought
Supportive care in cancer
Surgery today
Surgical and radiologic anatomy
Surgical endoscopy
Survey of immunologic research
Surveys in geophysics
Systematic parasitology
TCA manual
Tech trends
Technische Mechanik und Thermodynamik
Telecommunication systems
The African archaeological review
The American journal of digestive diseases
The American sociologist
The Annals of regional science
The Astronomy and astrophysics review
The botanical magazine (0006-808X, now called Journal of Plant Research)
The botanical review
The Clinical investigator
The Environmentalist
The European physical journal
The Histochemical journal
The journal of behavioral health services & research
The Journal of bioethics
The Journal of geometric analysis
The journal of human justice
The Journal of medical humanities
The Journal of membrane biology
The Journal of primary prevention
The Journal of real estate finance and economics
The journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society
The journal of value inquiry
The Korean journal of chemical engineering
The mathematical intelligencer
The Moon
The Moon and the planets
The Pavlovian journal of biological science
The review of Austrian economics
The Review of Black political economy
The Soviet journal of atomic energy
The Urban review
The Visual computer
Theoretica chimica acta
Theoretical and applied climatology
Theoretical and applied genetics
Theoretical and experimental chemistry
Theoretical and mathematical physics
Theoretical chemistry accounts
Theoretical medicine
Theoretical medicine and bioethics
Theory and decision
Theory and society
Theory of computing systems
Trabajos de estadística
Trabajos de estadística y de investigacion operativa
Trabajos de investigacion operativa
Transition metal chemistry
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen
Urologic radiology
Urological research
Urology and nephrology
Vierteljahresschrift für Dermatologie und Syphilis
Virchows Archiv
Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medizin
Virus genes
Water resources management
Water, air, and soil pollution
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv
Wetlands ecology and management
Wilhelm Roux’ Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen
Wilhelm Roux’s archives of developmental biology
Wireless networks
Wood science and technology
World journal of microbiology & biotechnology
World journal of surgery
World journal of urology
Wuhan University journal of natural sciences
Wuhan yi xue yuan xue bao
Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie
Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie
Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
Zeitschrift für die gesamte experimentelle Medizin
Zeitschrift für die gesamte experimentelle Medizin einschliesslich experimentelle Chirurgie
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie
Zeitschrift für Hygiene
Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten
Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten, medizinische Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Virologie
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde
Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung
Zeitschrift für medizinische Mikrobiologie und Immunologie
Zeitschrift für Morphologie und ökologie der Tiere
Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie
Zeitschrift für Neurologie
Zeitschrift für Operations Research
Zeitschrift für Physik
Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie
Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete
Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Biologie
Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie
Zoomorphologie [0340-6725]
Zoomorphology [0720-213X]
New titles ingested by the BTAA SPR as of May 2016
Acta mathematicæ applicatæ Sinica = |
Administration in mental health |
Annals of biomedical engineering |
Biophysik |
Calcified tissue international |
Calcified tissue research |
Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology |
Cardiovascular radiology |
Child & adolescent social work journal |
Child & youth care quarterly |
Child care quarterly |
Current psychological research |
Current psychological research & reviews |
Current psychological reviews |
Current psychology |
Engineering with computers |
Environmental psychology and nonverbal behavior |
European journal of nuclear medicine |
Experientia |
Experimental mechanics |
Experiments in fluids |
Formal aspects of computing |
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen |
Geophysical surveys |
Graphs and combinatorics |
Histochemistry and cell biology |
Ingenieur-Archiv |
Integrative physiological and behavioral science |
International journal for the advancement of counselling |
International journal of computer & information sciences |
International journal of fracture |
Japan journal of applied mathematics |
JETP letters |
Journal of applied electrochemistry |
Journal of applied mechanics and technical physics |
Journal of behavioral assessment |
Journal of career development |
Journal of chemical sciences |
Journal of clinical immunology |
Journal of crystal and molecular structure |
Journal of dynamics and differential equations |
Journal of elementary science education |
Journal of engineering physics |
Journal of fusion energy |
Journal of geometric analysis |
Journal of materials engineering and performance |
Journal of materials science letters |
Journal of muscle research and cell motility |
Journal of neural transmission |
Journal of northeast Asian studies = |
Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics |
Journal of protein chemistry |
Journal of radioanalytical chemistry |
Journal of supercomputing |
Journal of superconductivity |
Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology |
Journal of thermal analysis |
Kolloid-Beihefte |
La Rivista del Nuovo cimento |
Law and human behavior |
Materiaux et constructions |
Mathematica Slovaca |
mathematical intelligencer |
Mathematics of control, signals, and systems |
Meccanica |
Mechanics of composite materials |
Metallurgical transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science |
Methods in cell science |
New Blackfriars |
Nordisk tidskrift for informationsbehandling |
Optical and quantum electronics |
Order |
Pharmaceutical chemistry journal |
Pharmaceutical research |
Plant breeding = |
Plasma chemistry and plasma processing |
Prospects |
Radiophysics and quantum electronics |
Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters |
Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo |
Research in engineering design |
Review of Black political economy |
Revue de synthèse |
Rock mechanics |
Soviet applied mechanics |
Soviet materials science |
Strength of materials |
Systems practice |
The American journal of digestive diseases and nutrition |
The Bulletin of mathematical biophysics |
Transport in porous media |
Unternehmensforschung |
Visual computer |
Yearbook of morphology |
Zeitschrift für induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre |
Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung und klinische Onkologie |
Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung |
Zeitschrift für Morphologie der Tiere |
Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde |
Zeitschrift für Verbraucherpolitik = |
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie |
New titles ingested by the BTAA SPR as of January 2017
Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science |
Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience |
Histochemistry |
Journal of cultural economics |
Mathematical notes = |
Perspectives in drug discovery and design |
The Journal of geometric analysis |
The Journal of supercomputing |
The mathematical intelligencer |
The Review of Black political economy |