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Records of the Faculty Senate and Council
RG 03.01
Collection Dates: 1902-2003; Bulk: 1950-1998
56.5 linear ft.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials.

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Acquisition and Processing Information: These materials were transferred to the University Archives by Faculty Senate office staff and former Faculty Senate members in numerous accessions, beginning September 1975. Collection processed by Denise Anderson and posted to the Internet May 2005; revised January 2007.

Photographs: Series V

Memo, John Henneman to Robert A. Corrigan, 1972
Memo, John Henneman to Robert A. Corrigan

From Series III: Committees, Sub-series Committee on Conduct and Ethics, Folder Herrnstein Case, 1972
Records of the Faculty Senate and Council

Scope and Contents

The records of the Faculty Senate and Council are arranged into five series: Administrative, Governing Bodies, Committees, Departmental, and Ephemera. The collection relates to all areas of University of Iowa governance, including the state Board of Regents, Board in Control of Athletics, Board of Deans, and AFSCME collective bargaining. Papers include such documents as committee reports, meeting minutes, agendas, correspondence, membership lists, election records, policies, newspaper clippings, speeches and photographs. Patrons may wish to search the same dates in more than one series for completeness. For example, a topic in a 1960 report may correspond to information in the 1960 minutes.

The Faculty Senate and Council papers document the central issues that have shaped administrative policy and the lives of faculty, staff and students since 1948. Examples of matters addressed by this body are:

--the formation of collective bargaining for state of Iowa employees (see Governing Bodies series, Collective Bargaining)
--the evolution of a smoking policy on campus (see the Administrative series, within Policies, 1977)
--faculty promotion procedures (see the Administrative series, Procedures)

--the history of TIAA/CREF benefits plan (see the Committees series, 1976)

--the reorganization of the Board in Control of Athletics in order to include women’s athletics (see Governing Bodies, Board in Control of Athletics, 1981)

--commissions formed in 1969 and 1975 to address concerns of black students (see the Departmental series, Reports for those years)

--information about percentages of UI staff by ethnicity and gender in a 1976 report (see the Departmental series, Reports for that year)

--mandatory faculty retirement age (see the Committees series, 1977, for history of UI retirement)

--changing the name of the University (see the Administrative series Minutes dated May 12, 1959, and within the Departmental series, see Reports, 1961)

--correspondence with the University of Tokyo regarding nuclear weapons in 1958 (see the Administrative series, Correspondence, 1958)

--the refusal of a professor to give grades in 1967

--the Selective Service practice of considering student grades in 1966 (see the Administrative series, Procedures, 1966)

Series I, the Administrative records consists of eight sub-series: Correspondence, Minutes, Searches, Committee Members, Member Assignments to Committees, Meeting Announcements and Agenda, Policies, and Procedures. Each sub-series is arranged chronologically. Faculty Senate minutes are inter-filed with Faculty Council minutes. “Regular” meeting minutes and “special” meeting minutes are also inter-filed.

Series II, the Governing Bodies records includes the Board of Regents (1972-1975), Board in Control of Athletics (1960-1981), Board of Deans (1955-1979), and AFSCME Collective bargaining (1971-1977). These are organized chronologically within each body.

Series III, the Committees records are organized chronologically and by committee name within each year beginning in 1946. Many committees were ad hoc and therefore produced records intermittently. The Committees series includes advisory councils and boards as well, such as American Association of University Professors (AAUP), the Council on Teaching, the Board of Trustees of Student Publications, and the University Research Council. Some newspaper clippings and magazine articles are dated as early as 1940. Correspondence pertaining to work of the committees is included.

Series IV, the Departmental records consists of five sub-series: Reports Produced by the Senate, Awards Presented by the Senate, Reviews Conducted by the Senate, Speeches, and Studies / Self-Studies. Each of these sub-series is organized chronologically.

Series V, the Ephemera records consists of two sub-series: Newspaper Clippings and Photographs.

Photographs: Series V, Sub-series B.

[D. Anderson; 05/2005]

Organizational History

To understand the history of the Faculty Senate at the University of Iowa, it is helpful to know the environment during the twenty years preceding its founding in 1967.

President Virgil M. Hancher appointed the University Committee on Communication between the Faculty and the President on May 14, 1947. The committee was charged with the task of establishing the University Council (later called University Faculty Council) as a means to represent faculty views to the president of the University. After one year of meetings during which 16 members were elected and proposals were drawn up, the first meeting of the Faculty Council was held on May 4, 1948.

From October 1959 through May 1960, Faculty Council’s main focus was to decide whether the establishment of a University Senate would promote understanding between faculty and administration, and provide direction to University policies. Finally, on January 17, 1967, the University Faculty Council, by a vote of 8 to 4, decided to recommend a document to the faculty, which would establish a University Faculty Senate. President Howard Bowen and the Regents approved the constitution of the Senate and the Council on April 4, 1967.

Stow Persons wrote in The University of Iowa in the Twentieth Century (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1990) that Bowen gave faculty members a stronger voice in the guidance of the University in order to combat low faculty morale. This gesture did not align faculty opinions with Bowen’s, however, as is evident in the first issue to involve large numbers of faculty members: by a narrow margin, the Senate voted against ROTC presence on campus, a stand which the administration and the State Board of Regents rejected.

The relationship of the Senate to the Council was set in December, 1960, in anticipation of the formation of a Senate: the Senate would be the representative and deliberative organization of the faculty, and the Council would act as the administrative agency of the body, disseminating reports and minutes of the Senate.

As of 2004, the Council considered and amended reports of the Senate, and prepared the agenda for the Senate. To view current Faculty Senate membership, constitution, committees, agenda, and minutes, visit their Web site at

[D. Anderson; 05/2005]

Related Materials

Collections of the Board of Regents records, Board in Control of Athletics minutes, and Student Senate records. Presidential papers, from the Virgil Hancher administration through the present, also include relevant correspondence. These are located in University Archives.

Papers of Philip G. Hubbard (RG 99.0248)

Records of the Committee on Student Life (RG 05.03.19)

Records of the Committee on Human Rights (RG 05.03.40)

Papers of Myrtle Kitchell Aydelotte, located in Iowa Women's Archives. Related to the Faculty Senate Committee on Budgetary Planning and Review.

Bennett, Mary. "Student Unrest at the University of Iowa, 1967 to 1971." In Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03); also at the State Historical Society of Iowa.

Brownstein, Andrew. "Keeping the Lid On." Iowa Alumni Quarterly 51, no. 1 (spring 1998): 32-36, illus. Student protest, 1969-1971.

Luck, David J. Student Protest at Iowa. Iowa City: Typography Laboratory, University of Iowa School of Journalism, 1969. 10 pp., illus. Photographic essay.

Collier, Paul Stanley. A Study of Housing Conditions in a Small City: Some Phases of the Housing Problem in Iowa City. M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1912. 81 pp. Student rooms, pp. 26-30.

Hubbard, Philip G. New Dawns: A 150-Year Look at Human Rights at the University of Iowa. Iowa City: Sesquicentennial Committee, University of Iowa, 1996. 210 pp., illus., notes.

Hubbard, Philip G. My Iowa Journey: The Life Story of the University of Iowa's First African American Professor. University of Iowa Press, 1999. 193 pp., illus.

Hubbard, Philip G. "UI: The Early Years." In The Iowa State Bystander, 1894-1994: 100 Years of Black Achievement, Robert V. Morris, ed., pp. 17-19. Des Moines, Iowa: Morris Communications Group, 1994.

Clara Oleson’s interview in More Strong-Minded Women: Iowa Feminists Tell Their Stories, by Louise R. Noun, page 269, refers to discrimination against married female faculty/staff regarding University benefits, and is related to the following folder title in this collection: Committees, in Funded Retirement and Insurance, 1966.

Box Contents List

Series I: ADMINISTRATIVE   [return to top]

Sub-series A: CORRESPONDENCE, 1949-1997

Box 1 1949-1961

Box 2 1962-1972

Box 3 1973-1990

Box 4 1987-1988 (Correspondence of the Faculty Senate president)

Box 4a 1969/70-1985/86

Box 4b 1985/86-1988/89

Box 4c 1988-1989

Box 4d 1989-1989/90

Box 4e1990-1992/93

Box 4f 1993/94-1996/97

Sub-series B: MINUTES, 1950-1997

Box 5 1950-1960

Box 6 1961-1969

Box 7 1970-1975

Box 8 1976-1978

Box 9 1979-1991

Box 9a 1967/68-1986/87

Box 9b 1986-1989/90

Box 9c 1990-1991

Box 9d 1991/92-1994

Box 9e 1994-1995

Box 9f 1995/96-1997

Sub-series C: SEARCHES, 1962-1998

Box 10 1962, 1981-1987

Box 10a 1989, 1994

Box 10b 1994, 1998

Sub-series D: COMMITTEE MEMBERS, 1948-1997

Box 11 Members

ca. 1948-1952


ca. 1950-1951




ca. 1956-1957



















Faculty Council. 1972-1973

Faculty Senate. 1972-1973


Attendance. 1972-1973














Box 11a Members, cont.


Box 11b Members, cont.























Box 12 Committee assignments through elections






Deans and Directors. 1959




Deans and Directors. 1961, 1963






Deans and Directors. Voting list. 1972





Deans and Directors. 1977-1978





Surveys regarding committee preference and topics to address. 1962







Member’s terms expiring within each committee. 1967







Committees and chairpersons. 1952-1953



Charter and list of all committees. ca. 1973-1974

Functions and responsibilities of all committees. 1988

Box 12a Committee member assignments, 1950s-1980s

Box 12b Committee member assignments, 1983-1993

Box 12c Committee member assignments, 1994-1996


Box 13 1948-1980 (Note the following years are not documented: 1967, 1968)

Box 14 1981-1993

Sub-series G: POLICIES, 1952-1993

Box 15

Public Relations. 1952

Travel Expense reimbursement. 1952

Sabbatical leaves. 1953-1954

Travel Expense reimbursement. 1955

Purchasing. 1956

Travel and vacation. 1956

Other. 1956

Employees. 1957

Academic year defined; summer salaries. 1957

Building use. 1958

Student housing. 1958

Faculty salary funding. 1959

Teaching loads. 1959

Charges for meeting rooms. 1960

Selection of presidents. 1961

Dormitory system; report deadlines. 1963

Charities. 1966

Guide for administrative officers. 1967

Graduate assistant dismissal. 1968

Graduate assistant dismissal. 1969

Code of Student Life. 1968-1969

Charities. 1969

Funded Retirement requirements for substitute contracts. 1969

Conduct and ethics. 1970

Use of Pentacrest. 1970-1971

Faculty grievances. 1970-1972

Professional ethics and academic responsibility. 1971

Faculty appointment and promotion. 1971

Controversial speakers policy. 1972

Optional student fees. 1972

Faculty promotions. 1972

Smoking and food consumption in academic facilities. 1973

Operational manual revision. 1973

Charities. 1974

Faculty transfers; part-time faculty; definition of adjunct. 1974

Faculty transfers; depositing Senate documents in University Archives. 1975-1976

Charities. 1976

Nepotism. 1977

Student records. 1977

Building use. 1977

Student records confidentiality. 1977

Non-smoking policy. 1977-1978

Conflict of interest. 1978

Solicitation. 1978

Bribery and gift law. 1980

University-sponsored educational materials. 1980

Academic reviews. 1981

Charities, article about United Way. 1981

Recommendations for changes in policy. ca. 1981 or 1982

Policy on Intellectual Property. 1982

Charities task force. 1982

Intellectual property. 1983

Research policy. 1984

Press relations. 1984-1985

Depositing Senate records in University Archives. ca. 1985

Faculty review. ca. 1985

Box 15a POLICIES, cont.

Policies. 1985-1993

Sub-series H: PROCEDURES, 1958-1992

Box 16

Faculty dismissal. 1958

Faculty dismissal. 1959

Appointment of deans, proposed. 1959

Sabbatical leaves. 1960

Selection of deans. 1960

Building projects priorities and costs. 1961

Questionnaire to graduate student teachers. 1962

Free classes for staff. 1963

Human rights procedures recommended for community. 1963

Governing University committees. 1963

Selection of presidents. 1962-1963

Deadlines for reports. 1963

Standard Operating Procedure for Iowa Memorial Union. 1965

Selective Service. Student records. 1966

Awarding of honorary degrees. 1966

Meeting rooms. 1966-1967

Tenure. 1966-1967

Awarding of honorary degrees. 1968

Nominations to boards. 1968

Hearings for faculty dismissals. 1969

Nominations and committee structure. 1969

Hearing faculty charges and grievances. 1970-1972

Hearing procedures. 1971 (2 folders)

Hearing student misconduct cases. 1971

Guidelines for preparing Biennium Analyses of Needs and Department Reviews. 1971

Faculty recognition dinner. 1972

Hearing procedures. 1972

"Regulations Governing the Security of University Employment Contracts." 1973

Hearing procedures draft. 1973

Faculty review for tenure and promotion. 1973

Grievances. 1973-1974

Hearing procedures. 1975-1976

Box 16a

Procedures, cont. 1953-1975

Box 16b

Procedures, cont. 1982-1992

Sub-series I: RESOLUTIONS, 1902-1913; 1949-1992

Box 16c RESOLUTIONS, cont.

Summary of faculty actions. 1902-1913

Class book. n.d.

Various resolutions. 1949-1992

Sub-series J: CONSTITUTION/BY-LAWS, 1947-1986

Box 16d


Series II: GOVERNING BODIES   [return to top]

Box 1

Sub-series A: BOARD OF REGENTS, 1957-1985

---. Financial Requirements to General Assembly. 1957-1959

---. Published photos and biographical information for regent members. 1971

---. Biographical information for regent members. 1973

---. Agenda. 1972-1973

---. Meeting Minutes. 1973

---. Itinerary. 1973

---. 1973-1974 Budget preparation. 1973

---. Itinerary. 1974

---. Biographical information for regent members. 1973-1975

---. Agreement. 1981-1983

---. Correspondence. 1981-1985

Sub-series B: BOARD IN CONTROL OF ATHLETICS, 1960-1991

---. Rules and Regulations. 1960

---. Correspondence. 1962, 1967

---. Agenda. 1966-1967

---. Correspondence. 1971-1973

---. Meeting Minutes. December 1972-May 1973

---. Correspondence. 1977-1979

---. Members. 1976-1978

---. Incorporating Women’s Athletics into the Board in Control of Athletics. 1981

---. Correspondence and reports. 1980-1991

Sub-series C: BOARD OF DEANS, 1955-1979

---. Meeting Minutes. 1955

---. Deans Faculty Personnel Committee. 1959

---. Meeting Minutes. 1957-1959

---. Topics for discussion. 1958

---. Elections. 1959-1979

Sub-series D: COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, 1971-1977

---. Regents position on collective bargaining. 1971

---. Michigan State University report on collective bargaining. January 1972

---. Report of Committee on collective bargaining. January 1972

---. Newspaper clippings. 1972

---. Correspondence. 1973

---. A copy of Senate File 531 (SF 531). 1973

---. Faculty Senate position on collective bargaining scheduled hearing in the House. January-February 1974

---. IHEA Communique, vol.3 no. 3 (March 1974). Cover reads “Bargaining Passes!”

---. Newspaper clippings. 1974

---. Meeting Minutes. 1974

---. Correspondence. 1974

---. Chairman’s Reports. 1974

---. Chairman’s Report. 1975

---. Meeting Minutes. 1976

---. Public Employment Relations Board. 1976

---. Special Report, Update on Collective Bargaining. February 16, 1977

---. Newspaper and journal articles. 1977

Series III: COMMITTEES   [return to top]

Box 1
COMMITTEES, 1946-1959

Board of Trustees of Student Publications. Policy for The Daily Iowan. 1946

Public Relations. Work of the committee. 1949

Committee on Staff Resignations form. 1951

Committee on Academic Programs issues addressed. 1952-1954

Iowa Study Committee correspondence. 1953

Inter-Institutional Committee correspondence. 1953

Library Committee correspondence and meeting minutes. 1953

Committee on Staff Resignations

---. Key to resignation files. 1953-1961

---. Correspondence. 1954

Library Committee meeting minutes. 1954

Committee on Academic Programs. Summary of activities. 1954

Graduate Assistantships. Statement regarding increased support. 1954

Teaching and Research Committee of AAUP resolutions. 1954-1955

Joint Committee on Salaries of the University Faculty Council and the AAUP. 1954, 1956, 1961

Committee on Faculty Bibliography correspondence. 1955

Academic Programs Committee correspondence. 1955

Retirement programs

---. Chart for the Big Ten. 1955

---. Correspondence. 1955-1967

Committee on Staff Resignations correspondence. 1955

Committee on Academic Programs meeting minutes. 1955

Public Relations Committee correspondence. 1956-1957

Campus Security and Parking Committee correspondence. 1956

Calendar Committee. Proposed 1958-1959 calendar. 1957

Old Gold Days Committee. Meeting minutes and correspondence. 1957-1958.

Public Relations Committee. Resolutions, correspondence, and meeting minutes. 1957-1958

Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), history of. 1958

Honorary Degrees Committee agenda and correspondence. 1958

American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Meeting announcement and agenda. 1959

Committee on Social and Economic Development in Iowa, formation of. 1959

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

---. Work of the committee. 1959

---. Charge to the committee. 1959

Academic Programs Committee. Meeting minutes, correspondence, and report. 1959

Academic Procedures Committee. Motion regarding the name of the University. 1959

Committee on Economic and Social Developments correspondence. 1959

Student Affairs Committee. Student-faculty common rooms. 1959

Committee on Social and Economic Development in Iowa. Purpose and procedures for the committee. 1959

Deans Faculty Personnel Committee. Items for consideration. 1959

Box 2 COMMITTEES, cont. 1960-1968

Committee on Faculty Resignations. Survey results. 1960-1961

Committee on an Exchange Program with a Foreign University. 1960-1961

Public Relations Committee. ca. 1960-1961

Academic Programs Committee. 1961

Radio WSUI Committee. Teachers’ manual and newspaper clipping. 1960-1961

Committee on Cooperation with a Foreign University. 1960-1961

Executive Committee meeting minutes. 1960, 1962

Educational Policy Committee meeting minutes. 1960, 1962

University Research Council. 1961

Subcommittee on Selection of President survey. 1961

Academic Procedure Committee. Correspondence and report. 1962

Academic Programs Committee. Nominees to Board in Control of Athletics. 1962

Committee on the Haefner Report regarding censorship of The Daily Iowan. 1962

Academic Funds Committee. Report on proposal of tuition-free classes for staff. 1962-1963

Council on Teaching

---. Meeting minutes. 1962-1963

---. Correspondence and proposal. 1962-1963

---. Formation of Council on Teaching. ca. 1963

Alumni Programs Committee. Purpose and membership guidelines. 1962-1963

Facilities and Planning Committee. Correspondence regarding housing resolution. 1963

Academic Programs Committee. Work of the committee. 1963

Committee on Alumni Programs meeting minutes. 1963

Committee on Operations proposals. 1963

Faculty Appellate Committee on Parking Violations, how structured. 1963-1964

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee recommendation. 1963-1964

Library Committee statement of function. 1965

Museum Committee assessment. 1965

Auditorium Committee correspondence. 1965

Calendar Committee. Establishment of the University Administrative Calendar. 1965-1967

University Research Council correspondence. 1966

Faculty Participation Committee. Council and senate committee responsibilities. 1966

AAUP. “Statement on Professional Ethics.” 1966

AAUP. “Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities.” 1966

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee. The practice of considering all married female staff as temporary employees when determining University benefits if their husbands are students. 1966

Resignations Committee 1964-1965 academic year report. 1966

Council on University Relations correspondence. 1966

Committee on Faculty Participation. Proposed constitution. 1966

Radio WSUI Committee correspondence. 1966

Council on Teaching correspondence. 1966-1967

Committee to Revise the Faculty Handbook. Correspondence. 1966-1967

University Research Council nominees. 1967

AAUP. “Joint Statement on Rights and Freedoms of Students.” 1967

Committee on Human Rights correspondence. 1967

Library Committee correspondence. 1967

Campus Security and Parking Committee correspondence. 1967

Committee on Conduct and Ethics. College of Liberal Arts Classroom Manual. 1968

Committee on the Future of the University meeting minutes. 1968

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee. The University of Iowa Insurance Plans for Total Disability, Life and Major Medical. 1968

Library Committee meeting minutes. 1968

Committee on Honorary Degrees. Procedure for the awarding of honorary degrees. 1968

Box 3 COMMITTEES, cont. 1969-1973

Black Concerns Committee correspondence. 1969

Board of Trustees of Student Publications. Articles of incorporation, report, correspondence. 1969.

Election Committee

---. Work of the committee. 1969-1972

---. Correspondence. 1969

Committee on Committees correspondence. 1969

Committee on Conduct and Ethics. Excerpts from Manual of Business Procedures. 1969

Committee on the Future of the University

---. Correspondence. 1969

---. Draft of “Informal Progress Report on Higher Education Study Design.” 1969

Recreation Advisory Committee

---. Work of the committee. 1969

---. Correspondence.1968-1970

Committee on Long Range Planning correspondence. 1969

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

---. History of the committee. 1969

---. Correspondence. 1969

Committee on the Future of the University meeting minutes. 1969

Committee on Elections. Work of the committee. 1969

University Relations Committee

---. Work of the committee. 1969

---. Meeting minutes. 1969

Committee on Selection of Central Academic Officials. Proposed amendment. 1969

Security and Parking Committee. Report to President Howard R. Bowen. 1969

Committee on Conduct and Ethics, establishment of. 1969-1970

Subcommittee on Continuing Faculty Role in University Governance

---. Correspondence. 1969-1973

---. History of, and questionnaire. 1969-1973

Educational Policy Committee. Meeting minutes and ROTC vote. 1969

Committee on the ROTC Program. Correspondence. 1969

Student Life Committee

---. Articles and statements regarding rights for students to live off-campus, and removal of Jerry Sies from the committee. 1969-1970

---. Correspondence. 1968-1970

---. Meeting minutes. 1969

Human Rights Committee. Affirmative Action For Women. Meeting minutes. 1969-1973

Correspondence, 1972. Boyd to Wilmeth and Foxley to Council regarding a proposed letter to female faculty. Gillespie to Council regarding Matched-Pair results dated October 1972.

Correspondence, 1973. Foxley to Council regarding minority student enrollment. HEW 18-page letter of findings dated February 2, 1973.

Guidelines for application of U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) Executive Order 11246 regarding equal employment opportunity. October 1, 1972

Guidelines for application of Executive Order 11246 to Higher Education Institutions regarding equal employment opportunity requirements. October 4, 1972

Material for November 21, 1972 Council meeting on Affirmative Action and the Status of Faculty Women and Minorities. 1972

Box 4 COMMITTEES, cont. 1970

Committee on the ROTC Program.

---. Correspondence. September 1969-April 1970

---. College of Liberal Arts meeting minutes. 1970

---. Faculty Senate vote on ROTC. May 12, 1970

---. Faculty body vote on ROTC. 1970

---. Status of “ROTC in Review.” May 18, 1970

---. Newspaper article states the Board of Regents predict ROTC will remain on campus. May 1970

---. Correspondence. 1970

---. Final report of this ad hoc committee. June 30, 1970

Committee on Conduct and Ethics

---. Report. June 1970

---. Case of Professor Fox, Department of Psychology. 1970

---. Correspondence. 1970

Executive-Advisory Library Committee. Draft. 1970

Committee T on College and University Government. “Student Participation in College and University Government: Report of Committee T .” 1970

Future of the University. Correspondence. 1970

Faculty Welfare Committee. Investigation recommendations. 1970

Calendar Committee correspondence. 1970

Council on Teaching correspondence. 1970

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

---. Correspondence. 1970

---. Annual report and correspondence on benefits for student spouses (see also Committee on Human Rights). 1970

Committee on the Future of the University. Meeting minutes. 1970

Budgetary and Review Committee

---. Recommendation. 1970

---. Meeting minutes. 1970

Faculty Welfare Committee general statement. 1970

Social Concerns Committee meeting minutes. 1970

Student Development Center Council. Correspondence and background material. 1970

Committee on Conduct and Ethics

---. Meeting minutes. 1970

---. Board of Regents policy and Student Handbook. 1970-1971

---. Correspondence. 1970

---. Faculty Code of Ethics. Draft by Stuit. 1970

---. Faculty statements. 1970

---. Report on Regents’ rules. 1970-1971

---. Board of Regents policy. 1970

Board of Trustees of Student Publications. Correspondence. 1970-1971

Library Committee correspondence. 1970

Campus Planning Committee correspondence. 1970

Budgetary, Planning, and Review Committee. Correspondence and policy drafts. 1970-1972

Election Committee correspondence. 1970

Committees on Committees correspondence. 1970

Watch and Study Committee on Academic Freedom. Correspondence. 1970

Box 5 COMMITTEES, cont. 1971

Committee on Campus Disorder. Recommendations. 1971

University Security Committee. Campus unrest. May 10-11, 1971

Recreation Advisory Committee. Meeting minutes. 1971

University Security Committee. Correspondence and work of the committee. 1971-1972

Inner-Institutional Committee

---. Meeting minutes and draft of procedures for Code of Ethics. 1971

---. Correspondence. 1970-1971

Campus Planning Committee correspondence. 1971

Judicial Study Committee

---. Reports. 1971

---. Correspondence. 1971

---. Drafts. 1971

Calendar Committee correspondence. 1971

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee. Correspondence. 1971

Social Concerns Committee. Material on Iowa City ordinance regarding civil disorder. 1971

University Relations Committee. Meeting minutes. 1971

Committee on Elections. 1971

Honorary Degrees Committee correspondence. 1971

Student Development Center Council. Meeting minutes and correspondence. 1971-1972

Parking Committee correspondence. 1971

Faculty Welfare Committee

---. Donald Woolley case and correspondence. 1969-1973

---. Correspondence. 1968-1980

Committee on Committees

---. Work of the committee. 1971-1972

---. Correspondence. 1971

Election Committee correspondence. 1971

Committee of Three. Howard Ehrlich case and correspondence. 1971

Committee (name not provided). Stephen Ford case and correspondence. 1971-1972


American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Policy Documents and reports. 1969

Reports in AAUP Bulletin. 1970

Protecting Teacher Rights: a summary of constitutional developments. 1970

Work of the committee. 1970-1971

Correspondence. 1971

AAUP Bulletin articles, and “Academic Freedom and Tenure: 1940 Statement of Principles.” 1940, 1966-1968

Reports and policies from other universities. 1970-1971

Establishment of the committee. 1970

Resolution adopted regarding means to preserve institutional continuity. ca. 1970-1971

Grievance procedures. 1970-1971

Meeting minutes. 1971

Rules of procedure. Draft. 1971

Rules of conduct. Draft. 1970-1971

Ethics policy. University of Northern Iowa. 1971

Etinics policy. Iowa State University. 1971

Drafts and handbooks. Iowa State University. 1969-1971

“Rules for Procedure for Hearing Faculty Misconduct Cases.” Draft by Stuit. 1971

Personal conduct rules revision. 1971

Student misconduct cases, procedure for hearing. 1971

Box 7 COMMITTEES, cont. 1972

Hearing Committee. Drury Wall case and correspondence. 1972

Campus Housing Committee correspondence. 1972

Budget Committee

---. Meeting minutes. 1972

---. Correspondence. 1972

Social Concerns Committee

---. Requesting Iowa City to form an area concerns committee. 1972

---. Newspaper clipping regarding Iowa City Area Social Concerns Committee. June 1972

Area Social Concerns Committee

---. Membership list. 1972

---. Subcommittees. 1972

---. By-laws, procedures, and rules. 1972

Budget and Finance Committee meeting minutes. 1972

Committee on Academic Reviews A. Meeting announcement and agenda. 1972

American Association of University Professors (AAUP) meeting announcement. 1972

Research Council correspondence. 1972-1973

Library Committee

---. Contents of Library suggestion box. 1972-1973

---. Correspondence. 1972

Committee on University Services

---. Meeting minutes. November 1972

---. Correspondence. August 1972-May 1973

Lecture Series Committee

---. Meeting minutes. November 1972-March 1973

---. Correspondence. 1972

University Cultural Affairs Committee

---. Correspondence. May 1972-May 1973

---. Committee’s role and membership. 1972

---. Newspaper clippings.1972

Campus Planning Committee

---. Meeting minutes. 1972

---. Correspondence. November 1972-May 1973

Recreation Advisory Committee meeting minutes. 1972

Election Committee correspondence. 1972

Committee on Committees correspondence. 1972

Box 8 COMMITTEES, cont. 1972

Committee on Conduct and Ethics regarding Herrnstein case. 1972

Parking Committee

---. Meeting minutes. 1972

---. Correspondence. 1972

---. Committee members. 1972-1973

Committee on the Future of the University. Function of the committee. 1972

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee. Correspondence and newspaper clipping. 1972

Environmental Executive Committee. Correspondence and report. 1972

Student Awards and Aids Committee. Meeting minutes. 1972

Commission on Committees and Governance. Meeting minutes. 1972

Budget Committee

---. Agenda item. 1972

---. Report and proposal. 1972

Future of the University

---. Correspondence. 1972

---. Working paper. 1969-1972

Committee on Part-time Faculty. 1972

Joint Study Commission on Committees and Governance (JSCCG). Charter for campus governance. 1972

Calendar Committee questionnaire. 1972-1973

Elections Committee correspondence. 1972

Recreation Advisory Committee correspondence

---. 1972

---. 1973

Committee on Committees

---. Reports and member list. 1972-1973

---. Correspondence. 1972

Social Concerns Committee

---. Iowa City ordinance regarding civil disorder. 1972

---. Meeting minutes and agenda. 1972

---. Correspondence. 1972

---. List of student organizations. 1972

---. List of Iowa City organizations. 1972

Parking and Transportation Committee

---. Correspondence regarding Cambus. 1972

---. History of campus parking problems and the founding of Cambus. 1972

Box 9 COMMITTEES, cont. 1973

Human Rights Committee meeting minutes. 1973-1974

Board of Trustees of Student Publications. Correspondence. 1973.

Budget Committee

---. Meeting minutes. 1973

---. Correspondence. 1973

University Computer Committee meeting minutes. 1973

Parking Committee meeting minutes. 1973

Parking Appeals Committee

---. Correspondence. 1972-1973

---. Correspondence. 1973

---. Meeting minutes. 1973

Parking and Transportation Committee correspondence. 1973

Recreation Advisory Committee meeting minutes. 1973

Campus Planning Committee meeting minutes. 1973

Committee on University Services. Report, “Public Dining Facilities on the West Campus.” 1973

Library Committee

---. Meeting minutes. 1973

---. Correspondence. 1973

Joint Study Commission on Committees and Governance (JSCCG). List of committee members. 1973

Committee on the Future of the University correspondence. 1973

Charters for recognized committees. 1973

Committee on Faculty Welfare correspondence. 1973

Committee on Committees correspondence. 1973

Human Rights Committee meeting minutes. 1973

Budgetary Planning and Review Committee report. 1973

Higher Education Study Committee. Testimony, reactions, and study summary. 1973

Committee on Human and Industrial Relations. Senate File 531. 1973

Committee on Committees correspondence. 1973

Elections Committee

---. Correspondence. 1973

---. Work of the committee. 1973

AAUP response to “Hearing Regulations for Alleged Violations of Regents’ Rules.” 1973

Committee on Conduct and Ethics. Explanation of five documents. 1973

Draft of “A Statement on Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility.” 1973

Committee on Faculty Welfare. “Proposal for Establishment of a University Ombudsman.” 1973

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee correspondence. 1973

Committee on Honorary Degrees

---. History of the College of Education. 1873-1973

---. Distinguished Service Award Program. 1973

University Security Committee

---. Meeting minutes. 1973

---. Correspondence. August 1972-May 1973

Faculty Judicial Commission correspondence. 1973

Faculty Welfare

---. Committee correspondence. 1973

---. Meeting minutes. 1973

---. Motion and questionnaire. ca. 1973-1974

Recreation Advisory Committee. Meeting minutes. 1973

UI Student Association Senate (UISAS). Meeting minutes. 1973

Parking and Transportation Committee. Meeting minutes. August 2, 1973

Budgetary Planning and Review Committee. Meeting minutes. 1973-1974


Tenure Statement. 1974

Committee on Committees. 1973-1974

Committees. 1974-1975

Box 11 COMMITTEES, cont. 1974

University Security Committee meeting minutes. 1973-1974

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee. Correspondence. 1974

Committee on Elections correspondence. 1973-1974

Campus Planning Committee

---. Meeting minutes. 1973-1974

---. Correspondence. 1973

Committee on Public Information and University Relations. Charter. ca. 1973-1974

University Security Committee meeting minutes. 1974

Committees on Rules and Bylaws. ca. 1973-1974

Committee on Resignations correspondence. 1973-1974

Committee on Recreational Services. Charter. ca. 1973-1974

Parking Committee

---. Meeting minutes. 1974

---. Correspondence. 1974

Parking Appeals Committee. Meeting minutes. 1974

Judicial Commission

---. Correspondence. 1974

---. Membership and assignments. 1974

Faculty Welfare Committee

---. Recommendation. 1974

---. Correspondence. 1974

Academic Salary Committee

---. Correspondence. 1974

---. Work of the committee. 1974

Black Concerns Committee. Response of colleges and universities to higher enrollment of black students. ca. 1975-1976

Committee on Committees

---. Work of the committee. 1974

---. Members. 1975

Faculty Welfare Committee reports. 1975-1976

Budget Review Committee recommendation. 1976

Computer committees. 1976-1977

Committee on Elections. Work of the committee. 1976

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee. History of TIAA-CREF at the University of Iowa. 1976

Committee on Committees report. 1977

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

---. Agenda and correspondence. 1977

---. History of UI retirement. 1977

Faculty Retirement Funding motion approved. 1977

Faculty Welfare Committee survey.

---. 1978

---. 1979

---. n.d., ca. early 1980’s

Box 12 COMMITTEES, cont. 1978-1990

Faculty Welfare Committee. 1978-1979

Survey with criteria by gender, age, academic rank. November 1978

Survey with criteria by gender, age, college. November 1978

Survey with criteria by length of time in academic rank and by appointment at other universities. November 1978

Results from 1978 survey. April and June 1979

Faculty Welfare Committee

---. Report. 1981

---. Report and recommendations. 1981

Elections Committee list of eligible member nominees. 1983

Nominations Committee procedure. 1983

Human Rights Committee memorandum. ca. 1984

Committee on Committees recommendations

---. 1984

---. 1985

Faculty Welfare Committee.“Faculty Compensation at Iowa, 1955-1986”

Rules and Bylaws Committee correspondence. 1982

Committee to Review Faculty Development Program. Handbook on Faculty Development Programs. 1985

Rules and Bylaws Committee. Committee activities for academic year 1986-87. April 16, 1987

PROFS Committee. Meeting minutes and correspondence. 1986-1987

Faculty Welfare Committee report. 1987

Committee on Public Relations. Interviews. ca. 1987

Public Relations Committee correspondence. 1987

Committee on Committees

---. Recommendations. 1986

---. Nominees. 1987

Campus Planning Committee correspondence. 1990

Box 13 COMMITTEES, cont. 1973-1981

Budgetary Planning and Review Committee. 1973-1978

Cultural Affairs Committee. 1977-1978

Committee on Committees. 1976-1980

Elections Committee. 1978-1979

Faculty Welfare Committee. 1978-1981

Nominating Committee. 1977-1979

Campus Planning. 1977-1979

Council on Teaching. 1976-1978

Academic Computer Services. 1977-1978

Committee on Selection of Central Administrative Officials. 1979

Box 14 COMMITTEES, cont. 1973-1979

Judicial Commission. 1973-1979

Faculty Welfare Committee. 1975-1976

Committee on Committees. 1975-1976

University Committees. 1975-1976

Box 15 COMMITTEES, cont. 1976-1979

AAUP. 1976-1977

Judicial Commission. 1976-1977

Rules and Bylaws Committee. 1976-1978

Human Rights Committee. 1977-1979

Student Publications. 1977-1978

Funded Retirement and Insurance

---. 1974-1979

---. 1977-1979

Iowa Memorial Union. 1977-1979

Parking and Transportation. 1977-1979

Public Information and University Relations. 1977-1978

Recreational Services. 1977-1978

Research Council. 1977-1979

Student Health Services. 1978-1979

Student Services. 1976-1978

University Libraries. 1977-1979

University Security. 1977-1979

Cambus. 1976-1977

Committee on Employment of Relatives. 1977

Parking Appeals. 1977-1978

Non-resident Fee Review. 1977-1978

Lecture Committee. 1976-1978

Box 16 COMMITTEES, cont. 1980-1989

Committee on Committees

---. 1980-1981

---. 1981-1983

Judicial Commission. 1981

AAUP. 1987

Faculty Welfare Committee

---. 1981-1989

---. 1980-1983

Box 16a 1969/70-1985/86

Box 16b 1986-1987/88

Box 16c 1987/88-1989

Box 16d  1989-1990

Box 16e 1990-1991/92

Box 16f 1992-1994/95

Box 16g 1996-1997

Series IV: DEPARTMENTAL    [return to top]

Sub-series A: REPORTS, 1946-1993

Box 1



Committee on Academic Programs. 1954


---. 1954-1955

---. 1955

Committee on Salaries. 1955-1956

Reports. 1956-1962

Box 2 REPORTS, cont.










Iowa Human Rights Committee. 1967

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee. 1967

Election Committee. 1967

Reports. 1968

Subcommittee Resolution. 1968

Recreation Advisory Committee. 1969

Reports. 1969

University Relations Committee. 1970

Committee on the ROTC Program. 1970

Committee on Conduct and Ethics. 1970

Cultural Affairs Committee. Subcommittees and members. 1970

Committee on the Future of the University. 1970

University Research Council. 1970

Committee on Conduct and Ethics. 1971

Commission on The Daily Iowan. May 1971

Reports. 1971

Committee on Women’s Recreation. May 1972

Reports. 1972

Recreation Advisory Committee. ca. 1972-1973

Welfare Committee, 1971

Inter-institutional Committee on Educational Coordination, 1972

Academic Salary. 1973

Box 3 REPORTS, cont.

Budgetary Planning and Review Committee

---. 1972-1973

---. 1973

Resignations and Change in Status Reports. 1972-1973

Human Rights Committee. 1973

Committee on Undergraduate and Professional Education. 1973

Committee on Faculty Welfare. 1973

Committee on Committees. 1973

Judicial Commission. Report and members list. 1973

Consultant’s report to the Legislative Higher Education Study Committee. 1973

Committee on Elections. Chairman’s report. 1973-1974

Reports of the Faculty Senate Chairman. 1973

Report of the Board of Regents. 1973

Faculty Welfare Committee. 1974

University Faculty Council Chairman. 1974

Reports, including “White Institutions Response to Black Students Entry.” 1975-1976

Budgetary Justification Review. 1973-1975

Faculty Welfare Committee. 1974-1976

UI Work Force Utilization Report, showing staff by ethnicity and gender. 1976

Reports. 1976-1977

Committee on Committees. 1969-1978


---. 1979

---. 1985

---. 1987

---. 1988

Box 3a REPORTS, cont. 1954-1991

Box 3b REPORTS, cont. 1978-1986

Box 3c REPORTS, cont. 1986-1993

Box 3d REPORTS, cont. 1990-1993

Sub-series B: AWARDS

Box 3e 1963-1973; 1990-1991

Box 3f 1991-1992

Box 3g 1993

Box 3h 1994-1995

Box 3i 1996

Sub-series C: REVIEWS

Box 3j 1972-1989

Box 3k 1979-1991

Box 3L 1981-1985

Box 3m 1988-1991

Box 3n 1993

Sub-series D: SPEECHES

Box 3p 1948-1987

Sub-series E: STUDIES

Box 3q 1965-1972

Series V: EPHEMERA    [return to top]

Box 1




Board of Regents group photo. 1965-1966 (See also Regents’ 1971 photos in Governing Bodies series)

2006 Addendum

Series I: ADMINISTRATIVE  [return to top]

Sub-series A: CORRESPONDENCE, 1997-2000

Box 1 1997-2000

Sub-series B: MINUTES, 1995/96-2002

Box 2 1995/96-1999

Box 3 1999-2000

Box 4 2000-2002


Box 5 1975-2001; 1999-2002

Sub-series G: POLICIES

Box 6 1993-2000

Box 7 1995-2002

Sub-series H: PROCEDURES

Box 8 1996-2001


Box 9 1972-2000


Box 1 Board of Regents; Board in Control of Athletics. 1999-2000


Box 1 Video and audio cassette tapes about retaining faculty. 1989, 1992, 1994

Box 2 Committees. 1992-1999

Box 3 Committees. 2000-2003


Sub-series A: REPORTS

Box 1 1987-2000

Sub-series C: REVIEWS

Box 2 1997-2001


Box 3 1987-2000



Box 11998-2003

[return to top]