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Engineering Bachelors Theses Collection Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: These titles were transferred to the University of Iowa Libraries by the College of Engineering. Guide posted to the Internet and updated January 2008. Photographs: None |
Scope and Contents
The theses in this collection were prepared by undergraduate students enrolled in the UI College of Engineering during the early 1900's. Many of the theses were implemented as public works projects by Iowa communities and are so indicated by title. For example:
Broderick, Elmer Frank. Sewage disposal plant at Newton, Iowa. 1912. 119.
The titles are arranged in alphabetical order by name of author, including year of completion. The number at the end of each entry was assigned chronologically at one time by cataloging staff as each title was received. A total of 247 titles are listed. Some of the volumes are in fragile condition; contact Special Collections staff prior to use.
Box Contents List
Box 1
Adams, Joseph Quincy. The design of a system of street grades for Corydon, Iowa. 1909. 51.
Aguilar, Ernesto Julio, and Vicente Camporredondo. Tests of an internally-fired boiler. 1910. (2 copies). 76.
Alcorn, Earl Bergen. Test of a 1000 K.W. turbo-generator unit. 1911. 92.
Alexander, Archie Alphonso. The design for a reinforced concrete viaduct for College Street, Iowa City, Iowa. 1912. 116. 146.
Anderson, Harold Ludwig. The design of an electric power station for Forest City, Iowa. 1913.
Anthes, Garrison P. The flow of oil through orifices. 1915. 184.
Ashton, Thomas James. Effect of the unbalance of potential on the performance of a two phase induction motor. 1913. 147.
Atkinson, George A. Reconstruction of the Rio Grande Railway. 1917. 226.
Box 2
Baender, Fred George. The design of a boring mill. 1908. 29.
Bailey, Edmund H. Street lighting. 1910. 77.
Baluyut, Sotero. Design for reinforced concrete arch bridge over the San Fernando River at Calle Sagasta, San Fernando, Pampanga, P. I. 1909. (2 copies). 52.
Banta, Albert James. Design of a sanitary sewer system for Lamoni, Iowa. 1908. 30.
Bates, Ferd Homer. An investigation of the electric power supply for New Sharon, Iowa. 1912. 117.
Baum, Henry John. Traveling cranes in locomotive works with special design of a twenty ton traveler. 1908. 31.
Baum, Walter E. The design of a magneto telephone system for the town of West Liberty, Iowa. 1913. 148.
Berry, John William. See Isenberg.
Box 3
Blakely, E. R., and H. A. Naberhuis. Impermeable concrete. 1906. 2.
Boer, Benjamin C., and R. H. Urick. An experimental study of the effect of curvature upon loss of head in open channels. 1913, 1914. 149.
Bos, Garrett. The fall of potential at the brushes of commutating machines. 1906. 3.
Bosworth, William Raymond. Determination of the gross efficiency of a generating unit in the hydro-electric plant of the State University of Iowa. 1912. 118.
Bowen, Carl Taylor. A design of a structure for transferring motor boats over the Coralville dam. 1914. 170.
Bowersox, Erwin Ralph. Commercial tests of dry batteries. 1910. 78.
Bowersox, William E. The design of an irrigation flume. 1914. 171.
Bowman, Clarence Henry. See Sieg.
Bowman, James Schenck. The design of a monumental entrance to Iowa field. 1913. 150.
Box 4
Bradley, Benjamin Graham. Location and design of a street railway to serve Iowa City. 1908. 32.
Broderick, Elmer Frank. Sewage disposal plant at Newton, Iowa. 1912. 119.
Bruins, W. J. Irrigation. 1906. 4.
Bryant, Monroe H. Design of a concrete flume. 1915. 185.
Burkheimer, Ira Arthur. Design of a street railway bridge over the Iowa River at the intersection of Clinton and Church Streets at Iowa City, Iowa. 1908. 33.
Camporredondo, Vicente. See Aguilar.
Canfield, Lloyd Angle. Design of a thru plate girder with solid floor. 1910. 79.
Box 5
Carl, Henry Howard. The design of a five kilo-watt, sixty thousand volt transformer. 1908. 34.
Carlson, Alexander Ulysses, and Harry L. Ogg. Test of electric light and power plant at Newton, Iowa. 1908. 35.
Carmichael, Jacob Henry. Operation test on the power station of the Monticello Electric Company at Monticello. 1914. 172.
Carpenter, Glen Walter, and W. E. Schwob. An investigation of inductive disturbances in telephone circuits. 1914. 173.
Cassutt, Thomas T. Design of an illumination system for a small house. 1917. 229.
Champion, R. B. The effect of magnetic reluctance on the general transformer diagram. 1906. 5.
Chesebro, Elwood Manwell, and Hatz, Earl Washington. Hydro-electric development at Janesville, Iowa. 1911. 93.
Chesebro, Harry G. See Hands.
Chesebro, J. Kelsey. The effect of illumination. on the speed and efficiency of workmen. 1917. 233.
Box 6
Clearman, Albert Edward. Design of single track through pin connected Pratt truss. 1908. 36.
Clemens, Homer, and G. J. Keller. The advisability of a central heating plant for a business block in Iowa City. 1913. 151.
Coffeen, Alvara Roy. See Crane, A. E.
Connor, Edward Garfield, and G. L. Forrey. Examination of the property of the Wapello Coal Company, Monroe County, Iowa. 1909. 53.
Connor, Thomas L. Design of a private branch exchange telephone system for the State University of Iowa. 1915. 198.
Consoliver, Earl Lester. Design of a four-horse power four-stroke-cycle gasoline engine. 1911. 94.
Cook, Coleman. H. Levee and seawall for Burlington, Iowa. 1917. 227.
Corcoran, Harry J. See Rowe. Virgil E.
Crane, Albert Eli, and A. R. Coffeen. An investigation of the effect of bank clay and organic matter on the tensile strength and imperviousness of cement mortar. 1912. 120.
Crew, James Archibald. Preliminary estimate and design of transmission line and distribution system for Delta, Iowa. 1912. 121.
Box 7
Damerow, Harry W. A design for the improvement of the north end of Clinton Street, Iowa City, Iowa. 1916. 200.
Danforth, Frank Allison. The design of an Armory for the State University of Iowa. 1911. 96.
Daniels, Robert Raymond. Design of a sewer system for Westfield addition to Waterloo, Iowa. 1911. 95.
Danielson, H. C., and Landers, J. C. Investigation of sanitary sewage flow. 1905. 0.
Darling, L. E. Crystal rectifiers and the electron theory. 1915. 187.
Darner, Lemuel Luther. Study of an induction generator. 1911. 97.
Davidson, Lloyd Booth. A study of some of the factors that influence the extraction of gold from ores by the cyanide process. 1912. 122.
Davis, Harvey Addison. Design of a hydro-electric plant for Otranto, Iowa. 1913. 152.
Box 8
Dean, Basil, and A. W. Lee. Investigation of sanitary sewage flow at Iowa City, Iowa 1906-1907. 1907. 15.
Dean, Henry Herman. The Boyer River improvement ditch. 1909. 54.
DeVoe, Philip Kirby. The power situation at the State University of Iowa. 1911. 98.
Dolak, Michael Charles. Design of a through plate girder bridge double track. 1912. 123.
Dolmage, John Peter. Design of a 2500 H.P. steam power plant for street railway service. 1909. 55.
Downing, Carl E. Design of a sewage disposal plant for Fairfield, Iowa. 1911. 99.
Drake, Guy Arthur. The design of a city highway bridge 160 foot through rivet connected span. 1907. 16.
Box 9
Duerr, Ray, and Richmond, Joseph F. Comparative strength tests on Iowa River sand and standard sand. 1910. 80.
Dvorsky, Paul E., and James Ehret. Test of the power plant of the Tipton Light and Heating Company. 1912. 124.
Earle, Robert E. Effect of shape of radiotelegraph antenna upon its capacity. 1916. 201.
Earley, John. An investigation of sewage purification. 1916. 202.
Eckhardt, H. J. See J. B. Wright.
Edwards, Evie James. Induction coils for gas engines. 1907. 21.
Edwards. John Harvey. The effect of lamp spacing and power on the legibility of electric signs. 1913. 153.
Egenberger, Anton Henry. The illumination of a rifle range. 1916. 203.
Ehret, James. See Dvorsky.
Ellinghouse, Ralph Herman. Tests of lighting units for use in new Physics Building at S. U. I. 1912. 125.
Emmons, Olin Joseph. The variation of electrical resistance with increase in temperature. 1907. 20.
Engstrom, George E. The design of a 189 feet, deck, pin-connected single track railroad bridge. 1912. 126.
Box 10
Eriksson, Erik Joseph. Design of a reinforced concrete coaling station for the C. R. I. & P. RY. at West Liberty, Iowa. 1913. 154.
Everson, Joseph E. Pre-installation tests on the chloride accumulator. 1912. 127.
Eyre, J. Ralph. Regulation of water turbines. 1914. 174.
Fairbanks, Steward J. See Strike.
Feller, Louis M. Design of a reinforced concrete mausoleum. 1913. 155.
Field, F. W. Design of an electric lighting system for the Liberal Arts Building of the State University of Iowa. 1909. 56.
Fischer, Albert Friederich. See Rawn.
Fogelberg, Ernest. An illumination design for the Hotel Jefferson at Iowa City, Iowa. 1913. 156.
Forrey, George. Leroy. See E. G. Connor. 53.
Box 11
Francisco, Luis. Design of a thru plate girder bridge single track. 1909. 57.
Franks, Clifford D. The design of a school house. 1916. 204.
Fraser, Louis Edward. Tests of various grounding devices. 1911. 100.
Fries, George, and Ernest Puckett. Design for a sewage system and disposal plant for the City of Marengo, Iowa. 1916. 205.
Gallaher, Charles W., and Lloyd A. White. Efficiency test on a boiler. 1915. 189.
Garms, Levi J. Design of a ten ton basic open hearth oil burning furnace. 1914. 175.
Box 12
George, Wesley Birney. Test of a direct current variable speed motor. 1910. (2 copies). 81.
Ghose, Kashi Paty. See Moeller.
Gilbert, Earl Clark. Design and detail of 189 ft. Pratt truss steel railroad bridge. 1911. 101.
Gilchrist, Myrle C. Regenerative braking on the Cedar Rapids - Iowa City interurban. 1917. 230.
Goetz, Anthony Lewis. The effects of short-circuits on watt-hour meters. 1908. 37.
Green, Stanley L. Characteristics of an automobile generator. 1915. 190.
Greer, Clinton M. A railroad reservoir. 1916. 206.
Box 13
Griffith, George M. The design and estimate of cost of the Amana Road Project. 1918. 236.
Griffith, J. Edwin. A preliminary report on a proposed hydro-electric development on the Iowa River at Iowa Falls, Iowa. 1910. 82.
Guldner, F. Hugo. Fuel economy in a gas-engine from the standpoint of the mixture. 1914. 176.
Hagedorm, Hans James. Solid diffusion screens for street photometers. 1911. 102.
Halbfass, Gerhardt Frederic Paul. Design for a sanitary sewer system for La Porte City. 1909. 58.
Hanapel, Herbert A. A study of the flow of the Iowa River. 1916. 207.
Hands, Stanley M., and Harry G. Chesebro. An investigation to determine the effect on the dimensions of a concrete slab: (A) due to immersion, (B) due to setting. 1916. 186.
Hanson, Asle Norvin. The design of a club house. 1913. 157.
Box 14
Hartley, Eugene C. Design of a through plate girder. 1908. 38.
Hartmann, Harold W. Design of a drainage system for an Iowa district of about 1700 acres. 1916. 208.
Hartupee, Harry Wilfred. The mechanics and design of an aeroplane. 1911. 103.
Hatch, Edward J. See Stoops.
Hatz. See Chesebro.
Hatz, Leonard Florian. The design of a constant potential variable speed generator. 1913. 158.
Hazard, Archie Merrill. The extraction of values from a low-grade gold and silver ore by the cyanide process. 1908. 39.
Hazard, Philip Lee. The design of a swimming pool for the State University of Iowa, 1912. 129.
Heil, Fred G., and Marney B. Willey. An investigation of the practibility of the chemical method of measuring quantities of water. 1916. 209.
Helming, Harry, and William Owen. The water rate of a bleeder turbine. 1917. 231.
Hemmer, Emil J. G. Design of a locomotive turn-table. 1906. 7.
Box 15
Hershire, Richard Aaron. Design of sewage disposal plant for small town. 1906. 8.
Hess, Percy Shelley. Design of a three-hinched arch proof truss. 1908. 40.
Ho, Hi Nam. A study of the evaporating system of the Audubon Park Sugar Experimental Station. 1918. 246.
Hoar, Friend Reed. Design of single track deck three hinged steel arch. 1908. 41.
Hohl, Herbert E. See Jaquis. 237.
Holloway, Elmer Aldon. See G. G. Hovey.
Hopkinson, Josiah Walton. Design and test of a lighting system for the Trinity Episcopal Church of Iowa City, Iowa. 1912. 130.
Hoth, Louis. See Ralph Puckett.
Houk, Ivan Edgar. The design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge to cross the Iowa River at Iowa City, Iowa. 1911. 104.
Box 16
Hovey, Glenn Glassburn, and E. A. Holloway. An experimental investigation of inductive effects of high tension transmission lines on telephone circuits. 1915. 191.
Hovey, Shirley Seymour. Tests of an electrolytic rectifier. 1909. 59.
Howell, Lloyd Andrew. Design of a reinforced concrete head-gate and road crossing. 1914. 177.
Huffman, Roy S. Design of a reinforced concrete standpipe. 1917. 223.
Huong, Dieu-ung. A new standard copper amalgam cell. 1915. 192.
Imhoff, E. A. Characteristics of a synchronous motor. 1917. 234.
Isenberg, I. R., and J. W. Berry. Investigations of retempered cement mortar. 1906. 1.
Box 17
Jackson, Victor M. The design of a track elevation bridge over Iowa Avenue on the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway. 1916. 210.
Jaeger, Ray L. An investigation of the flow and available horse power of the Iowa River at Iowa City, Iowa. 1915. 193.
Jans, John Theodore. Design of a reinforced concrete mausoleum. 1912. 131.
Jans, Paul Albert Herman. A colorimetric determination of the solubility of lead sulphate in aqueous solutions of sulphuric acid at 25 degrees C. 1912. 132.
Jaquis, John E., and Herbert E. Hohl. Heat analysis of an automobile engine. 1918. 237.
Johnson, Victor. See Wahlgren.
Jones, Floyd Woodruff, and E. H. Randall. Comparative test of turbine and corliss engines on day load; also test of distribution system, 1911. 105.
Jones, Oran De Vere. Report on the proposed interurban line of the Iowa City, Ottumwa and Southwestern electric railway. 1911. 106.
Box 18
Kalen, Max. Pressure-power relations in automobile tires. 1916. 212.
Keller, George John. See Clemens.
Keller, George H. The design of a reinforced concrete chimney for the S. U. I. heating plant. 1913. 159.
Kenworthy, Bruce R. An investigation of continuous beams. 1918. 238.
Kicherer, Harry J., and C. S. Thompson. The design construction and test of an automobile testing plant for the State University of Iowa. 1915. 194.
Kieser, Lee John. Test of electrically operated pumps. 1913. 160.
Kimble, Howard. Investigation of the Burlington St. bridge. 1907. 17.
Koeper, F. E. See Seidel.
Konvalinka, Frank J. See Siegling.
Konvalinka, Glenn J. See Seaman.
Kramer, Raymond Carl. Design of a through plate girder railroad bridge. 1907. 18.
Krenz, Fred Daum, and L. V. Phelps. The anchorage effect of bent ends on plain reinforcing bars. 1909. 60.
Kuhlmann, Hans H. The design of a three phase revolving field type alternator. 1917. 235.
Kutcher, Clarence Aloysius. Comparative tests of various methods of making grounds. 1910. 83.
Kyle, William Davidson. Design of a structural steel plant. 1908. 43.
Box 19
Lake, J. Horace. The design of a sewage disposal plant for Missouri Valley, Iowa. 1915. 195.
Landers, J. C. See Danielson.
Lear, Vernon H. Design of sanitary sewer system for Wilton, Iowa. 1916. 213.
Lee, Albert Walter. See B. Dean.
Leffert, David L. Design and detail of 252 ft. Pratt truss steel railroad bridge with curved upper chord. 1910. 85.
LeVan, Alvin. Design of a 150 foot, single track, pin connected deck bridge. 1907. 19.
Lloyd, Lorin Rice. Design of a sanitary sewer system for West Branch, Iowa. 1912. 133.
Box 20
Longerbeam, Charles Franklin. Design of the steel frame for a convention hall. 1910. 84.
Lord, Lester. Construction and tests of an electrically heated oven. 1913. 161.
Lorens, Paul W. The design of a riveted railway bridge. 1918. 239.
Lundquist, Alvord John., and K. S. Putnam. Test of electric light and power plant at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. 1911. 107.
Box 21
McCann., Charles Raymond. Design of steel shop crane of five tons capacity. 1907. 23.
McCoy, Frank Grady. Design, construction and test of a Tesla coil. 1913. 168.
McCune, Jesse William. The design of a through plate girder bridge over Ralston Creek and the Rock Island tracks in College Street. 1912. 134.
MacDonald, J. R. An investigation into the electrical conditions of the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway. 1906. 10.
McKean, Hugh C. Design of a sanitary sewer system for Fairfield, Iowa. 1912. 135.
McMurray, Ray. The design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge at Newton, Iowa. 1909. 61.
McMurray, Walter Earl. The best point of ignition in a hit-and-miss governed gasoline engine from the point of view of fuel consumption. 1911. 108.
Box 22
McNulty, Francis John. Revision of C. R. I. & P. RR yards at Waterloo, Iowa. 1911. 109.
Magdsick, Frederick W. The effect of diversity factor upon the cost of electrical service. 1916. 214.
Mahan, Louis F. Modern methods of aerial navigation procedure. 1939. 247.
Mangold, John F. Design of a reinforced concrete warehouse. 1911. 110.
Martin, Carl Omer. See Pierce.
Matson, Horace W. Study of a semi-indirect lighting fixture. 1916. 215.
Mead, Paul Ellsworth. The effect of power factor on the operation of the Tirrill Regulator. 1916. 216.
Meyers, John Frederick. The effect of primary capacity of the secondary E. M. F. of an induction coil. 1907. 24.
Miller, Donald Joseph. Development of navigation on the Tennessee River. 1951.
Miller, Harry Garfield. The design of a coal handling system for the heating plant of the State University of Iowa. 1912. 136.
Box 23
Moeller, Otto Frederick, and K. P. Ghose. Actual relative economy in the use of steam of high and low pressure in a Corliss type engine when running at light loads. 1912. 128.
Moon, Chauncey Alson. Design for reinforced concrete arch bridge to cross Iowa River at Burlington St., Iowa City, Iowa. 1909. 62.
Morgan, Charles Henry. Comparative test of induction motor with wound and squirrel cage rotor. 1908 . 44.
Morrison, William Grover. Plans and specifications for concrete-steel viaduct over Iowa River at Washington Street, Iowa City, Iowa. 1911. 111.
Morse, Roy Carletons. The design of a small diesel cycle engine. 1913. 164.
Moses, John V. The rating of electric motors for intermittent operation. 1917. 232.
Myers, Ralph Clyde. A design of the steel work for a gymnasium. 1910. 86.
Box 24
Naberhuis, Henry Albert. See Blakely.
Negus, Joseph Elisha. Study for the betterment of grades and alignment of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway between Davenport and Iowa City. 1908. 45.
Nelson, Oscar Theodore. The design of a 72 foot deck plate girder. 1909. 63.
Nesbitt, Orval L. Design of a deck plate girder with wooden floor. 1918. 240.
Nichols, Wayne C. Design of a thru pin connected parallel chord Pratt truss. 1918. 241.
Norris, Mark Vivian. Design of sanitary sewer system for Pella, Iowa. 1911. 112.
Ogg, Harry Lamb. See Carlson.
Olson, William Harold. The determination of the calorific values of certain bituminous coals and coke. 1907. 25.
Owen, William. See Helming.
Oxley, Perry E. See L. B. Stephenson.
Paul, Harold Wherry. The effect of core shape on the inductance of a coil. 1912. 137.
Phelps, Herbert P. Design of a concrete steel arch bridge over the Cedar River at Sixteenth Avenue in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 1909. 64.
Phelps, Howard Lynn. Reconnaissance for a freight extension to the Cuba Eastern Railroad. 1908. 46.
Phelps, Louis Varney. See Krenz.
Box 25
Phillips, Frank J., and Arthur A. Smith. A report on the alignment and grades of the Rock Island Railroad at Iowa City, Iowa. 1915. 196.
Pierce, Glen Kenyon, and C. O. Martin. Test on the municipal power plant at New Hampton, Iowa. 1913. 163.
Plum, Vern. A comparative study of armature reactions in a single-phase and two-phase generator. 1909. 65.
Preston, Charles Irish. Design of a 50-ton hopper car. 1913. 165.
Priester, George Cornelius. Design of a crushing plant for a 200-ton cyanide mill. 1910. 87.
Puckett, Ernest. See Fries.
Puckett, Ralph Clarence, and Louis Hoth. Comparative tests for the efficiencies of gas, gasoline, and alcohol in an internal-combustion engine. 1908. 42.
Puckett, Roswell Claire. The comparative histology of commercial woods. 1909. 66.
Putnam, Karl Sobieski. See Lundquist.
Quigley, Louis Leroy. The determination of illumination. 1907. 26.
Box 26
Randall, C. A. Reduction of gradients on the Rock Island Railway between Rock Island, Ill. and Valley Junction, Iowa. 1906. 11.
Randall, Henry Earl. See F. W. Jones.
Ravlin, John H. The design of sedimentation basins and slow sand filters for Iowa City, Iowa. 1911. 113.
Rawn, William Peter, and A. F. Fischer. The design of a water works system for North Liberty, Iowa. 1910. 88.
Ray, Frederick George. Design for an iron roof of 200 ft. span. 1892. 113A.
Renshaw, Claude A. The design of a concrete bridge across the Iowa River. 1913. 166.
Repass, Maurice Agler. An investigation of the strength of a railway bridge. 1912. 138.
Rhynsburger, Dick Cornelius, and W. C. Wright. The retempering of cement. 1907. 27.
Richards, C. C. Preliminary design of a proposed drainage district in Osceola County, Iowa. 1917. 228.
Richards, Forest A. Design and construction of a continuous recording engine indicator attachment. 1914. 180.
Richmond, Joseph F. See Duerr.
Ricksher, Theodore. See Secrest.
Rowe, Virgil E., and Harry J. Corcoran. The design and estimate of cost of an electrically operated railway spur between North Liberty and the State Quarries. 1916. 199.
Box 27
Ruff, Edward John. Design for sewer system for Wilton, Iowa. 1906. 12.
Ryden, Hugo Louis. The design of a Warren roof truss for an Armory building. 1911. 114.
Sample, Mathias William. The design for a 132 ft. through riveted railroad bridge. 1909. 68.
Saxton, Harold P. Comparison of individual house lighting plants. 1917. 222.
Scanlon, John Leo. The effect of variation in air gap length on the efficiency of a shunt motor. 1914. 181.
Scheark, Harry Elmer. Comparative test of motors for driving a washing machine. 1910. 89.
Scherner, John. The design of a power plant for a street railway for Iowa City. 1908. 47.
Schwob, Walter Emanuel. See Carpenter.
Seaman, Howard Benson, and Glen J. Konvalinka. Dynamometer test of a motorcycle. 1914. 178.
Secrest, Charles M., and Theodore Ricksher. Comparative tests of lamps for street illumination, and the design of a street lighting system for Iowa City, Iowa. 1909. 67.
Seidel, E. R., and F. E. Koeper. Some tests on a steam rock drill. 1906. 9.
Box 28
Short, Hal. Tests of a single-phase induction motor. 1912. 139.
Sieg, Walter Russell, and C. H. Bowman. Effects of freezing on cement mortar. 1907. 14.
Siegling, Elmer W., and Frank J. Konvalinka. The design and construction of a draw-bar horse power indicator. 1918. 242.
Smid, Melo V. A comparison of the illumination of school rooms. 1917. 224.
Smith, Arthur A. See Phillips.
Smith, Howard Max. Design of a riveted highway bridge. 1918. 243.
Snyder, William Rae. See E. J. Stephenson.
Stephenson, Edwin Jenks, and W. R. Snyder. Drainage design. 1914.
Stephenson, Lawrence Bruce, and P. E. Oxley. Design of concrete girder bridge. 1914. 179.
Box 29
Stone, Merle Rufus. A forest plan for river bend. 1907. 28.
Stone, Stephen J. The design of a motor truck chassis. 1913. 167.
Stoops, Wade Carlisle, and E. J. Hatch. The ultimate strength of concrete laid under water. 1907. 22.
Strawn, Harley 0rthus. Tests with a variable speed motor. 1909. 69.
Strike, Clarence L., and Steward J. Fairbanks. An investigation of the electric service problem of Fredericksburg, Iowa. 1915. 188.
Swanson, Jesse J. Design of a sanitary sewer system at Whittemore, Iowa. 1916. 217.
Terwilliger, David Mills. The electrostatic capacity of cables and a new method of measurement. 1911. 115.
Thomas, Franklin. Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge over the Iowa River at Burlington Street, Iowa City, Iowa. 1908. 48.
Thompson, Charles S. See Kicherer.
Thornton, Norbert R. Deck plate girder with concrete slab floor. 1917. 225.
Box 30
Tisdale, Wilbur E. Design of a suspension foot bridge of 260 foot span across the Iowa River. 1912. 140.
Trexel, Carl A. Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge in Iowa City, Iowa over Iowa River at Iowa Ave. 1915. 197.
Tupper, E. W. Design of a water tower and tank. 1906. 13.
Urick, Ronald H. See Boer.
Vallarta, Julian. Loss of head due to sudden enlargement of section. 1909. 70.
Volkmer, Albert W. The effect of secondary reactance on the speed of an induction motor. 1916. 218.
Vollmer, Henry. The design of a through plate girder bridge solid floor. 1908. (Title page: The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway system. Specifications for plate-girder bridges and viaducts. 1902). 49.
Wagner, Ernest John Henry. Design of a motor drive for the State University of Iowa machine shop. 1910. 90.
Wahlgren, Frank A., and Victor Johnson. Heat relations in an ammonia-compression refrigerating plant. 1916. 211.
Wallberg, Emile A. Design for an iron roof of 100 ft. span. 1891. 167A.
Box 31
Wallin, George Elmer. Scientific design of a steel frame building for a locomotive repair shop. 1913. 168.
Ware, Oliver Faxon. A heating and lighting plant for the Physics Hall at the State University of Iowa. 1912. 141.
Watanabe, Onoji. Description of electric interlocking signal system. 1914. 183.
Watanabe, Tei-ichiro. Design of an 82-ft. thru plate girder. 1909. 71.
Weber, William A. A comparison of the carbon arc and incandescent lamp for motion picture projection. 1918. 244.
Box 32
White, Clarence Lester. Proposed connection between the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific and the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railways at Iowa City, Iowa. 1909. 72.
White, Charles E. Time occurrence of the maximum demand of residence load. 1918. 245.
White, Lloyd A. See Gallaher.
White, Roy Allen. The design of a lock. 1908. 50.
Willey, Marney B. See Heil.
Wilson, Charles. Design of a reinforced concrete arch bridge. 1909. 73.
Wilson, Laurence Edgar. Design for a reinforced concrete arch for Independence, Iowa. 1910. 91.
Wodrich, Frederick William. Construction and test of a vibrating rectifier. 1912. 142.
Wohlfeld, Nathan. The design of an overhead connection between the Halls of Engineering and Physics at the State University of Iowa. 1912. 143.
Woo, Chang. A new apparatus for electrolytic preparation of caustic soda. 1913. 169.
Workman, William Riley. Sanitary sewerage system for Keota, Keokuk County, Iowa. 1916. 219.
Box 33
Wright, J. B., and H. J. Eckhardt. Shearing of concrete. 1906. 6.
Wright, Jonathan Eugene. Investigation and design for a hydro-electric power plant on the Cedar River at Palisades, Iowa. 1909. 74.
Wright, William Coutts. See Rhynsburger.
Yarcho, Earl David. The design of a reinforced concrete grain storage warehouse. 1912. 144.
Yetter, Floyd S. The design of a sanitary sewer system for the town of West Branch, Iowa. 1916. 220.
Young, Frank E. The design of a sanitary sewer system for Logan, Harrison County, Iowa. 1912. 145.
Young, Frederick Charles. A sanitary sewer system for Woodbine, Iowa. 1909. 75.
Zeug, Lloyd Walter. A comparison of the various methods of supplying power to motion picture lanterns. 1916. 221.