The University of Iowa Libraries
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Finding Aid
Papers of Dean Mason Ladd, College of Law Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: The University of Iowa College of Law records (correspondence of deans), 1901-1966, were transferred to the University of Iowa Archives in the 1970s. The records of the Ladd deanship received preliminary processing by Earl M. Rogers, August 1997. Guide posted to the Internet 2000; updated January 2008 and September 2010. Photographs: None |
Biographical Note
Mason Ladd (1898-1980) served as dean of the University of Iowa College of Law, 1939-1966. Earlier he was a professor of law at the University of Iowa and after his retirement from Iowa in 1966 he became the founding dean of the Florida State University law school.
Related Materials
Writings on Ladd’s career include Samuel M. Fahr, “Mason Ladd,” Iowa Law Review 66 (May 1981): 709-724.
The law dean records arranged under Wiley B. Rutledge’s name (RG 14.01.06) overlap other deanships, including those of Ladd.
Box Contents List
Box 1
"Pleading and Procedure" book
Rules of evidence, 1951-52
VA (Veterans Administration) - SUI contracts re: student veterans
Evidence course examination
Personnel sheets - August 1956 graduates
Personnel sheets - February 1956 graduates
Correspondence, "Mc", 1955-1956
Military, 1955-56
Correspondence, "M", 1955-1956
Correspondence, "N", 1955-1956
National Safety Council, 1955-1956
New law building, 1955-1956
Correspondence, "O", 1955-1956
Box 2 1955-1956
Provost - Harvey Davis
Racial discrimination
Supreme Court Day
Summer Session
Teaching applications
Television project for president
Box 3 1955-1956
Uniform Act and commissioners
Water Rights Conference
"X," "Y," "Z"
Proofreading - new evidence book
Pre-legal education
Agricultural Law Center
Box 4
American Law Institute
American Bar Association
Aptitude tests
Association of American Law Schools
Association of American Law Schools - Executive Committee
Bar examinations
Board of Deans
Committee on School of Religion
Burkan, Nathan - memorial competition on copyright law
Commencement activities
Continuation Center
Estate Planning Council
Freshman arguments
Faculty files
Foundations and grants
Fraternities - legal
Graduate College - Loehwing
Box 5
Highway Commission
Employment - current (changes) - wanted by graduates
University of Illinois - dedication
Employment file (current jobs)
Iowa State Bar Association
Invitations to speak and attend meetings
Juvenile Delinquency Conference
Iowa Law Review
Law library
Iowa Law School Alumni Fund
Iowa Safety Council
Know-Nothing Club
Legal Institute
Law School speakers
Law teachers - applications
Law libraries for sale
Box 6
Iowa Law Review, winter symposium - 1960
Application for admission to law school
Law library
Law review
Law student activities, 1958-1959
Law teachers applications
Lawyers' chautauqua
Lawyers with experience looking for positions
Legal Institute
Legal institutes elsewhere
Legal medicine current material
Little Green Book publications due June 15
Military Affairs Committee
Brief - SUI change of name
National Conference of Bar
National Conference of Insurance Commissioners
New faculty member
Order of Coif
Pre-legal readings
Provost Harvey Davis
Registrar - Ted McCarrel
Recommendation of law graduates
Box 7
Rose Bowl
Scholarship applications
Speakers program, 1958-1959
Summer Session, 1959
Washington Law School evaluation
West Publishing Company
Workshop on Evidence, 1959
"A", 1959-1960
American Bar Association, 1959-1960
Miami meeting (ABA and ALSA)
Agricultural Law Center, 1959-1960
American Law Student Association
Box 8 1959-1960
Applicants for admission to law school
Armed Forces
Association of American Law Schools
Bar exams
Board in Control of Athletics
Board of Deans
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
Box 9
Committee on Relationships with Federal Government
Current Legal Research Projects
"D", 1959-1960
Drake estate case
Dr. Dan Gjankovic
"E", 1959-1960
Employment - jobs filled, July 1959-July 1960
Employment recommendations, 1959-1960
Employment - wanted by grads, 1959-1960
Employment - applications for teaching at SUI law school, 1959-1960
Evidence symposium, 1959-1960
Teachers interviews (employment), spring 1959
"F", 1959-1960
Faculty meetings, 1959-1960
Faculty, 1959-1960
"G", 1959-1960
"H", 1959-1960
Higher education
Iowa Memorial Union
Box 10 1959-1960
Invitations to: speak, write attend meetings
Iowa Law Review
Iowa Law School Alumni Foundation
Iowa Law Student Association
Iowa State Bar Association
Iowa Policemen's Association meeting, July 18, 1960
Ladd (personal)
Law library
Legal institutes
"Mc" and "Mac"
Military Affairs Committee, State University of Iowa
National Conference of Bar Examiners
Parole Evidence Rule
Order of Coif
Box 11 1959-1960
Rejected from law school
Summer School (information), 1960
Supreme Court Day programs, 1960
Shambaugh Lecture Committee
Supreme Court Day, 1960
Speeches for Fall 1959
Treasurer's Office
Woods Memorial
Academic Board minutes, 1961
Administrative Council, 1961
American Law Institute, 1961
American Bar Association, 1960-1961
Box 12
Atomic Attack Committee
American Bar Association - Research Standing Committee
Agricultural Law Center, 1960-1961
American Council on Education, 1961
Association of American Law Schools, 1959-1960
American Law Student Association
Applicants for admission to law school, 1960-1961
Bar exams, 1960-1961
Board in Control of Athletics, 1960-1961
Job file, 1960-1961
Box 13
Uniform Chemical Test for Intoxication, 1959-1960
Committee on Uniform State Laws - State Committee for Iowa
Committee on Continuing Legal Education, 1959-1960
"D", 1960-1961
"E", 1960-1961
Employment - recommendations, 1960-1961
Employment - teachers applications, 1960-1961
Evaluation report - Iowa Law School, 1960-1961
Employment - graduates looking for jobs
Employment - teaching opportunities in other law schools
"F" 1960-1961
Fellowships available
Faculty meeting, 1960-1961
Notice to students who failed, June 1960
Faculty correspondence, 1960-1961
Faculty - publications, reports
Reorganization - Faculty Council President's Committee
Foreign students, 1961
"G", 1960-1961
"H", 1960-1961
Hold fie
Oliver Wendell Holmes lecture, 1959-1960, 1960-1961, 1961-1962
"I", 1960-1961
Institute of Public Affairs
Box 14
Iowa State Bar Association, 1960-1961
Invitations to speak, write, attend meetings, 1960-1961
Iowa Law School Alumni Foundation, 1960-1961
Iowa Law Review, 1960-1961
Jehovah Witness article
"K" 1960-1961
"L", 1960-1961
Law Day, May 1, 1961
Law library, 1960-1961
Legal aid, 1960-1961
Legal institutes - other schools
"Mc" and "Mac", 1960-1961
Ladd, personal, 1960-1961
"M", 1960-1961
Current minimum fee schedule, 1961
"N", 1960-1961
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 1961
National Conference of Bar Examiners, 1960-1961
Nathan Burkan competition, 1959, 1960, 1961
Box 15 1960-1961
Pre-law groups visiting
Old Capitol - President, 1961
Provost (Harvey Davis)
President (Virgil Hancher)
Registrar (Ted McCarrel)
Rejected from law school
Summer School
School of Religion Committee
Summer School, 1961
Writing - general
Box 16 1961-1962
Academic Board minutes
Agricultural Law Center
Agrarian Planning - Iowa - Ames - ICA
American Bar Association
American Bar Foundation - American Bar Association
Association of American Law Schools
American Law Institute
American Law Student Association
Agrarian Planning (Committee on), American Bar foundation
Athletics (Board in Control of)
Box 17 1961-1962
Bar examination application reports
Chemical tests (Uniform Act) (National Safety Council)
Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure
Commercial Code
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (Iowa Committee)
Dedication of Law Building, 1962
Employment - alumni and others
Box 18 1961-1962
Employment - students
Employment - teachers
Foreign University Exchange Program, June 1, 1961
Furnishings (library, classrooms, offices)
Faculty correspondence
Faculty meeting notes
Orville F. Grahame - gift to the College of Law
International Law Program
Institutes (legal)
Invitations to: speak, write, lecture
Invitations to the Dedication
Iowa Law Review
Iowa Law School Alumni Foundation
Iowa Law Student Association
Iowa State Bar Association
Box 19 1961-1962
Law library
Leasing materials
Military Affairs Committee
Military Affairs Committee, American Bar Association
"Mc" and "Mac"
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
National organizations
Parking for students in lot 23
Pre-legal no. 2
President Hancher
Box 20 1961-1962
Rosenfield, Joe Scholarship, Iowa-Grinnell
Summer School, 1962
Teachers for College of Law, Fall 1962
Results of Dean's trip East, December 1961
University Council
"A", 1962-1963
Admission - criminal misconduct
Admission requirements - Graduate school
Alumni certificates - recommendations (Orville Grahame)
Alumni correspondence
Agricultural Law Center (also Peru Project)
Box 21 1962-1963
Alumni reunions
American Association of Law Schools
American Bar Association
American Bar Foundation, American Bar Association
American Law Institute
American Law Student Association
Board of Regents
Bar examinations
Citations of Honor - law school
Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure
Couter, Louis V.
Cuban lawyers
Commissioners Uniform State Laws, August 1963
Disciplinary Board
Employment - Alumni and others
Employment - Students (2 folders)
Employment - Teachers
Box 22 1962-1963
Faculty committees
Faculty meetings
Faculty correspondence
Fellowship programs
Graduate study
Institutes - legal
Institutional Cooperation Committee (Committee on Institutional Cooperation)
Invitations to speak, write, and lecture
Iowa Law Review
Iowa Law School Foundation
Iowa Law Student Association
Iowa State Bar Association
Iowa Student Bar Association, 1962
Law books for sale
Correspondence concerning legal problems
Bibliography of materials on legal education
Law building
Ladd - personal
Box 23 1962-1963
Mann, Professor Fred - Misc. correspondence
Military Affairs Committee
"Mc" and "Mac"
Nathan Burkan Competition
National Safety Council
New courses offered at law school
Parking for students in lot 23
Peru Project - costs (telephone, etc)
Pre-legal education, 1963
President Hancher
Box 24 1962-1963
John Randall Loan Fund
Letters of recommendation
Research work to do (students)
Rosenfield, Joe - scholarship
Students, letters concerning
Students denied admission
Summer school correspondence
Supreme Court rule permitting February students to take October bar exam
Transfers (students)
Traveling scholarship program
Uniform Commercial Code
United States Supreme Court
University Military Committee
University reports, 1963
University reports
Box 25 1963-1964
ABA Committee on Military Justice
Admissions requirements (study)
AALS meeting in Los Angeles (flight plans)
Agricultural Law Center
Alumni correspondence
American Association of Law Schools
American Bar Association
American Bar Foundation
American Law Student Association
Bar examinations
Nathan Burkan Memorial Competition
Brazilian students
Catalog requests
Candidates for President
Committee on Rules and Practice of Procedure
Box 26 1963-1964
Ehrhardt, Dennis
Educational testing Service
Excuses from Evidence class
Faculty correspondence
Faculty meetings
Faculty Council
Faculty notices
FOundation gifts
Foreign student referrals
Goodhart, Arthur L.
Graduates, February
Orville E. Grahame
Hall, Jerome
Iowa Legislative Reserch Bureau
Iowa State Bar Association
Iowa Student Bar Association
Job file (a)
Job file (b)
Box 27 1963-1964
Law clerks
Law review
Legal Institue, 1963
Letters of recommendation
Library contract with Remington Rand
Murray Lecture, 1959 (Arthur Dean, speaker)
Murray Lecture, 1963
John F. Murray Endowment
Murray Lecture, 1960
John F. Murray, 1963
Murray Lecture, 1960
Murray Lecture requests
Murray Lectures
Scholarships - Murray
Murray Lecture, 1961
Meetings, general University
Memoranda to Dean Dakin
Memoranda to Ray Heffner
Military Affairs
"Mc" and "Mac"
Peru Project
Box 28 1963-1964
Reports, General University
Reunions (law alumni)
Scholarships and awards
Summer School
Supreme Court Day, 1964
Teaching applications and resumes
Teaching fellows
Williams, Jack
"X, Y, Z"
Box 29 1964-1965
Academic Board
Academic Board meeting
Admission applicants and others interested in law study
Admissions problem
Admissions requirements
Advanced degrees
Agricultural Law Center
Alumni correspondence
American Bar Association
American Bar Foundation
American Association of Law Schools
American Law Student Association
Bar examinations
Bar, recommendations to
Box 30 1964-1965
Bowen, Howard
Boyd, Willard
Catalog requests
Center for International Studies
Committee on Criminal Law
Committee on Rules and Practice of Procedure
Computer Center - monthly reports
Commercial Code I
Commercial Code Committee II
Corcoran, Michael - Memorial Fund
Criminal Code
Economic Development Council
Emeritus Dinner Committee
Examination questions
Box 31 1964-1965
Employment - students (2 folders)
Employment - alumni available
Employment - recommendations
Employment - teachers
Employment - positions filled
Employment - secretarial
Evidence class
Faculty Council
Faculty information - general University
Faculty memoranda and correspondence
Fellowships and scholarships (available at other law schools)
Fahr - Peru - summer 1965
Foreign students and teachers
Foundation gifts
Box 32 1964-1965
goodhart, Arthur L.
Graduate studies
Harris, Marshall (monthly reports)
Iowa Development Digest
Iowa Law Student Association
Iowa State Bar Association
Iowa Student Bar Association
Iowa Trial Lawyers Academy
Law - behavioral science
Law Review
Law schools - general correspondence
Legal Institute
Legal Institute, Fall 1965
Legal Institute accounts
Librarian position
Box 33 1964-1965
MCL degree
Juris Doctor degree
"Mc" and "Mac"
Meetings, general University
Metal Retardation Planning
Memorandum to Dean Dakin
Memoranda (general)
Memorandum to Howard Bowen
Memorandum to Willard Boyd
Military Affairs Committee (SUI)
Military Justice Committee
Murray Lecture
Murray Lecture requests
Murray scholarships
National Safety Council
Nebraska Boundary Committee
President's Advisory Council
O'Connell, Jeffrey
Peru Project
Puente - Peru
Box 34 1964-1965
Reports, general University
Returned checks
Reunions (law alumni)
Scholarships and awards
Speaking engagements for Dean Ladd
Stewart Fund, Walter L and Lucille
Summer School
Supreme Court Day, 1965
Timmons, John F.
Transfer students
Weymouth Kirkland Foundation
Box 35 1965-1966
Academic Board
American Bar Associatioin
American Bar Foundation
American Law Student Association
Association of American Law Schools
Bar examinations
Bar Review course
Board of Regents - cost study, 1965
President Howard Bowen
Commonwealth Conference
Computer Center - monthly reports
Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
Cornell Law Quarterly - article
Criminal law reform
Box 36 1965-1966
Education meeting speech
Evidence book
Faculty appointment registrer
Faculty recruitment
Family Law Conference
Faculty meetings
Foundation gifts
Dale B. Furnish
William G. Hanson - Order of Coif
Harris, Marshall (monthly reports)
Hervey's report salaries
Iowa Development Digest
Iowa Law Student Association
State Ban Committee
Iowa State Bar Association
Iowa Student Bar Association
Iowa Trial Lawyers Academy
Box 37 1965-1966
Judicial Conference of the U.S. Committee on rules of Practice and Procedure
Law Review
Murray scholarships
Murray endowment - legal problems
Murray Lecture
"Mc" and "Mac"
National Safety Council
[Noyes?] Institute
Peru Project
Joseph F. Rosenfield Scholarship information
U.S. Senate reports
Seniors, 1966
Box 38 1965-1966; 1950s
Special Committee on Military Justice, ABA
Summer School
Supreme Court Day
Tuition - non-resident
Water Rights Conference, 1964-1965
People to see, 1966
Speech to nurses, 1954-1955
[other speeches and articles]
February 1959 graduates
1958 graduates
[jobs information]
February 1956 graduates
Placement chart; February, August 1957
Placement, June graduates, 1957
Utah address
Law School Association, 1954
Evidence book correspondence, 1955
Supreme Court Day, 1955
Legal Institute funds
Box 39 1950s
[loose letters]
Interim Report of the Joint Committee of the American Bar Association and the American Medical Association on Narcotic Drugs
Copy of Congressional bill: To establish a Judge Advocate General's Corps in the U.S. Navy; plus relevant materials, 1959
American Bar Foundation Research Committee meeting materials, 1960
American Bar Foundation Research Committee memoranda, 1959
Box 40
Coif mess - class of 1916
Callaghan Co. evidence book
Uniform War Disaster Act
Dean Ladd's trip to the East
Employment file, 1946
Budget, 1954-1955
Box 41
Teachers - latest group
Chief Justice Earl Warren
Teachers available
Floyd Duncan
Curriculum plans (1944) (long range plans)
Report - legal bibliography course second semester, 1949-1950 school year
Iowa Law Review Huber's report, 1949-1950
Distinguished graduates
Foreign students visiting campus, March 1953
Dedication address
Faculty employment file
Box 42
Faculty appointments:
Percy Bordwell
Willard L. Boyd
Clark Byse
Allan Cullison
Charles W. Davidson
Samuel Fahr
M. Carr Ferguson - new instructor
Leland Forrest
E.A. Gilmore
President Hancher, 1943-1946
Marshall Harris
Caroline Heriot - librarian
Richard G. Huber
Bob Hunt
Corwin W. Johnson
Laurence Jones
Frank R. Kennedy
Arthur Kiacy
A. Leo Levin
Philip Mechem
Dean Massey
Alan Matheson
Jack R. Miller
Box 43
Faculty appointments, continued
John C. O'Byrne
Jeffrey O'Connell
R.M. Perkins
Physical Plant changes
Wiley B. Rutledge transportation Iowa City to Washington
David Sayre
Paul Sayre
Stratton, Clifford
Stephen L. Sass
Sutton, Richard Lauder
L.K. Tunks
Clarence Updegraff
Allan D. Vestal
David Watts
Russell Weintraub
Jerry Williams
Law teachers applications, 1948
Box 44 1950s
Commercial Code - adoption papers - Patton, Kennedy, Vestal, Fahr, Ladd
Law school report, 1940-1955
Law school planning, 1955-1970
National Safety Council
Legal education
Legal instrument forms, 1954
Joe Welch
Farm science
Bar exams, 1955
Commercial Code
Legal Med course
Evidence, 1951
Dead man statute
Tenure lease provisions
Box 45
Relevance article, 1956
Interviews on law teaching, 1956-1957
Trip east, December 1956
College of Law cost study, 1960-1961 (2 folders)
Box 46
American Bar Association Special Committee on Military Justice, 1959-1960
Background of the Uniform Code of Military Justice
Materials relating to military justice
Uniform Code of Military Justice materials
Uniform Code of Military Justice and Rules of Military Criminal Procedure
Faculty applications, 1960
Box 47
American Bar Association Special Committee on Military Justice, 1960-1961
Judicial Conference of the United States Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1960-1961
President [Hancher, University of Iowa], 1955-1960
Commissions meeting, Washington, August 1960
Special Committee on Military Justice, American Bar Association, 1960-1961
Box 48
Books and Publications
Cases and Materials on the Law of Evidence, 2nd ed. Chicago: Callaghan and Co., 1955
Iowa Probate Practice Problems, 5th ed. Iowa City: State University of Iowa College of Law, 1947, 1951
Iowa Probate Practice. Iowa City: State University of Iowa College of Law, 1957