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Special Collections and University Archives
Finding Aid
Papers of Fred Stover Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research. Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department. Copyright: Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials. Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement. Acquisition and Processing Information: Fred Stover donated his papers to the University of Iowa beginning in 1969. In August 2008 the Records of the U.S. Farmers Association (MsC 220), previously donated by Stover, were deaccessioned and then integrated into the Stover Papers. 8 boxes of material relating to the Iowa and National Farmers Unions were removed in 2008 and transferred to Special Collections, Iowa State University. Photographs: One folder of photos, plus two oversize photographs contained in Series IV: Photographs. |
Scope and Contents
The Papers of Fred Stover document Stover's long career as an outspoken liberal farm and peace activist. Most of the materials in the collection consist of Stover's long train of correspondence, to and from fellow farmers, union members, and (especially in later years) political and social leftists. One box of the correspondence consists of a selection of letters and articles written to Stover in his capacity as editor of U.S. Farm News.
Various speeches and addresses made by Stover are also included in the collection. Series II of the collection deals with the various organizations with which Stover was involved over the years: the Iowa Farmers Union (both during and after its connection with the National Farmers Union), the parallel farm organizations Iowa Farmers Association and U.S. Farmers Association, and the Progressive Party (of which Stover was an important and visible figure during its formative years in the late 1940s).
Many of Stover's writings are in draft form. Stover had a tendency to dash off drafts of letters, speeches and articles on the backs of envelopes, to leave them undated or untitled, and often to leave it unclear whether the item in question was, in fact, an article, a speech, a letter, or something else altogether. These drafts have been collected here but are only arranged roughly, by date when the date can be determined.
Other materials in the collection include material relating to Stover's pre-union career with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, assorted photographs and audiovisual materials, and photocopies of documents from Stover's FBI file, which were obtained by Des Moines Register reporter Thomas Knudson in the 1980s.
Biographical Note
We have a right to be disgusted. We have a right to be depressed and downhearted. But we do not have the right to quit. Knowing what we know, we do not have the right to quit.
--Fred Stover, 1976
Frederick William Stover was born on August 6, 1898, on a farm outside Hampton, Iowa (where he spent the majority of his life). His parents were German immigrants who left their homeland for the United States at the end of the 19th century and settled in northern Iowa on a small rented farm. He was raised in a conservative environment that emphasized the value of family and hard work, and it was in this atmosphere that Stover became committed to the farming life. His family was relatively prosperous until the post-World War I economic depression, which devastated many farm families across the nation. According to Stover, it was in this period that he began to experience an awakened political consciousness.
"Never made sense to me that the fellow who had the mortgage on our farm could collect his interest every year and that came first; next came taxes. If there was anything left for the family well and good, and if there wasn't, it was just too bad. I think this is where I got my education, where I got my strong beliefs about the evils of interest."
Stover's own farm career started in 1924, when he rented 160 acres from his father; over time, his holdings would grow into a 240 acre-property that Stover would manage and identify with for the rest of his life.
Stover was active in farm issues from an early age. He was elected township chairman of the Cerro Gordo County Fam Bureau in 1923, and served as county president from 1931-1934. During his tenure as president Stover began to believe that traditional farmer's cooperatives had only limited effectiveness in overcoming the constant problem of insufficient income for famers, and that federal intervention was necessary to solve the farmers' plight and establish a system of economic fairness. This belief led naturally to Stover's lifelong commitment to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's activist federal policies and the programs of the New Deal.
In late 1933 Stover's work with the Farm Bureau brought him to the attention of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's new Agricultural Adjustment Administration, which hired him as an administrator for the federal Corn-Hog Program in Iowa.
"We put everything we had into organizing that corn-hog program and those early meetings. When the elected township and county chairmen called a meeting, nearly all farmers came. It was like getting a rebirth of democracy in every township in the land. It was a wonderful thing. And the farmships supported the program."
Stover worked for the AAA until 1939, in Iowa and also for a time in both Michigan and Pennsylvania. In 1939 he was called to Washington, D.C. to assist the USDA's Commodity Credit Corporation with developing and refining its program of grain storage (the so-called "Ever-Normal Granary") as part of the overall agricultural loan process. Stover was appointed in 1942 to supervise the USDA War Boards (bodies set up in each county and state early in 1942, that were comprised of USDA officials and empowered to supervise agricultural activities) in the 10 states in the North Central region of the United States. He resigned in 1943, and returned to Hampton where he managed the war hemp industries plant there.
During his tenure with the War Boards, Stover became interested in the work of the Iowa Farmers Union, a progressive farmers interest organization that was the state branch of the National Farmers Union. One of the reasons for his resignation from the USDA was so that he could return to Iowa and help build up the union there. Although the IFU drew in members from across the political spectrum (including, as Stover put it, "all kinds of right wing dangerous elements" including Milo Reno, who Stover described as a "race-hater, a Red-baiter"), Stover saw a powerful progressive element in the organization that he wanted to support in order to promote "the liberal fight for agriculture." In 1944 he was elected Vice-President of the IFU, and in 1945 succeeded anti-New Dealer O.B. Weber as the union's President.
"They [the members of the IFU] must choose whether the progressive and comprehensive program of the National Farmers Union and its cooperative programs and dynamic leaders are to receive our effective support as a peoples' movement, or whether individuals and interests hostile to our program are to be permitted to wield a frightening and dictatorial influence...whether we are to appeal to the many thousands of liberal thinking farmers in Iowa, and make definite plans to invite them into our organization and start a strong independent and progressive farm movement in Iowa, or whether we are to appeal to the reactionary type of farmer..."
-Fred Stover, March 1, 1945
Stover's tenure at the IFU was stormy and controversial. Stover was an outspoken pro-FDR liberal who originally shared these beliefs and had a positive working relationship with National Farmers Union President James G. Patton. The two both supported the United Nations and a movement towards peace, and opposed a militaristic foreign policy and the increasing international arms race. They both fought to end the disparity of income between farm and industrial economies and to preserve commodity price parity. However, things changed in 1948, with the presidential candidacy of former Secretary of Agriculture and Vice-President Henry A. Wallace. Stover actively supported Wallace and aligned himself politically with the Progressive Party's campaign and platform. (Indeed, Stover was the man who actually put Wallace's name into nomination for President at the Progressive Party's 1948 convention.) This conflicted with Patton's own perception of the Farmers Union as a nonpartisan organization that did not endorse specific candidates. Patton's insistence on a nonpartisan stance angered Stover, who believed Patton and the NFU were, in fact, behaving in a partisan manner against Wallace and against a firm progressive stand. He vowed that he would "not become either a conservative or a luke warm sterile and frightened liberal just to accomodate a few people who have yet to demonstrate that they can and will build the Farmers Union." As Stover led the IFU towards an intensely progressive vision, he came into continued conflict with the liberal, yet more mainstream NFU.
1950 was a crisis year for Stover and the IFU. The Korean War broke out in June of that year, and Patton made the decision to end the NFU's ongoing criticism of an aggressive American foreign policy in order to ensure his organization's continued political influence. In this, the NFU was following the lead of many other liberal organizations that in the early years of the Cold War wanted to deflect charges of being Communist or sympathizing with Communism. The phenomenon of Red-baiting finally touched the NFU and Stover in September 1950, when right-wing Republican Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire publicly charged that Communists had infiltrated and were taking over the NFU. He specifically mentioned that "the president of the organization [the IFU] is F.W. Stover. He has been and still is, so far as I know, one of the leaders of the Communist-dominated Progressive Party." Stover publicly and vehemently denied the charges, stating that "the Iowa Farmers Union is following its own line." Bridges' claims, together with the NFU's new political direction and support of American forces in Korea, created an atmosphere of hostility to Stover.
Stover did not help to calm matters. He gave speeches and wrote articles (most notably his 1950 NFU convention speech "Atomic Blessing or Atomic Blasting?") decrying American militarism, claiming that the U.S. was battling in Korea for economic gain rather than to promote democracy and ignoring worldwide calls for peace, and charging that increased military spending was hurting the American economy, especially the agricultural sector. Therefore it became clear that, between Patton's pro-Truman, pro-government stance and Stover's strong belief that to support the war and military spending was to hurt the American farmer and that America's foreign and domestic policies could not be separated, something had to give.
From 1951-1954 the NFU struggled with Stover over the future of his leadership of the IFU. The national organization worked secretly to oust Stover from his position. As the Korean War dragged on and Patton's battle with Stover continued, the NFU continued to compromise its earlier political positions by supporting a pro-American role in world affairs, opposing the growth of new farmers' cooperatives and government aid to farmers, and, generally falling into line with the new, more conservative politics of the Cold War. Finally in 1954 the NFU succeeded in revoking the charter of the Iowa Farmers Union (via an underhanded tactic of restructuring membership requirements in order to ensure that the IFU could not meet the minimum). Stover continued, undaunted, to lead the IFU as an independent farmers' group.
He faced renewed controversy in early 1954, after former Communist Helen Wood Birnie charged on the February 21 edition of the NBC radio show "Last Man Out" that Stover was a Communist involved with inflitrating American agriculture. Stover denied the allegations, asked the FCC to investigate the program, and sued the broadcasting station, WHO-FM, for libel. He lost the suit, despite the strong lack of any real evidence identifying Stover as a Communist. It was also around this time that Stover began coming under the scrutiny and surveillance of the FBI, an investigation that would stretch for decades and end with no concrete results whatsoever.
In 1955 the NFU sued Stover to stop him from using the name "Iowa Farmers Union"or its insiginia. He was unsuccessful in fighting the suit and his old IFU, comprised of members who supported his progressive stance and followed him away from the NFU after his explusion, evolved into two parallel organizations - the Iowa Farmers Association and the U.S. Farmers Association. The latter, Stover's flagship group, adopted the slogan "Peace and Parity" (later "Peace, Parity, and Power to the People"), which reflected Stover's conviction that America's domestic economy and policies and its foreign policies were two sides of the same coin in which one impacted the other.
"Foreign policy [is] just domestic policy away from home."
- Fred Stover (1965)
Stover's last forty post-Farmers Union years were spent promoting the causes of peace, progressivism, and anti-militarism for which he had fought all his life. He never achieved (or, indeed, desired) a position of political influence, although he did receive one vote for nomination as President at the 1976 Democratic National Convention. In the pages of his publication U.S. Farm News he vocally opposed the Vietnam War and other instances of American military intervention, continued to promote parity of agricultural income, and decried what he saw as the inherent immorality and unfairness of the American capitalist economy. A powerfully vocal advocate for the American farmer, Fred Stover died of a stroke in Hampton, Iowa, on July 12, 1990.
(The first 4 italicized quotes in this note are taken from Marc Gellar's May 4, 1975 seminar paper "Fred Stover and the Farmers Union in Cold War America" - available in the Papers of Fred Stover administrative file. The last is quoted from Bruce E. Field, Harvest of Dissent: The National Farmers Union and the Early Cold War (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1998). )
Historical Note
The development of the various farm organizations with which Stover was involved can seem complicated at times.
In 1917 the state of Iowa chartered a branch - the Iowa Division - of the Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union (aka the National Farmers Union). The NFU was founded in 1902 as a populist grassroots agricultural movement, devoted to giving smaller farmers a political and economic voice. It was a progressive, consistently left-of-center group, albeit with conservative pockets. Throughout the 1930s and into the 1940s the NFU was a firm supporter of New Deal programs and other progressive legislation designed to provide farmers with economic opportunities such as price parity. It strove to protect small farms from increased corporate farm expansion.
The FECU - Iowa Division (aka the Iowa Farmers Union) - under the leadership of Fred Stover broke with the national organization in the early 1950s over tensions produced by the Cold War. The increasingly conservative, pro-government stance of the NFU under President James G. Patton was strenuously opposed by Stover and his defiantly progressive, New Dealer, anti-Korean War IFU. In 1952 Stover broke away from the NFU and incorporated a new, leftist agricultural movement, later called the Iowa Union Farmer Association. In February 1960 this group officially changed its name to the U.S. Farmers Association.
At the same time, Stover attempted to maintain control over the original IFU. In March 1954 the national organization revoked the IFU's charter, and Stover struggled with the NFU over rights to the organization and its name. He claimed that as a corporation chartered by the state of Iowa, the NFU had no authority to dissolve the Iowa Farmers Union. A court case was instituted by the NFU in 1955, and Stover lost the right to use the name "Iowa Farmers Union" or its original logo. In November 1955, the IFU changed its name officially to the Iowa Farmers Union. It changed again in October 1959 to become the Iowa Fraternal Union. At the group's September 1962 convention the members voted to change the name once more, to the Iowa Farmers Association. The IFA operated in tandem with the U.S. Farmers Association, sharing membership, dues, and an official journal, the U.S. Farm News.
Related Materials
PROGRESSIVE PARTY. Records of the Progressive Party, 1946-54, 30 ft.
Correspondence, speeches, reports, business records, articles, campaign materials, fact sheets, form letters, directives, telegrams, pamphlets, press releases, clippings, and other related material concerning the party and the national election of 1948. MsC160. (Finding Aid)
RENO, MILO, 1866-1936. Papers of Milo Reno, 1927-1959. 3 linear ft.
Farm leader. Correspondence, typescripts of speeches, articles, newspaper clippings, and other materials relating primarily to the activities of the National Farmers' Holiday Association and to state Farmers' Holiday associations. MsC 44. (Finding Aid)
U.S. FARM NEWS, 1974-2004. Located in Special Collections, x-Collection FOLIO HD1485.F34I6.
Box Contents List
Series I: Correspondence
Box 1 |
Folder | Dates |
1 | 1933 - 1935 |
2 | 1936 - 1941 |
3 | 1945 |
4 | 1946 |
5 | 1947 |
6 | 1948 |
7 | March - April 1949 |
8 | May - June 1949 |
9 | July - August 1949 |
10 | September - October 1949 |
11 | November - December 1949 |
12 | January - February 1950 |
13 | March - April 1950 |
14 | May - June 1950 |
15 | July - August 1950 |
16 | September - October 1950 |
17 | November - December 1950 |
18 | January - July 1951 |
19 | August - December and undated 1951 |
Box 2 |
Folder | Dates |
1 | January - February 1952 |
2 | March - April 1952 |
3 | July - August 1952 |
4 | September - October 1952 |
5 | November - December and undated 1952 |
6 | January - February 1953 |
7 | March - April 1953 |
8 | May - June 1953 |
9 | July - August 1953 |
10 | September - October 1953 |
11 | November - December and undated 1953 |
12 | January - June 1954 |
13 | July - December 1954 |
14 | January - June 1955 |
15 | July - December 1955 |
16 | January - July 1956 |
17 | August - December and undated 1956 |
18 | January - August 1957 |
19 | September - December and undated 1957 |
20 | January - July 1958 |
21 | August - December and undated 1958 |
22 | January - July 1958 |
23 | August - December and undated 1958 |
24 | January - March 1959 |
25 | April - June 1959 |
26 | August - October 1959 |
27 | November - December and undated 1959 |
28 | January - February 1960 |
29 | March - April 1960 |
30 | May - June 1960 |
31 | July - August 1960 |
32 | September - October 1960 |
Box 3 |
Folder | Dates |
1 | November - December and undated 1960 |
2 | January - February 1961 |
3 | March - April 1961 |
4 | May - June 1961 |
5 | July - August 1961 |
6 | September - October 1961 |
7 | November - December and undated 1961 |
8 | January - February 1962 |
9 | March - April 1962 |
10 | May - June 1962 |
11 | July - August 1962 |
12 | September - October 1962 |
13 | November - December and undated 1962 |
14 | 1962 - Loyal Johnson |
15 | January - February 1963 |
16 | March - April 1963 |
17 | May - June 1963 |
18 | July - August 1963 |
19 | September - October 1963 |
20 | November - December and undated 1963 |
21 | 1963 - Loyal Johnson |
22 | January - February 1964 |
Box 4 |
Folder | Dates |
1 | March - April 1964 |
2 | May - June 1964 |
3 | July - August 1964 |
4 | September - October 1964 |
5 | November - December and undated 1964 |
6 | 1964 - Loyal Johnson |
7 | January - February 1965 |
8 | March - April 1965 |
9 | May - June 1965 |
10 | July - August 1965 |
11 | September - October 1965 |
12 | November - December and undated 1965 |
13 | 1965 - General Hugh Hester |
14 | January - June 1966 |
15 | July - August 1966 |
16 | September - December and undated 1966 |
17 | 1966 - General Hugh Hester |
18 | January - February 1967 |
19 | March - April 1967 |
20 | May - June 1967 |
21 | July 1967 |
22 | August 1967 |
23 | September 1967 |
24 | October 1967 |
25 | November - December and undated 1967 |
26 | 1967 - General Hugh Hester |
27 | January - February 1968 |
28 | March - April 1968 |
14 | May - July 1968 |
15 | August - December and undated 1968 |
16 | January - March 1969 |
17 | April - June 1969 |
Box 5 |
Folder | Dates |
1 | July - September 1969 |
2 | October - December and undated 1969 |
3 | January - March 1970 |
4 | April - June 1970 |
5 | July - December and undated 1970 |
6 | January - February 1971 |
7 | March - April 1971 |
8 | May - June 1971 |
9 | July - August 1971 |
10 | September - October 1971 |
11 | November - December and undated 1971 |
12 | January - March 1972 |
13 | April - June 1972 |
14 | July - September 1972 |
15 | October - December and undated 1972 |
16 | January - February 1973 |
17 | March - April 1973 |
18 | May - June 1973 |
19 | July - August 1973 |
20 | September - October 1973 |
21 | November - December and undated 1973 |
22 | January - February 1974 |
23 | March - April 1974 |
24 | May - June 1974 |
25 | July - August 1974 |
26 | September - October 1974 |
27 | November - December and undated 1974 |
28 | January - March 1975 |
29 | April - July 1975 |
30 | August - December and undated 1975 |
Box 6 |
Folder | Dates |
1 | January - February 1976 |
2 | March - April 1976 |
3 | May - June 1976 |
4 | July - August 1976 |
5 | September - October 1976 |
6 | November - December and undated 1976 |
7 | January - March 1977 |
8 | April - July 1977 |
9 | August - October 1977 |
10 | November - December and undated 1977 |
11 | January - March 1978 |
12 | April - June 1978 |
13 | July 1978 |
14 | August - October 1978 |
15 | November - December and undated 1978 |
16 | January - February 1979 |
17 | March - June 1979 |
18 | July - August 1979 |
19 | September - December and undated 1979 |
20 | 1980 |
21 | January - August 1981 |
22 | September - December and undated 1981 |
23 | January - February 1982 |
24 | March 1982 |
25 | April - July 1982 |
25 | August - November 1982 |
26 | December and undated 1982 |
Box 7 |
Folder | Dates |
1 | January - April 1983 |
2 | May - August 1983 |
3 | September - December and undated 1983 |
4 | January -April 1984 |
5 | May - August 1984 |
6 | September - December and undated 1984 |
7 | 1985 |
8 | 1986 |
9 | February - October and undated 1987 |
10 | 1988 |
20 | January 1989 - February 1990 and undated |
21 | Undated, A - C |
22 | Undated, D - H |
23 | Undated, J - N |
24 | Undated, O - S |
25 | Undated, Fred Stover - mostly drafts of letters |
26 | Undated, T - Z |
27 | Undated, No last name |
Box 8 |
Copies of Letters and Articles to Stover Intended for Publication in U.S. Farm News |
Folder | Dates |
1 | 1957 |
2 | 1958 |
3 | 1959 |
4 | 1959 - Letters not to or from Stover |
5 | 1960 |
6 | 1961 |
7 | 1962 |
8 | 1962 - C.C. Wilson |
9 | 1963 |
10 | 1964 |
11 | 1964 - General Hugh Hester |
12 | 1965 |
13 | 1966 |
14 | 1967 |
15 | 1968 |
16 | 1969 |
17 | 1970 |
18 | 1971 |
19 | 1972 |
20 | 1973 |
21 | 1974 |
22 | 1975 |
23 | 1976 |
24 | 1977 |
25 | 1978 |
26 | 1981 |
27 | 1982 |
28 | 1983 |
29 | 1984 |
30 | 1985 |
31 | 1986 |
32 | 1987 |
33 | 1988 |
34 | 1989 |
Series II: Assorted Other Writings |
Box 1 |
Folder | |
1 | Articles (Drafts, 1948, 1954 - 1989) - most dates estimated |
2 - 4 | Articles (Drafts, n.d.) |
5 | Articles (Pamphlet Material, n.d.) |
Box 2 |
1 | Assorted Pieces and Fragments of Writings (Drafts, dates various) |
2 | Radio Broadcasts (1937, 1948, 1951, 1953, 1955, n.d.) |
3 - 4 | Speeches (1948 - 1972, 1976) |
5 | Speeches and Addresses (Drafts and Notes, 1952, 1966 - 1967, 1973, n.d.) |
Series III: Organizations |
Box 1 |
Folder | |
Farmers Union Cooperative Seed Service |
1 | Financial Reports (1949, 1956 - 1957) |
2 | Materials (1946? - 1948, 1958, 1967 or 1968) |
Farmers Union Livestock Commission (Omaha, NE) |
3 | Correspondence (1948 - 1950, 1952) |
4 | Statements of Business (1948 - 1950) |
Farmers Union Livestock Commission (Redwood Falls, MN) |
5 | Court case of FULC vs. Iowa Farmers Union (Documents, 1946, 1948, 1955, 1959 - 1961) |
Farmers Union Livestock Commission (Sioux City, IA) |
6 | Correspondence (1949 - 1954) |
7 | Meeting Minutes (194, 1955, 1974, 1976 - 1978) |
8 | Miscellaneous (1949, 1954, 1961, n.d.) |
9 | Reconciliations of Commissions (1947 - 1951) |
10 | Statements of Business (1948 - 1950, 1962) |
Iowa Farmers Association |
11 | Convention Reports (1964, 1976, 1979) |
12 | Correspondence (1961 - 1964, n.d.) |
13 | Correspondence with Directors (1961 - 1967, 1972, n.d.) |
14 | Incorporation Documents (1959, 1962) |
15 | Miscellaneous (1958 - 1968, 1973 - 1975, n.d.) |
16 | Receipts and Expenditures (1961 - 1982, 1987 - 1988) |
17 | Receipts Books (1960 - 1965) |
Iowa Farmers Union |
18 |
Birnie/Central Broadcasting Company Lawsuit (1954 - 1956, 1959, n.d.) |
19 | Board of Directors Meeting Minutes (1952 - 1953) |
20 | Convention Materials and Reports (1947, 1950, 1954 - 1958) |
21 | Correspondence (1953 - 1955, 1957 - 1959, n.d.) |
22 | Correspondence with Directors and Officers (1949, 1954 - 1960) |
23 | Incorporation Materials (1917, 1952, 1955) |
24 | Membership/Mailing Lists (1949, 1952 - 1953, 1956, n.d.) |
25 | Miscellaneous (1947, 1951 - 1958, n.d.) |
26 | News Releases (1949 - 1950, 1952 - 1953, n.d.) |
27 | Pins (1933, 1962) |
28 | Publications and Reprints (1950 - 1954, n.d.) |
29 | Relations with the National Farmers Union (1950 - 1951, 1954, 1956, 1958, n.d.) |
30 | Resolutions (1955 - 1956, n.d.) |
31 | Statements by Fred Stover (1947, n.d.) |
32 | Trial Transcript - Suit to Retain Stover as President of IFU (1951) |
Oversize Folder 1 | Iowa Farmers Union: Journal of Receipts and Expenditures (1947 - 1952) |
Oversize Folder 2 | Iowa Farmers Union: Journal of Receipts and Expenditures (1953 - 1954) |
Oversize Folder 3 | Iowa Farmers Association/U.S. Farmers Association: Journal of Receipts and Expenditures (1964 - 1966) |
Progressive Party |
32 | Hallinan 1952 Campaign - Materials(1952) |
33 | National Committee Meeting Minutes (1951 - 1952) |
34 | Miscellaneous (1948 - 1954) |
35 | Newsletters (1951, 1953) |
36 | Reports (1951 - 1953?) |
37 | Resolutions (1950 - 1952) |
38 | Wallace 1948 Campaign - Addresses by Stover and Others (1948) |
39 |
Wallace 1948 Campaign - Miscellaneous (1948) |
40 | Wallace 1948 Campaign - Publications (1948) |
U.S. Farmers Association |
41 | Activities with Other Farm Groups (1980 - 1983, n.d.) |
42 | Announcements (1961, 1985, n.d.) |
43 | Articles of Incorporation (1952, 1983) |
44 | Board Meeting Minutes (1959 - 1966, 1974 - 1975, 1979) |
45 | Convention Reports and Speeches (1957, 1960 - 1983, 1988, n.d.) |
Box 2 |
Folder | |
U.S. Farmers Association |
1 - 2 |
Mailing Lists (1965 - 1967, 1977, n.d.) |
3 | Miscellaneous (1960?, 1961, 1963?, 1968 - 1987, n.d.) |
4 | News Releases (1961, 1976, 1981 - 1982, n.d.) |
5 | President's Reports (1960, 1967 - 1968, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1984, 1989, n.d.) |
6 | Publications and Reprints (dates various) |
7 | Resolutions (1960 - 1987?, n.d.) |
8 | Receipts and Expenditures (1958 - 1984) |
Box 3 |
Folder | |
1 - 3 | Receipts Books(1960 - 1982) |
4 | Stover For President Campaign (1976) |
5 |
Stover Membership Card (1971) |
19 | Board of Directors Meeting Minutes (1952 - 1953) |
20 | Correspondence (1953 - 1955, 1957 - 1959, n.d.) |
Series IV: Miscellaneous Materials |
Box 1 |
Folder | |
1 | Anti-Stover Signs (n.d.) |
2 | Datebook (1956) |
3 | Miscellany (1938, 1955, 1978, n.d.) |
4 | "My Ideal Girl" Essay (1921) |
5 | Personal Finances - Documentation (1933 - 1934, 1940) |
6 | Photographs (1946, 1977, n.d.) |
7 | Pre-IFU Activities: Iowa Farm Bureau Federation - Committee Report (1938) |
8 | Pre-IFU Activities: U.S. Department of Agriculture - Documentation (1933 - 1934, 1936 - 1937, 1942, n.d.) |
9 | Pre-IFU Activities: U.S. Department of Agriculture - Notebooks (1934, 1937, n.d.) |
Box 2 |
1 | Pre-IFU Activities: U.S. Department of Agriculture - Stover's Reference Book (1938-1939) |
Box 3 |
1 - 4 | Stover FBI File (Photocopy) |
5 | Knudson Correspondence (1982 - 1984) |
Oversize Folder 1 |
Photograph -Progressive Party Convention, Philadelphia, PA (July 1948) |
Oversize Photograph (Framed) | Photograph - Group Photo, Iowa Farmers Union 23rd Annual Convention, Des Moines, IA, September 1939 |
Series V: Audiovisual Materials |
Box 1 |
Items | |
15mm film: "Peace Will Win" (2 copies) 15mm film: "The Road to Peace" (2 copies) 15mm film: "When We Grow up" 15mm film: "Vidensky kongres" (English version of Russian film?) 5-inch sound reel: Radio KFH broadcast of 9/14/1968 by Donald Woods 5-inch sound reel: Anti-Vietnam War speech by Fred Stover (1967) 5-inch sound reel: Unidentified 7-inch sound reel: Interview with Fred Stover in Des Moines (2/12 - 2/13/1969) - Reel 2 |