Circulation Services
Independent, or Visiting, Scholars may be permitted to check materials out of the libraries. Library cards can be applied for at Main Library Circulation Services or any university library by showing your white plastic “UI Independent Scholar” card to obtain a borrower’s permit. Information about due dates, renewals, and fines is located in the Circulation Policies website.
Computer Access
If you do not have a HawkID, guest ID’s to gain access to computers can be obtained by visiting the Main Library Service Desk, Hardin Library’s Information Desk, or any university library.
To print from campus computers, a PrintKey can be purchased from Food for Thought, the library cafe in the Main Library, EMRB Cafe, or Pat’s Diner.
Off-campus access to library databases and resources is not available, due to licensing restrictions. For further information, please see the Access to Commercial Databases policy and the Appropriate use of Electronic Resources policy.
Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery Services
Interlibrary loan & document delivery services are available for Independent Scholars with a HawkID and password. Materials not held at the UI Libraries can be requested via the Interlibrary Loan system. Journal articles or book chapters owned by the UI Libraries will be scanned and posted for viewing via the Article Delivery Service.
HawkIDs are initiated through the collegiate unit. Staff within the department must create a temporary/complimentary appointment in the human resources system before a HawkID is issued to the independent/visiting scholar.
Again, if you do not have a HawkID, guest ID’s to gain access to computers can be obtained by visiting the Main Library Service Desk, Hardin Library’s Information Desk, or any university library.