The University of Iowa Libraries
Special Collections and University Archives
Iowa Authors Represented by Small Manuscript Collections, A - L
Brief descriptions of the following small collections are arranged alphabetically by surname of writer.
This file contains: A - L; for M - Z, click here.
-----. "Big Annie" and the 1913 Michigan Copper Strike (Michigan History, Spring 1973). Printed copy.
----. Chicago -- the "Story City". Typescript.
----. Literary History of Iowa (University of Iowa Press, ?). Typescript of 1047 pages.
----. "The Tip of an Iowa Iceberg." Speech for the annual meeting of the Iowa Literary Association, Cedar Rapids, 12 October 1973. Photocopy typescript.
BEER, THOMAS, 1889-1940. To Miss Sieve, Younkers, NY. concerning his illness and some research. ALS, 1p. MsL B45si.
BRIGGS, JOHN ELY, 1890-1952. RG99.0150
----. Exploring the History of Iowa (published in Iowa newspapers, 1933-1937 and as Iowa Old and New, 1939. Typescript. One photograph. Transcribed diary kept by Mr. Briggs in 1912. Newspaper clippings.
----. Iowa Old and New (Lincoln NE: University Pub. Co., 1939). Carbon typescript.
----. William Peters Hepburn. 1st draft.
BURDETTE, ROBERT JONES, 1844-1914. "A Psalm to [James] Redpath," [1833-1891]. Photocopy, 1p. Ms B951 ps; "Fairest and Sweetest of All," 1 p. Ms B951 fs; and "But He Never Did," 1 p. Ms B951b.
CATT, CARRIE (LANE) CHAPMAN, 1859-1947. See Iowa Suffrage Memorial Commission Papers, 1910-1944, lodged in the Women's Archives.
CLEMENTS, RALPH HENDERSON, 1896-1979. "Culture Under Canvas". Speech delivered 28 Oct. 1975 to the Cedar Rapids Literary Club. Photocopy. Ms C6265c.
COLE, CYRENUS, 1863-1939. TLS to Grace Wormer. Washington, DC, 23 November 1934. Concerning a book he is working on about Iowa, famous Iowans he has known, and his life in Des Moines and Washington, DC. TLS, lp. MsL C689w.
----. "If I Could." Typescript poem, signed. 1p. Ms C953if.
----. Only the Christ. Mss. draft, typescript.
----. "Peace and Good Will." Typescript poem, signed. 1p. Ms C953pe.
DENDEL, ESTHER SIETMANN WARNER, 1910- . New Song in a Strange Land (printer's copy). In Iowa Women's Archives.
DOWNING, ROBERT. Old Hundred. Script of prize-winning 1952 Dr. Christian play for which author received $2000. Play performed on radio May 21, 1952, produced by McCann-Erickson, Inc. Also script of award presentation, May 14, 1952. Mimeographs. Ms D751 ol.
HANCHER, VIRGIL M. "Hebert Hoover - Man & Statesman". Address at 80th birthday celebration 10 August 1954. Marked for emphasis, etc. RG.05.01.11
HENNING, LINDSEY. Cadence, a comedy in one act. Published in The Cue, January 1934. (Filed with plays of Susan Welty).
HOGAN, WALTER. "The Little Boy Laughed" Playlet, various versions. "Rare Jade and Broken." Play, various versions. Ms7145li and Ms 7415ra.
HORN, MADELINE (DARROUGH). Letter to H. Kauti regarding Farm on the Hill. MsL H813ka..
LEAHY, WILLIAM DANIEL, 1875-1949. I Was There (1949). 80 letters, correspondence, clippings, reviews, 1949-1950. MsL L4348.