MsC 99

  Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1896 -- 1959
3.25 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
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Posted to Internet: December 2002
Addenda: 198
1, March 2004

Acquisition Note: Most of the collection (boxes 1 to 5) was purchased from George A. Van Nosdall in 1962; a further two boxes (6-7) were added as a gift from H. Keith Thompson in 1981.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Photographs: Box 3, Wilhelm II letter, Box 7

Film/Video: Microfilm, Box 3, #25

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Abbreviations: For an explanation of the abbreviation and dating conventions used in the finding aid, please see Abbreviations.

Series Table of Contents

Boxes 1-2

Reprints of biographical sketches; correspondence, 1904-1959, (882 pieces)

Box 3

Wagstaff correspondence; Time correspondence; undated correspondence; Lundeen file; Flanders Hall file; psychiatric and medical reports; report cards; old will; contacts; newspaper and magazine articles; photographs; misc. (260 pieces)

Box 4

Original manuscripts of early prose and poetry in German and English; typed copies of later poems in English; Typed drafts of magazine articles with corrections; draft of interview with Emil Ludwig; printed pamphlet. (124 pieces)

Box 5

Notebooks of Viereck and his mother; reprinted pamphlets; bound volume of Viereck's poems translated into German; Viereck's indictments; printed briefs; Viereck's statements before sentencing. (21 pieces)

Box 6-7

Thompson addendum

Box 8

March 2004 addendum. Letters, manuscripts, and correspondence

Biographical Note

George Sylvester Viereck was born in Munich on December 31, 1884, and was brought to this country at the age of eleven. His father, a Socialist refugee, was active in the United States in lecturing and organizing German societies.

George Viereck’s first book of poetry, Ninevah and Other Poems, was published in 1907. He also wrote Strangest Friendship: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House, and, with Paul Eldridge, My First Two Thousand Years: The Autobiography of the Wandering Jew, Salome, the Wandering Jewess, Glimpses of the Great, among other books.

In 1911 he married Margaret Edith Hein. They had two sons, Peter and George.

When World War I broke out, Viereck was already fairly well known for his verse, which appeared in both liberal and conservative periodicals. In 1912, he wrote “Few poets have met with more instant recognition that I. I have given a new lyric impulse to my country. I have loosened the tongue of the young American poets.” Later he came to believe that poets could not thrive in America, and at the age of twenty-seven, decided to write no more. He said that his temperament was more dynamic than aesthetic, and once proclaimed the Brooklyn Bridge a more remarkable achievement than the best sonnet.

He first came under attack for pro-German leanings as editor of the magazine Fatherland in 1914. When the United States entered the war, he changed its name to The American Monthly and turned its teachings against war in general. He urged that the objections of German-born Americans against shedding their relatives’ blood be respected by having them serve in some other capacity than as soldiers in the trenches.

The Author’s League, the Poetry Society, and other organizations expelled him, but after the war’s emotions died down he began to appear again on lecture platforms. In 1931, he returned to writing the poetry he had once forsworn.

Before World War II he was a correspondent for a Munich newspaper and a free-lance writer for American magazines. He once described himself as doing what he could to better relations between the United States and Germany.

On the walls of his Riverside Drive study in New York he had photographs of Hitler, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, and Kaiser Wilhelm. All three, he said in an interview, had been his friends. “But I am no longer on speaking terms with some of them,” he added. In 1929 he had written of Hitler, “This man, if he lives, will make history.”

Viereck was arrested in New York in October 1941 on charges of withholding from the State Department information about his pro-German propaganda activities, but the Supreme Court reversed this conviction on the grounds that he was not compelled to report his activities “except as an agent of a foreign government.” During and after World War II, Viereck served three years and ten months in the Federal Penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania for violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. He began his term of one to five years on July 31 after an appeal to the Supreme Court failed. He was released May 17, 1947.

His son George was killed in Italy while serving with the U.S. Infantry on the Anzio beachhead. His older son, Peter, once received the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.

George Sylvester Viereck died at Mount Holyoke Hospital on March 18, 1962, at the age of 77.

From Publisher’s Weekly, April 9, 1962 and New York Herald Tribune, Wednesday, March 21, 1962.

Scope and Content

The George Sylvester Viereck papers are comprised of incoming and outgoing correspondence, drafts of magazine articles, numerous newspaper clippings and magazine articles, several photographs, and indictments and briefs relating to Viereck's trials. Viereck's correspondents include many New York literary figures and major political personalities of the United States and Europe; click here for an alphabetical list of correspondents.

Related Material

Microfilm: Correspondence with Oswald Garrison Villard and George E. Woodberry. Originals at Harvard University, Houghton Library. Gift of Neil M. Johnson. Located in Main Media Services, film 29925

Box List

Box 1

[leading numbers indicate folder; i.e., "1." = Folder 1].

1. Biographical material: notes on the Viereck family tree, under the seal of Kaiser Wilhelm II; Mark Twain Society questionnaire on personal preferences, answered by Viereck; article on Viereck reprinted from Current Biography 1940; article on Viereck reprinted from Twentieth Century Authors, 1955.


2. 1904 -- 1910.

3. 1911 -- 1915.

4. 1916 -- 1920.

5. 1921 -- 1922.

6. 1923.

7. 1924.

8. 1925 -- 1927.

9. 1928 -- 1929.

10. 1930 -- l931.

11. 1932.

12. 1933 -- 1936.

13. 1937.

Box 2

1. 1938.

2. 1939 -- 1941.

3. 1942 -- 1943.

4. 1944 -- 1946.

5. 1947.

6. 1948 -- 1949

7. 1950 -- 1951.

8. 1952 -- 1953.

9. 1954

10. 1955 -- 1956.

11. 1957 -- 1959.

12. Photocopies from unknown source, gift of Neil Johnson. Includes Wilhelm II. January 17, 1924. ALS (photocopy) 4p; Wilhelm II. December 3, 1925. Doorn. TLS. 8p. Photocopies; Wilhelm II. March 30, 1927. Doorn. TLS. 6p. Photocopies; Empress. June. TL. 1p. Photocopy; Viereck to Empress. July 21, 1927. TL. 2p. Photocopies; Viereck to Empress. July 27, 1927. TL. 2p. Photocopies.

Box 3

1. Correspondence from Blanche Wagstaff. 25 letters, mostly undated; 4 poems. (29 pieces)

2. Time correspondence. 6 letters.

3. Correspondence, dated approximately. (9 pieces)

4. Correspondence, undated. (35 pieces)

5. Letters of introduction and passage. (4 pieces)

6. Correspondence concerning Viereck or his works. (42 pieces)

7. Lundeen file. 8 letters from Lundeen to Viereck, 1937 -- 1940; report on Lundeen and Viereck; radio address by Mrs. Lundeen concerning Walter Winchell's reported slander of Senator Lundeen; clippings, photographs (13 pieces)

8. Flanders Hall file. "The Story of Flanders Hall, Its Genesis and Liquidation," by Viereck, 12p; statements of Adolf W. W. Hauck, Jr. and Sigfrid H. Hauck to the FBI; catalog of Flanders Hall books for 1941; 2 related letters; 4 clippings; original financial notebook, kept in Viereck's hand, listing amounts paid to and received from Flanders Hall, amounts paid by G. Wirsing for publication of The One Hundred Families, and amounts paid out on this project. (11 pieces)

9. Psychiatric report by Dr. Wendell Muncie. (l piece)

10. Medical reports. Letter from Johann Plesch; letter from Viereck to Benjamin; medical history; Viereck's journal; charts; 2 pamphlets. (8 pieces)

11. Report cards. (3 pieces)

12. Old will. (1 piece)

13. Contracts and agreements. (12 pieces)

14. Circulars. (3 pieces)

15. Book reviews (2 pieces)

16. Maeterlink interview questionnaire, with answers. (1 piece)

17. Newspaper and magazine articles written by Viereck. (27 pieces)

18. Newspaper and magazine articles about Viereck. (21 pieces)

19. Obituaries of friends and relatives. (7 pieces)

20. Photographs of Viereck, (3 pieces)

21. Photographs (6 pieces)

22. Inscriptions and notes from books, (3 pieces)

23. Christmas and birthday cards (7 pieces)

24. Miscellaneous (16 pieces)

Box 4

1. Early prose. (6 pieces)

2. Early manuscripts. (3 pieces)

3. Early poetry, German. (16 pieces)

4. Early poetry, German. (16 pieces)

5. Poems, English. (35 pieces)


A Ballad of Montmattre

The Ballad of Nun and Knight

The Bankrupt

Charles Baudelaire

A Dirge

En Route For Washington

G.L.S. In Jail

In Contemplation of Dissolution (Goodfellow Death) (Finis)

The Iron Chancellor

Mr. W.H.


The Last Chord

A Leave-taking

Lord Alfred Douglas

Lord Eros

Love Cruel

Love's Silence

The New Colossus In 1907

Prayer of Souls in Need

Prince Carnival




Silentium Poetae


Southern Summer

A Spring Blessing


To a Defeated Candidate

Wasted Songs

To The Ink Drinkers

Wilhelm II Prince of Peace

6. Poems, by others. (10 pieces)

Go From Me! Hide Such Perfect Loveliness...

The Light Bearer

Love's Mystic Jewel


A Year Ago

Oh, Sylvester!

To A Co-Defendant

To O. John Rogge

7. Memorabilia, etc. (7 pieces)

8. "Are Women Unfit to be Judges?" Jean Norris as told to Viereck, 11p.

9. "Austria, Europe's Apple of Discord." Alfred E, Frauenfeld as told to Viereck, 9p.

10. "Are Women Necessary? An Eveless Paradise," 14p.

11. "Doorn Revisited," 18p.

12. "The Enigma of William II." 41p.

13. "The German Element in America." 74p. with bibliography 20p.

14. "The German-Jewish War." 29p, 2 copies, with revision of Part II. 15p.

15. "Germany and the Jews." 15p.

16. "Germany's Labor Battalions." 12p.

17. "The Great Oil Conspiracy," Wirt Franklin, rewritten by Viereck. 14p.

18. "Hitler and the Jews." 5p.

19. "Hitler or Chaos." l5p.

20. "Hitler the Treaty Breaker." 6p.

21. "The Impending War Between the 'Haves' and the 'Have-nots'." 8p.

22. "In Defense of Pornography." 11p.

23. "Is Germany an Aggressor Nation?" 5p.

24. "Shall We Grant Prisoners Furloughs for Honeymoons?" 13p.

25. "The Slim Gilt Soul of Lord Alfred Douglas." 16p.

26. "Theodore Roosevelt - My Friend and My Foe." 10p.

27. "What I Saw in Hitler's Germany." Parts I and II. 19p.

28. "What I Would Do If I Were Hitler." George Bernard Shaw in an interview with Viereck. 11p

29. "When I Take Hold of Germany." Adolf Hitler as told to Viereck. 4p.

30. "Who Owns Little America?" 7p, with 2 related letters and 1 press release.

31. Interview with Emil Ludwig. 13 p.

32. "Why German-Americans Oppose Prohibition." pamphlet, 8p.

33. Spreading Germs of Hate. Foreword by Edward Mandell House

Box 5

1. "Gajua and Aggrippina." Notebook.

2. "Gernsylo Philosophie." Notebook in slipcase.

3. "Translations from the English of Some of the Poems of George Sylvester Viereck." Bound, typed copy with some corrections.

4. Notebook of Viereck's mother showing her relationship with Marx, Engels, etc.

5. "A Bizarre Fellowship." Elmer Gertz. Reprint from The Chicago Jewish Forum.

6. "Vorträge and Kurse." Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. With a printed list of Hirschfeld's works and 2 related clippings.

7. Memorandum on motions to dismiss, with notes and markings by Viereck.

8. Examination by Congressman Samuel Dickstein of George Sylvester Viereck. June 9, 1934.

9. United States of America vs. Gerald P. Winrod, et al. Indictment, 28p.

10. United States of America vs. George Sylvester Viereck. Indictment. 15p.

11. Memo on Viereck's indictment. 8p.

12. Viereck's statement before sentencing. 1942.

13. Notice of Appeal.

14. Letter from Viereck to Hon. Bolitha J. Laws. TL, 4p.

15. Statement before sentencing. 1943. 2 copies.

16. Appellant's Brief. No. 8204. Viereck vs. USA.

17. Appendix to Appellant's Brief. No. 9438.

18. Reply Brief of Appellant. No. 8205.

19. Brief for Petitioner. No. 458.

20. Verdict of the Supreme Court.

21. Materials of unknown connection to Viereck.

Calendar of Correspondence, 1904 -- 1959


Mann, Franziske. [Germany]. April 28. ALS, 6p.

Thomas, Calvin. Cottage City, MA. July 14. ALS, 1p.

Steinach, Eugen. July 19, [n.y.] See Ms V665le, no. 19. ACS.

Radowitza, Helen von. August 9. See Ms V665le, no. 18. ALS


Schlaf, Johannes. Vienna, Austria. January 14. ALS, 3p.

Lay?, George V. September 24. New York, NY. TLS, 3p.

Lay, George V. New York, NY. September 27. TLS, 5p.

Lay, George V. New York, NY. October 3. TLS, 1p.

Huneker, James Gibbons. December 30. See Ms V664le, no.14. ALS


Seymour, Arthur, Maida Vole. February 28. TL. 1p.


To George Woodberry. May 1 and 16.

Thomas, Calvin. May 20. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Seymour, Arthur, Wittersham, Kent. See MsL S998vi. ALS. 2p.

Zobeltitz, H. von. June 9. Berlin, Germany ALS, 3p.

Gildner, T. June 24. New York, NY. 12p.

Cotta'sche, J.G. June 27. Stuttgart, Germany. ALS, 2p. with August l5. Fulda, Ludwig. Karersee bei Bozen Tirol. ALS 2p. (both letters on one folded leaf)

Austin, Alfred. July 9. Ashford, Kent, England. ALS, 2p.

Hichens, Robert. July 25. London. ALD, 2p.

Woodberry?, George. October 2. ALS, 4p.

Seymour, Arthur. Wittersham, Kent. October 23. ALS. 1p.

Hichens, Robert. November 17. Luxor, Egypt. ALS, 2p.


Williams, John D. October 2. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.

Williams, John D. November 4. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.


Hill, David J. June 23. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 3p.

Pollock, Channing. November 6. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.


Hidden Page, Professor Curtis. March 30. NY. See MsL V665p. 1p.

Cox, Marian. May 1. New York, NY. ALS, 4p.

Cox, Marian. June 2. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Editor, The Widow. June 14. NY. See MsL V665ed. TLS. 1p.

Hill, David J. July 15. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Wolzogen, Ernst. December 30. New York, NY. ALS 1p.


Michaels, Karin. August 22. SS Hellig Olav. ALS, 4p.

Michaels, Karin. Copenhagen, Denmark. ALS, 3p.

Viereck. New York, NY. October 8. c1911 (or 1916). TLS, 7p, with holograph post script.


Woodberry, George E. April 10 and 18. See microfilm.

Rosewater, Victor. June 10. Chicago, IL. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Mrs. Roscoe P. Conkling. September 11. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viercek to Woodberry, George E. September 17 and 26. See microfilm.

Viereck to Mrs. Roscoe P. Conkling. December 11. New York, NY. TLS 1p.


Naito, Goro. February 22. Seattle, Washington.

Viereck to Frank Stuhlman. March 15. NY. TLS. 1p.

Viereck to Frank Stuhlman. March 21, NY. TLS. 1p. with envelope.

Vierck to George E. Woodberry. May 6. See microfilm.


Mann, Franziske. June 19. Berlin, Germany. ALS, card.

Dargan, Olive Tilford. Boston, MA. ALS, 2p.


Zeppelin, M. Graefin. January 31. Wiesbaden, Germany. ALS, 2p.

Eucken. Rudolph. February 26. Jena, Germany. ALS, 3p.

Munsterberg, Hugh. July 7. Clifton, MA. TLS, 2p.

Untermyer, Samuel. September 14. New York, NY. TLS. 2p.


Papen, Franz von. January 6. SS Nordam. ALS, 4p.

Woodberry?, Gorge E. February 14. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to F. J. Wistach. June 26. NY. See MsLV665w. TLS. 1p.

König, Paul. July 31. See Ms V662le, no. 19. TLS


Markham, Edwin. June 22. West New Brighton, N.J. See MsL M345vi. ALS. 1p.

Eucken, Rudolph. February 21. New York, NY. ALS, card.

Williams, John Sharp. July 9. Washington, DC. TLS, 4p.


Viereck to Dr. Hans Heinz Ewers. January 29. New York, NY. TLS, 6p.

Viereck to O. G. Villard. June 5. NY. TLS. 2-.


Tridon, Andre. July 14. TLS, 1p.

Wise, Henry A. September l. Kiptopeke, VA. ALS, 4p.

Curry, Mabel Dunlap. October 11. Terre Haute, IN. ALS, 4p.

O'Leary, Jeremiah A. December 18. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.


Bigelow, Poultney. January 9. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, card.

Seidel, Willy. February 19. Munich, Germany. ALS, 4p.

Engel, Prof. Dr. Eduard. July 5. Bornim bei Potsdam, Germany. ALS, 7p.

Curry, Mabel Dunlap. October 11. Terre Haute, IN. ALS, 3p.

Curry, Mabel Dunlap. October 18. Terre Haute, IN. ALS, 3p.

Curry, Mabel Dunlap. October 26. Terre Haute, IN. ALS, 2p.

Debs, Eugene V. October 2?. Atlanta, GA. ALS, Photostat, 1p.

Curry, Mabel Dunlap. November 6. [Terre Haute, IN]. ALS, 3p.

Hale, William Bayard. November 30. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Seidel, Willy. December 8. Munich, Germany. TLS, 1p.


Reventlow, Count Ernst zu. January 27. Charlottenburg, Germany. TLS. 2p.

Harvey, Alexander. February 28. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Alexander Harvey. March 3. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p.

Williams, John Sharp. March 24. [Mississippi?], ALS, 1p.

Seidel, Willy. July 28. Munich, Germany. ALS, 4p.

Harris, Frank. July 29. TLS, 1p.

Seidel, Willy. October 3. Munich, Germany. TLS, 1p. with holograph post script.

Seidel, Willy. October 5. Munich, Germany. TLS, 1p.


Viereck to Julius Lingenfelder. March 20 and 29. See MsL V665l. 2 TLS, each 1p.

Landsburger, Artur. May 20. Berlin, Germany. ALS, 1p.

Viereck to Mrs. Viereck. June 10. [New York, NY]. TLS, 3p.

Viereck to Julius Lingenfelder. July 12. See MsLV665l. TLS. 1p.

Viereck to Julius Lingenfelder. Spetember 2. See MsL V665l. TLS. 1p.

Wilhelm, Crown Prince. October ?. Wieringun, Germany. ALS, card with photograph.

Molske, H.D. November 2. Doorn, Netherlands. TLS, negative photostat, 1p.

Wallenberg. December 22. Kreis Ohlau, [Germany?]. TLS, 1p.


Wallenberg. January 1. Kreis Ohlau, [Germany?]. TLS, 2p. with holograph post script.

Merrill, Brandford to Ruby Gottlieb, secretary to Viereck. January 31. NY. TLS, 1p.

Deutsch. February 6. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Bohlen, Krupp von. February 13. Essen-Hugel, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Duisberg, Prof, Dr. C. February 21. Leverkusen bei Koln, Germany. TLS, card.

Duisberg, Prof. Dr. C. February 23. Cologne, Germany. ALS, card.

Deutsch. March 6. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Morel, E.D. March 23. Westminster, London, England. TLL, 1p.

Merrill, Bradford. April 10. New York, NY. TLS. 1p.

Franke, Kuno. May 19. Cambridge, MA. ALS, 1p.

Krieger, B. May 23. Berlin, Germany. AIS, 1p.

Schwartzenfeld, Kracker. June 19. Haarlem, Netherlands. ALS, 1p.

Merrill, Bradford. June 30. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Monahan, Michael. July 21. New Canaan, CT. ALS (initialed only), 1p.

Merrill, Bradford. July 23. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Merrill, Bradford. August 28. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Monahan, Michael. August 30. New Canaan, CT. ALS (initialed only), 1p.

Haldeman-Julius, E. September 3. Girard, KS. TLS, 1p.

Haldeman-Julius, E. September 23. Girard, KS. TLS, 1p. with holograph post script.

Alexander, Herman. September 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Haldeman-Julius, E. September 30. Girard, KS. TLS, 3p.

Haldeman-Julius, E. October 7. Girard, KS. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Zangwill, Israel. October 10. See Ms V665le, no. 29. TLS.

Frank, Glenn. October 15 New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Schwartzenfeld, Kracker. October 17. Utrecht, Netherlands. ALS, 1p.

Ludendorff, Erick von. October 25. See Ms V665le, no. 5. ALS.

Merrill, Bradford. November 6. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Haldeman-Julius, E. November 6. Girard, KS. TLS, 2p.

Warburg, Paul M. November 15. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Heckscher. November 19. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Morel, Stella? November 22. Westminster, London. TLS, 1p.

Kuhn, M.R. November 23. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Heckscher, A. November 23. New York, NY. TLS. 1p.

Heckscher, A. November 24. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Haldeman-Julius, E. November 21. Girard, KS. TLS, 1p.

Heckscher, A. November 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Engel, Prof. Dr. Eduard. December 4. Bornim bei Potsdam, Germany. ALS, 2p.

Kuhn, M.R. December 8. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Morel, E.D. December 10. Westminster, London. TLS, 1p.

Haldeman-Julius, E. December l0. Girard. KS. TLS, 1p.

Haldeman-Julius, E. December 17. Girard. KS. TLS, 1p.

Albert, Heinrich F. December 19. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 2p.


Owen, Robert L. January 7. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Monahan, Michael. January 7. New Canaan, CT. ALS, card.

Morel, E.D. January 15. Westminster, London. TLS, 1p.

Wilhelm II. January 17. ALS (photocopy) 4p.

Warburg, Paul M. January 22. New York, NY. TLS

Kuhn, M.R. January 22. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Warburg, Paul M. January 29. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Warburg, Paul M. January 31. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Owen, Robert L. February 1. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Warburg, Paul M. February 11. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Celler, Emanue1. February 11. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Owen, Robert L. February 11. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Mücke, Hellmuth. February 26. Dresden, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Owen, Robert L. March 1. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Mücke, Hellmuth. March 3. Dresden, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Celler, Emanuel. March 6. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Debs, Theodore. March 10. Terre Haute, IN. ALS, 7p.

Owen, Robert L. March 15. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. March 19. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Mücke, Hellmuth. March 26. Hoboken, NJ. TLS, card.

Warburg, Paul M. April 14. New York, NY TLS, 1p.

Monahan, Michael. April 14. New Canaan, CT. ALS (initials), 2p.

Celler, Emanuel. April 26. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Warburg, Paul M. April 30. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.

Hecksher, A. May 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Knutson, Harold. May 5. Washington, DC. ALS, 3p.

Frazier, Lynn J. May 8. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. May 8. New York, NY. ALS, 4p.

Monahan, Michael. May 8, New Canaan, CT. ALS, 2p.

Merrill, Bradford. May 13. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Ochs-Oakes, George W. May 16. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Ochs-Oakes, George W. May 21. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Ochs-Oakes, George W. May 24. New York, NT. TLS, 1p.

Bernstorff, Count J. May 29. Berlin, Germany. ALS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. June 16. Hackensack, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Bismark, Otto, Fürst von. June 22. Friedrichsruh, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Duisberg, Prof. Dr. C. June 24. Leverkusen bei Koln, Germany. ALS, 2p.

Engel, Prof. Dr. Eduard. July 6. Bornia bei Potsdam, Germany. ALS, 2p.

Conrad, Dr. Michael Georg. July 9. Munich, Germany. ALS, 2p.

Debs, Theodore. July 22. Terre Haute, IN. TLS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. August 11. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Lewisohn, Ludwig. August 24. Berlin. See SmL L6775v. ACS

Hughes, Rupert. September 4. Los Angeles, CA. TLS, 1p.

Bentinck, Count Godard. September 4. See Ms V665le, no. 10. ALS.

Kreymborg, Alfred. September 6. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Bates, Katherine Lee. September 22. Wellesley, MA. TLS, 1p.

Davis, R.H. September 24. New York, NY. TLS 1p.

Bodenheim, Maxwell. October 7. Brooklyn, NY. TLS. 1p.

Warburg?, J.P. October 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Bismark, Otto, Fürst von. December 7. Friedrichsruh, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Liveright, Horace B. December 16. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Liveright, Horace B. December 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. c1924. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.


Harris, Frank. January 7. See MsL H314v3. ALS.

Shipstead, Henrik. February 27. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Maxim, Hudson. March 28. Landing P.O., NJ. TLS, 1p.

Hughes, Rupert. March 31.Hollywook, CA. See MsL H895vi. TLS. 2p.

Rumley, Edward A. April 2. New York, NY. TLS. 1p.

Shipstead, Henrik. May 1. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Hughes, Rupert. May 16. Hollywood, CA. See MsL H895vi2. TLS. 2p.

Salm, Elisabeth. July 1 Budkau, Mähren, Czechoslovakia. ALS, 8p.

Hylan, John F. July 10. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Ring, Max. August 12. Berlin, Germany. ALS, card.

Salm, Elisabeth. August 12. Budkau, Mähren, Czechoslovakia. TLS, 6p.

Salm, Elisabeth. August 16. Budkau, Mähren, Czechoslovakia, ALS, 4p.

Salm, Elisabeth. September 12. Budkau, Mähren, Czechoslovakia. ALS, 4p.

Debs, Theodore. October 10. Terre Haute, IN. TLS, 1p.

Bismark, Otto, fürst von. October 12. Washington, DC. ALS, 3p.

Salm, Elisabeth. October 16. Budkau, Mähren, Czechoslovakia. ALS, 8p.

Wilhelm II. December 3. Doorn. TLS. 8p. Photocopies.

Salm, Elisabeth. December 31. Budkau, Mähren, Czechoslovakia, ALS, 2p.


Brookhart, Smith W. February 10. Uashington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Berger, Victor L. March 17. See MsL B496vi. TLS 1p.

Debs, Theodore. April 7. Terrre Haute, IN. TLS, 1p.

Hugenberg, Alfred. April 21. See Ms V65le, no. 24. TLS.

Fulda, Ludwig. April 27. Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. ALS, 1p.

Ullstein, Hermann. April 28. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Sa1m, Elisabeth. May 8. Budkau, Mähren, Czechoslovakia. TLS, 2p.

Owen, Robert L. May 13. Washington, DC. TLS, 2p.

Eldridge, Paul. May 27. ALS. 2p.

Oursler, Fulton. June 11. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. June 15. Hackensack, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. June 30. Hackensack, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Loden, M.H. (aide to Prince Ruprecht von Bayern). July 9. Munich, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Thwaites, Norman G. August 6. London, England. TLS, 1p.

Salm, Elisabeth. November l0. TLS (initialed only), card with holograph post script.

De Casseres, Benjamin. November 29. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Salm, Elisabeth. December 2. Budkau, Mähren, Czechoslovakia. TLS. 1p.

Loden, M.H. (aide to Prince Ruprecht von Bayern). December 24. Munich, Germany. TLS, 2p.


Wilhelm II. March 30. Doorn. TLS. 6p. Photocopies.

Bigelow, Poultney. April 11. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, lp.

Salm, Elisabeth. April 20. Vienna, Austria. ALS, 3p.

Ponsonby, Arthur. April 29. See Ms V665le, no.28. TLS

Salm, Elisabeth. May 12. Vienna, Austria. ALS, 1p.

Salm, Elisabeth. May 19. Vienna, Austria. ALS, 4p.

Margueritte, Victor. May 23. ALS, 1p.

Empress. June. TL. 1p. Photocopy.

Salm, Elisabeth. June 13. Vienna, Austria. ALS, 4p.

Schnitzler, Arthur. July 10. Vienna. See MsL S361v. ACS, 1p.

Milanesi, Guido. July 22. Rome, Italy. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Empress. July 27. TL. 2p. Photocopies

Savatier, General. September 1. Luchow, Germany. TLS (duplicate), 2p.

Desmazes. September 29. Paris, France. TLS, 2p.

Desmazes. September 29. Paris, France. TLS (copy), 1p.

Milanesi, Guido. October 5. Rome, Italy. TLS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. October 31. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney. November 2 Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. November 6. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 1p.

Lavery, John. November 7 New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. November 11. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. November 20. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 2p.

Loden, H. (aide to Prince Ruprecht von Bayern). November 30. Munich, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Savatier, General. December 11. Paris, France. ALS, 1p.

Lavery, John. December 14. [London?], England. TLS, 1p.

Golding, Louis. December 15. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Savatier, General. December 20. Toulouse, France. ALS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. December 24. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 1p.


Savatier, General. January 8. Toulouse, France. ALS, 1p.

Savatier, General. January 21. Toulouse, France. ALS, 2p.

Lee, Ivy Ledbetter. January 29. See Ms V665le, no.33. ALS

Loden, H. (aide to Prince Ruprecht von Bayern). February 1. Munich, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Ludwig, Emil. February 4. Washington, DC. ALS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. February 14. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 2p.

Ludwig, Emil. February 29. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Admiral Schler. April 9. See MsL V665sc. TLS. 1p.

Loden, H. (aide to Prince Ruprecht von Bayern). March 28. Munich, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Loden, H. (aide to Prince Ruprecht von Bayern). April 27. Munich, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Lee, Ivy Ledbetter. May 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Schnitzler, Arthur. May 17. See MsL S361v. ACS, 1p.

Seidel, Willy. September 12. Munich, Germany. ALS, 2p.

Ochs-Oakes, George W. September 17. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Meyrink, Gustav. September 18. Starnberg bei Munchen, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Brisbane, Arthur. September 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Barnes, Harry Elmer. September 21. Northampton, MA. TLS, 2p.

Ludwig, Emil. September 21. Ascona, Switzerland. TLS, 1p.

Monahan, Michael. September 24. New Canaan, CT. ALS, card.

Brisbnne, Arthur. September 26. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Loden, H. (aide to Prince Ruprecht von Bayern). September 28. Munich, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Münsterberg, Margarete. October 2. Brookline, MA. TLS, 3p.

Hankins, F.H. October 11. Northampton, MA. TLS, 1p.

Lewisohn, Ludwig. October 12. Paris, France. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Viereck to Prof. F.H. Hankins. October 11. [New York, NY.] TLS (carbon), 1p.

Niles, Blair. October 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Hearst, Millicent (Mrs. W.R. Hearst). October 26. New York, NY. ALS, 3p.

Wegerer, Dr. Alfred von. October 26. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Ponten, Josef. November 2. ALS, card.

Fulda, Ludwig. November 6. Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. ALS, 3p.

Ponten, Josef. November 9. New York, NY. ALS, card.

Ludwig, Emil. November 19. Ascona, Switzerland. TLS, 1p.

Fulda, Ludwig. November 29. See MsL V665le, no16. ALS

Bradley, William Aspenwall. December 5. Paris, France. ALS, 2p.

Ponten, Josef. 1928? ALS, card.


Ridder Victor F. January 4. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Rathbun, Stephen. January 20. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.

Wiseman, Sir William. March 7. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. March 20. [Malden on Hudson, NY.] ALS, 1p.

Landau, I. April 8. Berlin, Germany. ALS, 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney. April 10. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 1p.

Wise, Stephen S. April 10. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Lavery, John. May 15. [London?], England. ALS, card.

Malkeff, G. May 31. Moscow, Russia. TLS, 1p.

Farmington?, E. June 12. Badgastein, Austria. TLS, 1p.

Maeterlink, Maurice. June 10. ALS, 1p.

Trevas, L.P. July 4. Moscow, Russia. TLS, 1p.

Dirksen, A. August 15. Moscow, Russia. TLS, 1p.

Hansen, Ferdinand. August 29, Hamburg, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Wiseman, Sir William. September 12. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Hansen, Ferdinand. October 9. Hamburg, Germany. TLS, 2p.

House, Col. Edward M. November 1. New York, NY. TLS. 1p.

Untermyer, Samuel. December 3. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Dirksen, A. December 31. Moscow, Russia. TLS, 2p.


Duranty, Walter. January 6. Moscow, Russia. TLS, 1p.

Mann, Thomas. January 17. Munich, Germany. See MsL M282v. TLS 1p.

Piasanov, D. February 19. Moscow, Russia. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Upton Sinclair. February 24. [New York, NY]. TL (carbon). 1p.

Meyrink, Gustav. February 25. Starnberg, Bayern, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Jelliffe, Smith Ely. March 12. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Armstrong, Ronald. March 31. Geneva, Switzerland. TLS, 1p.

Meyrink, Gustav. May 2 Starnberg, Bayern, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Laemmle, Carl. May 6. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Golding, Louis. May 22. Hamburg, Germany. ALS, 2p.

Jelliffe, Smith Ely. May 23. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Schacht, Hjalmer , Horace Greeley. May 24. Berlin, Germany. ALS 1p.

Laemmle, Carl. May 26. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Jelliffe, Smith Ely. May 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wiseman, Sir William. June 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Lippmann, Walter. June 23. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Barnes, Harry Elmer. June 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Lewisohn, Ludwig. June 28. Paris, France. TLS, 1p.

Bernays, Edward L. July 7. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wegerer, Dr. Alfred von. July 7. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Svarc, Ven. July l9. Cleveland, Ohio. TLS, 1p.

Sussman, Aaron. August 1. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wiseman, Sir William. August 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Stern, Seymour. August 30. Universal City, CA. TLS, 2p.

Schwartz, Dr. P. September 2. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Albert, Heinrich F. September 12. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 1p.

De Casseres, Benjamin. September 27. New York, NY. ALS, card.

Meyrink, Gustav. October 1. Starnberg, Bayern, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Gibbs, Philip. October 9. [London?], England. ALS, 2p.

Münsterberg, Margarete. October 21. Brookline, MA. TLS, 2p.

Wittels, Dr. Fritz. November 7. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck and Paul Eldridge to William Cosgrave. November 17. [New York, NY.] TLS (by Viereck and Padraic Colum), 2p.

Thesing, Dr. Curt. December 3. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Wagstaff, Blanche Shoemaker. December 27. New York, NY. ALS (Lilith), 4p. (See box 3, folder 1)

Fosdick, Harry Emerson. December 29. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.


Adams, Samuel Hopkins. January 1. Auburn, NY. ALS, 1p.

Laemmle, Carl. January 5. Universal City, CA. TLS, 1p.

Fosdick, Harry Emerson. January 8. New York, NY. TLS, 1 p.

Niles, Blair. January 12. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Golding, Louis. January 14. [London?], England. ALS, 1p.

Laemmle, Carl. January 27. Universal City, CA. TLS, 1p.

Wiseman, Sir William. February 11. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Pollock, Channing. February 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Nemiloff, Anton. March 3. Leningrad, Russia. ALS, 1p.

Nemiloff, Anton. March 22. Leningrad, Russia. ALS, 1p.

Nemiloff, Anton. April 10. Leningrad, Russia. ALS, 2p.

Wiseman, Sir William. April 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wittels, Dr. Fritz. April 22. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wittels, Dr. Fritz. April 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Engel, Prof. Dr. Eduard and Anne. April 28. Bornim bei Potsdam, Germany. ALS, 3p.

Barker, Elsa. April 28. Brooklyn, NY. TLS, 1p.

Laemmle, Carl. May 8. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wittels, Dr. Fritz. May 9. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Engel, Prof, Dr. Eduard and Anne. May 16. Bornim bei Potsdam, Germany. ALS, 4p.

Schnitzler, Dr. Arthur. May 23. Vienna, Austria. TLS, 1p.

Warburg, Paul M. May 25. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Davis, Robert H. May 26. New York, NY. TLS. 1p.

Rumely, Edward A. June 3. Chicago, IL. TLS, 1p.

Rockefeller, John Davison, Jr. June 30. See Ms V665le, no. 32. TLS.

Lawrence, David. July 2. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Loden, H. (aide to Prince Ruprecht of Bayern). July 2. Munich, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Zukor, Adolph. July 31. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to O. G. Villard. September 15. NY. See film.

O. G. Villard. September 17. See film.

Viereck to O. G. Villard. September 19. NY. See film.

Nemiloff, Anton. October 10. Leningrad, Russia. ALS, 1p.

Woodward, W.E. November 9. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Nemiloff, Anton. November 25. Leningrad, Russia. ALS, 2p.

Nemiloff, Anton. November 29. Leningrad, Russia. ALS, card.

Eldridge, Paul. December 18. London, England. ALS, 3p.

Anspacher, Louis K. 1931? London, England. ALS, 2p.


Baruch, Emanuel M. January 7? New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

McFadden, Louis T. February 6. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

De Casseres, Benjamin. February 17? New York, NY. ALS, card.

De Casseres, Benjamin. February 21. New York, NY. ALS, card.

Bloem, Walter. February 21. Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Bernstorff, Count J. February 29. Geneva, Switzerland. ALS, card.

Meyrink, Gustav. March 2. Starnberg, Bayern, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Wittels, Dr. Fritz. March 4. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Col. W. E. Woodward. March 7. TLS. 1p.

Viereck to O. G. Villard. March 10. See film.

Robinson, Arthur R. March 12. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Fish, Hamilton Jr. March 16. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Lewis, J. Hamilton. March 17. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Capper, Arthur. March 17. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Wiseman, Sir William. March 29. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Fess, Simeon D. April 6. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Anspacher, Louis K. April 10. London, England. ALS, 1p.

Woodward, W.E. April 11. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Woodward, W.E. April 14. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Fish, Hamilton Jr. May 2. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Eastman, Max. May 2. Croton-on-Hudson, NY. TLS, 1p.

Woodward, W.E. May 3. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Woodward, W.E. May 8. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Eulenberg, Dr. Herbert. May 10. Dusseldorf-Kaiserwerth, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Fall, Emma. May 19. Three Rivers, New Mexico. TLS. 4p.

Fess, Simeon D. May 28. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Woodward, W.E. May 31. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Sherwin, Louis. June 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Adams, J. Donald. June 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Maceluch, S.A. June 29. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Barnes, Harry Elmer. June 29. Tarrytown-on-Hudson, NY. TLS, 1p.

Ridder, Victor. F. June 29. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Canby, Henry S. June 30. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wilstach, Frank J. June 30. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Mearson, Lyon. July 2. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Salm, Elisabeth. July 2. Budkau, Mähren, Czechoslovakia. ALS, 2p.

Pollack, Channing. July 3. Shoreham, Long Island, NY. TLS, 1p.

Lore, Ludwig. July 5. Brooklyn, New York. TLS, 1p.

Van Doren, Irita. July 6. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Woodward, W.E. July 7. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. July 8. Albany, NY. TLS, 1p. [Removed to PresidentialLetters].

Brewer, Charles B. July 9. College Park, Maryland. TLS, 10p.

Lore, Ludwig. July 10. Brooklyn, NY. TLS, 1p.

Fess, Simeon D. July 11. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Payne, Dr. Arthur Frank. July 15. New York, NY. 1p.

Davis, Robert H. July 19. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Fess, Simeon D. July 22. Yellow Springs, Ohio. TLS, 1p.

Grattan, C. Hartley. July 23. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

O'Sheel, Shaemas. July 27. Brooklyn, NY. See MsL O822vi. TLS, 1p.

Grattan, C. Hartley. August 4. [New York, NY]. ALS, 2p.

Hanfstaengl, Ernest Franz Sedgwick. August 11. See Ms V665le, no.20. TLS.

Papen, Franz von. August 18. See Ms V665le, no.6. TLS

Hanfstaengl, Ernest Franz Sedgwick. September 22. See Ms V665le, no.21. TLS.

Golding, Louis. September 29. London, England. TLS, 1p.

Meissner. October 12. Berlin, Germany. See Ms V665le, no. 12. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Benjamin. October 13. Berlin, Germany. TL, (carbon), 2p. (See box 3, folder 10)

Bernstorff, Count I. October 28. Geneva, Switzerland. ALS, 1p

Bernstroff, Count I. November 4. Geneva, Switzerland. See Ms V665le, no. 13. ALS, 1p.

Wilhelm, Crown Prince. November 10. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Bosch, Robert. November 20. Stuttgart, Germany. ALS, 1p.

House, Col. Edward M. November 23. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Plesch, Dr. Johann. December 2. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 3p. (See box 3, folder 10)

Wilhelm, Crowd Prince. December 3. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Wilhelm, Crown Prince. December 13. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 1p.


Ebert, Louise to Mrs. Albert Einstein. Berlin. See Ms V665le, no. 22. ALS, 2p.

Pollock, Channing. February 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Papen, Franz von. February 13. Berlin. See Ms V665le, no. 7. TLS, 1p.

Fish, Hamilton Jr. April 21. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Fulda, Ludwig. April 23. Berlin-Dahlem. See Ms V665le, no. 17. ALS, 2p.

Wieczorck, Max. April 27. Los Angeles, CA. ALS, 2p.

Wieczorck, Max. May 5. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen, "Europa", Breman, NY. ALS, card.

Fall, Emma. May 22. El Paso, TX. ALS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. June 4. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Fish, Hamilton Jr. June 17. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Col. Edward M. House. November 22. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.

Bienstock, Victor. November 29. New York, NY. TLS, 2p., with typed answers by
Viereck (carbon), 2p.


Barker, Elsa. February 4. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Engel, Prof. Dr. Eduard and Anne. February 8. Bornim bei Potsdam, Germany. ALS, 3p.

Barker, Elsa. March 18. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. April 10. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. April 24. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. May 1. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Viereck to Ralph M. Easley. June 28. [New York, NY]. TL (carbon), 1p.

House, Col. Edward M. July 1. Beverly Farms, MA. TLS, 1p.

Watts, Harvey M. July 11, [1934?]. ALS, 5p.

Vierck to O. G. Villard. July 19. New York, NY. See film. TLS. 1p.

Wilhelm II, German Emporer. November 9. Potsdam.See Ms V665le, no.3. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Prince Friedrich. November 22. [New York]. See MsV665le, no.4. TL(carbon copy), 1p.

Lockhart, Sir Robert, Evening Standard. December 20. See MsL L8167v. TLS, 1p.


Plesch, Dr. Johann. May 11. [London, England]. TLS, 2p.

Wiseman, Sir William. May 16. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Harre, Everett. June 5. Long Island, NY. TLS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. June 10. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

House, Col. Edward M. July 20. Manchester, MA. TLS, 1p. with holograph postscript.

Bliven, Bruce Jr. September 28. Cambridge, MA. TLS, 1p.

Bliven, Bruce Jr. October 4. Cambridge, MA. TLS, 1p.

Bliven, Bruce Jr. October 15. Cambridge, MA. TLS, 1p.

Bliven, Bruce Jr. October 25. [Cambridge, MA]. ALS, 3p.

Lengel, William C. December 17. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p. (See box 4, folder 30).

Hammond, John Hays. December 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.


Wynne, E. Cyril. January 2. Washington, DC. TL (carbon), 3p. (See box 4, folder 30).

Barker. Elsa. February. New York, NY. ALS, 3p.

Brisbane, Arthur. March 2. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Hammond, John Hays. March 7. Boca Raton, Florida. TLS, 1p.

McIntire, Ross T. April 21. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Herzog, Rudolf. July 23. Honnef, Germany. ALS, 2p.

Diekhoff, A.A. September 3. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Pell, Arthur. November 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wagstaff, Blanche Shoemaker. December 31. New York, NY. ALS, card. (See box 3,folder l).


Gauvreau, Emile. January 31. Philadelphia, PA. TLS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa, February 22. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Lundeen, Ernest. April 22. Washington, DC. TLS, 2p. (See box 3, folder 7).

Lundeen, Ernest. April 29. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p. (See box 3, folder 7).

Barker, Elsa. July 12. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wiseman, Sir William. July 16. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. September 2. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Fay, Prof. Sidney B. September 12 Cambridge, MA. TLS, 2p., with holograph enclosure, 2p.

Fay, Prof. Sidney B. September 21. Cambridge, MA. TLS, 1p.

Langer, William L. September 21. Cambridge, MA. TLS, 1p.

Millis, Walter. September 21. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Fay, Prof. Sidney B. September 24. Cambridge, MA. ALS, 2p.

Lewis, Katherine (secretary to John L. Lewis). September 30. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Thorpe, Merle. October 12. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Vierck to O. G. Villard. October 15. See film.

Vierck to O. G. Villard. October 20. See film.

Phelps, William Lyon. New Haven, CT. See Msl P541. TLS, 1p.

Carrel, Dr. Alexis. October 22. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Borchard, Edwin M. October 25. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Wiseman, Sir Wi11iam. October 25. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Polk, Frank Lyon. October 26. See MsL P770v.

Pollock, Channing. October 26. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Clerk, Bennett Champ. October 26. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Beard, Charles A. October 30. Transcript of letter. 1p.

Dreiser, Theodore. October 31. New York, NY. See Msl D771v. ALS, 1p.

Viereck to O. G. Villard. November 3. See film.

Viereck to O. G. Villard. November 4. See film.

Baker, Newton D. November 8. See MsL B167v.

Barker, Elsa. November 9. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.

Fulda, Ludwig. November 15. Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. ALS, 1p.

Shotwell, James T. November 17. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wagstaff, Blanche Shoemaker. November 23. ALS (Lilith), 4p. (See box
3, folder l).

Thimme, Friedrich. November 27. Neubabelsberg, Germany? TLS, 2p.

Shotwell, James T. December 6. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.

Brüning, Heinrich. December 7. TLS, negative photostat, 2p.

Fuehr, Alexander. December 12. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 4p.

Pollock, Channing. December 19. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Shotwell, James T. December 23. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.


Lundeen, Ernest. January 4. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p. (See box 3, folder 7).

Rosner, Karl. January 10. Berlin-Schmayendorf?, Germany. ALS, 1p.

Thimme, Friedrich. January 11. Neubabelsberg, Germany? TLS, 2p.

Rice, John L. January 12. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wilhelm II. January 13. Doorn, Netherlands. TLS, photostat, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. January 24. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Borchard, Edwin M. January 28. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. January 29. See Ms V665le, no.31 TLS, 1p (carbon copy).

Lundeen, Ernest. February 5. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p. (See box 3, folder 7).

Wittels, Dr. Fritz. February 5. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. Garden City, NY. See Ms V665le, no. 30. TLS, 1p.

Thimme, Prof. Friedrich. February 17. Neubabelsberg, Germany? TLS, 2p.

Thimme, Prof. Friedrich. February 17. Neubabelsberg, Germany? TL, copy, 2p.

Wittels, Dr. Fritz. February 24. New York, NY. ALS (initialed only), 1p.

Lundeen, Ernest. February 2. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p. (See box 3, folder 7).

Thwaites, Norman G. March 4. London, England. TLS, 2p.

Lundeen, Ernest. March 21. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p. (See box 3, folder 7).

Lundeen, Ernest. April 8. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p. (See box 3, folder 7).

Rumely, Edward A. April 8. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Shotwell, James T. April 8. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Chrysler, Walter P. Jr. April 12. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Westover, O. April 18. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Wiseman, Sir William. April 2. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Fulton Oursler. April 2. [New York, NY]. TL, 1p., with holograph note by Oursler.

Brüning, Heinrich. April 26. Oxford, England. TLS, negative photostat, 2p.

Westover, G. April 26. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Menninger, Dr. Karl A. May 4. Topeka, KS. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Fulton Oursler. May 25. [New York, NY]. TLS, 3p.

Mannheim, Madeline. June 1. New York, NY. ALS, 3p.

Barker, Elsa. June 7. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Borchard, Edwin M. June 8. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Brüning, Heinrich. June 15. Oxford, England. TL, negative photostat. 4p.

Viereck to Fulton Oursler. June 20. [New York, NY]. TL, 1p., with holograph note by Oursler.

Borchard, Edwin M. June 20. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Fulton Oursler. June 2? New York, NY. TL, 1p., initialed by Oursler.

Borchard, Edwin M. June 23. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Fulton Oursler. June 27. [New York, NY]. TL, 1p.

Viereck to Fulton Oursler. June 27 [New York, NY]. TL, 1p., initialed by Oursler.

Shotwell, James T. June 27. Woodstock, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Oursler, Fulton. June 30. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Rumely, Edward A. July 15. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Borchard, Edwin M. July 15. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Borchard, Edwin M. August 8. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Macfadden, Bernarr. August 10. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Macfadden, Bernarr. August 18. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Papen, Franz von. August 20. Berlin, Germany. See Ms V665le, no. 8. TLS, 1p.

Brüning, Heinrich. September 7. London, England. TLS, negative photostat, 2p.

Hermine, Princess of Schenaich-Carolath. November 11. See Ms V665le, no. 2. TLS, 1p.

Coughlin, Rev. Charles E. November 14. TLS, 2p.

Bruening, Heinrich von. November 19. See Ms V665le, no. 23. TLS, 1p.

Oursler, Fulton. December 7. New York, NY. TL (initialed only), 1p.

Lengel, William C. December 14. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Auchinclos, Janet H. September 22, [1938?]. Locust Valley, Long Island, NY. ALS, 2p.


Pollock, Channing. February 7. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Hays, Arthur Garfield. February 8. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Brüning, Heinrich. February 17. TLS, 1p.

Hays, Arthur Garfield. February 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Brüning, Heinrich. February 23. TLS, 1p.

Pollock, Channing. February 24. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to O. G. Villard. March 5. See film.

Viereck to Arnold Gingerich. March 29. See film.

Viereck to Fulton Oursler. April 7. [New York, NY]. TL, copy, 12p.

O. G. Villard. April 7. See film.

Oursler, Fulton. April 18. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Pol1ock, Channing. May 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Pollock, Channing. May 10. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Thwaites, Norman G. June 30. London, England. TLS. 5p.

Thwaites, Norman G. July 3. London, England. TLS, 1p.

Thwaites, Norman G. October 5. London, England. TLS, 2p.

Tucker, Mona H. (Mrs. Randolph Tucker). October 26. Wenham, MA. TLS, 2p.

Nye, Gerald P. November 6. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Kirk, Alexander. November 12. Berlin, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to O. G. Villard. See film.

O. G. Villard. See film.


Viereck to George Bernard Shaw. February 13. New York, NY. TL, copy. 2p.

Sargent, Porter. February 19. Boston, MA. TLS, 1p.

Shotwell, James T. March 1. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Borchard, Edwin M. March 2. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Shaw, George Bernard. March 8. London, England. TL (carbon), 1p.

Markham, Virgil. March 16. New York, NY. See V665le, no. 15. TLS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. April 11. [New York, NY]. ALS, 1p.

Sargent, Porter. April 17. Boston, MA. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Evangeline Ording. June 26. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Lundeen, Ernest. August 23. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p. (See box 3, folder 7).

Herminie, Empress. August 25. Doorn, Netherlands. TLS, 3p.

Dommes, William von. November 25. Kissingen, [Germany?]. See Ms V665le, no.11. TLS, 1p.

Radziwill, Catherine, Princess. September 23. New York, NY. See Ms V665le, no.25. TLS, 2p.

Viereck to Princess Radziwill. September 23. [New York, NY]. See Ms V665le, no.26. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Princess Radziwill. September 24. [New York, NY] See Ms V665le, no.27. TLS, 1p.


Pollock, Channing. January 26. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Macfadden, Bernarr. April 28. Miami Beach, FL. TLS, 1p.

Macfadden, Bernarr. May 6. Miami Beach, FL. TLS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. June 18. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 3p.

Herminie, Empress. June 21. Doorn, Netherlands. TLS, 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney. June 22. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 4p.

Bigelow, Poultney. June 25. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, card.

Bigelow, Poultney. June 26. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, card.

Bigelow, Poultney. July 10. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, card.

Bigelow, Poultney. July 11. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, card.

Bigelow, Poultney. July 13. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 3p.

Bigelow, Poultney. July 18. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, card.

Wegerer, Dr. Alfred von. Julyu 26. Mexico City, Mexico. TLS, 2p.

Wegerer, Dr. Alfred von. August 2. Panama. ALS (initialed only), 1p.

Viereck to Wegerer, Dr. Alfred von. August 15. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Wegerer, Dr. Alfred von. August 23. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ALS, 1p.

Wegerer, Dr. Alfred von. August 26. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ALS, 2p.

Wegerer, Dr. Alfred von. September 3. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ALS (initialed only), 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. September 16. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, card.

Bigelow, Poultney. September 29. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS (initialed only), 1p.

Hays, Arthur Garfield. October 14. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Arthur Garfield Hays. October 16. [New York, NY]. TL (carbon), 1p.

Walz, John A. October 21. Cambridge, MA. TL (carbon), 1p., with biographical sketch from Who's Who 1940 -- 41 (carbon).

Shotwell, James T. October 31. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Borchard, Edwin M. November 13. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Wegerer, Dr. Alfred von. November 19. ALS (initialed only), 1p.

Viereck to Upton Sinclair. December 1. [New York, NY]. See MsL V665si. TL (carbon), 1p., with clipping.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. December 6. [New York, NY]. TLS, 1p.


Bigelow, Poultney. January 1. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney. January 1. Malden on Hudson, NY. TL (copy of above), 1p.,
with biographical sketch from Who's Who 1940 -- 41 (carbon).

Masters, Edgar Lee. January 3. TL (carbon). 1p., with biographical sketch from Who'sWho 1940 -- 41 (carbon).

Denig, Dr. Rudolf. January 3. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p., with biographical sketch from Who's Who 1924 -- 25 (carbon).

Morgenthau, Henry. January 3. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p., with biographical sketch from Who's Who.

Colum, Padraic. January 4. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Colum, Padraic. January 4. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p., with biographical sketch from Who's Who 1940 -- 41 (carbon).

Benton, Dr. Nelson Kingsbury. January 4. New York, NY. TL, (carbon), 1p.

Borchard, Edwin M. January 5. New Haven, CT. TL (carbon), 1p., with biographical sketch from Who's Who 1940 -- 41 (carbon).

Borchard, Edwin M. January 5. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Davies, Joseph E. January 6. Washington, DC. TLS, 2p.

Walz, John. January 8. Cambridge, MA. TL (carbon), 1p.

Brazill, Dr. M.J. January 8. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p.

Oursler, Fulton. January 12. New York, NY. TLS, TLS, 1p.

Oursler, Fulton. January 12. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p., 2 copies.

McGuire, O.R. January 15. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Tewson, Orton. January 17. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p.

Pollock, Channing. January 18. Elkhart, IN. ALS, 1p.

McGuire, O.R. January 20. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Pollock, Channing. January 24. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p.

McGuire, O.R. January 24. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Arthur Garfield Hays. February 13. [New York, NY]. TL (carbon), 2p.

McGuire, O.R. June 9. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to O.R. McGuire. July 20. Washington, DC. ALS, 2p.

Viereck, Peter. August 16. Cambridge, MA. TLS, card.

Viereck, Peter. August 17. Cambridge, MA. TLS, card.

Viereck, Peter. August 18. Cambridge, MA. TLS, card.

Viereck, Mrs. George Sylvester (Margaret or Gretchen). November 27. ALS, 5p.

Viereck to Mrs. Viereck. November. Washington, DC. ALS, 3p.


McGuire, O.R. January 8. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Gerald P. Nye. January 16. Washington, DC. ALS, 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney. March 12. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 2p.

Van Nosdall, George A. April 7. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Hesketh Pearson. May 31. Whatlington, Sussex, England. TLS, 2p.

Mackey, Crandal. June 16. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Walz, John A. June 17. Cambridge, MA. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. June 20. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p., with holograph envelope.

Bigelow, Poultney. July 23. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 2p.

Tompkins, Leslie J. August 23. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Pound, Roscoe. August 30. Cambridge, MA. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Hon. Bolitha J. Laws. [1943?] TLS (initialed only), 4p. (See box 5, folder 14).


Viereck to Mrs. Viereck. May 6. Washington, DC. TLS (carbon), 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. August 20. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. September 1. Washington, DC. TLS (initialed only), 1p., with carbon copy.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. September 30. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script, 1p. and carbon with holograph post script.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. October 14. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.holograph post script.

Viereck to Francis Biddle. December 28. Washington, DC. TLS (carbon, initialed only), 2p.


Biddle, Francis. January 1. Washington, DC. TLS with envelope.

McNulty, George A. January 8. Saint Louis, MO. TLS, 1p.

McGuire, O.R. March 28. Washington, DC. TLS, 2p.

Viereck. April 2. Washington, DC. TL, 4 pp., with holograph replies to Viereck's questions by recipient.

McGuire, O.R. April 4. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. April 24. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Viereck to Ralph Townsend. May 26. [Washington, DC]. TLS, 4p., with holograph note to Louis.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. May 31, [1945?]. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

McGuire, O.R. July 21. Washington, DC. TLS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. September 17. Washington, DC. TLS, 3p.

Langer, William L. September 27. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Langer, William L. September 28. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Winrod, Gerald B. November 21. Wichita, KS. TLS, 2p.

Townsend, Ralph. December 13. Washington, DC. TLS, 2p., with TL (carbon) from Townsend to Edward B. Ready.

Rover, Leo A. December 18, Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.


Viereck to O. G. Villard. January 3. TLS, 2p. Photocopies.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. August 28. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. September 2. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Alexander Harvey. October 17. Washington, DC. TLS, copy, 3p.

Hays, Arthur Garfield. October 21. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.

Harvey, Alexander. October 21. Dumont, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Arthur Garfield Hays. October 29. Washington, DC. TL (carbon), 3p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. November 3. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. November 14. Washinrton DC. TLS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. November 26. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. December 7. Washington, DC. TLS, 2p., with holograph post script.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. December 11. Washington, DC. ALS, 3p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. December 12. Washington, DC. ALS, 2p.


Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. January 4. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. January 15. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. February 3. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. February 14. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. March 4. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. March 24. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Ear1e. March 29. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p., with drawing.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. April 5. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferlinand Earle. April 11. Lewisburg, PA, ALS, 2p.

McGuire, O.R. April 11. Washington, DC. TLS, 2p.

McGuire, O.R. April 17. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. April 21. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Benjamin, Dr. Harry. April 23. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. April 27. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p., with envelope.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. May 6. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. May 11. Lewisburg, PA. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. May 26. New York, NY. TLS, 2p., with holograph post script.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. June 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. June 15. Dumont, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Vierceck to Ferdinand Earle. June 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. June 24. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Osteneiely?, J.M. June 24. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. June 30. New York, NY. 1p., with holograph post script.

Viereck to Ferlinand Earle. July 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. July 25. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. August 1. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. August 6 New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. August 15. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. August 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Seldes, George. September 15. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George Seldes. September. New York, NY. TL (copy), 1p.

Wilhelm, Crown Prince. September 15. Hechingen, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Wheelock, John Hall. November 3. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Seymour, Charles. November 4. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Babb, James T. November 5. New Haven, CT. TLS, 1p.

Barker, Elsa. November 8. [New York, NY]. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. December 13. Dumont, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Holt, Rush D. 1947? Weston, WV? TLS, 2p.


Holt, Rush D. January 11. Weston, WV. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. January 16. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. January 16. Dumont, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. January 28. New York, NY. TLS, 1p. with poems, 3p. (carbon).

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. January 31. New York, NT. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Ferdinand Earle. February 25. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. May 13. Dumont, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Charles A. Beard. July 16. TLS, photocopy.

Beard, Charles A. June 21. New Milford, CT. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. June 21. Dumont, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Holmes, John Haynes. June 23. Kennebunk Beach, ME. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. June 24. Dumont, NJ. TLS, 1p.


Pegler, Westbrook. January 18, [1949?] Tucson, Arizona. TLS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney. February 4. [Ma1den on Hudson, NY]. TLS (initialed only), 2p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. February 15. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with envelope.

Viereck to Thomas Devin. March 7. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. March 14. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with envelope.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. March 15. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with envelope.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. April 11. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. April 26. New York, NY. TLS, lp., with envelope and clipping.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. May 3. [New York, NY]. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. May 9. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Harvey, Alexander. May 17. Dumont, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. May 18. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. May 19. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. May 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Mr. Lobbenberg. June 3. New York, NY. TLS (carbon}, 2p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. June 4. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Pell, Arthur. June 6. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with agreement signed by Viereck.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. June 8. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Pell, Arthur. June 13. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. July 8. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Jerdan, William. July 21. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. July 22. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. July 23. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. August 12. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Thomas Davin. August 15. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. August 17. Pawling, NY. ALS, card.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. August 18. Pawling, NY. ALS, card.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. August 30. New York, NY. ALS(initialed only), card.

Viereck to Evangeline Ording. September 11. New York, NY. ALS, 2p., with envelope.

Langer, William L. October 17. 1 Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck. "For Those of Little Faith". November 13. Washington, DC. ALS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. November 29. See MsL V665vn. ALS, 2p., with envelope.

?. December 6. Los Angeles, CA. AL, card.


Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. January 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. January 17. [New York, NY]. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. February 21. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Holt, Rush D. February 21. Weston, WV. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. February 24. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. March 8. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to editor of Time. March 19. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 1p. (See box 3, folder 2).

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. March 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Holt, Rush D. March 25. West Palm Beach, FL. TLS, 1p.

Masters, Ellen (Mrs, Edgar Lee Masters). March 29. Rydal, PA. ALS, 2p., with envelope.

Viereck to Evangeline Ording. April 16. New York, NY. TLS, 1p. (See box 3, folder 2).

Viereck to Mary L. Carter. April 25. New York, NY. TL (carbon), 2p. (See box 3, folder 2)

Viereck to Evangeline Ording. April 27. [New York, NY]. TLS. 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. April 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Albert, Heinrich F. May 21. Wiesbaden, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. July 7. New York, NY, TLS, 1p.

Van Nosdall to Gail Davis. July 19. See Ms V665le, no.1.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. August 25. New York, NY. TL (initialed only), 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. August 28. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. September 1. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. September 5. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), card.

Wilson, Edmund, The New Yoker. October 1. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. October 3. Essex, CT. ALS, card.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. October 18. [New York, NY]. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Willson, Edmund. October 27. Wellfleet, MA. ALS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. November 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with envelope.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. November 24. Skytop, PA. ALS, card.

Viereck to Vincent Starrett. November 28. New York, NY. See MsL V665st. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. December 12. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Earle. December 16. [New York, NY?]. AL, 3p. (Christmas card).

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. December 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. December 26. [New York, NY]. TLS, 1p.


Wilson, Edmund. January 30. Wellfleet, MA. ALS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. February 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with envelope.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. March 8. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. March 10. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p., with circular and book list, 2p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. April 2. New York, NY. TLS,1p.

Wheelock, John Hall. April 26 New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wheelock, John Hall. May 2 New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. June 1. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. June 19. New York, NY. TLS (initialed
only), 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. July 10 New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Fredrick, Prince. July 30. Little Hadham, England. TLS , 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. July 31. New York, NY. ALS, card.

Hays, Arthur Garfield. September 19 New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Praz, Mario. October 7. Rome, Italy. TLS, 2p.

Langer, William L. October 10. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Thayer, Tiffany. Octeber 13. New York, NY. TLS, 1p. (See box 3, folder 4).

Wilson, Edmund. November 28. Wellfleet, MA. ALS, card.

Lyons,Eugene. November 28. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.


Vierick to George A. Van Nosdall. February 20. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.

Viercck to Harald. March 15. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Tansill, Charles Callan. March 21. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. March 31. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with envelope.

Viereck to George A. Nosdall. May 22. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Papen, Franz von. June 16. Benzenhofen uber Ravensburg, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. June 18. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to "Fellow Traveler". August 28. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. August 29. New York, NY. AlLS (initialed only), 2p.

McConnel, Robert R. October 13. Chicago, IL. TLS, 1p.

Laughlin, James J. October 14. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Wharton, James B. October 21. Westhbrook, TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Gertz, Elmer. October 24. Chicago, IL. TLS, 2p.

Wilson, Edmund. November 18. Princeton, NJ. ALS, 1p.

Wagstaff, Blanche Shoemaker. December 11. Pinehurst, NC. ALS (Lilith), 2p. (See box 3, folder 1).

Viereck to Harald. [1952?]. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. [1952?]. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. [1952?], New York, NY. TLS (imitialed only), 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. [1952?[. New York, NY. TLS, (initialed on1y), 1p.

Viereck to "Knight in Shining Armour". [1952?]. TLS (initialed only), 1p.


Langer, Willian L. January 22. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Langer, William L. February 2. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Langer, William L. February 17. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Langer, William L. February 19. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Langer, William L. May 4. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. May 5. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with carbon.

Viereck to Evangeline Ording. May 13. New York, NY, TLS (initialed only), 2p., with typed copy.

Roth, Samuel. May 29. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. June 5. [New York, NY]. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Evangeline Ording. June 5. New York, NY. TLS. 1p., with envelope.

Pell, Arthur. June 15. New York, NY. TLS, 1p. (carbon) , initialed by Viereck.

Hennings, Thomas C. June 30. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Upton Sinclair. July 8. New York, NY. See MsL V665si. TL (carbon), 2p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. July 15. [New York, NY]. TLS, 1p.

Sinclair, Upton. July 30 Buckeye, AZ. See MsL S616v10. TLS, 1p., with excerpt from The Return of Lanny Budd.

Viereck to Upton Sinclair. August 5. New York, NY. See MsL S665si. TL (carbon), 2p.

Sinclair, Upton. August 18. Monrovia, CA. See McL S616v10. TLS, 1p.

Langer, Willlam L. September 21. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Langer, William L. September 24. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. October 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. October 29. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p., with envelope.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. December 11. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1 p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. December 15. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p.


Langer, William L. January 9. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Wilson, Edmund. January 14. Wellfleet,MA. ALS, 1p.

Briggs, Webster. January 19. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Walter Whinchell. March 11. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with clpping.

McGuire, O.R. April 13. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Steinman, David B. April 13. Miami Beach, FL. ALS, 1p.

Roosevelt, Eleanor. April l4. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Wheelock, John Hall. April 14 New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Shoemaker, Henry W. April 15. Harrisburg, PA. TLS, 1p.

Hamilton, Charles. April 16. New York, NY. TLS, (initialed only), 1p.

Otteking, Bruno. April 17. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Wallace, H.A. April 17. South Salem, NY. TLS, 1p.

Vidal, Gore. Barrytown, NY. ALS, 1p., with envelope.

Barker, Elsa. April 20. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Viereck to Henry A. Wallace. See MsL V665wa.

Sheen, Fulton J. April 21. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Close, Upton. April 26. Palm Beach, FL. TLS, 1p.

Wheelock, John Hall. April 28. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck. April? New York, NY. TL, with corrections, 2p.

Viereck. April? New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with poem "The Bankrupt", typed, 2p.

Schlesinger, Arthur Jr. May 3. Cambridge, MA. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. May 10. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Kropp, Rev. Heinrich Arend. May 10. Brooklyn, NY. TLS, 2p., with holograph post script.

Seldes, George. May 14. Westport, CT. TLS, 1p.

Kellems, Vivien. May 19. Stonington, CT. TLS, 1p.

Sinclair, Upton. May 19. Corona, CA. See MsL S616v10. TLS, 1p.

Daigh, Ralph. May 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. June 4. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Tansill, Charles Callan. June 7. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Wirsing, H.E. June 15. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. June 29. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with envelope.

Holt, Rush D. Weston, WV. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. September 24. [New York, NY]. TLS, 1p.

Matthews, J.B. November 8. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Matthews, J.B. December 1. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Steinman, David B. December 31. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.


Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. January. New York, NY. TLS. 1. p., with holograph post script.

Furman, Lee. March 10. New York, NY. TLS (carban), 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. March 21. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Viereck. March 29. New York, NY. TIS (initialed only), 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. April 4. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. April 14. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Prokasch, Frederic. April 19. Stuttgart, Germany. ALS, 1p., with envelope.

Colum, Padraic. Apri1 28. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Colum, Padraic. May 11. New York, NY. ALS, 1p., with envelope.

Colum, Padraic. May 13. New York, NY. ALS, card.

Münsterberg, Margarete. June 29. Boston, MA. TLS, 1p.

Frye, Burton and Virginia. June 29. Lake Geneva, WI. ALS, 1p.

Frye, Burton and Virginia. July 2. Lake Geneva, WI. ALS, 1p.

Barnes, Harry Elmer. August 16. Malibu, CA. TLS, 1p.

Barnes, Harry Elmer. August 27. Malibu, CA. TLS, 1p.

Colum, Padriac. September 3. Woods Hole, MA. TLS, 2p., with holograph post script.

Wells, Warner. September 17. Chapel Hill, NC. TLS, 1p.

Hachiyh, Michihiko. September 23. Hiroshima City, Japan. ALS, 3p., with envelope.

MacKaye, Percy. December 18. New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Wheelock, John Hall. December 21. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. [1955?]. [New York, NY]. TLS (initialed only), 1p.


Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. March 9. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p.

Roosevelt, Eleanor. March 16. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Langer, William L. March 24. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Steinman, David B. April 6. Miami Beach, FL. ALS, 1p.

Tansill, Charles Callan. April 21. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. April 25. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p., with envelope.

McGuire, O.R. May 4. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Stuart, Lyle. May 16. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. May 30. Feldafing, Germany. ALS, card.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. July 1. Feldafing, Germany. ALS, card.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. July 5. Feldafing, Germany. ALS, card.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. July 16. Mainz, Germany, TIS, 1p., with holograph post script.

Oskar, Prince of Prussia. July 18. Bonn, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Erhardt, Arthur. July 24. Coburg, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. July 26. Bad Bertrich, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. July 27. Bad Bertrich, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Erhardt, Arthur. July 31. Coburg. Germany. TLS, lp.

Steinman, David B. August 27. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Hardenburg, Baron. September 3. Kronberg, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Tansill, Charles Callan. September 8. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Lengel, William C. September 28. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. October 23. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Tansill, Charles Callan. November 2. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to Lyle Stuart. December 1. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.


Colum, Padraic. January 9. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Pell, Arthur. February 4. New York, NY. TLS (carbon), 1p., agreement signed by Viereck.

Niehans, Dr. Paul. February 27. Burier, Switzerland, ALS, 2p., with envelope.

Sinclair, Upton. February 27. Monrovia, CA. See S616v10. ALS (initialed on1y), 1p.

Hubertus, Prince zu Löwenstein. March 18. Bad Godesberg, Germany. TLS, 2p., with clipping.

Hubertus, Prince zu Löwenstein. April 15. Bad Godesberg, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Hubertus, Prince zu Löwenstein. April 20. Bad Godesberg, Germany. TLS, 2p., with clipping.

Hubertus, Prince zu Löwenstein. May 19 -- 20. Bad Godesberg, Germany. TLS, 2p.

Viereck to George A. Van Nosdall. May 24. New York, NY. TTLS, lp., with envelope.

Tansill, Charles Callan. June 7. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Tansill, Charles Callan. July l2. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Grimm, Dr. Hans. July l2. Lippoldsberg, Germany?. TLS, 4p., with holograph post script.

Barnes, Harry Elmer. August 10. Malibu, CA, TLS, 2p.

Barnes, Harry Elmer. August 12. Malibu, CA. TLS, 1p.

Tansill, Charles Callan. September 6. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Tansill, Charles Callan. September 24. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Viereck to H. Keith Thompson. November 6. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p., with holograph post script,

Tansill, Charles Callan. November 23. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.


Louis, Louise. January 20. Westwood, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Grimm, Dr. Hans. January 24. Lippoldsberg, Germany? TLS, 3p.

Decker, Clarence R. February 3. Teaneck, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Hubertus, Prince zu Löwenstein. February l4. Bad Godesberg, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Adams, Henry M. March 12. Santa Barbara, CA. TLS, 1p.

Villano, Luiji. March 29. Rome, Italy. TLS, 1p.

Pell, Arthur. June 2. New York, NY. TLS (carbon), 1p.

Braithwaite, William Stanley. October 11. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Braithwaite, William Stanley. October 20. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Hubertus, Prince zu Löwenstein. October 23. Bad Godesberg, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Jerdan, William. November 27. Bushey Heath, England? ALS, 1p.


Cohalan, Daniel F. June 22. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Gertz, Elmer. December 22. Chicago, IL TLS, 1p.

Correspondence Dated Approximately

Cuthrell, Faith Baldwin. Post-1916. ALS, 1p.

Curry, Mabel Dunlap. Circa 1919 -- 1920. [Terre Haute, IN]. ALS, 2p., incomplete.

Bigelow, Poultney. December 22 [192?]. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, card.

French, Joseph Louis. Pre-1936? New York, NY. ALS, 1p.

Viereck to Mr. Green. Circa 1942 -- 1943. Washington, DC. ALS, 1p.

Vireck to Louis. Circa 1942 -- 1945. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Vireck to George A. Van Nosdall. Post-1949. [New York, NY]. TLS, 1p.

Vireck to George A. Van Nosdall. Post-1949. [New York, NY]. TLS, 1p.

Vireck to H. Keith Thompson. Post-1953. New York, NY. TLS (initialed only), 1p., with holograph post script.

Correspondence Undated:

Atherton, Gertrude. October 2. [New York, NY]. ALS (initialed only), 4p.

Bigelow, Poultney. New York, NY. ALS, 3p.

Bigelow, Poultney. ALS, 1p., note.

Bigelow, Poultney. ALS (initialed only), 1p., note.

Bigelow, Poultney. ALS, 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney. ALS (initialed only), 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney. September 25. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS (initialed only), 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney. December 7. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 1p.

Brüning, Heinrich. ALS, 1p., note.

Eldridge, Paul. August 8. ALS, 1p.

Eldridge, Paul. June 3. ALS, 2p.

Ende, H. von. See von Ende.

Farrar, Geraldine. Ridgefield, CT. ALS, 1p.

Harris, Frank. July 20. ALS, 4p. See MsL H314.V4

Gates, Eleanor. March 3. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Hale, Sam. [London, England?]. ALS, 1p.

Lockridge, Richard. December 19. TLS, 1p.

Ludwig, Emil. ALS, 4p., incomplete.

Ludwig, Emil. AL, 8p.

Nabokoff, V. Sirin. Paris, France. ALS, 1p.

Robinson, Carinne Roosevelt. April 2. [New York, NY]. ALS, 2p.

Sinclair, Upton. TLS, 1p., with holograph post script. See MsL S616v10

Thayer, Tiffany. New York, NY. TLS, 2p. 2/25/18 FS.

Thayer, Tiffany. New York, NY. TLS, 2p. 3/14/18 FS.

Thayer, Tiffany. October 13, 1951. New York, NY. TLS, 1p. 11/7/21 FS.

Thayer, Tiffany. New York, NY. TLS, 1p. 1/7/22 FS.

Thayer, Tiffany. New York, NY. TLS, 1p. 12/28/23 FS.

Thayer, Tiffany. [New York, NY]. ALS, 1p.

Thayer, Tiffany. [New York, NY]. TLS, 1p.

Trotsky, [Leon?]. [London, England?]. Telegram.

Trotsky, [Leon?}. Paris, France. Telegram.

Untermyer, Minnie. Greystone on Hudson, NY. ALS, 3p.

Vanderbi1t, Cornelius Jr. Colorado Springs, CO. ALS, 1p.

Viereck to Mrs. Louis Viereck. ALS, 4p.

Ende, H. von. ALS, 4p.

Walter, Eugene. April 25. Southold, Long Island, NY. ALS, 1p.

Wiseman, William. [New York, NY]. ALS (initialed only), note.

Wüllner, Ludwig. ALS, 1p.

Correspondence Concerning Viereck or His Works

Boynton, Louise to Mr. William. October 7, 1908. New York, NY. TLS, 5p.

Viereck, Mrs. Louis to Louis Viereck. September 13, 1912. New York, NY. ALS, card, with picture.

Wise, Henry A. to Jackson Press, Inc. August 19, 1919. New York, NY. TLS, 2p.

Wiseman, Sir William to Sir Arthur Willert. September 15, 1922. New York, NY. TLS, 1p., with envelope.

Widefelt to Dr. Riesser. October 4, 1922. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Widefelt to Mr. Buecher. October 4, 1922. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Debs, Theodore to, Mr. Gosel. March 21, 1924. Terre Haute, IN. ALS, 3p.

Marbury, Elizabetb to Fulton Oursler. November 2, 1926. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Seabury, Samuel to Victor A. Ridder. February 3, 1939.. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Tansill, Charles Callen to Daniel F. Cohalan. November 2, 1941. TL (carbon), 1p., with book reviews. (See box 3, folder 8).

Eldridge, Paul to Miss Gillar. December 1, 1941. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney to Mr. Sulzberger. March 9, 1942. Malden on Hudson, NY. TL (carbon), 3p.

Bigelow, Poultney to Mrs. Viereck. March 10, 1942. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 2p.

Lyman, Eward A. to Poultney, Bigelow. March 11, 1942. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.; with:

Bigelow, Poultney to Mrs. Viereck. March 12, 1942. New York, NY. ALS, 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney to Mrs. Vicreck. March 30, 1942. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney to Mrs. Viereck. April 9, 1942. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 2p.

McGuire, O.R. to Mrs. Viereck. May 12, 1942. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Bigelow, Poultney to Mrs. Viereck. May 26, 1942. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS (initialed only), 2p.

Bigelow, Poultney to Mrs. Viereck. June 3, 1942. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS (initialed only), card.

McGuire, O.R. to Mrs. Viereck. June 16, 1942. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

McGuire, O.R. to Mrs. Viereck. July 22, 1942. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

McGuire, O.R. to Mrs. Viereck. October 5, 1942. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

McGuire, O.R. to Mrs. Viereck. November 4, 1942. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Morosini, Emil Jr. to Leo A. Rover. May 21, 1943. New York, NY. TLS, 2p. (See box 3, folder 8).

Bigelow, Poultney to Mrs. Viereck. January 22, 1944. Malden on Hudson, NY. ALS, 4p.

Bigelow, Poultney to Mrs. Viereck. February 21, 1944. Malden on Hudson, NY. AL, card.

Bennett, James V. to Ferdinand Earle. May 22, 1944. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Rogge, O. John to Ferdinand Earle. December 13, 1944. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Langer, William L. to Tom Clark. September 27, 1945. Washington, DC. TL (carbon), 2p.

Bennett, James V. to Ferdinand Earle. October 15, 1946. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p.

Hiatt, W.H. to Ferdinand Earle. March 3, 1947. Washington, DC. TLS, 1p., with note by Earle.

Bates, Sanford to Sheridan House. November 10, 1949. Trenton, NJ. TLS, 1p.

Barnes, Harry Elmer to Sheridan House. November 18, 1949. Boulder, CO. TLS, 1p.

Teeters, Negley K. to Thomas Davin. November 25, 1949. Philadelphia, PA. TLS, 1p.

Benjamin, Harry to Thomas Davin. November 28, 1949. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Lengel, William to Thomas Davin. November 30, 1949. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Earle, Ferdinand to editor of Time. March 21, 1950. TL (carbon), 1p. (See box 3, folder 2).

Van Nosdall, George A. March 22, 1950. New York, NY. TLS (carbon), 2p. (See box 3, folder 2).

Steinman, David B. to H. Keith Thompson. October 13, 1954. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Tansill, Charles Callan to H. Keith Thompson. October 21, 1954. Washington, DC. ALS, 1p.

Albert, Heinrich F. to H. Keith Thompson. November 24, 1954. Wiesbaden, Germany. TLS, 1p.

Fritsch, Ludwig A. to H. Keith Thompson. December 7, 1954. Park Ridge, IL. ALS, 1p.

Matthews, J.B. to H. Keith Thompson. December 1, 1954. New York, NYH. TLS, 1p.

Frye, Burton to Michael Yatron. New York, NY. TLS, 1p.

Yatron, Michael to Burton Frye. November 18. Dover, DE. ALS, 2p.

Vanderbilt, Cornelius Jr. to Fulton Oursler. [undated]. Colorado Springs, CO. ALS, 1p.

Roth, Samuel. [undated]. TLS, 1p.

H. Keith Thompson Addendum -- 1981

Box 6

Auf Befehl Seiner Hoheit, by Erna Viereck.

Biographical information - George Sylvester Viereck, 1955.

Cartoons -- caricatures of George Sylvester Viereck, 1920 -- 1922.

Contracts and agreements, 1935 -- 1960.

Correspondence, 1933 -- 1971. Including photocopies of letters from Upton Sinclair and George Bernard Shaw.

Correspondence, undated.

Diary -- Edwina Viereck -- 1843. Holograph (in German).

Diary -- Edwina Viereck -- 1843. Typescript (in German).

Eisener Blatter, no. 5, Jan. 27, 1929. Autographed by Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Elleanore -- George Sylvester Viereck. Original holograph manuscript (in German).

The Fatherland, edited by George Sylvester Viereck and Frederick F. Schrader. Vol. 2, nos. 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, and 23, 1915.

"Franz von Papen Speaks Out," original typescript by George Sylvester Viereck; with revisions by G. S. Viereck and H. K. Thompson.

The Independent. Issue 58, Sept. 1956 -- "Germany Revisited," by George Sylvester Viereck. Issue 59, Oct. 1956 -- "I Visit Franz von Papen, " by George Sylvester Viereck.

Journal -- Laura Viereck, 1917 -- 1923 (Partially in German).

Journal -- Louis Viereck, (1875 -- 1918?)

Box 7

Last will and testament -- with related correspondence, 1954 -- 1959.

"The Legacy of Hitler: Germany's New Anti-Semitism," original typed by George Sylvester Viereck -- edited by H. Keith Thompson and others; initialed by Viereck and Thompson; many corrections and revisions in Viereck's hand, also by Thompson and others (some hostile to Viereck and Thompson.) Much revised version published in The Independent, issue 58, 1956.

Meine Marburger Erinnerungen, 1869 -- 70. Louis Viereck.

Miscellaneous, 1922 -- 1954.

Newspaper clippings, 1941 -- 1962.

Passports and press credentials, 1922 -- 1956.


"The Poet in the Machine Age" Peter Viereck. Reprinted from: Journal of the History of Ideas, New York, College of New York City, vol. 10, #1, Jan. 1949.

Poetry (miscellaneous) -- George Sylvester Viereck. Unpublished drafts, 1944.

Poetry (miscellaneous) -- Peter Viereck.


George Sylvester Viereck's, "The Kaiser on Trial, " 1938.

Peter Viereck, The Origins of Naziism, 1941

Thompson, Harold Keith. Biographical data and newspaper reprints, 1952.

March 2004 addendum

Box 8


Correspondents include Conway Barker, Dr. Henry Seidel Canby, Grace Hazard Conkling, Mr. Davenport, to the Editor the The Widow, F. H. Green, Miss Hochheimer, Colonel Edward M. House, Dr. Julius Lingenfelder, [Samuel] Loveman, Prof. Curtis Hidden Page, Admiral Scheer, Upton Sinclair, Vincent Starrett, George Van Nosdall, [Frank Jenners] Wilstach, Henry A. Wallace, W. E. Woodward, and Art Young. There is one letter with no addressee.

Notebook assembled by H. Gail Davis, with letters to and from Viereck, photographs, and newspaper clippings. Correspondents include Count Godard Bentinck; Louise Ebert; Friedrich, Prince of Prussia; Dr. Ludwig Fulda; Ernst Hanfstaengel; Hermine, second wife of the Ex-Kaiser William II; Alfred Hugenberg; James Gibbons Huneker; Ivy Lee; Paul Konig; Virgil Markham; Dr. Meissner; Lord Arthur Ponsonby; Catherine Radzwill; John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; General Theodore Roosevelt; Dr. Eugen Steinach; G. A. Van Nosdall; Count I. Von Bernstorff; Dr. Heinrich Von Bruening; General William Von Dommes; Erich Von Ludendorff; Franz Von Papen; Princess Helen Von Rakowitza; Israel Zangwill. This notebook also contains a carbon copy of a typewritten manuscript [written by Viereck?] regarding the solution to the German Jewish problem as discussed by Viereck (referred to in the third person) and Arthur Garfield Hays and a synposis of the life of George Sylvester Vierck written by H. Gail Davis.


Altar of Song

The Buried City

Diary. Photocopy

The Iron Chancellor. Photocopy

A Little Maid of Sappho

Serial Publications

The American Monthly

November -- December 1920

January -- July 1921

The American Weekly

October 10,17, 24, 31, 1917

November 7, 14, 21, 28, 1917

December 5, 12, 19, 26, 1917

January 2, 9, 16, 23, 1918

The Fatherland

December 27, 1916

January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 1917

Profiles of other collections with Viereck material

Library of Congress

University of Texas Library



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