fxMs I66f, xMs I66j, fxMs I66p, and fxMs I66s,
Ms and a Blunden MsL


Documents Related to the
Shakespearian Forgeries of
William Henry Ireland (1777-1835) & Samuel Ireland (d. 1801)

Collection Dates: 1794-1817
5 bound scrapbook volumes

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Posted to Internet: February 2006

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Scope and Content

These five scrapbook-style volumes contain varied materials, including letters and print ephemera, related to the Shakespearean forgeries created by William Henry Ireland, son of Samuel Ireland. The father was a collector of antiquities and an enthusiastic collector of Shakespearian plays and 'relics.' The son 'developed' the collection by creating a variety of forged documents, including an entire new play, The Tragedy of Vortigern and Rowena, that intially passed muster with a number of authorities. In 1796, Samuel Ireland published an account of his son's 'discoveries, Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakespeare, but a production of the play later that year, led to investigations, and William Henry Ireland published a full confession, An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, and in 1805 a second account, The Confessions of William Henry Ireland.

Although our records do not explicitly record this, these volumes very likely came to the Libraries as the gift of John Hubert Scott (see MsC 157). A considerable quantity of print materials related to Ireland has also been cataloged to the "x" collection and can be located via InfoHawk.

Contents List

fxMs I66f. Ireland, William Henry, 1777-1835. The Principle [sic] Shakespeare Fabrications; for an Elucidation of the same see the Confessions of Wm. H. Ireland [1827-1835]. Interleaved with "Miscellaneous Papers" by Samuel Ireland [d. 1801].

Leaf 10. False signatures of Oliver Cromwell and John Bradshaw.
Leaf 11. Receipts for playing before Lord Leicester and facsimile of his autograph. [Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 1532?-1588]
Leaf 11. Promissory note to John Heming; spurious and original signatures of John Heming [d.1630].
Leaf 12. Letter to Anne Hathaway from William Shakespeare.
Leaf 12. Love Stanzas of Shakespeare to Anne Hathaway. [d.1623].
Leaves 13-14. Copy of a letter to his grace of Southampton by Shakespeare; Original and fabricated signatures of Lord Southampton. [Wriothesley, Henry, Third Earl of Southampton, 1573-1624].
Leaf 15. The Profession of Faith of William Shakespeare.
Leaf 16. Letter to Richard Cawley from Shakespeare. [Cowley, Richard, d. 1618].
Leaf 17. The Witty Conundrum sent by Shakespeare to his friend Richard Cowley.
Leaf 18-19. Signature affixed to the Deed of Gift; Tributary lines to Ireland.
Leaf 20. Signatures to the Agreement between Shakespeare and Lowin. [Lowin, John, 1576-1659].
Leaf 21. Signatures to the Agreement between Shakespeare and Condell. [Condell, Henry, d. 1627].
Leaf 22. Signatures to the Mortgage Deed between Shakespeare and Michael Fraser.
Leaf 24. Signature to the Deed of Trust to John Heming from Shakespeare. [Title: Deed of Trust].
Leaf 25. Lines Affixed to the drawing of Shakespeare.
Leaf 47. King Lear, introductory leaf. Hamlet, specimen of the first page of the fragment.
Leaf 52-53. Vortigern [a leaflet, 1796], Ireland 's defense of the play prior to its first performance. 12x18.3 cm. Specimen of the Tragedy of Vortigern and Rowena.
Leaf 53-56. Acrostics.
Leaf 56. Who of Knights-errant e'er heard prate [lines of verse by Anna Maria de Burgh Freeman, d. 1802].
Leaf 57. Miscellaneous notes of Samuel Ireland. Holograph. 24x120 cm.
Leaf 58. A Cottage Story by Anna Maria Ireland and in her hand. 22.5 cm. 3 leaves.
Leaf 58. MsL, Jane Ireland to William Henry Ireland, 10 November 1820.
Leaf 58. MsL, Mr. George [----] to Samuel Ireland, [n.p.], 14 July 1797. Concerning a book on the Picturesque Views on the River Wye. ALS, 4p.
Leaf 58. Two MsL., P[----] Waltham to Samuel Ireland. (1) Hereford.11 September 1797. Concerning Samuel Ireland's book, Views of the Wye. ALS, 2p. (2) Hereford.28 September 1797. Concerning error in Ireland 's book. ALS, 3p.
Leaf 58. MsL, Charles Marsh, 1774?-1835?, to Samuel Ireland. Norwich.21 September [1797]. Concerning the play Henry the Second, which Marsh had been unable to correct. ALS, 1p.
Leaf 58. Jane Ireland to William Henry Ireland. [ London ] 10 November 1820. Concerning his departure for France. ALS, 4p.
Leaf 59. An Anthem on the Lamented Death of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte. [ Paris, 1817]. [Charlotte Augusta, Princess, 1796-1817].
Leaf 60. MsL, William Henry Ireland to Mme. Ireland.Calais, [September, 1820]. ALS, 2p. Concerning a storm at sea.
Leaf 64. MsL, John Mackenzie to Samuel Ireland. Cornwall, 18 September 1794. Concerning his travels and the weather; mentioning an insurrection in Prussia. ALS, 3p.
Leaf 64. MsL, A[----] Bush to Samuel Ireland. Salop [ Shropshire ] 7 September, 1798. Concerning his travels. ALS, 3p.
Leaf 64. MsL, Edward Allen to William Henry Ireland [n.p., n.d.]. Concerning some unsettled accounts. ALS, 1p.
Leaf 64. Two MsL, Lady Hemloke to William Henry Ireland. (1) [n.p., n.d.] Postponing a meeting. ALS, 2p. (2) [n.p.], 16 March 1804. Concerning a list of subscribers. ALS, 1p.
Leaf 64. A Prospectus of the Bibliographical Dictionary. [ Paris, 1819?]. Holograph, 4p. 27.5 cm.


xMS I66j. Ireland, Samuel, d. 1801. Journal [copied by John Hubert Scott from the original in the British Museum.] Vol. 1: 259pp; vol. 2: 43pp. 8x13 in. [Scott, John Hubert, 1878 - 1953].


fxMs I66p. Ireland, William Henry, 1777-1835. Shakespeare Papers. Interleaved with pages from "Miscellaneous Papers" by Samuel Ireland, 1796.

Leaf 5-6. Facsimiles of Shakespeare's authentic signature; fabricated signatures of Shakespeare.
Leaf 6. Queen Elizabeth I's signature in facsimile; Ireland 's imitation of her signature; a copy of Shakespeare's alleged note on the false letter from Elizabeth.[Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603].
Leaf 7. Facsimile of Lord Leicester's signature. [Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 1532?-1588].
Leaf 8. Receipts for playing before Lord Leicester and facsimile of his autograph.
Leaf 8. Promissory note to John Heming; Spurious and original signatures of John Heming.
Leaf 9. Letter to Anne Hathaway from William Shakespeare; Love Stanzas from Shakespeare to Anne Hathaway [d. 1623].
Leaf 11-12. "Copy" of a letter to his grace of Southampton; Original and fabricated signatures of Lord Southampton.
Leaf 15-16. The Profession of Faith of William Shakespeare.
Leaf 17. Letter to Richard Cowley from Shakespeare. [Cowely, Richard, d. 1618].
Leaf 18. The Witty Conundrum, sent by Shakespeare to his friend, Richard Cowley.
Leaf 19-20. Signature affixed to the Deed of Gift to Ireland; Tributary lines to Ireland.
Leaf 21. Signatures to the Agreement between Shakespeare and Lowin. [Lowin, John, 1576-1659].
Leaf 23. Signature to the Mortgage Deed between Shakespeare and Michael Fraser.
Leaf 25. Signature to the Deed of Trust to John Henning from Shakespeare [Title: Deed of Trust].
Leaf 26-27. King Lear, Introductory leaf and first page of the transcript.
Leaf 28. Hamlet, specimen of the first page of the fragment.
Leaf 44. Clymenes fav'rite Offspring, swoll'n with pride, by Anna Maria [de Burgh] Freeman, [d. 1802]. [Poem]. Holograph. 1 leaf, 19.5x15.5 cm.
Leaf 47. Anthem on the Lamented Death of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte. [ Paris, 1817].

fxMs I66s. Ireland, William Henry, 1777-1835. Shakespearean Fabrications, 1796. Interleaved with pages from "Miscellaneous Papers" by Samuel Ireland.

Page 20-21. Facsimiles of Shakespeare's authentic signature; fabricated signatures of Shakespeare.
Page 24, 28. Oueen Elizabeth I's signature in facsimile; Ireland 's imitation of her signature; a copy of Shakespeare's alleged note on the false letter from Elizabeth.
Page 31. Receipt for playing before Lord Leicester.
Page 33. Playhouse receipt.
Page 38, 40. Promissory note to John Heming; spurious and original signatures of John Heming.
Page 43, 46. Letter to Anne Hathaway from William Shakespeare; Love Stanzas of Shakespeare to Anne Hathaway.
Page 49, 54. "Copy of a letter to his grace of Southampton " by Shakespeare. Original and fabricated signatures of Lord Southampton.
Page 57, 64. The Profession of Faith by William Shakespeare.
Page 67. Letter To Richard Cowley from Shakespeare.
Page 71. The Witty Conundrum sent by Shakespeare to his friend Richard Cowley.
Page 82, 85. Signature to the Deed of Gift to Ireland; Tributary Lines to Ireland.
Page 93. Signatures to the Agreement between Shakespeare and Lowin.
Page 95. Facsimiles of the Autographs of players in Shakespeare's time.
Page 99. Signatures to the Agreement between Shakespeare and Condell.
Page 105. Signatures to the Mortgage Deed between Shakespeare and Michael Fraser.
Page 116. Signature to the Deed of Trust to John Heming from Shakespeare.
Page 122, 126, 154. King Lear, Intro­ductory leaf; first page of the transcript; specimen of alterations in King Lear.
Page 160. Hamlet, Specimen of the first page of the fragment.
Page 172, 175, 177, 181, 183. Vortigern, [a leaflet, 1796] Irelend's defense of the play prior to the first performance; excerpts from Vortigern.
Page 190. Henry the Second, specimen of the drama.
Page 198, 202, 217, 219, 221, 223, 226, 229, 231, 237. Acrostics.
Page 206, 209, 211, 234. Lines of verse about various Elizabethans.
Page 243. "Two Century's their course have nearly run." Lines of verse by Anna Maria [de Burgh] Freeman. 2p. Holograph. 20 cm.
Page 244. "The Pilgrim oft! despairing, faint." Song, by Anna Maria [de Burgh] Freeman. 1 leaf. Holograph. 12.5 cm.
Page 244. "Song by Suds," by Samuel Ireland. Holograph. 2 leaves. 21.5 cm.
Page 245-249. Three landscapes by Samuel Ireland. 22.5, 28.5, and 20.5 cm.
Page 255. Landscape drawing in watercolors [25x36 cm] and colored sketch [12x16.5 cm] by Paul Sandby. Page 265, 270. Drawings by Anna Maria and Jane Ireland, sisters of William Henry Ireland.
Page 273. Drawing by Richard Westall [1765-1836]; initialed "W" lower left corner.
Page 275. False signatures of Oliver Cromwell and John Bradshaw.
Page 277. Anthem on the Lamented Death of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte [ Paris 1817].

Ms I66. Ireland , William H. 1777-1835. [ Forged signatures ]. [n.d.]. 1 leaf mounted. 16cm. At end: the above by W.H. Ireland. Page containing the forger's attempts at reproducing signatures of 16th and 17th century sovereigns and court figures. Written in pencil.

Ms 166ms. Manuscripts of the Younger Ireland. Fifteen items, bound in a volume. 27cm.

1: To the Gentlemen of the Literary Fund. York. 27 July 1811. Requesting aid from the Fund in order that he might be released from debtors' prison. ALS, 2p.
2: Vertigern. [a leaflet, 1796], Ireland 's defense of the play prior to the first performance. 1 leaf. 12.5x19.5 cm.
3: Shakespeare Ireland 's Seven Ages. [n.d.]. Printed prospectus with Ireland 's emendations. 1 leaf. 25x20 cm.
4: [Draft of a letter?, 1829]. Proposing a two-volume work concerning the forgeries. Holograph. 2 leaves. 27.7x15.2 cm.
5: [Concerning the publication of the Confessions, 1805?]. Holograph. 1 leaf. 21.5x15 cm.
6: Inventory of manuscripts concerning Mary, Queen of Scots. [perhaps the documents referred to in the introduction to Effusions of Love from Chatelar, 1805]. Holograph. 2 leaves. 25x20.5 cm.
7: Concerning performances of Shakespeare in Garrick's time as compared to those of Sheridan 's. [n.d.]. Holograph. 1 leaf. 23.5x18.7 cm.
8: Concerning actors at Drury Lane. [n.d.]. Holograph. 1 leaf. 18x15.5 cm.
9: Concerning his confessions, and the proof that he was the author of the fabrications. [n.d.]. A. Note S. 1 leaf. 12.5x20.3 cm.
10: Recounting an incident in which he was snubbed by Thomas Moore. [1832-1835]. Holograph. 1 leaf. 22.7x18 cm.
11: Le Proces d'Amour. [n.d.]. Notes on a manuscript poem (he says 13th or 14th Item century) in French. Remarks on medieval French poetry in general; his intention to translate Le Proces d'Amour. Holograph. 2 leaves. 24x18 cm.
12: Three notes [1820]. Referring to verses supposedly carved on an oaken picture frame (see Item 13). Holograph. 1 leaf. 22x12 cm.
13: Allen, Edward to William Henry Ireland. Two letters. (1) London. 14 June 1820. Concerning various objects and paintings Allen is trying to sell for Ireland ; mentioning a portrait of Shakespeare for sale in France. ALS, 3p. (2) Concerning Ireland 's offer to buy the Shakespeare portrait. ALS, 3p., with the lower 5.8 cm. of the pages (including the signature) cut off.
14: WHI. Account of a dinner given by the governor of the prison Bicétre, mentioning Ireland 's meeting with the Marquis de Sade [Sade, Donatien Alphonse Francois, (Marquis de Sade), 1740-1814]. [n.d.]. Holograph. 4 leavw. 25.5x20.5 cm., 1 leaf 8x20 cm.
15: Account of two unsavory characters of the French Revolution, Mme. Caillac and Fouquier Tinville [Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin, 1746-1795]. [n.d.]. Holograph. 5 leaves. 23x18.5 cm.

MsL B658bro. Blunden, Edmund Charles, 1896-1974. To Kenneth G. Brooks. Ten letters, the last of which, 2 July 1935, Woodstock Close, Oxford, has passages concerning W.H. Ireland.



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