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MsC 170

  Manuscript Register



This document describes a collection of materials held by the
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Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

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Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Certificate. To Harvey Ingham, for distinguished service. Very large. On top of the flat files

Etchings. In flat file drawer 3

Folder 1

The Evening Silhouette. Signed. n.d.


The lonesome hen and the lost decoy. Signed. 1943


Canvasbacks. Signed. n.d.


At Orient House. Signed. 1954


Bob Whites. #4. Signed. 1954


The Frightened Mallards. 1st trial proof for files. Signed. n.d.


Through the Trees, Clear Lake, So. Dak. Signed.


Sliding Down the Bannister. Signed. n.d.


Fishermen I Have Met. #3 trial proof, plate #1. Signed. 1956


Fishermen I Have Met -- The Old Sanibel Ferry Slip. Signed. n.d.


Tarpon in Red Fish Pass. Signed


The Early Morning Start. Signed. n.d.


The end of the Day, #1. Signed. n.d.


Folder 1a


Dropping in for Lunch. Signed


The Convoy. Signed


While You Were Putting Out the Decoys. First Trial Proof. Signed. 1957


Armed Security. Signed


Honey Moon Flight of Pintails. Signed


Dry Point of Sidney Steven's Banquet. First trial proof. August 18, 1947


The End of the Day. Signed


Blue Birds. Signed. 1933


Social Security and the Lost Freedom. Signed. 1950


Explosion in the Lily Pad. Signed


The Old Lunker. Signed. Matted


End of the Day. Trial proof. Signed


Oversized framed etchings. In flat file drawer 151


Canvasbacks Coming in at Evening, 1939. Signed


The Early Arrivals, 1943. Signed


The Lonesome Hen and the Lost Decoy, 1943. Signed


The [Hoover?] School on the Rapids. With Christmas wishes. Signed

Etchings in Series I-B, Box 1

Etchings display, Iowa State University

Photograph of etchings at DSM Club


Photographic Reproductions of 3 Etchings

Etchings reprinted in publications.

"The Campaign for Iowa's Wild Places." Iowa Natural Heritage 1995 Annual Report. Des Moines, Ia.: Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation


Duck Stamps and Wildlife Refuges. United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Circular 37


Hawkins, A. S., R.C. Hanson, H.K. Nelson, H.M. Reeves. "Flyways: Pioneering Waterfowl Management in North America. Washington, D.C." U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984. Photocopies of title page, verso, table of contents, and entry on Aldo Leopold, pp. 103 --106


Mills, Harris D. "Hunting is No Sport." The Minnesota Volunteer, November-December 1996, pp. 4 -- 6

Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Report.  Covers to volumes 58, 59, and 60.

Illustrations in Series I-B, Box 1

Advertising, general. Newspaper clippings

Advertising, Des Moines Register and Tribune, Des Moines Register and Leader. Newspaper clippings and photocopies. 4 folders

Berryman, C.K., The Evening Star. Photographic reproduction of a cartoon featuring Ding.

Calendar, 1932. Illustrated with a drawing of Uncle John Iowa. Des Moines Sunday Register

Captiva Food Products. Sea Grape Jelly. Label

The Christian Advocate

"Remember, filling our own cellar with coal isn't all we have to do to get ready for winter." Reprint from the New York Tribune

Christmas card from the White Sparrows

Condensed Ink. Publicity. Des Moines Register and Leader. 1914

The Cruise of the Bouncing Betsy. List of illustrations

Des Moines Police Burial and Protective Association. Souvenir, annual ball, February 6, 1932

Ding Goes to Russia. List of illustrations. 

Ding Goes to Russia.  Photographic reproductions of the illustrations used in the book in flat file drawer 3

Donohue, Enid P. "Conchosis." Poem illustrated by Darling

Emergency Fleet News

To accompany "The Shipbuilder's Bridge for Pershing." Monday, March 11, 1918

Farm and Fireside

To accompany "What Hit Farming?" April, 1922

To accompany "What's the Matter with the Young Folks?" December 1922

Fullerton, Robert.  The Twentieth Century Unlimited: a review of how we grow, with a glance at the passing show.  Des Moines, IA: The Kenyon Company, 1916.

Photocopies of pages with illustrations by Darling, 1 folder.

Helm, E.C. "Wisconsin Deer Hunting Stories," Sports Afield.

Hoilien, Jerry. "Wardens Diary". Iowa Conservationist, January 1989

The Hoover Committee. Thank you/Christmas card for donors

Hunting and Fishing

To accompany "Some Interesting Facts About Ducks Unlimited" by Ray Benson, December 1938

The Iowa Press Association dinner menu, February 10, 1916.

The Iowa State Women's Golf Tournament, 1929

John Darling Has a New Baby Sister.  October 20, 1912.

Library Binding Service

To accompany advertisement "Good Books for Family Reading", Des Moines, circa 1930.

Lions Club Magazine

To accompany "The Blind Want Training, Not Charity." April, 1925.

The Literary Magazine Supplement Cover Illustrations, 1909-1910.  in flat file drawer 3

"The Long, Long Trail." January, 7, 1919

Proof, clipping, and copies

Roosevelt House Bulletin, "The Long Long Trail Into a Far Country." Reprinted from the New York Tribune. Fall Issue, 1922

Maui Agricultural Association. Copy of Annual Report

Miscellaneous Magazine Cover Illustrations, including Farm and Fireside and Wallace's Farmer in flat file drawer 3

Missouri Tuberculosis Association. "Help Save Missouri 3,000 Lives a Year." Reprint of "Remember, filling our cellar with coal isn't all we have to do to get get ready for winter." With "Buy Tuberculosis Christmas Seals" added

Northwestern Christian Advocate

The American White Cross Ministers to the Needy and Distressed Through Methodist Hospitals and Homes. Wednesday, December 1, 1920

Our Great Out-Of-Doors, a portfolio of cartoons. Photocopy of cover with inscription to John Henry signed by Ding, not dated.

The Palimpsest, Vol. 76, No. 2, Summer 1995.

To accompany "In the Full Light of Day -- The Ku Klux Klan in 1920s Iowa"by Robert J. Neymeyer.


The Passing Show, Other People's Views. November 10, 1917.

Rollin Hoisery

Sioux City Journal

"Possibly the junior senator from South Dakota numbers this among his souvenirs" to accompany article "Mr. Hoover's Chance", May 10, 1930.

Southern Surety News

"We Ought to Be Glad We're Alive." Reprinted from the Des Moines Register

Successful Farming

It grips father. Ad for Successful Farming

It's a cold day when you can't hear a new cause of financial depression. Ad for Successful Farming

Since we are cutting down our timber each year six times as fast as it can grow -- and it takes 300 years to grow a good saw log." Reprinted from the Des Moines Register. July 1921

Cover Illustrations 1910-1915 in flat file drawer 3  

Please also see Darling cartoons for advertising in Successful Farming in the Papers of Edwin Thomas Meredith, oversized scrapbooks.

Thirst on the Land

Four cartoons: "How Man Does Improve on Nature!", "Drying Up Wild Life", "The U.S. Public Health Service Takes a Shot At a Mosquito" (or "Hey! Look out where you're shootin'!"), and "Drainage Today--Dust Storms Tomorrow."

Note: The complete article by William Vogt can be found in Series VI-Correspondence under the author's name. 

Uncaptioned drawings. Reproductions

Uncaptioned oversized drawings. In flat file drawers 154-155

Drawer 154

Folder 1

Note: Those illustrations with a U number have catalog cards with tracings in the shelf list. The processor has provided a name for these drawings based on a description or words that appear in the drawing.  Later, another processor added the information rom the catalog card for each item, including possible publication sources, possible dates, subject headings, depictions, and in some cases descriptions.  The numbered phrases are subject headings pertaining to the illustration's subject, and the starred (*) phrases are important depictions in the illustration.

Unfinished cartoon drawn on back of cartoon entitled, "Some blamed thing or other just has to happen when company comes," which is shelved in regular alphabetic sequence with the other large-format cartoons in the flat file drawers. 


1. Democratic Party.  2. U.S. Congress -- Elections.  3. Presidents--U.S. -- Election -- 1928.  4. Southern States.

NOTE: U2 through U5 are listed as dating from the April 1928 Pictorial Review on their Main Entry Catalog cards.  The original drawings themselves also say "April 1928."  However, in 2008 we obtained the April 1928 edition of Pictorial Review, but were unable to locate these illustrations in its pages.  Two of the illustrations labeled April 1928 also say "May" in another hand, but we also did not find these illustrations in the May 1928 issue.  One of the original illustrations just says April, so it may be possible that they date could be found in an April issue of Pictorial review from another year.  However, we did not pursue this line of inquiry.  It could also be possible that the illustrations were submitted for an article that was not published; however, we did not find any correspondence in the collection between Darling and Pictorial Review, so there is no evidence confirming this possibility. 

[Woman standing with broom with small men fighting] U2. Labeled Pictorial Review, April 1928

1. War.  2. Woman.  3. Peace.

[Womanhood watching the world being tempted by war] U3. Labeled Pictorial Review, April 1928

1. War.  2. Woman.

[Woman with slingshot] U4. Labeled Pictorial Review, April 1928

1. War.  2. Woman.  3. Parent and child.

[War in the form of a gladiator standing astride a cemetery]. U5. Labeled Pictorial Review, April 1928

1. War.

Meaning "Come Across" (Wilhelm II) U6


1. European War, 1914-1918.  2. Wilhelm II, German emperor, 1859-1941.  3. European War, 1914-1918 -- Manpower.  *Card games.

[Teddy Roosevelt wearing out his guides] U7

Before 1919

1. Roosevelt, Theodore, Pres. U.S., 1858-1919.  2. Vacations.  3. The West. 

Folder 2

Extensive Rural Territories/Concentrated City Population. U8

Country Gentleman? (or Collier's Weekly) 1926-1928?

1. Representative government and representation.  2. U.S.--Politics and government.  3. Farmers  4. Population.  *Dog and bird.

The Sugar Corner (Warren G. Harding) U9


1. Harding, Warren Gamaliel , Pres. U.S., 1865-1923.  2. Sugar.  3. Speculation.

The Shrinking Rural Population. U10


1. Representative government and representation.  2. Population.

[Fat golfer] U11


1. Golf.  (Caricature).

[Man with club labeled NP being crowned by Ananias] U12


1. Honesty.  *Ananias.  (Caricature).

[Handlebar mustachioed man in ten gallon hat smoking pipe] U13


1. (Caricature).

[Mustachioed man tiptoeing with lantern]. (Des Moines Police) U14


1. Des Moines -- Police. (Caricature).

[Cartoon sent to Ding by Fred O. Siebel on Ding's returning to work?After his 1925 illness?] U15


1. Darling, Jay Norwood, 1876-1962.

(Caricature of Ding drawn by Fred O. Seibel?  Beneath it is a letter referring to Ding's absence of a year or two due to poor health, written by Fred O. Seibel to Ding.) 

Folder 3

Conference of U.S. Governors. U16

Collier's Weekly? (or Country Gentleman?) 1920s-1930s.

1. Governors -- U.S.  2. Coal.  3. U.S. -- Politics and government.  4. Railroads -- Rates.  5. Transportation.  6. Congresses and conventions.  7. Electric engineering.

Tax proof bond issue. U17

Collier's Weekly? 1929-1933

1. Taxation.  2. Securities, Tax-exempt.  3. Hoover, Herbert Clark, Pres.  U.S., 1874-1964. *Knight in armor.

[Fair] U18


1. Fairs.

The Rights of Humanity (Woodrow Wilson) U19


Unfinished cartoon

1. Wilson, Woodrow, Pres. U.S., 1856-1924.  2. Germany.  3. European War, 1914-1918.  *Biblical allusions.

The War Pot (Woodrow Wilson) U20


Unfinished cartoon

1. Wilson, Woodrow, Pres. U.S., 1856-1924.

2. European War, 1914-1918.  *Cooking.

Folder 4

The Woes of the World (Warren G. Harding) U21


1. Harding, Warren Gamaliel, Pres. U.S., 1865-1923.  2. U.S. Congress.

Big Business Profits Fed on Scientific Business Methods. U22

NOTE: A published version of this cartoon was found in Country Gentleman under the title "The two biggest losses which the farmer sustains are in uneconomic production and in uneconomic marketing," on April 18, 1925.  This original drawing has now been filed in the alphabetic sequence of original cartoons under the published title.

Let's See Now. What Do We Do Next? (Woodrow Wilson) U23


1. Wilson, Woodrow, Pres. U.S., 1856-1924.  2. U.S. Congress.  Senate.  3. European War, 1914-1918.  4. U.S. -- Neutrality.  *Precipice.

The Buttons Congress Was Going to Sew on Last Session - But Didn't. U24


1. Labor laws and legislation.  2. Arbitration, Industrial.  3.  Food supply.  *Buttons and safety pin. 

[Pickerell's porch] U25


1. Game and game-birds.  2. Hunting.

I Always Thought You were Well Paid and Comfortable. U26

Tribune.  1919-1928?  May 10?

1. Wages.  2. Labor and laboring classes.

Drawer 155

Folder 5

Flying ducks and stork. On the back is written "Duck Fever." By Reynolds. Ill. by J. N. Darling. Oct.20/'34

Note: All the remainder of the drawings in this folder may be for building panels.

[Covered wagon] 2

[Ducks flying over farmstead]

[What sheaf]

[Prosperous farm] 2

[Abandoned farmstead with crows]

[Indians with travois] 2

[Bison on silver background]


Continuing in Series I-B, Box 1

Wade, Martin J. LL.D. Sample Pages of the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Des Moines: American Citizenship Publishing Co., n.d.

Walker Jacks

Miscellaneous -- In flat file drawer 154

Government subsidies don't cover everything. Newspaper page.

Iowa's Best Crop - Its Babies. Poster for Baby Week

The Whole "Ding" Family. Poster advertisement for the Register and Leader. With a handwritten note (by Darling?) along the side

"We Have With Us Today" series. Text by Grantland Rice with illustrations by Ding. In flat file drawer 3
Cook. Print

Golfer. Print

George Washington Up-to-Date. Original drawing

The Presidential Bee. Original drawing

The Spenders. Original drawing

With All Our Hearts. Print of the cartoon, with the addition of watercolor. Also one print on glossy paper. In flat file drawer 3

Wheeler, Pat. "Herbert Hoover: Iowa Farm Boy and World Humanitarian." Part of the series Teaching with Historic Places. Lesson Plan #34. Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1996

Panels on buildings.

The Roosevelt [Hotel], New York. House Directory. Contains information and an image of a 4' x 6' bronze panel of The Long, Long Trail by Darling on the north wall of the lobby. In flat file drawer 153.

Panels over entrance to University of Iowa Libraries

Original drawings, proofs, copies, photographs, reproductions of images, and articles about the panels. 3 folders. In flat file drawer 153, folders 1 - 3

Sketches In flat file drawer 3

Folder 2

          [Faint sketch, depicting a groups of national leaders wrestling over the globe]

[Soldier carrying flag among clouds]

"A Thousand Marble Walls and No One to Autograph Them." Seven pencil sketches to accompany an article that appeared in the New York Times on March 10, 1929. Includes two copies of the article


Poster -- "The Prints of J. N. Darling." Brunier Gallery and Museum. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, August 28 -- October 7, 1984

Folder 3

Sketches, cont.

Duck and pelican sketches

Folder 4

Sketches, cont.

Plane companions


[Beach beauty]


The way to Tween Waters

Fishermen I Have Met. 4 small sketches

[Son-in-law wish]

Our first swordfish. On the back of a letter to Mary and George, March 3, 1933

[Building with Spanish architecture]

Folder "Miscellaneous"

Another Wall Street Panic [Not by Darling]

Annual Automobile number of The Register & Leader [signed by unknown cartoonist]

Condensed Ink

Victims of Over Evolution [in Darling's style, signed by Tom Carlisle]

Sketchbooks in Series I-B, Box 2

Russia, Hamburg and England 1931

Russian trip 1931 (3 sketchbooks and some loose drawings)

"The Log of a Winter Cruise" 1927

Sketches, drawings, and miscellaneous in Series I-B, box 2

Airplane stationary for grandson Kip

Beth Eaton Hincks. Gift of Elizabeth Dillman. Ink drawing made on a picnic in 1898, according of Ms. Dillman. However, the date on the drawing looks like '99. This early drawing by Ding is of one of his classmates at Beloit College.

Bicyclist on tightrope in flat file drawer 3

Cardstock strip with cartoon by Darling and a portrait of him, as well as the cartoon and portrait of another cartoonist

Design for a bookplate for Phineas M. Henry

Design for first Federal Duck Stamp

Drawings by Tom Carlisle including "The business of monkeys is monkey business," and "Is this little fellow extinct now?"

Drawings from scrapbook. Includes Prof. Beckman, [Pass. Capt.] and Untza, among other unlabelled drawings

Drawings [of the Kaiser]. Labeled in French. Probably not by Darling

Handprinted letterhead, New York Tribune. Featuring Uncle John Iowa and with the words "From Iowa and proud of it"

Happy Birthday prescription

Iowa Award. Correspondence with Herbert Hoover, including a drawing by Darling of Hoover and Darling receiving the award with the inscription, "Dear Chief, it's the proudest moment of my life --Ding Darling

Iowaism Award. Illustrated with Uncle John Iowa and musical notes with the words "That's where the tall corn grows." Includes negative for this image.

Man locked out of house

Miscellaneous stationary samples

Mock-up for stationery for the Iowa Conservation Commission

"I hear he has a wife and six children at home..." in flat file drawer 3

[Mexico ... War ...] Not by Darling

Pelican on pier

Piping faun in flat file drawer 3

Placecard for Mrs. Darling, Iowa Press and Authors Club

Political caricatures, including Dan Turner, [Woodbury], [Jim Hokiman?], Ol Bill [While?] Convention 1912, Jim Watson of Iowa 1912

Samples of Darling's signature

"There is a smile..." Illustrated poem

Uncaptioned impressions

Uncaptioned impressions, number 1 to 6

Uncle John Iowa. Includes 6 versions.  1. Color. Inscribed, "Ding, his trademark." Signed Jay N. Darling and dated 1903 -- 1950. Accompanied by letter to Mr. Gose, to whose church project he donated the drawing, along with a silk scarf. It is this picture that appears on the first page of this finding aid (2 copies). Includes negative for the image.  2. Proofsheet of a black and white version in which Uncle John Iowa stands in front of a black circular background (2 copies).  3. Photographic reproduction of original black and white drawing, with commentary comparing it to the (also pictured) later version, which includes musical notes and the lyric, "That's where the tall corn grows," as well as other minor changes.  Also a photocopy showing an enlarged version of the top half of the musical note version.  4. Color Photostat of Uncle John Iowa driving a truck pulling wagons full of produce and livestock entitled "Iowa Goes to Town 1937.  In the lower right corner is written, "To young Kippy Koss from Ol' Bah Bah 1937" (2 copies).   5. Proofsheet of a black and white version in which a profile of Uncle John Iowa holds out a handful of apples while standing atop a platform covered in fruit.  He is accompanied by a small pig with a cob of corn in its mouth (4 copies).  6. Brochure for The First Annual Corn Belt Show in which Uncle John Iowa is displayed on the cover holding a bucket of corn in one hald and a handful of apples in the otherwith a pig at his feet.

Untitled sketches (2 reproductions)

"We're off in a cloud of dust"


Watercolor Reproductions, 1 folder.  In Series II-B, Box 2

In flat file drawer 2.

Folder 1

Watercolors for National Wildlife Week series of stamps

Tortugas/Day shift shrimpers. Matted

A scene in Vermont

[Br...] Hotel and Christiansted in distance

[Still life with chrysanthemums]

[Still life with chrysanthemums]

[Apple blossoms]

[Red rose]

[Red rose]

[Yellow Rose]

[Red rose] 1898

Sapasoin Key, Florida, 1899

How it feels to catch your first salmon

Merry Christmas! Captiva 1944 from Penny & Jay --- [one postcard, one full size version]

Folder 2


[Palm tree]

The Evening Flight of Pelicans to Kissel Key Point, Florida, 1954

Ponte Vecchio

[Pers and Meau?]

In Venice, 1895

Dawn Patrol of Brown Pelicans

Very Old Olive Tree

From the [?] of the [?]

[Pelicans] Florida

American Egret, Captiva, Florida, 1950

Blue Faced Boobies, Tortugas, 1952

Peru, Vermont