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Writings by Darling

Continuing in box 1

"Address to the Guests and Friends Gathered to Do Honor to the Memory of the Late Theodore Roosevelt." TMs. Also TMs of an acceptance speech for a conservation award. October 27, 1943.

"Address by Mr. Jay N. Darling Former Chief, United States Bureau of Biological Survey, to the New York Farmers on the occasion of their one hundred and sixty-fifth dinner, held December 1, 1936, at the Metropolitan Club, New York." Printed booklet.

"Adventures in Discontent." Paper read by Jay N. Darling before the Pow-Wow Club, December 1925. Printed booklet.

"America's National Resources." Garden Club of South Carolina Bulletin, No. 21 (Sept. 1939), pp. 10 - 11. ccTMs and tear sheets.

"An Appeal to You Presented by Jay N. Darling, President of National Wildlife Federation at the New England Game Conference, Under the Auspices of the Massachusetts Fish and Game Association. . . . February 12, 1938." Printed folio.

"And to Our Grandchildren We Bequeath by Jay N. Darling, as told to Greta Brown, Des Moines." Reprint from the September issue of Junior League Magazine. With drawings.

"Applied Conservation." Dated July 7, 1930. ccTMs

"Better Hunting Dates Mean Duck Slaughter, Says 'Ding.'" Clipping from unknown newspaper, n.d.

"Cannon Fodder." In oversized box 1.

"Carp, Civilization, and Conservation." TMs and ccTMs. [Country Gentleman, August 28?]

"A Cartoonist and a Floppy-eared Dog." Book review of Drawn From Memory: The Autobiography of John T. McCutcheon. n.p., pp. 44, 56.

"Chautauqua Speech (Chicago Version)." TMs

"Civic Center Paper." D M [Des Moines?] Women's Club. April 1930.

"Conservation Education."  Typerscript draft of a speech dated 15 September 1950.

"Conservation - Iowa attracts nationwide interest in twenty-five year program." Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa, 1931. pp. 17 - 19. Tear sheets.

"Conservation - A Safeguard." Radio Transcription. Photocopy TMs

"Conservation: A Typographical Error." Review of Reviews, November 1936, pp. 35-37. TMs and tear sheets.

"Conservation Sitting Down." TMs

"Conservation vs. Dams and Dickey Birds." Young Republican, v.3:no.4 (October 1938), pp. 8, 26. Tear sheets.

"Conserving Our Wild Life." Recreation (January 1935). Photocopy.

"Conversational Conservationists or How Not to Get Anything Done." August 1930. TMs

"The Cruise of the Temptress August 21 to August 28, 1930" TMs. Bound in velvet paper covers with engravings by Ray Kauffman

"Darling Lists Six way to Restore Wild Lifein U.S." [Denver Post, Sunday, June 7, 1936?] Newspaper clipping.

"Darling Talk at New York Dinner." April 24, 1935. (Marked "Confidential Not for Publication.)

"Dead Ducks Lay No Eggs." The Des Moines Register, Sunday, December 20, 1931. Section Ten, pp. 1-2. With illustrations by the author.

"Desert Makers." Country Gentleman, October 1935, pp. 5-7, 81. With illustrations by the author. Photocopy.

"Des Moines Parks and Civic Center." Photocopy TMs. "Desert Makers." Country Gentleman, October 1935, pp. 5- -- 7, 81. Tear sheets. Illustrated. (Two copies; one located in oversized box 2.)

Ding’s Idea For a Park on Missouri.” The Des Moines Register. August 6, 1961.  Includes response “Ding’s Plan Endorsed” by Mrs. Sam M. Schloss, undated.

"Ding on Cartooning." Des Moines, Ia.: J.N. "Ding" Darling Foundation. Printed booklet.

"Don't Shoot These Ducks! Uncle Sam's Laws Protect Them: J. N. Darling, Author and Illustrator of This Pages, Tells Why Sportsmen Should Aid Wild Life." The Des Moines Register Sunday Magazine, November 1, 1936. Section Ten, p.1. Also included is a glossy print of the drawings used in the newspaper spread. Color.

"Duck Pongs versus Deserts." Rotarian Magazine, October 1938, pp. 18 - 20. Reprint and tear sheets. Illustrated.

"The Farmer's Holiday." ccTMs.

 “Florida State Mosquito Control”, copy of typescript with handwritten notes, 1956

"The Forbidden Topic." [Delivered to the Pow Wow Club May 1928?] Mimeograph TMs.

Foreword [to a book teaching conservation to children?]. ccTMs. Includes trial introductions 1 and 2.

"The Future of Migrating Waterfowl." Photocopy TMs.

"Giving the Ego its Due." TMs and ccTMs.

"Gun Fodder." Country Gentleman. December 1934, pp. 8 -- 9, 60 --61. Photocopy.

Box 2

"Idle Thoughts of a Singed Cat." [For Mil. Jour. MacQuarrie]. ccTMs.

"Immigration." TMs and ccTMs.

"Interpreting the Nation to Itself." Delivered at the Twenty-second Annual Convention of the Association of Life Insurance Presidents at New York, December 14, 1928. ccTMs and printed booklet.

"Introduction" and" Introduction, Second Version." (For an unnamed book by Al Day.)

"Jay N. Darling Answers, 'Wild Life." Hearst's International-Cosmopolitan, November 1937, pp. 17, 145. ccTMs and tear sheets.

"Journalistic Marijuana." TMs.

"Junior High and Teachers College Texts on Teaching of Conservation." CcTMs. 2 copies.

"Junior High and High School Textbooks on Conservation."

"Land Use As a Basis for Water Planning." Paper read before meeting of Upper Mississippi Drainage Basin Committee "D", Hotel Fort Des Moines, June 9, 1942. ccTMs.

"Lee County Mosquito Control." CcTMs.

Letter to George A. Selke. The Conservation Volunteer. Minnesota Department of Conservation Official Bulletin, v.19:no.113 (September/October, 1956), pp. 8 - 9.

"Looking through the years with Ding" Des Moines Sunday Reporter, September 14, 1947. 

"Lunch with Stalin." Alma Mater: A Publication of Beloit College. 1959 -- 1960, pp. 3 -- 6.

"Man Hates Himself." Mimeograph TMs.

"Man's Blind Attack on Nature." Better Homes and Gardens, April 1936. pp. 31, 121 - 123. Tear sheets. Illustrated. 2 copies.

"Memo: In Re. U. S. Departmental Reorganization. By an Ex-Bureau Chief." ccTMs.

"Merida, Yucatan, January 26th 1929." ccTMs. Typed card in folder states that this was printed in the New York Herald Tribune, Sunday, March 10, 1929.

"Message from J.N. ("Ding") Darling." Missouri Wildlife, July 1952.

"Message from J. N. ("Ding") Darling to the Annual Banquet, National Wildlife Federation, Miami , Florida, March 19, 1952. Photocopy TMs.

Miscellaneous untitled writings.

"My Years with Herbert Hoover," LOOK magazine August 14, 1954.

"The National Conservation Program." Corrected manuscript of a speech of J. N. Darling, Chief of the Biological Survey before the National Council of the State Garden Clubs Federation, delivered at Grand Rapids,Michigan, June 6, 1934. Photocopy TMs. 2 copies.

"Objectives and Functions of the American Wildlife Institute." Photocopy TMs.

"The Old Swivel Gun: Used by Illegal Market Hunters on the Eastern Shore of Maryland." October 20, 1956.

"On Going to Jerusalem." [For American Magazine, July 1919.] [Published as "Why I Wouldn't Trade Des Moines for New York"?] Mimeograph TMs.

"Our Natural Resources Can be Restored and Sustained." California Conservationist, December 1938, pp. 5 - 6. Tear sheets and reprint.

"Our Punishment for the Crime of Breaking the Law of Survival of the Fittest." Written for the Pow-Wow Club in 1913. TMs and ccTMs.

"The Peony Garden, Etching, Printing, Mouse Trapping, Gun Testing, Recreation and Refreshment Farm Company, Ink-orpulated." ccTMs.

"Politics and Conservation." The Women's National Political Review. Congressional Campaign Issue, v.13:no.2 (November 1938), pp. 6 -7. Tear sheet. 2 copies.

"The Poor Fish." ccTMs.

"Political Sectionalsim." TMs.

"Poverty or Conservation?" National Wildlife Federation Bulletin, v.4:no.1.(January 1939), pp. 2 - 8. TMs, offprints (2 copies), reprints (2 copies), arranged in a booklet with added charts and illustrations (2 copies).

"Poverty or Conservation: Your National Problem." Washington, D.C.: National Wildlife Federation. Printed booklet. 3 copies.

"The Problem of Wild Life Conservation." Address to the North American Wildlife Conference. Photocopy TMs. 2 copies

"Quackery and Conservation". Guide - The Women's National Political Review, v.13:no.3, December 1938, pp. 11 - 14. Illustrated. Tear sheets. 2 copies.

Radio talk delivered by J. N. (Ding) Darling over the Mutual Broadcasting System from Baltimore, Thursday, February 17, 1938. Photocopy TMs.

"Relationship of our Government to Conservation." Photocopy TMs

"The Reorganization Bill." TMs

"The Role of a Cartoonist." (Annotated with "National League of Women Voters" and "took 10 minutes on radio." ccTMs.

"Safe Investment Handling Boon to Many." Eastern Underwriter, October 5, 1945.

"The Santee Cooper Crime." Young Republican, December 1938, pp. 6 - 7, 19. Tear sheets.

"The Santee Cooper Folly." Outdoor America, n.d., p. 6. Tear sheet.

"Save Our Game!" Scientific American, September 1935, pp. 117-119. Photocopy.

"Shadows Along the Santee." Field and Stream, May 1939, p. 25. Tear sheet.

"Silent Sermons on Conservation." Washington, D.C: National Wildlife Federation. Illustrated. Printed booklet. 2 copies.

"Speaking of Conservation."

"Speaking of Flood Control." Journal - American Water Works Association. v. 37 (April 1945), pp. 345 -- 349. This article first appeared in the January 30 and 31 issues of the New York Herald and because of its interest to the water works field was reprinted in the Journal of the American Water Works Association. Tear sheets. Also in brochure form. 2 copies.

"Speaking of Flood Control." In Proposed Dams on Missouri Wawtershsed? Navigation, Hydro-electric, Flood Control, Irrigation. Washington, D.C.: The National Wildlife Federation. Illustrated. Booklet.

"Speech of J. N. Darling, November 21, 1938." First line: "I think it is a mean trick to take a series of slides like that and not be more explicit and let you know what can be done about it."

"The Story of the Ground Water Table." School Nature League Bulletin. Series No.15:bulletin no.1 (September 1944). Folio. Illustrated. 2 copies. Published again in Aubudon Nature Bulletin (Formerly School Nature League Bulletin) with no date, and the addition of Recommended Reading.

"The Story of the Wildlife Refuge Program." Part I. National Parks Magazine, v.28:no116. (January - March 1954), pp. 6 - 10, 43 - 46. Illustrated. Tear sheets and photocopy.

"The Story of the Wildlife Refuge Program." Part II. National Parks Magzaine, v.28:no.117 (April - June 1954), pp. 53 - 56, 86 - 91. Illustrated. Tear sheets and photocopy.

"Suggested Chapter Headings For Textbook to be Used in Junior High and High School."

"Suggested Outline for Textbook to be Used in Junior High and High School."

"The Thirst for Knowledge vs. the Fear of Truth." Annotated with "Pow-Wow 1911." TMs with holographic corrections.

"Those Darling Ducks: 'Ding' Brings Cheering News for Sportsmen." Southwestern Sports, November 1938, pp. 6, 24. Includes a biographical sketch of Darling, presumably taken from the same publication.

"To Our Question: What Interests You Most in This Cosmopolitan World ot Today? Jay N. Darling, Noted Cartoonist and Former Chief of U.S. Biological Survey Answers Wildlife." Cosmopolitan, November 1937, pp. 17, 145.

"Turning a Garden Spot Into a Desert." The Des Moines Register, April 12, 1936. Newspaper clipping.

"U.S. is Warned of Danger in Squandering Resources." Washington, D.C.: National Wildlife Federation. Issued by Servicing Division, Boston, Massachusetts. Printed brochure. 2 copies

"Underground Water: More Precious Than Gold." Wyoming Wildlife, v.26:no3 (March, 1962), pp. 11 - 15. Illustrated. Tear sheets.

"The Unharnessed Forces of Conservation." Annotated with "Over national hookup from Washington, D.C. Nov 7 '37 by J. N. Darling for the Wild Life Institute." ccTMs of the address and 3 copies of a transcript of the entire broadcast.

Untitled. First line: "Any nation is rich so long as its supply of resources is greater than the needs of its people." ccTMs. One is annotated with "Latest version, 10-1943>"

Untitled. First line: "The ghosts of dead and gone national resources which stalk our continent aren't Halloween ghosts which have their witches' night and then disappear with the mischevious boys who return their mothers' borrowed sheets to the linen closet and leave no major destruction behind." Annotated with "For Guide The Magazine for Women. 10-31-38." ccTMs.

Untitled. First line: "Since nature provided that fish should have about as many 'seeds' for reproduction as dandelions, it would seem as though she had calculated that we ought to have about as many fish as dandelions." Annotated with "Orig to Fred Lazelle 11-28-32 with photos and drawings." ccTMs.

Untitled. First line: "Iowa's Conservation interests have suffered for many years, because those who believe in the principals of conservation have not bothered to make known their wishes and demands upon the government officials who control the conservation activities and the appointment of conservation commissioners." Annotated with "To Miss Beyer." ccTMs.

Untitled. First line: " It was with great reluctance I agreed to come here tonight to speak on the subject of soil and what-not." Annotated with "(Manfert Johnson - Kiwanis Club) Jay N Darling at Rochester, Minn. August 1, 1946." ccTMs.

"Want to Save a Duck?: as Told to Henry and Vera Bradshaw." Typed Manuscript. 

"Washington Wild Life." Saturday Evening Post, September 21, 1935, pp. 14 - 15, 61 - 65. Tear sheets, Two copies.

"What Can I Do for Wild Life Conservation." ccTMs.

"What is Ahead Of Us? (A lecture designed to educate the public as to the broad scope of conservation.)" Lecture to accompany slides. Photocopy TMs. 3 copies.

"What Part May the Political Cartoon Play?" Copy of J. N. Darling's speech given Friday night, April 29, 1927 at a dinner in Washington, D.C. under the general direction of the General Council of the National League of Women Voters. TMs (extremely fragile), photocopy on archival paper of TMs, printed version put out by the Press Department of the League of Women voters, photocopy.

"Where to Now? Excerpt from an address, by the President of the National Wildlife Federation, given at the 1938 New England Game Conference." Hunting and Fishing, May 1938, pp. 8 - 9, 13, 25, 33, 35, 39. Tear sheets. Incomplete.

"Why? How? What?" Printed on glossy paper and bound between acetate covers. Illustrated with Darling's drawings and photographs.

"Why I Wouldn't Trade Des Moines for New York." Tear sheets, pp. 37 - 38, 120.

"Why King Midas Starved." ccTMs. 2 copies. One is stamped "Jan 19 1943"

"Wildlife and Groceries." The Kiwanis Magazine, February 1939, pp. 67 - 69. Illustrated. Tear sheets. 2 copies

"Wildlife Journalism." The Southern Sportsman, September 1939, pp. 3,25. Tear sheets.

"Winged Hosts Restored on All Flyways." Wisconsin Wildlife, December 1938, p.3. Tear sheet.

"Your Part." Hunting and Fishing, v.XV:no.12, December 1938, pp. 2-3. Tear sheets.


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