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MsC 177

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Many of the items in this series are undated and it was sometimes not easy to discern which campaign year they are from. They have been assigned to years that seem to best suit their content.

Box Contents List

Series IV: Box 1

1932 campaign

1936 campaign. (See also poster thought to be from the 1936 campaign, put out by the All-Party Roosevelt Agriculture Committee in Oversized Box 1 at the end of the collection)

1940 Campaign

Button, 1941 inauguration. In Series IV: Oversized Box 6

Envelope saying "No Third Term"

Itinerary for western trip


"Willkie's Farm Speech." Republican National Committee

1944 campaign

Poster: If I Were A Delegate I Would Vote For Henry Wallace - Franklin Roosevelt.

1948 Presidential Run

Anti-Wallace campaign materials

Campaign literature (3 folders)

An address by Rexford G. Tugwell, Introducing Platform. Progressive Party

"Arms and the Business Man." National Business for Wallace Committee

"A Budget for Abundance." Progressive Party

“The Children’s Bill of Rights.” Women For Wallace

“Facts to Fight With.” National Wallace For President Committee

"The Future is Ours." Progressive Party. Signed

"Henry A. Wallace, Senator Glen Taylor. They Stand For . . " National Wallace For President Committee

"Henry A. Wallace Speaks to the White Collar Workers." United Office and Professional Workers of American, CIO

"Henry Wallace Says." Editorial Publications, Inc.

“Henry Says Increase Wages Out of Profits ” National Wallace For President Committee

Henry Wallace Speeches in Britain. A Reynolds News Publications

Highlights of the Progressive Party's Farm Platform. Progressive Party of Maine

“I Take My Stand With Henry Wallace.” National Wallace For President Committee

“I’ve Got the Jitters!” Women For Wallace

“Jim Crow Must Go!” National Wallace For President Committee

“Knock on Any Door!” National Wallace For President Committee

“Let Us Add Years to Our Lives and Life to Our Years ” Progressive Party

"Let Us Create a Better America." Postcard

“The Man Behind the Gun . . . ” Women For Wallace

"Meet Henry Wallace." By James Waterman Wise. Signed by Glen Taylor

Morris, George. "How To Make Your Vote Count: The Communist Position on the Issues and Candidates in the 1948 Elections." New York: New Century Publishers, October 1948

"Must We Have a Century of Fear?" Progressive Citizens of America. Signed by HAW

“Once Was Enough!” Women For Wallace

“An Open Letter to Delegates of Veterans Housing Conference ” National Wallace For President Committee

"An Open Letter to Premier Stalin" with reply on verso "Stalin Answers Wallace." National Wallace for President Committee

"The Old Parties Talk 'Civil Rights' -- But Act Jim Crow." National Wallace for President Committee

“Out of the Same Pocket as the Company Union ” National Wallace For President Committee

"Peace, Freedom, and Abundance: The Platform of the Progressive Party as adopted at the Founding Convention, Philadelphia, July 23 -- 25, 1948."

"The People Against the Trusts." Eugene Dennis. New Century Publishers

“The People March.” National Wallace For President Committee

“A Pledge for All Candidates.” National Wallace For President Committee

“Remember When Peace Was Declared…” National Wallace For President Committee

"Report of Conference of Progressives." The Conference of Progressives

"The Score on Labor for Wallace and Taylor." National Labor Committee For Wallace and Taylor

"Sing for Wallace, Peace, and Progress." People's Songs

“So You’re Wearing a Wallace Button…” National Labor Committee For Wallace and Taylor

"Songs for a New Party." People's Songs

"Songs for Wallace." Second edition. People's Songs

"Songs of the Progressive Party"

"Stalin OKs Truman Parley." Progressive Party of Massachusetts

“Stand Up and Be Counted.” National Wallace For President Committee

“Steps to Peace.” National Wallace For President Committee

"The Story of Glen Taylor." Progressive Party

“The Story of Henry Wallace.” National Wallace For President Committee

“Tanks or Tractors?” Women For Wallace

“Ten Extra Years.” National Wallace For President Committee

"The Third Party and the 1948 Elections." Eugene Dennis. New Century Publishers

“The Time Has Come…” National Wallace For President Committee

“A Tough World IF…” National Labor Committee For Wallace and Taylor

"An Urgent Letter From Henry A. Wallace on a Matter of Life and Death to You and Your Children." Signed

"Wallace Campaign Materials." National Wallace for President Committee

"Wallace Fights for the People." Verso: "The People Will Carry on with Wallace."

"The Wallace Plan Vs. the (Hoover) (Dulles) Marshall Plan." National Wallace for President Committee

"Wallace Shows It Can Be Done."

"We Can Have Homes." The Progressive Party Housing Program

“We Have a Choice.” National Wallace for President Committee

“What Do You Want…” National Wallace for President Committee

“What Does 1948 Add Up to?” National Wallace For President Committee

“What Every Woman Knows.” Women For Wallace

“What Roosevelt Thought of Wallace.” National Wallace For President Committee

“Who Done It?” National Labor Committee of the Progressive Party

"Why the People Need Henry A. Wallace For President." Massachusetts Wallace for President Committee

“Women Who Work for Wages…” Women For Wallace

“You Can Only Win With Wallace.” National Labor Committee of the Progressive Party.

The Julius Lazarus collection of 1948 campaign literature. Julius Lazarus took many photographs of the 1948 campaign, and kept a scrapbook of campaign literature, which he gave to the University of Iowa. Duplicates have been weeded out, but there were some unique items. They are listed here:

Call A Cop!

Hey! You're Blocking Traffic! But Don't Step Aside. . .

[I am a Negro woman come to Philadelphia. . .]

Journey to Israel

Let's Rally to Carry the City

Mr. Wallace, the Nisei Would Like to Know . . .

Not a R-- Cent

Progressive Party. Permanent Rules of Organization

Songs for Wallace

Songs for Wallace, 2nd Edition

Songs of the Progressive Party

This Guy's Sitting Pretty . .

This Veteran's Doing Alright

[". . . willful men with private interests are dictating our foreign policy."]

Yes, 'Im An AFL Member and I'm for Wallace. . . and Here's Why

Young Progressives of America: Program

Your Church and the Progressive Party

Mementos. In Series IV: Oversized Box 6

Campaign buttons. 6 envelopes

Cards pledging support and contributions from various ethnic Americans

Cuidano Majicanoe-Americanoa

German Americans

Hungarian Americans

Irish Americans

Dollars for Democracy

Founders Certificate for the New Party. Booklet

ID Badges

Miss Florence H. Luscomb, Maine. Founding Convention of the New Party, Convention Hall, Philadelphia, July 23 -- 26, 1948

Ruth Landon. Reception in Honor of Headquarter Volunteers. June 22, 1948

Volunteer, Headquarters Staff, New York City

Invitation to meet Henry A. Wallace. The Progressive Party of Maine. June 29, 1948

Labor's Dollars for Democracy

Matchbook. Women for Wallace

Necktie, printed with "Win With Wallace," "Wallace in '48" "Peace," and "Prosperity"

Pledge cards

National Wallace for President Committee

Progressive Party of Maine

Women for Wallace

Program. Founding Meeting, Women for Wallace. May 8, 1948, Commodore Hotel, New York City

Tag. Women For Wallace

Greetings to Mrs. Wallace from the Women for Wallace. In Oversized Box 1 (at the end of the collection)

Official Program of the National Founding Convention of the New Party, Philadelphia, June 23 -- 25, 1948

Pennants. In Series IV: Oversized Box 6

Place card, Henry A. Wallace


In map case 13, drawer 5

To see photographs of the posters, click on their titles below

Let us create a better America

Wallace billboard

End Jim Crow

If you hate war, but love peace

Work for Peace

Work for Freedom

Press releases

Marcy 12. Statement by Henry A. Wallace on anniversary of Proclamation of Truman Doctrine. National Wallace for President Committee

March 18. National Wallace for President Committee

March 19. “News Release.” The National Wallace for President Committee

March 23. “Facts on the Wallace Campaign.” The National Wallace for President Committee

March 29. “News Release.” The National Wallace for President Committee

March 30. “News Release.”The National Wallace for President Committee

April 9. “News Release.” The National Wallace for President Committee

May 6. Radio address of Glen H. Taylor, ABC, Washington, D.C.

May 11. Address for Henry A. Wallace, Madison Square Garden. The National Wallace for President Committee

May 11. "The Fight for Freedom." Speech by Glen H. Taylor. The National Wallace for President Committee

June 13. “News Release.” The National Wallace for President Committee

June 14. “News Release.” The National Wallace for President Committee

September 10. Speech by Henry A. Wallace, Yankee Stadium, New York City. Progressive Party

Group of anti-Wallace press releases [from Americans for Democratic Action?] Undated, presumably from the 1948 campaign.


Recordings (small 33 1/3 vinyl)

A side: "I've Got a Ballot." Written by Harburg-Lomax and performed by Mike Loring

B side: "Battle Hymn of '48." Written by Bryant M. French and performed by Paul Robeson

A side: "Great Day." Performed by Michael Loring

B side: "The Same Merry Go Round."

Statement by Thomas Mann read by his daughter Miss Erica Mann at a dinner for Henry A. Wallace October 1, 1948, Hollywood, California

Statement on Communism during the 1948 campaign, given repeatedly in press conferences

Series IV: Box 2

Campaign buttons, necktie, ribbons and other ephemera. In odd sized Box 3

"Carry on with Roosevelt" poster. Not dated


1933 Roosevelt

1961 Kennedy

Box 3

Campaign ephemera

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