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MsC 177

This document describes a Manuscript Collection held by the

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University of Iowa Libraries

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The Wallace correspondence at Iowa is arranged chronologically.  Large quantities of similar letters are also held at the Library of Congress and the Franklin Delano Roosevelt  Presidential Library.  With the help of a grant from the National Historical Publications Commission, all three collections were microfilmed in a single chronological order in the early 1970s.  At the end of the project, a printed index to the microform editions was published by the Libraries: The Wallace Papers : an index to the microfilm editions of the Henry A. Wallace papers in the University of Iowa Libraries, the Library of Congress, and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library (Iowa City: University of Iowa Libraries, 1975). Copies of this two-volume work are held in the Main Library Reference Collection and in Special Collections (all with call number FOLIO Z6616.W27 I633). Copies of the work may be borrowed from the Libraries (as can be the microfilms themselves); copies also remain available for purchase.

Forematter to The Wallace Papers includes the following information:

Identification of Correspondents

Among the names appearing frequently in the Henry A. Wallace Papers are several who will not be familiar to most users of the index. Mary A. Huss was Wallace's secretary at Wallace's Farmer and during his government service. Mabel A. Cooney, Mildred M. Eaton, and Harold H. Young were among other secretaries and assistants in the 1940s. The relative appearing most frequently in the index is Henry A. Wallace's uncle, Daniel A. Wallace, of Minnesota.

The names of Henry A. Wallace himself (HAW) and 23 others appearing most often in the index have been replaced by initials in all positions. These other names are:

Raymond F. Baker           RFB

Louis H. Bean                   LHB       

Earl N. Bressman             ENB

George M. Darrow           GMD      

Paul de Kruif                     PdK       

Laurence Duggan            LD         

Mildred M. Eaton              MME     

Fred W. Henshaw            FWH      

Curtice N. Hitchcock       CNH      

Cordell Hull                       CH         

Mary A. Huss                    MAH      

Jake S. More                    JSM

Henry Morgenthau, Jr.      HM

Donald R. Murphy             DRM

Donald M. Nelson             DMN

Milo Perkins                       MP

Nelson A. Rockefeller       NAR

Franklin D. Roosevelt       FDR

Ross R. Salmon                RRS

Harry S Truman                 HST

Daniel A. Wallace             DAW

Sumner Welles                  SW

Harold H. Young                HHY

The word "from" has been abbreviated as "fr" in the index. Anonymous, illegible, pseudonymous, and unknown correspondents have been replaced in the index by the words "Anonymous" and "Unknown." Multiple correspondents have been entered individually; pairs or larger numbers of writers or recipients of letters have usually had separate index entries made for each name; in a few instances the first name to appear in the salutation or signature is indexed, or the best-known names in either position. Some obscure names and names of spouses have, therefore, been deleted from index entries for multiple correspondents. "Et al" has been used in such entries to indicate many deletions. Two or more letters or copies of letters from a writer to the same recipient on the same day are separately indexed. Government agencies appearing as correspondents are preceded by the name of the government, as in "Iowa State Income Tax Division" and "US Board of Economic Warfare." Most titles of address have been deleted, except for "Mrs." with initials or a husband's first name. A few religious and other titles were retained for otherwise incomplete names. Some women, including Helen Gahagan Douglas, are entered under both their maiden and married names, following the example of each letter indexed. Information not found on the documents has sometimes been supplied by the indexers. An effort has been made to print Chinese, Spanish, and other foreign-language names in correct form, but the user of the index may find that some misreadings have been made or some diacritical marks omitted. In an indexing project of this size there are doubtless other errors and omissions of which the user must beware and for which the editor accepts responsibility.


The dates of many letters, telegrams, postcards, and memorandums in the Henry A. Wallace Papers are approximate, incomplete, uncertain, or unknown. In the date column, approximate and uncertain dates are followed by "'" Incomplete dates are given as far as they are known, as in "1948" or "1941 My." Unknown dates, where the indexers were unable to determine the year of a document, are represented by "ND" or, when the month and day are known but the year is not, by, for example, "ND Ap 3."


The months have been abbreviated as follows:

January               Ja

February             Fe

March                  Mr

April                     Ap

May                      My

June                     Je

July                       JI

August                 Ag

September         Se

October               Oc

November           No

December           De

A Final Note

An unpublished index of slips for each personal and corporate name found in the texts of the correspondence in the three Wallace microfilm editions is available for consultation in the Special Collections Department of the University of Iowa Libraries. There is a brief published Guide to a Microfilm Edition of the Henry A. Wallace Papers at The University of Iowa (Iowa City, 1974).

Box Contents List

Series III: Box 1

1888 – 1929

Series III: Box 2

January – October 25, 1930

Series III: Box 3

October 27, 1930 – January 31, 1931

Series III: Box 4

February 1, 1931 – May 15, 1931

Series III: Box 5

May 16, 1931– July 31, 1931

Series III: Box 6

August 1, 1931 – October 31, 1931

Series III: Box 7

October 28, 1931 – January 24, 1932

Series III: Box 8

January 25, 1932 – March 31, 1932

Series III: Box 9

April 1, 1932 – June 30, 1932

Series III: Box 10

July 1, 1932 – September 30, 1932

Series III: Box 11

October 1, 1932 – November 18, 1932

Series III: Box 12

November 19, 1932 – January 19, 1933

Series III: Box 13

January 20, 1933 – September 1934

Series III: Box 14

October 1934 – September 1936

Series III: Box 15

October 1936 – December 1939

Series III: Box 16

January 1940 – July 1941

Series III: Box 17

August 1941 – August 1942

Series III: Box 18

September 1942 – May 1943

Series III: Box 19

June 1943 – December 1943

Series III: Box 20

January 1944 – June 23, 1944

Series III: Box 21

June 24, 1944 – January 10, 1945

Series III: Box 22

January 11, 1945 – January 26, 1945

Series III: Box 23

January 26, 1945 – January 31, 1945

Series III: Box 24

January 30, 1945 – February 8, 1945

Series III: Box 25

February 9, 1945 – February 24, 1945

Series III: Box 26

February 25, 1945 – March 19, 1945

Series III: Box 27

March 21, 1945 – April 21, 1945

Series III: Box 28

May 1, 1945 – July 16, 1945

Series III: Box 29

July 17, 1945 – October 15, 1945

Series III: Box 30

October 16, 1945 – December 17, 1945

Series III: Box 31

January 2, 1946 – April 3, 1946

Series III: Box 32

April 14, 1946 – July 9, 1946

Series III: Box 33

July 10, 1946 – December 1946

Series III: Box 34

January 1947 – April 1947

Series III: Box 35

October 1947 – June 1948

Series III: Box 36

July 1948 – May 1949

Series III: Box 37

June 1949 – September 1950

Series III: Box 38

August 1, 1950 – June 1951

Series III: Box 39

July 1951 – December 1952

Series III: Box 40

January 1953 – September 1954

Series III: Box 41

October 1954 – April 1956

Series III: Box 42

May 1956 – March 1958

Series III: Box 43

April 1958 – April 1961

Series III: Box 44

May 1961 – January 1963

Series III: Box 45

February 1963 – April 1964

Series III: Box 46

March 1964 – December 1964

Series III: Box 47

January 1965 – July 1965

Series III: Box 48

August 1965 – 1966 + undated material

Correspondence Supplement. These are included in The Papers of Henry Agard Wallace.

Series III: Box S1

1917 – 1927

Series III: Box S2

1928 – February 1930

Series III: Box S3

March 1930 – March 1931

Series III: Box S4

April 1931 – August 1932

Series III: Box S5

September 1932 – 1964

Note: The Scheduled and Telephone Conversations are NOT included in The Wallace Papers.

Series III: Box S6

Schedules (Reel 64)

Daily Schedules 1945 – 1946

Trip Schedules 1941 – 1946

Series III: Box S7

Telephone Conversations (Reel 65) 1945

Telephone Conversations (Reel 66) 1946

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