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MsC 177

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Box List

Note: In most cases, the names of these folders were transcribed from those made by Wallace.

Series VII: Box 1

Committee of 17. 2 folders

Crops (See also charts in Oversized Series VIII: Box 26 [at the end of Series VIII]; and Oversized Box 1 [at the end of the collection])


500 Ear Experiment. Kernel Characteristics, 1918 Crop

1925 H.J.L. (Contents mostly in German)

Ames corn plot 1927

Ames hybrid corn 1920, 1921. Corn yield contest 1921

Ames Hybrid Corn Company

Ames plot - Newlin's inbreds, HAW's inbreds 1927 – 1928

August government corn condition study. Curvilinear

Chicago corn price study

Corn, 1927

Corn, 1930

Corn, A-F, 1929

Corn, B-M, 1928

Corn, Mo-W, 1928

Corn average

Corn borer

Corn Breeding and Yield Plots, Arlington Farm Flats 1933

Corn - commercial

Corn drying plant

Corn growing in Hungary

Corn improvement projects

Corn,  miscellaneous

Series VIII: Box 2

Crops, cont.

Corn, cont.

Corn planting 1929

Corn planting and yields

Corn price problem (Warren Sarle)

Corn statistics

Corn tasseling study

Corn yield tests

1920, 1921, 1922

1922, 1923, 1924



Cornstalk factory

Notes on cornstalk in industry  (written on Corrigenda to Volume I of The Decline of the West)

Cost of producing hybrid corn per bushel sold

County corn yields, weather

Figures in percentage of average open pollinated section entries. Southern and south central sections

Government corn conditions 1891 – 1917

Hi-Bred breeding suggestions and seed record

Hi-Bred Business. 2 folders

Hi-Bred Corn Company

Hi-Bred Corn salesman's book

Series VIII: Box 3

Crops, cont.

Corn, cont.

Hi-Bred corn tests

Inbreeding 1923, 1924, 1925

Inbreds 1925, 1926

Iowa corn moisture 1929

Iowa corn yield contests

1925 – 1926

1925 – 1926

1926 – 1927




Iowa corn yield tests

Series VIII: Box 4

Crops, cont.

Corn, cont.

July Government Corn condition study

Kardex with miscellaneous notes, including notes on corn cross-breeding

"Lower Corn Prices and Your Fertilizer Program." American Agricultural Reports, File 50.20

Miscellaneous corn materials. Includes photographs

Notes about the corn seed market in Germany


A – F

G – L

M – O

P – Z

Series VIII: Box 5

Crops, cont.

Corn, cont.

Prices for corn and hogs, 1904 – 1913

Rules of price change in December corn futures and rainfall. 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10 day bases

Tests of different strains of corn for stalk height, ear height, and helm

Wallace's corn, 1922

Weather and corn yield by states

Woodford county corn data



Crop Insurance

Crop yields

Statistics of important crops

Transportation of cattle and wheat

Uspulum (disinfectant and growth stimulant)


"What's New for Crops"


Cost of production

Cost of production - corn and oats

Cost of crop production in 12 north central states

Feed production

Garst, Roswell."A Brief  History of the Background of the Present Feed Grain Program"

Series VIII: Box 6

Crops, cont.

Grains, cont.

"Government Control of Grain." Huon-Chang, Chen, The Economic Principles of Confucius and His School." New York: Columbia University, 1941. Chapter XXX.

Investigation of the Grain Marketing Company

Miller's National Federation. Digest of Statement by Fred J. Lingham, Chairman, Committee on Legislation

Supply and demand prices, corn, wheat, and oats

United Grain Growers, Ltd.

Wing, Andrew S. "'Alfalfa Joe' Wing, Exponent of Beardless Barley, Brome Grass, and Other Forage Crops"

Minor Fruits

Mung beans

Mung Beans


Average oat prices

Cost of production, oats

Golden Rain Oats for Alaska


Consumer Guide Council of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration


United States Department of Agriculture No. 1269



[Crop yields?] Number 1 wheat

Low and high prices, 1904 -- 1913. Number 2 red

Supply and distribution of wheat crops of 1921 and 1922

The Wheat Crisis in Europe

The DoWell System of Farm Management

Farm Bureau

American Farm Bureau Federation

Farm Bureau. 3 folders

Series VIII: Box 7

Farm Bureau, cont.

Farm Bureau – Iowa. 4 folders


Actual future summaries

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States Together with the Dissenting Opinion,1933

HR 3835 (U.S. Senate)

HR 5580 (U.S. House of Representatives)

Publications arising in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration

Agricultural Conservation Program, 1937. Procedure for Development and Questions for Discussion. North Central Region

Agricultural credit

Agricultural Depression

Agricultural planning

Agricultural statistics. 2 folders

Series VIII: Box 8

General, cont.

Agriculture and Business

Agriculture in Europe

Agriculture in Puerto Rico

Annual State Conference of Vocational Agriculture Instructors. Program

Auchter, C.E. "Agricultural Science and the People's Welfare." Science, Vol.96:No.2491 (September 25, 1942), p. 283 – 289.

Bean, L.H. "Application of a Simplified Method of Correlation to Problems in Acreage and Yield Variations"

Bean, L.H. "Economic Factors Involved in Extending the Uses of Oil Seed Foods"

Bean, L.H. "A Simplified Method of Graphic Curvilinear Correlation"

Butter and milk chart

Chart of Recommended Daily Allowances for Specific Nutrients

Charts. (Some charts moved to Oversized Series VIII: Box #26 [at the end of series VII]; and some to Oversized Box 1 [at the end of the collection])

Conference on Genetics and Selection

Corn/hog ratios

Country Life Association


Daily Board of Trade price averages, 1907 – 1916

Dobzhansky, Theodosius. "Russian Genetics"

Farm management

Farm output

"The Farm Problem." Statement by Henry I. Harriman

Farm relief (Including legislation around the Federal Farm Board)

Food distribution

"The Foods We Eat in 1931 as Compared With 1899"

Foreign agriculture information service

Frisbie, Lloyd. "Effect of Fertilization on Cold Damage"

Green, William. "Labor and Agriculture"

"Growing Warm Season Vegetables in Alaska"

Hoover, Calvin B. "Human Problems in Acreage Reduction in the South."

Series VIII: Box 9


Lysenko, T.D. "Articles on Selection and Genetics Collection." 1939

Measuring hay

Measuring silage

Meat prices


Miscellaneous cattle, butter, and hog ratios

Municipal composters


Pre-war normal prices

Pre-war prices

Price averages

Prices paid for farm machinery

Series VIII: Box 10

General, cont.

Profit and loss charts

Proposed Plan for Distributing Surplus Agricultural Commodities to Needy Persons Through Normal Wholesale and Retail Channels of Trade

March 13, 1939

April 5, 1939

Rubber and synthetic rubber

Samuels, George and Pablo Landrau, Jr. "Filter-Press Cake as a Fertilizer"

Soil types (See chart in Series VIII: Oversized Box 26)

Spanish Feed Grain Needs

"Statement by Dr. Earl Bressman, Director Agricultural Division, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, before the Senate Agriculture Subcommittee Investigating Industrial Alcohol and Synthetic Rubber, at 10:00 A.M., E.W.T, June 5, 1942"

"Statement for the Use of Special Committee of Agricultural Policy"

"Statement Made to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Board by the President of the Joint Stock Land Bankers Association"

"A Study of Certain Aspects of Corn Belt Agriculture in Order to Determine Suitable Policy for Production Reduction."

"A Summary Personal Appraisal of the Polito-Economic Status of the New Deal Farm Programs"

Supply and demand curves

Transcripts from an agricultural exhibition in Czechoslovakia in 1949

Van Derlinden, Lee. "Minor Elements in the Fertilizer Program"

Vegetable Growers Associations

"A Visit to the Sericultural and Genetic Service Station of the Yunnan Provincial Reconstruction Bureau. " Saturday, June 24, 1944

Vitamin Fortification of Foods as Viewed by the Physician

Voluntary domestic allotment plan


Grain merger. 3 folders

List of Department of Agriculture publications

Series VIII: Box 11

Livestock (See also charts in Series VIII: Oversized Box 26)


Animal health

Breeds of livestock inquiry

Cattle and hog receipts (also weekly Chicago prices, 1989 – 1907)

Dressing percentages

Feeding - Proprietary feeds

Feeding - New school


Mill feed prices

Omaha livestock prices

Packer legislation

Proceedings against packers, 1923

Ultra-violet rays



Cattle 1924

Cattle chart

Cattle - Iowa 1925

Cattle feeding

Iowa 1921

Iowa 1921 - Roughages

Iowa 1923


Series VIII: Box 12


Dairy feeding

Dairy prices. 4 folders

Series VIII: Box 13




Baby beef




Cattle feeding. 2 folders

Cattle feeding experiments - Missouri 1929


Gluten feed experiment - Iowa

Steer feeding



Iowa 1918. Includes photographs

Iowa 1919. Includes photographs

Iowa 1930

Kansas 1917 - brown alfalfa, sweet clover, barley

Kansas 1919, 1920





Purebred cattle values

Record standardizer - "Know Your Cows"


The American Poultry Journal. Vol. 62: No. 6 (June 1931)

Blood Groups in Chickens


Egg production

Godfrey, Albert B. "Methods of Estimating the Mean Egg Weight Per Bird For the First Year Production"

The National Poultry Improvement Plan

Warren, D.C. "Hybrid Vigor in Poultry." Poultry Science, Vol.VII:No.1 (October/November 1927), p. 1 – 8

Series VIII: Box 14

Livestock, cont.


Raising rabbits


Lamb feeding



Lamb profits and losses

National Sheep and Wool Bureau of America

Purebred sheep values

Sheep feeding

Sheep feeding








Wilber, George M., Chairman Executive Committee, Ohio Wool Growers' Association, Before the Conference of the Wool Committee of the American Federation of Farm Bureaus, Chicago, November 4, 1920

Wool pool


5 grain comparison – Minnesota

Buttermilk powder for hogs

The Chester White Journal. 2 folders

Chicago hog receipts and prices by days of the week

Commercial hog feed – Iowa 1918, 1919

German and British hog prices

Hog charts

Hog cycle conference

Hog feeding





Hog minerals – Iowa

Hog price problems 1876 – 1915

Hog statistics

Hogs 1930

Hogs – Iowa



Series VIII: Box 15

Livestock, cont.

Swine, cont.

Hogs – Iowa, cont.






Mess pork, ten year 1940 – 1913 [Yields?]

Pig feeding


Illinois – fall




Nebraska 1917 – Semi-solid buttermilk



1917 – Midlings

1919 – barley

Purebred hog values

Sarle's hog Prices – Ezekiel's Bulletin 1440

Short rib averages - 10 years - 1904 -- 1913

Swine Feeders Day 1920

Swine feeding

Swine feeding. 2 folders




Swine performance project


Series VIII: Box 16

National Grange

Packing Houses

Armour propaganda – by products values

Packers profits and loss areas. Ratio between hog and product prices

Packing – miscellaneous

Packing company profits. 2 folders


Tariff. 4 folders

Series VIII: Box 17

Weather (See also charts in Series VIII: Oversized Box 26)

Bensin, Basil M. "Agricultural Microclimatology in Alaska"

Corn weather by states

Corn belt rainfall and temperatures and 10 day periods related to yield

Crop yields and weather

"The Drought Situation 1934"

Drought, 1928

Long range forecasting

Miscellaneous. 4 folders

Rainfall in July and August and December corn futures

Study of seasonal temperatures and rainfall changes

Weather corn yield by day and 10 days

Weather, sowing, harvesting

Weather study



#3 1925




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