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Box Contents List

Series VIII: Box 27

Biographical sketch of Murphy

Articles and books

“The Atomic Era.” May 20, 1950

Blackett, P.M.S. “Military and Political Consequences of Atomic Energy” 1948

Born, Max. "What Is Left To Hope For?" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, April1964

“Consequences of the H-Bomb.” March 6, 1950

DeWeerd, Harvey A. "Arms Control and the Legacy of the Past." Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists, June 1962

The Freeman

April 19, 1951

March 12, 1951

“For the Future of the Hemisphere”

Infeld, Leopold. “As I See It” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, February 1965

Kennan, George. "Russia and the Versailles Conference"

Kingdon, Frank. “An Uncommon Man: H.A.W. and 60 Million Jobs”

Kraschel, Nelson G., Lieutenant Governor of Iowa. Keynote Address Delivered Before the Iowa Democratic State Convention, Des Moines, Iowa, July 23, 1935

Laurence, William L. “The Neutron Bomb” The Saturday Evening Post, May 5, 1962

Morton, Louis. “Soviet Intervention in the War With Japan.”1962?

Neal, Fred Warner.“ U.S. Foreign Policy and the Soviet Union,” 1961

“Our Atomic Crisis”

Pammel, L.H. “Prominent Men I Have Met: Henry Cantwell Wallace”

Richards, Paul C.  “H.A.W. and the Progressive Party.” May 15, 1969

U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. “Growth of Agricultural Processing.” August 1958

Wallace, Henry A.

“At the Crossroads of Human History” A NANA Special, January 4, 1957

"The Farm Bureau and the New Deal: A Study of the Making of National Farm Policy, 1933-40" by Christiana McFadyn. (Book review.) Agricultural History, April 1963

“Further Facts on Raising the Price of Gold.” Reprinted from Journal of Farm Economics. August 1958

"Henry Wallace Speaks Out on   . . . " Successful Farming, November, 1961

“Henry Wallace Tells of…” Time, 1956?

“Henry Wallace—Where I Stand” The New Leader, August 26, 1950

“How I’d Stop the March of Stalin.” November 1950

“Interview with Henry A. Wallace: We Had Flexible Supports in the '30s.” Capper’s Farmer, May 1954

“Latin Americans, Anglo-Saxons, and Slavs in the New Age.” The Journal of General Education, January 1947

“Let’s Use or Surpluses…” Successful Farming, May 1954

“Needed: Cooperation Between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R….” Monthly Review, May 1950

"No Final Answer to the Farm Problem. U.S. News and World Report, January 8, 1954

Part I and Part II Draft of Article for Life. Part I: "My Ideas on Foreign Policy Grow and Change." (Ribbon copy)  Part II: "What I Believe"  (Photocopy)

“Research—Public and Private” Search, October 1961

“The U.S., the U.N., and Far Eastern Agriculture.” The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, December 1950

“Votes and Victuals.” Common Cause, June 1950

“Wallace Tells His Story.” U.S. News and World Report, January 9, 1953

“Where I Was Wrong.” This Week Magazine, September 2, 1952

“Why Flexible Price…” New Republic, May 3, 1954

Wallace, Kevin. “Where Are They Now?” The New Yorker


Agricultural Adjustment Administration

Clippings and notes regarding Wallace's resignation from the Department of Commerce and his disagreement with Truman

September 20, 1946. Letter to the employees of the Department of Commerce from H.A.W. about resignation from the Secretary of Commerce

September 20, 1946. Letter to Truman announcing his resignation from the Secretary of Commerce

September 21, 1946 “Wallace Fired for ‘Jeopardizing’ U.S. Relations.” The Washington Post

Other Newspaper clippings

Various topics. 6 folders. In Oversized Boxes 33 and 34


1929. Correspondents include


Taylor, H.C.

1932. Correspondents include

Soule, George

1933. Correspondents include

Appleby, Paul H.

Hubbard, W. F.

Kline, Allen

McArthur, William

McKee, Arden

Morris, Lewis

Morse, Theo. W.

Moyer, Ralph

Peek, George N.

Pettinger, Joe J.

Pierce, Dante M.

1934. Correspondents include

Akerman, D. L.

Black, Dr. A.G.

1935. Correspondents include

Appleby, Paul H.  

Black, A.G.

Bliss, K.K.

Pierce, Dante M.

Schultz, T.W.

Taff, P.C.

1936. Correspondents include

Arthur, George M.

Baldridge, Kenneth M.

Brigham, Reuben

Capper, Arthus

Chester, C.W.

Clark, Robert M.

Dickinson, Lester Jesse

Evans, P.M.

Farley, James A.

Garst, Roswell

Gladman, P.S.

Hubbard, Wilber F.

Hush, Homer

Isenhard, J.H.

Lucas, George C.

Olsen, F.B.

Perkins, Milo

Smith, Ralph

Swinger, F. B.

Thoma, Roscoe

Vadney, George E.

Warner, William B.

1937. Correspondents include

LeCron, James D.

Evans, R.M.

Gillete, Guy M.

Herring, Clyde

Schultz, T.W.

Slobodnik, Frank C.

1938. In Oversized Box 34 . Correspondents include

Appleby, Paul H.

Fox, Harry

Hook, H.B.

Hughes, J.J.

Kraschel, Fred J.

Vierth, Vernon

1939. Correspondents include

Appleby, Paul H.

1940. Correspondents include

Appleby, Paul H.

Herring, Clyde

[Nuhn, Ferner]

1941. Correspondents include

Budd, Ralph

Gregory, C[liff?].V.

Johnson, Francis

Jones, Robert A.

1942. Correspondents include

Flynn, Edward J.

Hughes, J.J.

1943. Correspondents include

Likert, Rensis

1966. Correspondents include

Robert Browne Wallace




Leach, Henry Goddard

LeCron, John

Huss, M.


Soule, Mr.

Suckow, Ruth


Henry A. Wallace Diaries. This is apparently a second copy of the draft for this proposed book. It is a carbon copy with ribbon copy addenda and inserts. Corrections are made in Wallace's hand.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2, Federal Farm Programs- 1933 and 1934 (Editorial Summary and Oral History)

Chapter 3, The “Purge” in U.S.DA. January 18, 1935 through February 11, 1935

Chapter 4, February 11, 1935 through November 16, 1939. Columbia Oral History

Chapter 5, November 16, 1939 through July 18, 1940

Chapter 6, The 1940 Campaign: July 18, 1940 through July 30, 1941

Chapter 7, March 29, 1942 through July 28, 1942

Chapter 8, August 6, 1942 through December 31, 1942

Chapter 9, January 1, 1943 through March 11, 1943

Chapter 10, March 12, 1943 through August 27, 1943

Series VIII: Box 28

Chapter 11, August 30, 1943 through December 29, 1943

Chapter 12, Latin America, Palestine January 1, 1944 through March 30, 1944

Chapter 13, April 3, 1944 through May 18, 1944

Chapter 14, May 20, 1944 through July 5, 1944

Chapter 15, July 13, 1944 through November 8, 1944

Chapter 16, After the 1944 Election, November 10, 1944 through December 28, 1944

Chapter 17, January 1, 1945 through January 18, 1945

Chapter 18, Changing the Guard—A New President, January 19, 1945 through April 26, 1945

Chapter 19, April 27, 1945 through June 26, 1945

Chapter 20, July 5, 1945 through September 13, 1945

Chapter 21, The Leak and the Bomb, September 18, 1945 through October 20, 1945

Chapter 22, October 27, 1945 through December 12, 1945

Chapter 23, Atomic Energy and Maximum Employment, December 13, 1945 through February 11, 1946

Chapter 24, Russian-British Policies, February 12, 1946 through April 5, 1946

Chapter 25, Russia, Palestine, Atomic Energy, May 10, 1946 through August 15, 1946

Chapter 26, Wallace and Truman Part Company, August 27, 1946 through September 30, 1946

Chapter 27, Oral History 1946 through 1951

Chapter 28

Appendix A

Appendix B, Russia and Foreign Policy

Appendix C

Discarded Chapter 5

Donald Murphy manuscript notes

Manuscript pages with additions and corrections in Wallace's hand

Manuscript pages, some in Wallace's hand

Notes on cover of file folder

Miscellaneous documents

Allotment Plan. 2 folders

Baker memories of HAW

Brown memories of HAW

Corn Hog documents. Includes photograph "Official of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, look over the first  bundle of 1935 corn-hog contracts, which were submitted by Marion county, Iowa, farmers." In the photo are Edward C. Paxton, in charge of contract acceptance for the corn-hog section; Warder B. Jenkins, chief of the contract records section; Claude B. Wickard, assistant chief; and Dr. A. G. Black, chief of the corn-hog section.

Henry A. Wallace biographical sketch

Henry A. Wallace statement concerning Nicholas Roerich

Henry C. Wallace biographical sketch

History of the Clark Family

Lone Scout Field Meet, 1925, 1927. In Oversized Box 34

Nation's Agriculture. October 1936

President's appointments

January 2 - 30, 1942, with some gaps

February 6 - 26, 1942, with some gaps

May 26 - July 13, 1944, with some gaps

December 19 -20, 1944

January 8, 1945

Press releases

Record Votes in the 76th Congress

Werner, Max. "The American Arsenal"

What Are the Changes of the G.O.P. Ticket?

Various assorted topics. See also Oversized Box 34

Your Congressman's Vote on the New Deal

Printed ephemera

Brochures, flyers and other matter. Includes a program for a Dinner Honoring H.A.W. January 29, 1945, inscribed to "Enrique, with affect, from Pepe." On this program are drawn sketches of people at the dinner, including Eleanor Roosevelt.

Picture of H.A.W. with tennis racket after playing tennis with Nelson Rockefeller, Senator William Smathers and Percy Douglas. Taken at the home of Nelson Rockefeller in Washington, D.C. Picture News, published by PM. Sent to Conservation 1/30/07

Posters. Sent to Conservation on 1/30/07

Series VIII: Box 29

Oral History. The Reminiscences of Henry Agard Wallace
This consists of transcripts of interviews conducted by Dean Albertson combined with excerpts from Wallace's diaries, selections from Wallace's letters, and transcriptions of Wallace's phone conversations. The manuscript was corrected by Wallace.

Volume 1: Foreword, Table of Contents,  pages 1- 309, 1888- 1934

Volume 2: pages 310 - 643, 1935 - 1939

Volume 3: pages 644  - 911, 1940, January - March

Volume 4: pages 992 - 1287, 1940, April - December

Volume 5: pages 1286 - 1424, 1941

Volume 6: pages 1425 - 1727, 1942, January - July

Volume 7: pages 1728 - 2147, 1942, August - December. 2 folders

Volume 8: pages 2153 - 2430, 1943, January - March

Volume 9: pages 2431 - 2693, 1943, April - August

Volume 10: pages 2694 - 2968, 1943, September - December

Volume 11: pages 2969 - 3306, 1944, January - April

Series VIII: Box 30

Volume 12: pages 3307 - 3613, 1944, May - December

Volume 13: pages 3613 (sic) - 3863, 1945, January - May

Volume 14: pages 3864 - 4119, 1945, June - September

Volume 15: pages 4120 - 4409, 1945, October - December

Series VIII: Box 31

Volume 16: pages 4410 - 4754, 1946, January - May

Volume 17: pages 4755 - 5114, 1946, June - December

Volume 18: pages 5115 - 5330, 1947 - 1951, Index

Series VIII: Box 32

Addendum to the memoir, pages 5198 - 5520. 2 folders

Miscellaneous pages

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