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NC92 Networker Databank Congress

MsC 783

Inventory for Box 2

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Box Contents List (Items are listed chronologically by their accesion numbers)

Box 2


Name: Anna Couey

Email Address: well, sf

Date: November 1991

Item: Essay for NC92 Telenetlink Congress; She states that telematic communication is subversive; "It subverts the idea of authorship bound up within the solitary individual. It subverts the idea of individual ownership of the works of imagination. It replaces the bricks and mortar of institutions of culture and learning with an invisible college and floating museum..."



Name: Anna Couey

Email Address: well, sf

Date: November 1991

Item: NC92 Networker Statement: "Many art networkers are working towards the birth of an inclusive, organic and responsive creative communications paradigm on a global scale. Their work may be described and evaluated in terms other than art, for instance, social activism. The label of their work is not as important as its effect."



Name: Crackerjack Kid

Address: PO Box 978, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755

Date: November 1, 1991

Item: "NC92 Telenetlink Congress Announcement." "All networkers interested in linking the mail art and telematic communities are invited to join in a Telenetlink Congress. This event is a 'congress in progress' and is scheduled to occur throughout 1992. Participation may involve any form of telecommunication exchange, email, fax, video..."(continued 138)



Name: Crackerjack Kid

(continued from 137)

"...phones etc. Visual or verbal communication discussing the role of the networker is one possible theme. Proposals and projects that would interconnect the mail art and telematic community are also welcome. What mutual benefits would be derived from telenetlinking both worlds?"



Name: Crackerjack Kid

Email Address:

Date: November 12, 1991

Items: An eletronic "Telenetlink Congress" update + on-line news -- Telenetlinks by Chuck Welch -- that appeared on Jeff Mann's Canadian Usenet newsgroup rec. arts. fine



Project Metanet: "NC92 Record of Phenomenological Spirit Experience"

Place: Sao Paulo Bienale

Date: November 1991

Items: In collaboration with Dr. Artur Matuck, Reflux Network project director, artists attending the Sao Paulo Bienial participated via e-mail :These participants e-mailed records of their, metanet action: Maria Ronilda De Oliveira, Itamar Jose Sopezak, Sylvio Alberto Silva Peccinini, Jenny Morales, Synesio Goncalves, & Maria Oliveira



Project: NC92 Telenetlink Congress

Date: November 6, 1991

Items: In an effort to interconnect the Sao Paulo Bienale's Reflux Network Project, Edward Michael Miller at Carnegie Mellon University (Reflux Net's nerve/message center) forwarded e-mail dialogue, information etc. about Reflux to be incorporated in the Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress' Databank, and also for further interaction from NC92 participants. Reflux snags are pointed out.



Project: NC92 Telenetlink Congress

Date: November 11, 1991

Item: A three-page email exchange between Crackerjack Kid and Bob Gale, director of the Minneapolis Bulletin Board Service, "Artbase." Gale is among 24 international "nodes" participating in Dr. Artur Matuck's Sao Paulo Bienial "Reflux Network Project." Gale describes his concerns about the NEA forming a grant cat. in telecom art. He also mentions "Arts Wire."



Project: Spirit Netlink Performance

Date: November 7, 1991

Items: Eleven students at Rhode Island School of Art and Design formed a circle in Room 1 of the RISD Student Center and performed ten minutes spirit to spirit. Lights were off and all students lay on their stomachs with legs crossed and up in the air: One account of experience by Wendy E. Jackson follows: "I wanted to melt with the rug but my ribs got in the way. Then the..." (continued 144)



(continued from 143) "...stamping started and it was hard not to think of a word in advance....I can't stop thinking about STRESS, not even for a minute...Phenomenologically speaking, the most outstanding experience I just had was that I wanted to be this rug which smells like black licorice. Yesterday, I was looking at some street lights out the window of the Refectory wondering when they would go off. Then they did. Boom!"



Project: Spirit Netlink Performance

Date: November 31, 1991

Item: Record of Phenomenological Spirit Experience between Buttons, 679 E. 9th St. #6, Chico, California 95928 and Reed Altemus: Description: "A simultaneous chant of the word 'shoe' between Reed Altmus (east coast) and myself (west coast). Considering the time differential and the fact our time pieces may be off a bit I chanted 8 minutes to insure both a quality chant as well as..." (continued 146)



(continued from 145 ) "...the 5 min. duration. I've chanted 'nam-myono-renge-kyo' in the past and am familiar with the spiritual aspects of chanting. -- However, linking up with another like minded soul in a combined effort to 'rid the world of blisters and other foot related inconveniences.' There was a spiritual bonding if not a geographical bonding. After this chant performance I took my lunch break and reflected upon it."



Project: Spirit Netlink Performance

Date: September 15, 1991

Item: Record of Phenomenological Spirit Experience between O Jason ( 27 Whitmore St., Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 4JS, England ) and his broken toilet. Duration of encounter: two hours; Location: Institute of Fatuous Research's toilet.



Project: NC92 Telenetlink Congress

Name: Stewart Dickson

Email address: celia!tpg!

Date: November 18, 1991

Item: "I have been a member of I.S.C.A. and have come to know the Int. Anarchist MailArt network via this forum. I have been computing professional as well as professional artists since 1981 and have been waiting for a MailArt network to emerge in the electronic realm. I applaud your efforts. I await receipt of the first broadcast images."



Project: Telenetlink Congress

Date: November 21, 1991

Item: Letter exchange between NC92 Congress organizers Crackerjack Kid and Reid Wood in an effort to establish a Telenetlink site at Wood's congress in Oberlin, Ohio . Crackerjack Kid made emailcontacts with Oberlin Reflux Network directors Carter McAdams and Wayne Draznin, (Coordinator Computer Arts Program, Cleveland Institute of Art) Message to Wood follows: (continued 150)



(continued from 149) "Dear Reid, Got your message that you'll be meeting Wayne Draznin, Coordinator Computer Arts Program, Cleveland Inst. of Art. Wayne and I have been exchanging email as a Reflux-NC92 netlink. I have asked him if he would assist you in establishing an 'NC92 Telenetlink Congress' site in Oberlin. Let me know how your meeting went."



Name: Ruggero Maggi

Address: C.So Sempione 67, 20149, Milano, Italy

Date: December 11, 1991

Item: Flyer produced by the Milan Art Center that lists eight Italian "Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congresses." Includes March 22, 1992 Meta-Net Congress at the " Milan Art Center " gallery.



Project: NC92 Netshaker Harmonic Divergence

Date: December 2, 1991

Items: A letter exchange between Geoffrey Cook, PO Box 4233, Berkeley, California 94704 and Crackerjack Kid discussing the Bay Area Dadaist's proposal for the March 22, 1992 "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence" (NSD): "We shall gather together for a discussion of issues that your NSD raises. We shall, also, be working on questions and choose the final questions in consultation..." (continued 153)



(continued from 152) "...amongst ourselves in the San Francisco Bay Area. We can send the tape on to you in the early spring." Part of Crackerjack Kid's response in a letter to Cook: "If there were one central question to be 'formally addressed' at a 'Netshaker Harmonic Divergence' I would pick this question for open discussion; 'What is the role of a spiritual networker?'"



Name: Clemente Padin

Address: Casilla C. Central 1211, Montevideo, Uruguay

No Date

Item: Spanish text entitled "El Networker Latinoamericano-1" Included in the eight page pamphlet is the Networker Congress invitation, a statement by Hans Braumuller of Santiago, Chile, and a text by Clemente Padin, "El Network en Latino America."



Name: Gianni Broi

Address: C.P. 684, 50123, Florence, Italy

Date: December 11, 1991

Item: Personal letter to Crackerjack Kid discussing spiritual communication in networking. Broi announces that the "Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Sao Paulo de Brasil" has asked him to exhibit "La Posta In Gioco." He suggests establishing a new project proposal involving fax and computer modem. Crackerjack responds with idea of netlinking with Telenetlink Project.



Name: Giuseppe Lannicelli

Address: JJ & Co., 20 Via Sacco, 1-15100, Alessandria, Italy

Date: December 12, 1991

Item: "The Lost Networker" "Networker, in my opinion does not exist. We are all too different from one another, we have different aims and motivations, and surely a stamp put somewhere on an envelope will not be enough to make us more similar. -- I believe that a 'network' makes sense only if it is able to maintain an art-communication-ethic relationship different from the mass-communication system."



Name: Giuseppe Lannicelli

Address: JJ & Co., 20 Via Sacco, 1-15100, Alessandria, Italy

Date: December 12, 1991

Item: A Networker Congress announcement by JJ &Co. Communication Ent.; "There will be a day dedicated (April 11, 1992) to discuss the theme 'Art Ethics and Communication in the Network,' to deepen theories and problems that sometimes are lost in the universe of communication we usually frequent. All mail artists, artists, publishers and authors of self-produced and underground magazines, computer networkers and so on are invited to participate."



Name: Artestudio

Address: 24028 Ponte Nossa - Bergamo, Via S. Bernardino 88, Italy

Date: December 12, 1991

Items: Poster announcing "Artestudio's May 9-10, 1992 Networker Congress." Stapled assemblage of misc. artestudio congress stamps, announcements, covers, NC92 announcements etc.



Name: Jacqueline Wolven

Address: 2421 Elden Ave. #1, Costa Mesa, California 92627-5111

Date: December 12, 1991

Item: Proposal for a NC92 "Women in the Mail" Congress: "All women who are interested in sharing their thoughts, ideas, creativity, and energy on the issue of Women in the Mail, please feel free to express yourself! You can join this Congress by sending in a piece that encompasses how you envision your role as a women involved in the networking process."



Name: Daniel Daligand

Address: 33 Rue Louise Michel, 92300 Levallois, Belgium

Date: December 14, 1991

Item: Announcement of a Mail Art Congress in Compiegne- France : "On Saturday 28th March 1992 during the mail-art exhibition held from March 14th until the end of April we organize a one-day decentralized networker congress in Centre culturel de CompiŽgne, Place Briet d' Abigny, 60200 CompiŽgne."



Name: O. Jason

Address: 27 Whitmore St., Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 4JS . United Kingdom

Date: December 20, 1991

Item: "Record of Phenomenological Spirit Experience" Context: "opening mail and filling in the playtime forever mail art opening research form." Description: "The Global Collage/Collective Possibilities/Pleas for Networketry/Nothing is Static/Change/And What Changes?/2-Way Communication/ The Visitors participation/Chaos/Nothing is Good/The gift/Play Time for Ever/Pray for Play."



Name: Hans Braumüller

Address: Santiago, Chile

Date: December 24, 1991

Item: Networker statement (English Translation); "This is my role as networker now: starting from the other side of history, to contact equal people in order to work together. On the one hand, I exchange artistic collaborations, concepts, medias -- so I recycle my art; on the other hand, I maintain myself in the world of alternative art as a messenger of the Indigenous pain resisting the wars of conquest since 1492."



Name: Graciela G. Marx

Address: Casilla De Correo 266, C.P. 1900, La Plata, Argentina

Date: December 24, 1991

Item: Networker statement and info about congress meeting; "We'll MET-a-NETWORK in the Decentralized world-wide networker congress in 1992. We're planning to meet with our closed mail-friends in 1992. It will be perhaps on April, at the 'Galpon de la Loma,' in La Plata, in the ancient playing landscape of the Compania de la Tierra Malamada," to talk about art and colon-ization."



Name: Mike Dyar

Address: 1418 Larkin St., Apt. 1, San Francisco, California 94109

No Date

Item: Information sheet concerning a censored 1968 mailart show held nine years later in Dubuque, Iowa .



Name: Steve Perkins/Lloyd Dunn

Address: 221 W. Benton St., Iowa City Iowa 52246

No Date

Item: "Networker Congress Statements" pamphlet: "This booklet is comprised of networking statements received by the Aggressive School of Cultural Workers, Iowa Chapter (ASCW-IA) generated in response to the Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress 1992. Intended to open up debate and to provide a vehicle for Congress discussions, these edited statements would not be viewed as a comprehensive overview of networking in the 90s."



Name: Shozo Shimamoto

Address: 1-1-10 Koshienguchi, Nishinomiya, Japan 663

Date: December 15, 1991

Item: Networker Statement: "Spreading throughout the earth in all directions with each individual freely choosing their own way of expression, mail art networking propagates in a geometrical progression or vanishes, over and over. Its contents are so pluralistic and substantial that people that look at artistic expression in a shortsighted manner find it hard to comprehend or even accept."



Name: Geoffrey Cook

Address: PO Box 4233, Berkeley, California 94704

Date: November 4, 1991

Item: Letter from Cook to Crackerjack Kid regarding preliminary plans to organize an "NC92 Netshaker Harmonic Divergence" with Bay Area Artists: "All I know is that Crag Hill, myself, Bill Gaglione and asundry friends will be getting together in March."



Name: Ruud Janssen

Address: PO Box 10388, 5000 JJ Tilburg, The Netherlands

Date: November 1, 1991

Item: Congress Proposal entitled "Congress-Idea 1992." Document reads in part; "Since I work a lot with computers (I have my own Host-System, and the computerized TAM-Bulletin) I would like to organize a few congress computer-sessions. During these fixed days mail- artists can log on to the central computer here in Tilburg."



Name: Bob Drake

Address: Burning Press, PO Box 585, Lakewood, Ohio 44107

Date: November 1, 1991

Item: Copy of InterSect Newsletter containing "Telenetlinks" and "Netlinks" essays by Chuck Welch



Name: John Held Jr.

Address: Dallas, Texas

Date: December 10, 1991

Item: "Networker Congress 1992: An Annotated Bibliography"



Name: Carlo Pittore

Address: Post Rd., Bowdoinham, Maine, 04008-0182

Date: January 2, 1992

Item: One page document of the "1992 Decentralized World-Wide Network Congress, Bowdoinham, Maine 04008 " signed by Robert Saunders and Carlo Pittore. Reads: "Discussed: Mayumi and Kristof D'; Bern Porter of Maine; Guy Bleus of Administration Center; Shozo S., Reed Altemus; Steve Random - we are about Buster Cleveland right now."



Name: Peter Kaufmann

Address: Ebmatingen, Switzerland

Date: November 26, 1991

Item: Black postcard with white type that reads, "Keep Yougoslavia alive, feed the tourists and the other monkeys yours +PK+"



Name: Bruno Pollaci

Address: Via G. Bonamici 8, 56122 Pisa, Italy

Date: December 29, 1991

Item: Postcard announcing the "Images Congress Project Pisa" (deeds, no words); Deadline: April 15, 1992



Name: Seiei Nishimura

Address: Iida, Nagano, Japan

Date: December 1, 1991

Item: Letter to Crackerjack Kid discussing role of the spiritual and materialistic networker: "Now, we must break our social culture in our mind, spirit -- and we must cut our social net-thought in our mind, spirit. And we must open our new human live net, communication in our soul. To do it is very difficult and dangerous work." Reply from Crackerjack Kid.



Name: Crackerjack Kid

Address: Hanover, New Hampshire

Date: December 3, 1991

Item: Letter to H.R. Fricker discussing Networker Congresses, Perneczky's "A Háló," etc.: "Mail art networkers, in my view, examine the relativity between reality and fiction. Networkers jam the communication age with a hidden wrench - appropriating the fictive truths of advertised political and economic dogma, they alter the content so that messages are no longer a cultural massage, but a poke at pinnochio's fictitious nose. If mail art is 'gentle communication:' as Perneczky writes, networking is both ethereal and real - and networkers know the difference between both realities. Metacommunication or neonic commun ication then, is not the fluffy stuffing in some philosopher's sofa, it is a confrontation with materialism and the acknowledgment of a spiritual alternative - an awakening!"



Name: Turk Le Clair

Address: Radio Free Dada, PO Box 4583, Santa Rosa, California 95402

Date: December 28, 1991

Item: Mailed "Record of Phenomenological Spirit Experience" for "NC92 Netshaker Harmonic Divergence": Location: Grave yards around the world; Context: Folks in times to come; Description: "Some time, not too many years from now - the people will remember and will visit the tombs of the once mighty and form long lines so each can have their turn to piss on the graves. We have Nixon and Raygun for starters. The people will remember."



Name: Crackerjack Kid

Address: Hanover, New Hampshire

Date: January 8, 1992

Item: Letter to NC92 Dallas Netlink Facilitator John Held Jr. Letter reads in part: "Send me a sealed envelope which contains a brief statement: a) what do you think is the role of the SPIRITUAL NETWORKER, and b) do you consider yourself absent or present in my congress? I will be placing your sealed letter on an empty chair with your name on it. So while you may not be at my congress in the flesh, at least you will be there in spirit."



Name: JosŽ VdBroucke

Address: Pikkelstraat 49, B-8540 Deerlijk, Belgium

Date: December 23, 1991

Item: Postcard with inscription: "1992: This year I will eat and sleep and wash my body and go to the toilet and make love and clean my house and my garden and talk with my neighbors and do my job and send my mail WHILE YOU CONGRESS!"



Name: Marsha Anne Runner and Jimmy Runner

Address: 996 Coppet Street, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709

Date: January 6, 1992

Item: Rubberstamped postcard for "NC92 Netshaker Harmonic Divergence."



Name: Peter W. Kaufmann

Address: Bergwisenstr. 11, CH-1823, Ebmatingen, Switzerland

Date: December 26, 1991

Item: "The Networker Congress Chronologie 92" Also mailed "Netlink of the DNC92" address list for congress facilitators.



Name: Peter W. Kaufmann

Address: Bergwisenstr. 11, CH-1823, Ebmatingen, Switzerland

Date: December 26, 1991

Item: Large mailer with congress stamps and skull with inscription, "N.E.O.N.I.C.S. network and mail art is human rights 1991" Contents included list of NC92 "Planned Open Sessions," and four "Telenetlink Stamp Designs" for the "NC92 Telenetlink Congress."



Name: Reed Altemus


Date: November 9, 1991

Item: Faxed a "Record of Phenomenological Spirit Experience" -- a graphic blueprint of a Metanouvoismus - Fluxus one room schoolhouse. Note on other side of Fax sheet to Crackerjack Kid.



Name: TPG Digital Center

Address: 505 N. Naomi St., Burbank, California 91505

Date: January 2, 1992

Item: Faxed a Ray Johnson Death Triangle for the "NC92 Telenetlink Congress." Inscription around triangle reads, "Decentralized Oh Boy Congress 1992"



Name: O. Jason

Address: England

Date: January 2, 1992

Item: Networker Statement: "THIS IS FAT(uous) pleas for networketry" "By networking we learn to step beyond our egos and become aware of collective possibilities. No one individual is at the centre of a network. Networking shows us that the world is always larger than we can ever grasp. Nothing is ever static in a network. Networking enables us to embrace change. Networking is always concerned with participation. By networking we resist the dominant culture which only wants us to be passive consumers."



Name: John Held Jr.

Address: Dallas, Texas

Date: January 13, 1992

Item: Stampsheet of the "Stamp Francisco Networker Congress 1992, January 10, 1992." Congress stampsheet lists approximately two dozen participants who attended the congress at San Francisco 's Stamp Art Gallery . (Additional items related to Stamp Francisco, which were later donated by Held, are also filed with this entry).



Name: John Held Jr.

Address: Dallas, Texas

Date: January 13, 1992

Item: "Excerpts from the Goforth Journal: Stamp Francisco Networking Congress, Networking Fresco, and the Birth of the Fake Picabia Brothers."



Name: Tom [surname deleted on request]

Address: [Worms, Germany]

Date: January 5, 1992

Item: "Network Project Status Report of Capitalmocracy with Ketchup." Report lists turnout for the "Capitalmocracy with Ketchup" international mail art show for Soviet friends." Tom declares the project a 1992 Decentralized Networker Congress and asks all the NC92 congress facilitators to 'please disseminate this information.'"



Name: Noospapers

Address: PO Box 2726

Date: January 25, 1992

Item: Advertisement for "Noospapers: The Publication of the Immediast Underground." "The Immediast Underground is an international collective of networking artists, writers, hackers, pirate broadcasters, and posterists who communicate with one another through information systems, mail art, and the underground press, and who communicate with the public through actions against all forms of coercive communication and manipulative images"



Name: Pedro Bericat

Address: No 51 - 10 Ocha, 50002 Zaragoza, Spain

Date: January 27, 1992

Item: Postcard announcement for a "Information Congress Meta-Networker."



Name: Harry Polkinhorn

Address: PO Box 927428

Date: January 28, 1992

Item: Sheet announcing proposal for a September 2, 1992, Decentralized Networker Congress at PO Box 927428, San Diego, California 92192 . Activity is listed as "writing."



Name: Jennifer Huebert

Address: Women's Studio Workshop, PO Box 489, Rosendale, New York 12472

Date: January 28, 1992

Item: Letter expressing desire to serve as a facilitator and organize a networker congress involving women in the project. Mailed a networker congress T-Shirt with oval logo. Reply from Crackerjack Kid



Name: Ruggero Maggi

Address: C. So Sempione 67, 20149 Milano, Italy; Fax: 00392/3491947

Date: January 29, 1992

Item: Mediteranean Congress Statement: "In the artistic world there are some resistances at the introduction of computer and other technological means, due to their costs, still relatively high, and to the fear that they could rationalize too much the artistic work. But computers and other means are like a pencil or a brush, the only difference lies in their higher degree of evolution."



Name: John Held Jr.

Address: Dallas, Texas

Date: January 29, 1992

Items: 1) Latinoamerican Networker Pre-Congresses: Reports from Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile; 2) "Excerpts from the Goforth Journal: Stamp Francisco Networking Congress, Networking Fresco, and the Birth of the Fake Picabia Brothers;" 3) "Preparing for the Netowrker Congress 1992: An Annotated Bibliography with a listing of materials on the Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress 1992 distributed from Winter 1990 through January 1992."



Name: Darren Striker

Address: Box 80044, Akron, Ohio 44308

Date: January 29, 1992

Item: Announcement of a NC92 Labor Day Congress, September 7th in Akron, Ohio . "This will coincide with the annual Dumpster Day Picnic which is held every Labor Day here in Akron . Submissions, requests for info and the like can be sent to me c/o WSD at PO Box 80044, Akron, or people can call (216) 762-1279 for info on both the congress and Dumpster Day."



Name: Bern Porter

Address: 22 Salmond, Belfast, Maine 04915

Date: January 30, 1992

Item: Postcard proposal for an on-going NC92 "Meta-Networker Congress each day between 1:18 A.M. to 3:22 A.M. at the Institute of Advanced Thinking 's sub-basement and annex." Porter writes, "telepaths only."



Name: David Cole

Address: 19 Grace Ct., 4C, Brooklyn, New York 11201

Date: January 31, 1992

Item: "Paumonock Worksong Commemorative Postage, 1992" for the Netshaker Harmonic Divergence.



Name: Guy Bleus

Address: P.O. Box 43, 3830 Wellen, Belgium

Date: January 31, 1992

Items: 2 photos and a letter to Crackerjack Kid, "Don't know what mail-art will bring this year. The 'Art Is Books' show is still traveling. There will be the zoo congress in Antwerp and maybe I'll be involved in the show organized by the PTT Museum in the Hague ( Holland ) I'll keep you posted. Mail-art is a gift, a favour of the gods. Only Hermes must know why."



Name: Steve Bradley

Address: College of New Rochelle, SAS, Dept. of Art, New Rochelle, New York 10805

Date: February 4, 1992

Item: Catalogue for "Post-Modem Facsimile," a fax show at College of New Rochelle 's College Center Gallery. Invitation to "NC92 Telenetlink Congress" was posted in the show - an effort to interconnect mail artists and the telematic community.



Name: FaGaGaGa

Address: Box 1382, Youngstown, Ohio 44501

Date: February 4, 1992

Item: The Face of the Congress zine, January 1992 issue. "Welcome to the first edition of The Face of the Congress. This monthly publication, which will reproduce portraits created during Networker meetings, will be our contribution to the NC92." ( NOTE: See entry 274 for Issues #2-3, and entry 316 for #4)



Name: Chuck Welch

Address: Lebanon, New Hampshire

Date: February 4, 1992

Item: The Reflux Project Catalogue: An Art Telecommunication Event and Learning Environment for Decentralized Interchange edited by Francis Goldsberry, STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University . Catalogue includes several essays by Chuck Welch which connected Reflux Project with NC92 through the "Telenetlink Congress."



Name: John Held Jr.

Address: Dallas, Texas

Date: February 3, 1992

Item: "Networker Jazz" artiststamp sheet made by Held from Crackerjack Kid's network jazz singer postcard.



Name: Angela Pähler and Peter Küstermann

Address: PO Box 2644, D-495, Minden, Germany

Date: February 5, 1992

Items: Mailed black and white photograph of Peter Küstermann in his traditional post uniform hanging mail art to Italian Antonio Tregnaghi at the publishing desktop in his hometown Lucca's Studio Giallo. Mailed a "Press Information Sheet" and a congress sheet describing a January 5th congress with Daniel Daligand.



Name: Phil McCray

Email Address: <>

Date: January 13, 1992

Item: Request for information pertaining to NC92. "I refer to the PMC posting in which the NC92 Telenetlink Congress was discussed. May I ask you to provide me with some general information about NC92, and perhaps other relevant sources of activity (such as alt.artcom)? Sent entire 'Networker Databank' entries."

best wishes,

Phil McCray

Cornell University Archives

Reply was sent via email to above electronic address. Messages were sent in seven parts; Parts 1-4 "Networker Databank Congress;" Part 5 List of Projects and Contacts; Part 6 NC92 Project Description; Part 7 "Art That Networks" essay. Entire interconnection with Cornell University was part of the NC92 "Telenetlink Congress."



Name: E.Z. Smith & Maillory

Address:25's Stuff, 834 E. Yale, Fresno, California 93704

Date: February 10, 1992

Item: Gallery 25, Fresno, California, mail art show and congress postcard announcement.



Name: Not listed

Address: Cagliari, 10 Gennaio 1992, Sala Verde, Cittadella dei Musei

Date: February 10, 1992

Item: Postcard with title "Mediterranean Congress 1992."



Name: Greg Ruggiero

Address: PO Box 2726, Westfield, New Jersey 07091

Date: February 12, 1992

Items: Letter to Crackerjack Kid, letter from H.R. Fricker to "The Immediast Underground," assorted flyers about "The Immediast Underground" and "Noospapers."



Name: Peter Kustermann and Angela Pahler

Address: PO Box 2644, D495 Minden, West Germany

Date: January 1, 1992

Item: Sprit Netlink Performance; Duration: 7 hours; Location: Swiss Alps; Context: The very first Networker Congress in 1992 starting at midnight in the first second of the New Year; Description: "As an homage to Hans Ruedi (Fricker) we worked our slow way up to this mountain resort. -- we regretted the loss of some old mail art friends, physically and mentally, and welcomed some new ones in spirit!! We agreed to meet again after 366 days exactly to look back on what we expect now."



Name: Malok

Address: Box 41, Waukau, Wisconsin 54930

Date: February 13, 1992

Item: three b/w photocopy collages; "From a day of discomfort scents, traces, clues plentiful hands ingenuity."



Name: Peter W. Kaufmann

Address: 8123 Ebmatingen, Switzerland

Date: February 13, 1992

Items: NC92 events list, updated "Chronology of the World Wide Networker Congress," photocopy of Peter Kunstermann hand delivering network congress mail, and portrait of Peter W. Kaufmann. Letter from Crackerjack Kid to Peter W. Kaufmann.



Name: David Cole

Address: 19 Grace Ct., Brooklyn, New York

Date: February 12, 1992

Item: Two sheets of artist stamps commemorating the metanet. Letter from David Cole to Crackerjack Kid.



Name: Geoffrey Cook

Address: PO Box 4233, Berkeley, California 94704 ;

Date: February 1, 1992

Item: Letter to Crackerjack Kid concerning establishment of San Francisco Bay Area "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence." Reply to Cook about establishing telenetlinks during the March 22, congresses in Sand Francisco and Lebanon, New Hampshire . A list of Telenetlink email addresses was mailed to Cook.



Name: Pete Fischer

E-mail Address:

Date: February 6, 1992

Item: Telenetlink congress connection between Fischer and Crackerjack Kid. Transmitted materials exchanged include Letter to Fischer, NC92 Congress information and contact sheet.




Name: Ohio State University

Email Address:

Date: February 6, 1992

Item: transmission from Ohio State University. to Chuck Welch about printing his NC92 article in "Interface" electronic magazine.



Name: Pete Fischer

Address: Metropophobobia, Box 2589, Phoenix, Arizona 85002-2589

Date: 1-30-92

Item: Letter to NC92 "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence" explaining a desire to be a telecommunications node on March 22nd. "We are interested in using telecommunication to connect with any and all other arts groups who are having congress on that day (March 22) We have a Panasonic WG-R2 VidPhone and the "FrankenPhone" or "Camera Phone Visual Telephone Communications System."



Name: Chuck Welch

Address: Lebanon, New Hampshire

Date: February 6, 1992

Item: NC92 Telenetlink Congress contact sheet plus some possible questions for discussion on March 22 and thereafter. "Are privacy and security at risk in the environment from which you transmit information via internet? Some mail artists claim that Bulletin Board Services are easier and less expensive to connect with than computer highways like internet. Are there contrary views out there?"



Name: Artur Matuck

Email Address: <>

Date: January 15, 1992

Item: Matuck's vision of the role of the networker as inspired by his first ideas on establishing the "Reflux Network Project" from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.



Names and Email Addresses: Phil McCray, Cornell University Archives; James Demmers,; David Gallagher, <>; Uncle Don Milliken, Amherst College, Amherst, MA; editors of "Post Modern Culture" electronic magazine, North Carolina State University

Date: February 1992

Items: Telenetlink email messages were posted to all of the addresses listed here. Messages were sent in seven parts; Parts 1-4 "Networker Databank Congress"; Part 5 List of Projects and Contacts; part 6 NC92 Project Description; Part 7 "Art That Networks" essay. Combinations of all these items were emailed to all inquiries about the NC92 Telenetlink Congress and other networker year events.



Name: Reed Altemus


Date: February 6, 1992

Item: Message from Reed Altemus to NC92 Telenetlink Congress: "I found out some interesting info about visual information transfer. There is a shareware program for the MAC called 'Stuff it' which binhexes and 'stuffs' any MAC format file including scanned graphics so it can be sent over the Internet. Thing is, the address on the receiving end has to have 'Stuff it' to unbinhex and unstuff the file. It works best on UNIX systems."



Name: Stewart Dickson

Address: The Post Group, 6335 Homewood Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90028, celia!tpg!

No Date

Item: Essay about the role of the networker sent via email to the NC92 Telenetlink Congress: "The electronically transmitted message lacks an independent identity -- it must inherit its identity from the apparatus which received it: the video monitor or the FAX machine. This is not to reduce the importance of these media, it is simply to express that something is missing. MailArt often evolves into the sculptural media when the artist's selection of materials is permitted to roam free. I would like to suggest an exchange which could restore some immediacy to electronic transmission. I am prepared to propose that sculpture can be transmitted over electronic networks."



Name: "Postmodern Culture" (PMC) electronic magazine

Address: PMC@NCSUVM.CC.NCSU.EDU (internet)

Date: February 7, 1992

Item: Postmodern Culture's email magazine listing of NC92 Telenetlink Congress contact list.



Name: Scot Art


Date: February 9, 1992

Item: Australian email posting to the Telenetlink Congress announcing events for the "Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress 1992."



Name: Angela Pähler and Peter Küstermann

Address: Minden, Germany

Date: February 14, 1992

Item: Instant Diary Documentation Catalogue for the DNC Congress Year 1992. Document as written by Peter Küstermann includes descriptions and philosophical statements concerning networker congresses with Cavellini (deceased) at gravesite, H.R. Fricker, NATO, Daniel Daligand, Johan Van Geluwe, Werner Elbrecht and others.



Name: Colleen

Address: PO Box 24, Bristol, Wisconsin 53104

Date: February 15, 1992

Item: Letter to Crackerjack Kid expressing intention to participate in the NC92 "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence."



Name: H.R. Fricker

Address: Trogen, Switzerland

Date: February 18, 1992

Item: Letter to Crackerjack Kid about Reflux Network, Telenetlinks, and congress matters; "I am just waiting for one word or a sentence or a concept -- waiting and waiting and when I got the word or sentence then I see: That's not from myself, it is something I got from the 'air.' Maybe that's the 'spirit' we are speaking about -- I am just a catcher."



Name: Musicmaster

Address: 5136 Lyndale Ave. So.

Date: February 21, 1992

Items: poetry, photocopied images, and letter to Crackerjack Kid announcing a meta-not gathering on March 22, "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence." "Anyone interested in joing GreetOmatic, Fucci, and Musicmaster for limited edition book(let) production on March 22 need only send comment, complaint, etc. to me for inclusion - ideally notes for mail-art related commentary, reflection, performance, and naturally rule-bending or breaking."



Name: Bern Porter

Address: 22 Salmong, Belfast, Maine 04915

Date: February 21, 1992

Item: Sent "spirit object" to be buried in "timeless capsule" during Crackerjack Kid's "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence." Also sent "sealed spirit envelope" for performance on March 22 at Crackerjack's house. Mailed "Spirit Netlink Performance" form documenting January 16, 1992 gathering in the "sub-basement of Institute of Advanced Thinking, Belfast, Maine " Context: Room temperature - 10 degrees F, Belfast Temperature 16 Degrees F - Wind 13 mph - Snowing all night 3-4 inches; Description: "A rotting 7 inch lemon pie in aluminum foil plate as obtained from stone soup kitchen where bern broke and fighting in court for his life's savings was placed on the floor, room center. -- 6 people gathered - Bern and 5 others - 3 to a side. 3 chanted lemon, lemon 15 times, 3 chantted rot rot 15 times. A slight yellow haze vapor smoke rose from the center of the pie."



Name: Jose Vandernbroucke

Address: Pikkelstraat 49, B-8540 Deerlijk, Belgium

Date: February 21, 1992

Item: Misc. metanet 1992 materials, photo, copy art, etc.



Name: Tom Kudla

Address: USAI Sec-Eur, Cmr. 421, Box 689, APO AE 09056

Date: February 20, 1992

Item: Received a small spirit object for the "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence" timeless capsule burial on March 22, 1992. Also sent "my vision with performance gesture" for spirit performance on March 22.



Name: Calum Selkirk

Address: PO Box 334, Beford, MK40 3XN, England

Date: February 25, 1992

Items: Photocopy of "Desensitized World Wise Nutcracker Congress" and an article by Mark Bloch entitled, "Panscan = Mail Art + Teleconferencing." (flyer and postcard to Bill Gaglione about congress also filed with these items)



Name: Robin Crozier

Address: 5b Tunstall Vale, Sunderland SR2 7HP England

Date: February 25, 1992

Item: Memory sheet. Information about the "post-DDR-Mail-Art-Congress": "What about East-German Mail Art? Send your statements, concepts, postcards till our meeting to: Sabine Wohlrab, Prenzlauer, Allee 210, 0-1055 Berlin, Germany."



Name: Don Milliken

Email Address:

Date: February 15, 1992

Item: Inquiry via email for information pertaining to NC92 "Telenetlink Congress," "I want torn flesh and entrails, or at least something resembling one of those envelopes we used to send out to others to pass around, bend, staple, fold, mutilate and send back. If your neighbors think it's art, it ain't./If it's being taught on campus, it's gone by."



Name: Pete Fischer

Email Address:

Date: February 15, 1992

Item: Lists new contacts to add on the "Telenetlink Congress" contact sheet including ANAT - Australian Network for Art and Technology, Conceptual Design Group, and The Electronic Cafe International.



Names: Maurizio Armellin and Piermario Ciani

Address: MU, VIA Duca d'Acosta 10, 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV), Itlay (location of congress)

Date: February 29, 1992 (date of congress)

Item: Project Announcement for Italian NC92 congress, "Il Networker E I Rapporti Con Le Istituzioni." Sheet lists program of talks by Piermario Ciani, Vittore Baroni, and others.



Names: Vittore Baroni, Enrico Marani, and Manitu Rossi

Address: Via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio, Italy

No Date

Item: Project titled "Let's Network Together" audio cassette recording by Vittore Baroni, Enrico Marani, and Manitü Rossi. Postcard announcement accompanying the cassette states that "Let's Network Together" is the ..."(un)official hymn of the 'Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress 1992' and a romantic tribute to the disappearing 45 RPM vinyl single. The record is available only as a free insert with issue #63 of 'Arte Postale!' limited edition of 600 copies."



Name: Dobrica Kamperelic

Address: 11040 beograd, Milovana Jankovica 9B, Yugoslavia

Date: February 24, 1992

Item: Sent copy of Open World 68 and mailed a "spirit object" for burial in a "timeless capsule" during the NC92 "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence." Also included are Crackerjack Kid's response to Kamperelic.



Name: Ruud Janssen

Address: PO Box 10388, 5000 JJ Tilburg, The Netherlands

Date: February 11, 1992

Item: A documentation of NC92 computer session between Janssen and Charles Francoise of Liege, Belgium.



Name: John Held

Address: Dallas, Texas

Date: February 20, 1992

Item: A Ray Johnson NC92 photocopy "add-on." photocopy stampsheet signed by Held, and a photocopied photograph of the "Stamp Franscisco Networker Congress" taken by E.Z. Smith. Letter from Held on back of congress photo.



Name: Jennifer Huebert

Address: PO Box 489, Rosendale, New York 12472

Date: February 20, 1992

Items: Mailed a "congress booklet," "spirit object" and "spirit performance" for the March 22 "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence." Huebert's letter addressed to Crackerjack Kid discusses feminism in the network and an observation about NC92, "Common aims of this net-year seem to be, 1) Congressing with non-networkers, 2) Communication between congress sessions, 3) Getting in touch in other ways besides meeting in person, and my own addition, 4) Getting more women involved." Response mailed from Crackerjack Kid to Huebert.



Name: JosŽ VdBroucke

Address: Pikkelstraat 49, B-8540 Deerlijk, Belgium

Date: February 29, 1992

Item: Photocopy entitled, "Congress Solitaire."



Name: Peter Brandt

Address: Totenberg 58, D-5760 Arnsberg 1, Germany

Date: March 2, 1992

Item: Postcard depicting nets among varied portraits.



Name: Leon Bellin

Address: 1122 Maple Avenue, Evanston, IL 60202

Date: March 3, 1992

Item: Networker statement, "There are all sorts of academies in the art world which conceive of themselves as unique, and in the center of the mainstream. To acknowledge that there is something meaningful happening elsewhere, however peripheral, must imply that the academy is less important than it has thought itself to be."



Name: Clemente Padin

Address: C Correo Central 1211, Montevideo, Uruguay

Date: March 4, 1992

Item: Magazine entitled El Networker Latinoamerica 2. Magazine includes the complete congress sessions list and mentions several of the NC92 congress projects.



Name: Peter W. Kaufmann

Address: Bergwisenstr. 11, CH-8123, Ebmatingen, Switzerland

Date: March 4, 1992

Item: updated "Networker Congress 92 Documentation."



Name: David Jarvis

Address: 31 Mountearl Gardens, London SW16 2N1, England

Date: March 10, 1992

Item: 8 1/2" x 11" sheets of "Eonidada Networking '92 Congress Woman."



Name: Edgardo-Antonio Vigo

Address: Casilla de Correo 264, 1900 La Plata Argentina

Date: March 10, 1992

Item: Postcard with inscription, "My 'physical presence' annul the 'absence' which is my 'real presence.'"



Name: Lloyd Dunn

Address: PO Box 227, Iowa City, Iowa 52244

Date: March 11, 1992

Item: Issue of Retrofuturism August 1991, Number 15. Issue includes "Plans for an International Networking Congress." Open Letter from Crackerjack Kid introduces new congress terminology, "netlinks" and "we should offer ourselves as 'facilitators' rather than directors."



Name: Geoffrey Cook

Address: PO Box 4233, Berkeley, California 94704

Date: April 30, 1992

Item: Filled out a "Spirit Netlink Performance" sheet on March 22, at the San Francisco office of the California Highway patrol, just across the street from Bill Gaglione's gallery. Also the following quote from correspondence: "Disturbing news coming out of L.A. this morning. The network should be prepared to support political resistence in this country if need be."



Name: Daniel Daligand

Address: 33, Rue Louise Michel, 92300 Levallois, France

Date: May 2, 1992

Item: Photographs of Daligand's mail art project "How Do You Imagine the City of Compiegne?" Also mailed correspondence, "The Congress in Compiegne was interesting with Charles Francois, Gilberto Prado, J.N. Laszlo, Pascal Lenoir, and people from Compiegne and friends of mine."



Name: H.R. Fricker

Address: 9043 Trogen, Switzerland

Date: May 2, 1992

Item: Assorted Networker Congress stickers. Postcard reads, "How was the 22nd of March??? Did you make a documentation? I send you some stickers designed by Piermario Ciani edited by HRF. Please don't forget: first of August, Trogen session about function and future of the networker congress."



Name: Shermakaye Bass

No Address

No Date

Item: "The Art is in the Mail; It's Also at the Downtown Library," The Dallas Morning News, Sunday, May 3, 1992, issue, p. 5. Article discusses John Held's "Fax Congress" held at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library. Photograph appears of John Held and Crackerjack Kid at the "Networker Writers Congress."



Name: John Held Jr.

Address: 7919 Goforth, Dallas, Texas 75238

No Date

Item: "A Bibliography of International Networker Culture," A checklist of 31 books, magazines, and exhibition catalogs included in the Dallas Public Library Exhibition accompanying the "Fax Congress," May 2-9, 1992.



Name: H.R. Fricker

Address: CH-9043 Trogen, Switzerland

Date: March 8, 1992

Item: Correspondence, "If ever possible please discuss the future of the networkers' instrument; 'Networker Congress.' I think in the future the Networker Congress can be important like the mail art show today - a link to the public. 'Where two or more meet - makes it open to all, but I think we should determine what function a networker congress has. Therefore, the theme of my congress session is 'the networker-congress.'"



Name: H.R. Fricker

Address: CH-9043 Trogen, Switzerland

Date: March 8, 1992

Item: Sheet of paper proclaiming Crackerjack Kid's "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence" a "place of fury." The name was to be registered in the Real Estate Register of Lebanon, but Crackerjack's address changed mysteriously during the netshake to Hanover, New Hampshire. The Lebanon Real Estate Register would not take the sheet so Crackerjack sent it to University of Iowa instead.



Name: H.R. Fricker

Address: CH-9043 Trogen, Switzerland

Date: March 8, 1992

Item: Correspondence: "I think that a networker congress should be more than just an exciting meetingplace for networkers. It should be a link to the whole society. We are experts in communication - personal communication. Maybe you would say that we are experts in 'spirit transfer.'"



Name: Steve Perkins

No Address

No Date

Item: "Networking Before and After" stampsheet.



Name: John Held Jr.

Address: 7919 Goforth, Dallas, Texas 75238

Date: April 9, 1992

Item: Correspondence about "Networker Writers Congress."



Name: Peter W. Kaufmann

Address: 8123 Ebmatingen, Switzerland

Date: April 5, 1992

Item: Congress data forms, an updated "Chronology of the World Wide Networker Congress 1992," and a "Support the DNC '92" poster.




Name: Bonnie Barreras

Address: 11205-B N.E. 49th St., Vancouver, Washington 98682

Date: May 7, 1992

Item: Correspondence pertaining to "Networker Databank Congress."



Name: Mary Ann Crowe

Address: PO Box 20840, Baltimore, Maryland 21209-0840

Date: April 30, 1992

Item: Correspondence, "Attended my first 'congress' at WPA in D.C. and am hoping to include one here during The Bauhouse exhibit."



Name: Reed Altemus

Fax #: 829-3666

Date: May 8, 1992

Item: Fax "About Network Myths and Communications Environments." Text reads in part: "It has always been the case that art networking or networking as art allowed for the possibility that 'you don't have to be there.' For myself, the novelty of networking as an alternative to social and political constraints of the geographic environment continues to be interesting. However, I find the organized and directional model of networking boring."



Name: Calum Selkirk

Address: PO Box 334, Bedford MK40 OYE, England

Date: May 27, 1992 (postmarked)

Item: Listing of NC92 in "Small World Press." Also sent copy art and correspondence; "The Stoke/FAT(uous) Congress was a weekend of high seriousness, but I didn't get a chance to chat with O.J.'s toilet."



Name: Kum Nam Baik

Address: Dept. of Industrial Design, Sung Kyun Kwan University, 3-53, Myungryun-dong, Chongro-Ku, Seoul 110-745, Korea

Date: May 2, 1992

Items: Two postcards



Name: Giovanni StraDaDa

Address: C.P. 271, 48100 Ravenna, Italy

Date: April 28, 1992

Item: photocopied announcement of Galleria Artestudio Sumithra's Networker Congress with scheduled discussions based on "The Psychology of the Networker." Date of Congress announced as Sunday, October 25, 1992. Organized by Rosetta Berardi and Giovanni Strada.



Name: Buzz Blurr

Address: 908 Main St., Gurdon, Arkansas 71743

Date: May 12, 1992

Items: Fax Congress Stampsheet with portraits of Rev. Ivan Stang, Daniel Plunkett, Ex-Posto Facto, John Held Jr., and Buzz Blurr. Also two newspaper articles from, Dallas Observer and Dallas Morning News which report the Fax Congress.



Name: Rea Nikonova and Serge Segay

Address: Sverdlova 175, Eysk, Russia

Date: March 19, 1992

Items: Two posters announcing an NC92 Netshaker Harmonic Divergence, March 22, 1992, in Eysk. Correspondence from Rea states, "Yes, I fixed my session of Congress on March 22 in the Eysk Museum . It will be the concert of music by American composer Janecek and poetry by Russian poets living in Americaa plus a book exhibition of Chuck Welch, Miekal And, Liz Was, John Held, Crag Hill. There will be a Spirit Netlink Performance."



Name: Gilbertto Prado

Address: 4, Rue Merlin, 75011 Paris, France

Date: May 15, 1992

Items: Two computer generated awards for "Persons of Distinction" that show a photograph of the Compiegne Networker Congress of March 28, 1992. Half a stampsheet was sent with image of Globe and a "Connection" logo.



Name: Rea Nikonova and Serge Segay

Address: Sverdlova 175, Eysk, Russia

Date: February 2, 1992

Item: Correspondence reads, "The congresses? Mail artists from the West are afraid of the journey to our country and they have not been inviting us to visit them. We don't have money, but we can go if we receive a 'private invitation.' Serge and I will perform the March 22 spirit to spirit netlink. It is a very interesting idea."



Name: Rea Nikonova and Serge Segay Address: Sverdlova 175, Eysk, Russia

Date: April 17, 1992

Item: Correspondence reads in totality: "I send my description of performance according to your scheme plus some photos, poster, article in Eysk newspaper. Title is 'In Eysk, America, Italy ...' This article is about our 'Spirit Netlink Performance.' Duration of the concert was I.5 hour, performance - thirty min. (at the end of concert). Also, I wrote the article about this performance for Moscow newspaper 'Humanitarian Fund.' I think it will be published. I am sorry I cannot make copies of my description (in your entry form). Maybe you will make a copy and send it to Iowa? Now our postal costs are very expensive (in ten times more - again- that formerly)."



Name: Crackerjack Kid

Address: PO Box 978, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755

Date: March 28, 1992

Item: Correspondence to H.R. Fricker, "Your 'place of fury' in our Netahsker 'Spirit Netlink Performance' was apocalyptic. Indeed, as we invoked the twenty 'spirit' congressmen and women to perform through us, we fell into a fenzied spontaneous 'reading,' rather like SHAKEspearean or Fluxus theatre. 'Spirit Netlink' began with a large circle of empty chairs identified with spirit names. We succeeded in making an Interconnection with the ultimate of marginal network worlds -- the ethereal open network."



Name: Rachel Kopel

Address: PO Box 371375, San Diego, California 92137-1375

Date: April 29, 1992

Item: Postcard that states, "On Wednesday, April 29, 1992 Hollis Dixon and Rachel Kopel, two mail artists who had never met, and Hollis' friend, artist Lynn Wade, made a road trip to Pasadena, California to see the 'Freedom, International Mail Art Exhibition.' They are returning to San Diego filled with inspiration, addresses, and a determination to catch up on unfinished projects."



Name: Mogens Otto Nielsen

Address: Tylstrupvej a43, DK-9320, Hjallerup, Denmark

Date: April 22, 1992

Items: A large networker poster with collaborative statement including names of participants. Also sent a photocopy of Peter Laugesen with Mogens. Correspondence reads, "Enclosed some material from our 'WAAM Exhibition' in Arhus - the 22 of April we celebrated Earth Summit. Peter (Laugesen) read his poetry and I talked over ecological issues. We had a fine evening with 25 in the audience."



Name: Scott R. Kimball

Address: 66 School St., Apt. #1, Concord, New Hampshire 03301

Date: April 1992

Items: Postcard, correspondence, and Networker Statement which reads, "Networking provides us with a global lab for observing the curious synchronicity by which 'high frequency' messages are often transmitted and received. By sending loads of insights and info to the 'outer' world, we also set ourselves up to receive them just when we need them most. Networking also allows us to enjoy and /or synergize with the intelligence of others, while remaining at a safe distance from their bad breath, bad habits etc."



Name: Peter Brandt

Address: Totenberg 58, D-5760 Arnsberg 1, Germany

Date: April 30, 1992

Item: A beautiful popup networker congress postcard.



Name: Mark Corroto

No Address

No Date

Item: "The Face of the Congress: A Portrait of the 1992 Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress," #2, Netlink Youngstown: Youngstown, Ohio (NOTE: See Netbank entry 199 for Issue #1, and entry 316 for Issue #3-4)



Name: Chuck Welch

No Address

No Date

Item: "Mail Art Network: Source and Flow," Real Life Magazine #21/22, 1991, p. 48-52. The first art magazine publication to list the Decentralized World Wide Networker Congress Invitation.



Name: The Armory Center for the Arts

Address: 145 North Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, California 91103

Date: January 18, 1992 (postmarked)

Item: Postcard Invitation for "Freedom International Mail Art Exhibition," March 22-May 10, 1992, at the Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, California.



Name: Denis Mizzi

Address: c/ 34 Barnstaple Rd., Five Dock, Sydney, Australia

Date: April 14, 1992

Item: "Spirit Netlink Performance Sheet" from Mizzi describes his drug induced experience heaven and hell, "What happens when a world of colour turns grey? This is what I experienced. Devoid of colour it felt like living as if in the text of a blank book."



Names: Crackerjack Kid, Phantom Twin, and 'Rev.' Paul Summers

No Address

No Date

Item: "Timeless Capsule Burial" document, "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence": Lebanon, New Hampshire, March 22, 1992, 3 pp. Over 43 netshakers and their burial objects are listed in this Networker Metanet Congress document. 'Rev.' Paul Summers performed a cleansing and purification ritual behind Crackerjack Kid's house. Sixteen netshakers were present for the cold, March weather performance.



Name: Robin Mooore (Washington Project for the Arts)

Address: 400 7th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20004

No Date

Item: Invitation for "Pushing The Envelope: A Weekend of Events in Conjunction with the Decentralized Worldwide Networker Congress 1992," Dates of Congress: Sat., April 11 - Sunday, April 12, 1992. Coordinated by Robin Moore at Bookworks/WPA, Washington, D.C.



Name: Marcel Stussi

Address: Atelierhaus Klingental, Postfach 301, CH-4021 Basel, Switzerland

Date: April 22, 1992

Item: "Spirit Netlink Performance Sheet." Stussi performs from Atelier 201's telephone box, "At 17.45 o'clock telephone to the 'Milan Art Center ' in Milano, Italy, respectively to Ruggero Maggi (Date meta-net-congress). At intervals I make set to music and sound by a 16 mm movie (My window) - and in the evening in the streets is the end of carnival (saunter)."



Name: Marcel Stussi

Address: Atelierhaus Klingental, Postfach 301, CH-4021 Basel, Switzerland

Date: April 22, 1992

Items: Mailed an exhibition postcard and announcement, also a postcard photocopy of metanet communication on "Netshaker Harmonic Divergence Day" to Johannes W. Glaw, Gütersloh, Germany plus mail received on March 22 from Peter W. Kaufmann.



Name: Telenetlink Congress

Date: March 16, 1992

Item: Email message from (RATOS) Charles Francois, Liege, Belgium asking about connecting to RATOS during the Netshaker Harmonic Divergence on March 22, 1992. Also passed along from TAM (Ruud Janssen's BBS). Letter sent to Charles Francois from Crackerjack Kid (dated March 16, 1992). Letter from Charles Francois to Ruud Janssen, Tilburg, Holland February 14, 1992. Discussion about preparing congress documents of telecommunication sessions.



No Name

No Address

No Date

Item: Invitation for The NC92 Networker Databank Congress. Original sheet that was distributed by Crackerjack Kid to alternative culture networks in Fall 1991.



Name: JosŽ VdBroucke

Address: Pikkelstraat 49, B- 3540 Deerlijk, Belgium

Date: March 14, 1992

Item: Postcard, "For many people the mail-art network is the only channel to stay in touch with what is really happening on the inside of the outside. For many artists mail art networking is the only channel to stay in touch with other artistic people."



No Name

No Address

No Date

Item: Telenetlink Session between 'Rev.' Paul Summers, Crackerjack Kid and Phantom Twin in Hanover, with Richard Ellensbury, Krononaut extraordinaire! The telecommunications session occured around 10:00 P.M. on March 21, 1992, at the NC92 Netshaker Harmonic Divergence.



Name: Piermario Ciani

Address: Via Latisana N.G, 33032 Bertiglo UD, Italy

Date: April 1992

Item: Color photocopy of the Networker Congress Stampsheet and "Networker Jazz."



Name: Calum Selkirk

Address: PO Box 334, Bedford MK40 3XN, England

Date: March 1992

Item: Two photocopies copies of an Institute of Fatuous Research cartoon animal. Correspondence reads, "Hi, hope the 'Fatuous' Congress will be somehow linked up to your own celebration. I have today written to O.Jason (from the Institute) discussing the possibility of a 'Netfeast.' I'll let you know how things get on."



Name: Graciela G. Marx

Address: Casilla de Correo 266, C.P. 1900, La Plata, Republica Argentina

No Date

Hoje Hoja Hoy, This February issue is devoted to spreading information in South America about the NC92 Spirit Netlink Performance and other metanet events of the Networker Congress year 1992.



Name: Peter Brandt

Address: Totenberg 58, D-5760 Arnsberg 1, Germany

Date: February 19, 1992

Item: Postcard



Name: Vittore Baroni

No Address

No Date

Item: Real Correspondence Zine, Near the Edge Productions: Viareggio, Italy, 4 pages. This issue features Baroni's "Mail Flue: Or A Few Things About Mail Art That I Have to Get Out of My System," and information about the "Meta-Concert (In Spirit)." Also, an original Italian version of Real Correspondence.



Name: JosŽ VdBroucke

Address: Pikkelstraat 49, B- 3540 Deerlijk, Belgium

Date: March 18, 1992

Item: Correspondence to Crackerjack Kid, postcards and photographs.



Name: Alex Cheek

Address: 650-G Rugby Row, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27106

Date: March 22, 1992

Item: Postcard titled, "Celebrating the NC92 Netshaker Harmonic Divergence," and reads: "This day, the vernal equinox, heralds the beginning of spring. Ideally, today would herald a new birth of mail art, with Networkers of all kinds cooperating to ensure the global spread of new enlightenment and understanding. However, most Networkers remain fringe elements, isolated by political, economic, or social factors. So, within this Congress year, it is more important than ever for all Networkers to place less emphasis on spreading their own agendas and philosophies, and spend more time listening to what others are saying. Netcong 92 is my own promise to listen to new thoughts and voices from unexpected places."



Name: Reid Wood

Address: 271 Elm St., Oberlin, Ohio 44074

Date: March 21, 1992

Item: Correspondence and Reid Wood's Mail Art Show Invitation, "State of Being Celebrates Cohen's BRAIN CELL and Kustermann's Personal Deliver." Deadline: August 1, 1992.



Name: Calum Selkirk

Address: PO Box 334, Bedford MK40 3XN, England

Date: March 22, 1992

Items: Correspondence dated March 3, 1992. Correspondence indicates that Calum will be helping John Nicholson, editor of England 's "Small Press World" magazine, will be publishing articles (about the Networker Congress Year) collected from the Databank Congress and elsewhere. Also sent a "Dream Fragment" drawing completed during the morning of the Netshaker Harmonic Divergence. Image was of a woman giving birth to an elephant.

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