- Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Iowa
- Art Full Text
- Indexes 1984 to date, abstracts 1994 to date, and full text 1997 to present for 376 international journals. Coverage includes periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins in English and other Western European languages, with a broad subject range. In addition to articles, ArtFull Text indexes reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals.
- Art Full Text plus Art Index Retrospective
- Cross-search both Art Full Text and Art Index Retrospective
- Art Index Retrospective
- Art Index, volumes 1-32, 1929-1984. The database cites articles from 574 periodicals published throughout the world. Coverage parallels ArtFull Text, above.
- Art Theorists of the Italian Renaissance
- A collection of treatises on art and architecture printed and published between 1470 to 1775, this database is structured around the two Italian editions of Giorgio Vasari’s Lives of the Artists.
- ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM)
- A bibliography database for the study of modern and contemporary art. Covers all art forms. Full abstracts and indexing from the late 1960s onwards.
- Anthropological Index Online
- Describes articles and essays on anthropology and archaeology, including art history, demography, economics, psychology, and religious studies.
- Anthropology Plus
- Describes articles and essays on anthropology and archaeology, including art history, demography, economics, psychology, and religious studies.
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)
- Scholarly journal articles in arts and humanities 1975-present. Includes some full-text. Found in the Web of Science database (no, it doesn’t make much sense but that’s where it is).
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
- Offers a comprehensive listing of references to journal articles on architecture and design from the United States, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia with coverage from 1934 – current and selective coverage back to 1741.
- BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art)
- A citation database for European and American visual arts materials published between 1975 and 2007.
- Design and Applied Arts Index
- The Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI) contains references from more than 500 design and craft journals and newspapers published from 1973 onwards and includes data on over 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops, firms, etc.
- Frick Art Reference Library Periodicals
- Originally produced on catalog cards in the renowned library of The Frick Collection, this index includes articles from nearly 300 international arts periodicals from mid-1850 to late 1960.
- IBA (International Bibliography of Art)
- Successor to BHA, the database covers materials on Western art published from 2008-current.
- Index to 19th Century American Art Periodicals
- Indexes 42 art journals published in the US during the 19th century, providing nearly complete coverage of journals from this period. The Index describes the entire journal contents — articles, art notes, illustrations, stories, poems, and advertisements — and offers information on popular culture and industry, artists and illustrators, painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, architecture and design, exhibitions and sales, decorations, and collecting.
- JSTOR (Journal Storage)
- Provides image and full-text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, philosophy, mathematics and other fields of the humanities and social sciences.
- Kubikat
- This collective catalogue of four of the leading German scholarly art history research institutes provides citations to articles in scholarly periodicals, conference papers, books, and exhibition catalogues.