Step 1: Fill out the Reserves Form
Need help learning how to fill out the form?
Step 2: Add the Music Library Reserves to the course ICON page
Add Katie Buehner and Christine Burke to your ICON page.
The information below is designed to help you put your course reserves online, but print materials can also be placed on reserve.
- Instructors are responsible for determining whether their use of copyrighted materials falls under Fair Use. Submission of reserve requests indicates instructors’ acceptance of responsibility for copyright compliance.
- Reserve lists are due 3 weeks prior to the first day of classes. Lists must be e-mailed to , using the 2020 Course Reserves Template.
- Lists are processed in the order they are received. They may take up to three weeks to process. If, as the semester progresses, you add an item, remember that it may take several days to process.
- Please do not assign Reserve items until your list has been processed. Contact the RBML staff regarding the status of your reserve list.
- Please place only required materials on your reserve list. Recommended readings should not be placed on reserve.
- All course reserves will be posted to your ICON course pages.
- Requests without full citations and/or author, title, call number for books, scores, media materials will be set aside to be processed last, as they require more time to process. If we have to contact you to obtain the citation, this will substantially slow down the processing time. If we do not own a requested title, we will rush order it but it may be several weeks before it is available.
Library Materials
- Books
The Music Library will purchase as many ebooks of reserves materials that are available to purchase in that format. Please understand that even if you see a book for sale as an ebook on a site like Amazon, that does not mean that the UI Libraries can purchase it – we must purchase institutional copies, and the selection is far more limited than for individual consumers. For books unavailable in electronic format, we will scan the needed portions and load the scans into ICON, as usual. If a portion of a book will not suffice and it’s not available as an ebook, Katie will work with that faculty member on a solution. For example, if you are placing the book on reserve with the expectation that only one student would need access to complete a class presentation, then we could loan the book to one student in your class. We will not scan textbooks. - Scores
The Music Library will scan scores, as needed, and post to your ICON site. If you only need a portion of a score (a movement, the piano part, etc.), please request ONLY what is needed. If the Music Library does not hold a score that you would like to place on course reserve, contact Katie as soon as possible so it can be ordered. - Sound and Video Recordings
The Music Library will continue to provide audio recordings, via our subscription resources and ripped from our CD collection, via ICON. The Libraries can license some commercial video recordings to stream, and there are additional options for placing DVD content online. For more information, contact Katie.
Remember to check Music Online, Naxos Music Library, Naxos Jazz, DRAM and Smithsonian Global Sound, Berlin Philharmonic Digital Concert Hall, Met Opera on Demand, and Naxos Video Library for recordings. It is possible to link directly to these items on your ICON page. - Online Articles and E-book Chapters
The Music Library will link to these resources via our subscriptions. We do not download materials and post them to your ICON site, as that reduces usage statistics, which are used to determine which resources are retained and which are canceled. - Print only Articles and Book Chapters
The Music Library will scan print articles and chapter and post pdfs to your ICON site. - Personal Copies of Books, Photocopies, Scores and Recordings
The Music Library will not be able to provide access to personal copy materials during Fall 2020. If we can purchase a copy of the item for the Music Library, we will do so and use that copy for course reserves.
Request Course Reserves Purchases
To request that an item be purchased for your course reserves, please email Katie Buehner ( with information about the item (title, author, etc.), the name of the course, course number, and the semester it is being offered.