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Series VI: Box 6

Abbott, C.G. and colleagues. Provisional Solar-Constant Values, August, 1920 to November 1924. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol.17: no.3 (February 17, 1925). City of Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

Agricultural Experiment Station. University of Missouri College of Agriculture. Capacities of Silos and Weights of Silage. Columbia, Missouri, 1919. (Bulletin 164)

Agricultural Experiment Station. Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas. Crossbred Poultry. Topeka, Kansas, 1930.

The American Council of Agriculture. Equality for Agriculture. Chicago, December 1924.

Associated Corn Products Manufacturers. The Story of a Grain of Corn. Chicago.

Alexander, Magnus W. The Agricultural Problem -- A Challenge to American Business. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., 1926.

Alexander, Magnus W. The Business Man's Concern in American Agriculture. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1926.

Amana Society. A Brief History of the Amana Society or Community of True Inspiration, 1714 -- 1918. Third edition, revised. 1918.

Amana Society. Constitution and By-Laws of the Amana Society, 1919.

American Farm Bureau Federation. Honest Money: An Explanation of the Relation of Money, Prices, and Prosperity. Chicago, 1932.

Anderson, Benjamin M. The Tariff and the World Depression. New York: Chase National Bank, The Chase Economic Bulletin, Vol. XI:No.2 (March 23, 1931).

Anderson, Benjamin M. Two Addresses: "Our Export Trade and the International Money Market" and "Gold and Goods." New York: Chase National Bank, The Chase Economic Bulletin, Vol. X: No.1 (March 14, 1930).

Anderson, Benjamin M. A World Afraid of Production: The Interallied Debts, Reparations, and High Protective Tariffs. New York: Chase National Bank, The Chase Economic Bulletin, Vol.V:No. 3 (August 24, 1925).

Andrews, Frank. Handbook of Foreign Agricultural Statistics. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1921. (United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin No.987.)

Appleby, Paul H. New Horizons for Food and Agriculture. Address at the University of Chicago in Chicago, September 7, 1944. TMs.

Bahai Publishing Committee. Bahai Literature. New York, 1929

Baker, Oliver E. Agricultural Regions of North America. Part IV - The Corn Belt. Economic Geography, Vol. 111: No. 4 (October 1927).

Baker, O. E. Population, Food Supply, and American Agriculture. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture.

Barker Produce Equipment Co. The Barker Line, Poultry Equipment for Produce Houses and Hatcheries. Catalog No. 29. Ottumwa, Iowa.

Bean, L. H. Facts Relating to the Agricultural Situation in 1931. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture.

Bean. L. H. The Farmer's Response to Price. Journal of Farm Economics, Vol.XI:No.3 (July 1929).

Black, A. G. The Agricultural Emergency in Iowa. I. The Situation Today. Ames, Iowa: Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Circular No. 138, December 1932.

Blue Valley Creamery Institute. Planning for the Year's Feed Requirements. No. 1 -- Crop Rotations to Supply Year's Feed Needs of Live Stock on a 160-Acre Farm. Chicago, Spring 1930.

Brownell, Francis H. Limited Bimetallism at No Fixed Ratio and Bills Now Before Congress in Relation to Silver. New York: American Smelting and Refining Company, February 8, 1932.

Bureau of Agricultural Economics United States Department of Agriculture. Spring Work Under Way -- Full Production Program. The Agricultural Situation, Vol. 14:No.4 (April 1, 1930). Washington, D.C.

Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture. Stable Production -- Slow Trade -- Increasing Farm Population. The Agricultural Situation, Vol.16:No.11 (November 1, 1932). Washington, D.C.

Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture. Index Numbers of Farm Prices. Supplement to The Agricultural Situation, June 1925. Washington, D.C.

Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, the Department of Commerce. Foreign Trade of the United States in the Calendar Year 1928. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1929.

Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. United States Census of Agriculture: 1925. Number of Farms by States and Counties 1925, 1920, 1910, and 1900. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1925.

Carrington, Edward C. What New York Has to Offer? Great Lakes - Hudson Waterways Association.

Chesnut, Mollie D. Crib and Bin Actuary. Omaha, Nebraska: B. F. Avery & Sons Plow Company, 1917.

Chesnut-Ball, Mollie D. Crib and Bin Actuary. Ames, Iowa, 1917.

Chesnut, Mollie D. Silo Hand Book. Ames, Iowa, 1920.

Chesnut, Mollie D. Silo Table. Ames, Iowa, 1920.

Chesnut, Mollie D. Universal Hay Calculator. Torrington, Wyoming, 1915.

Chesnut, Mollie D. Universal Hay Tonnage Table. Torrington, Wyoming, 1915.

Chesnut, Mollie D. Universal Hay Tonnage Tables. Ames, Iowa, 1920.

Chipman Chemical Engineering Co., Inc. Don't Let The Weed Thief Steal Your Farm. Boundbrook, New Jersey.

Clarke, Noah T. The Wampum Belt Collection of the New York State Museum. Albany: The University of the State of New York, 1931.

Cobb, Margaret V.and Robert M. Yerkes. Intellectual and Educational Status of the Medical Profession as Represented in the United States Army. Washington, D.C.: The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, 1921.

Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, Seventy-Second Congress, First Session. Hearings on H.R. 11499. Restoring and Maintaining the Average Purchasing Power of the Dollar. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1932.

Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Sixty-Fourth Congress, First Session. Hearings on House Resolution 148. Investigation of Beef Industries. Serial 43. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1916.

Commons, John R. "Farm Prices and the Value of Gold." The North American Review, January and February Issues, 1928.

The Consumers' Club. Scientific Buying. Third Revision. New York, September 1929.

Coolidge, Calvin. Veto Message Relating to the Agriculture Surplus Control Act. Senate, 70th Congress, 1st Session. Document 141.

Cornell University. International Conference of Agricultural Economists. August 18 -- 29, 1930. Tentative Program. Ithaca, New York.

[Corn Borers] -- Pupation.

Crossroads, Silas R. The McNary-Haugen Bill: A Frank and Friendly Chat. Grain Dealers National Association.

Davis, Walter G. Climate of the Argentine Republic. Buenos Aires: Printing Office of the Argentine Meteorlogical Office, 1910.

Department of Commerce. Legal Weights (In Pounds) Per Bushel of Various Commodities. Circular of the Bureau of Standards, No. 10. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1918.

Department of Research and Education, Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. German Industries at Close Range. New York: Information Service, Vol. VIII:No.37 (Saturday, October 19, 1929).

Des Moines Civic Music Association. The Barrere Little Symphony. Program. February 2, 1931.

Division of University Extension, The University of Tennessee. Estimates of Possible Tennessee Revenues. Knoxville, Tennessee: The Division of University Extension, March 10, 1931.

Eckles, C. H. Estimating Silo Capacities and Silage Weights. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular 89, August 1919.

Economic Geography, Vol.1:No.1 (March 1925). Worcester, Massachusetts: Clark University.

Edie, Lionel D. An International Viewpoint on Commodity Prices - Long Decline in Prospect. The Annalist. November 16, 1928.

Edwards, Everett. Agriculture of the American Indians. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture Library, Bibliographical Contributions, No. 23, May 1932.

An Elder Brother. A Message to the Members of the Theosophical Society. Chicago: The Theosophical Press, 1926.

Evans, John Corbly. A New Theory Concerning the Manner in Which the Planets Feed the Sun, Dealing With Cyclones, Hurricanes and Tornadoes, 1927 Weather Forecast. Lawrence, Kansas.

Evening Republican Editorial Discussion. A Sound Solution of the Farm Problem. Mitchell, South Dakota: The Mitchell Publishing Company.

Extension Service, Ohio State University Agricultural College. The Value of Parasites in the Control of the European Corn Borer. European Corn Borer, No.12, 1926. Columbus, Ohio: College of Agriculture, The Ohio State University.

Extension Service Review, Vol.1:No.5 (September 1930). Washington, D.C.: Extension Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

Farm Indebtedness by States. [From The Agricultural Review?] Single page cut out from the publication.

Farmers' Educational and Co-operative Union of America, Illinois Division. The Producer's Marketing Agreement of the Illinois Division of the Farmer's Educational and Co-Operative Union of America. Pontiac, Illinois.

Farmer's Educational and Cooperative Union of America. Historical Sketch, Purposes, Program, Business Activities, Directory of Officials, North Dakota By-Laws, Etc. St. Paul, Minnesota: Northwest Division, The Farmers Union.

Farmers Union Live Stock Commission. Farmers Union Live Stock Commission. South St. Paul, Minnesota: Farmers Union Live Stock Commission.

Federal Farm Board. Recommendations for Legislation. Supplementing its Third Annual Report to Congress. Washington, D.C.: Federal Farm Board, 1932.

Federal Reserve Bank of Houston. The Evil of Soil and Water Loss.

Federal Reserve Board. Inflation of Currency and Mobilization of Credits. Senate, 66th Congress, Document No. 280. May 24-25, 1920.

Federal Trade Commission. Report of the Federal Trade Commission of the History and Present Status of the Packer Consent Decree. 1925

Fisher, Irving. Our Unstable Dollar and the So-Called Business Cycle. Journal of the American Statistical Association, June 1925.

Fisher Poultry Farm. White Wyandottes and S.C. White Leghorns. Twenty-Sixth Annual Catalogue and Price List, 1929. Ayton, Ontario, Canada.

Flint, W. P., J. C. Hackelman and F. D. Bauer. Learning to Live with the European Corn Borer. Circular No. 313. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Agricultural College and Experiment Station, January 1927.

Foreign Policy Association Information Service. Tariff and American Foreign Trade. Vol.V:No.7 (June 12, 1929).

Fredonia Academy Index, January 1860

Fuss, Henri. Money and Unemployment. International Labour Review. Vol.XVI:No.5 (November 1927). Geneva, 1927.

Gaer, Joseph. There's No Place Like Home (If You Can Get One). Boston, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Citizens Political Action Committee.

Gestuts Domaine. Szeded, Hungary: Buchdruckerei Stefan Juhasz, 1917.

Gibbs, Wolcott. St. George and the Dragnet: An Intimate Profile of a Presidential Candidate. Printed and distributed by the Independent Voters Committee for the Arts and Sciences for Roosevelt.

Goodale, H. D. Six Consecutive Generations of Brother To Sister Matings in White Leghorns: A Preliminary Report on Studies in Inbreeding in Poultry and Changing Poultry Practices. Poultry Science, Vol.VI:No.6 (August-September,1927).

Guthrie, J. E. Moles and Their Control in Iowa. Circular No. 137. Ames, Iowa: Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Entomology Section, April 1932.

Hall, Ray. The Balance of International Payments of The United States in 1929. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1930.

Hampton, Rev Charles. Confession and Absolution in the Liberal Catholic Church. Los Angeles: St. Alban Press.

Hampton, Rev. Charles. The Liberal Catholic Church and the Bible. Los Angeles: St. Alban Press.

Hanson's Trapnested Pedigreed Leghorns. Corvallis, Oregon.

Harper Adams Utility Poultry Journal. Egg Laying Trials, 1929 -- 1930. Vol.XV:No.11 (22nd July to 18th August, 1930). Newport, Shropshire: Harper Adams Agricultural College.

Harrington, H.W. Equality for Agriculture, 1922.

Harwood, Richard G. Harwoods Columbian Leghorns and Columbian Wyandottes. Southborough, Massachusetts.

Haver, Jessie R. The Government and the Market Basket. Bulletin of the Consumers' League, District of Columbia. Vol. 1, Bulletin 2, (May 1919)

Hays, F.A. Inbreeding in Relation to Egg Production. Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 258, December 1929. Amherst:, Massachusetts.

Herrey, Hermann and Harlow Shapley. A Draft of a Proposal for World Security Through International Resources Development. Printed by the authors in 1949.

Hibbard, Benjamin, John R. Commons, and Selig Perlman. Agricultural Tariffs. Freeport, Illinois: W. T. Rawleigh, 1929.

Hilarion, Father-Brother. Master's Message to Convention, August 1932. Read at the Thirty-Third Convention. Halcyon, California: The Temple of the People.

Hilborn, L.V. Hilborn's R.O.P. White Wyandottes Trapnested and Pedigreed. 1931 Mailing List. Persia, Iowa

Ho, Shu Chao. A Study of the Probable Effects of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930. New York: Free Trade League, 1931.

Holmes, C. L. Wages of Farm Labor. The University of Minnesota Agriculture Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 4, May 1922. St. Paul: University Farm.

Honorary Vice-Presidents, Ex-Officio. Page cut out of an unknown publication.

Illustrating the Operation of the Fair Dollar Plan. Monetary Standard Bulletin. Single page from the publication, without date.

Melish, Rev. William Howard. A Churchman Examines American-Soviet Relations. Detroit, Michigan: Episcopal League for Social Action.

Packers. Restricting the Farmer's Market: A Discussion of Direct Selling and Proposed Legislation to Hinder it. Chicago, Illinois.

Iowa Association for Tax Justice. A Proposed Gross Income Tax to Replace All General State, County, and Local Taxes in the State of Iowa. No.3 Combining Previous Issues of Numbers 1 and 2 with Additional Comment. Davenport, Iowa.

Iowa Association for Tax Justice. Tax Reform or Bankruptcy. Davenport, Iowa.

Iowa: The Land of Plenty. Agricultural Resources by County.

Iowa: List of Leading Farmers.

Ira M. Petersime & Son. Instructions for Assembling and Operating Mammoth Electric Incubators. Gettysburg, Ohio: Ira M. Petersime & Son.

Jackson, Dunham. The Algebra of Correlation. The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol.XXXI:No.3 (March 1924).

Jackson, Dunham. A Symmetric Coefficient of Correlation for Several Variables. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.30:Nos. 9-10 (November-December 1924).

Jackson, Dunham. The Trigonometry of Correlations. American Mathematical Monthly, Vol.XXXI:No.6 (June 1924).

Johnson, E.C. and W. L. Calvert. Adjusting Farm Debts: Suggestions for Creditors and Debtors. Special Bulletin 157, December 1932. Agricultural Extension Division, Department of Agriculture, University of Minnesota and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Jones, Franklin. Trade Statistics and Public Policy. Harvard Business Review, Vol.111:No.4 (July 1925).

Karsten, Karl G. The Harvard Business Indexes - A New Interpretation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 1926.

Kelley, Truman L. Chart to Facilitate the Calculation of Partial Coefficient or Correlation and Regression Equations. Stanford University Publications, School of Education, Special Monograph No.1. California: Stanford University Press, 1921.

Kemmerer, Edwin Walter. The Gold Standard in the Light of Post-War Developments. Journal of the Canadian Bankers Association, April 1929.

King, Clyde L. The Alfalfa Market. Philadelphia: Wharton School of Commerce and Finance, University of Pennsylvania.

Kirkpatrick, E. L. The Farmer's Standard of Living. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1926.

Kirkpatrick, E. L. Sources and Uses of Income Among 300 Farm Families of Vinton, Jackson and Meigs Counties, Ohio, 1926. A Preliminary Report. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, May 1928.

Knechtel, Wilhelm K. and Mihail Ionescu. Observations on the Corn Borer in Roumaina.

Knox, C.W. The Genetics of Plumage Color in Poultry. Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Poultry Section Research Bulletin No. 105. Ames, Iowa, October 1927.

Krishnamurti, J. At the Feet of the Master. Third Order of the Star Edition.

Kulz, Dr. Fritz. Differences in the Pharmacological Effects of Drugs Upon Animals and Man. The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 9 (August 1925).

LaFollette. A Bill. S.2390. 72nd Congress, 1st Session. December 21 - 22, 1931.

Lambert, L. F. Mushroom Growing in the United States. United States Department of Agriculture Circular No. 251. December 1923. Washington, D.C.

Leadbeater, C. W. Healing Forces and Healing Angels. Liberal Catholic Literature Pamphlet No.3. London: The St. Alban Press, 1925.

Lena, Maurice. Le Jongleur de Norte-Dame. Paris: Au Menestral, 1906.

Leo XII, Pope. On the Condition of the Working Class. The Labor Encyclical. The Catholic Mind, Vol.XXIX:No.7 (April 8, 1931). New York: The America Press.

Lewis, David. Industrial Tariffs. Freeport, Illinois: W. T. Rawleigh, October 1929.

The Liberal Catholic. Vol.V.No.6 (March 1927), Vol. VII:No.2 (November 1927), Vol.VII:No.4 (January 1928), Vol.VIII:No.2 (May 1928), Vol.VII:No.9 (June 1928). Los Angeles: St. Alban Press.

The Liberal Catholic Church. The Liturgy. Liberal Catholic Leaflet No.5. Los Angeles: St. Alban Press, 1924.

Liberal Catholic Publications. Los Angeles, California: St Alban Press, June 1927.

LLoyd, John Uri and John Thomas Lloyd. Concerning Chlorophyll. Eclectic Medical Journal, March, April, and May 1932.

Lloyd, John Uri. The Debt We Owe Empiricism. Eclectic Medical Journal, June 1928.

Lloyd, John Uri. Empiricism Versus Science. Eclectic Medical Journal, March 1928.

Lloyd, John Uri. Fragments From an Autobiography: Entrance Into Elective Pharmacy. Eclectic Medical Journal, July 1927.

Lloyd, John Uir and John Thomas Lloyd. Iron and Phosphorus in Vegetation. E.M.A. Quarterly, September 1926.

Lloyd, J.U. Looking Backward and Looking Backward -- Thinking Forward. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Vol:VII:No. 6 and 8, June and August 1919.

Lloyd, John Uri. The Ocean of Vitality and Reservoir of Life. Eclectic Medical Journal, Vol.LXXXII:No.1 (January 1922).

Lloyd, John Uri. Odium of Eclecticism. Eclectic Medical Journal, December 1916. and A Word Concerning the Minority. Eclectic Medical Journal January 1917.

Lloyd, John Juri. Original Communications. Empiricism -- Echinacea. Eclectic Medical Journal, August 1897.

Lloyd, John Uri. Plant Pharmacy. The American Journal of Pharmacy, April 1922.

Lloyd, John Uri. The Pride of Eclecticism. Eclectic Medical Journal, February 1929.

Lowrie, Josephine A. Operating Expenses in Ohio Accredited Hatcheries Year 1927. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 1929.

Martin, W. H., A. C. Fay, and K. M. Renner. The Limits of Error of the Babcock Test for Cream. Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol.41:No.2 July 15, 1930. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1930.

McClure, H. B. and J.W. Froley. Measuring Hay in Ricks or Stacks. Cir. 131-B. Issued July 5, 1913.

McLean, Chas. Iowa Tax Relief Bulletin, No. 4,5,6. Dubuque, Iowa: Federal Estate Tax.

Meredith, E. T. An Agricultural Policy. A Paper Before the Prairie Club of Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa, December 23, 1923.

The Message of the Liberal Catholic Church. Liberal Catholic Literature Pamphlet No.1. London: St. Alban Press, 1925.

Midwest States Tuberculosis Conference. Eighth Annual Addresses. Madison, Wisconsin, May 25 and 26, 1932.

Montgomery, J. K. The Agricultural Labour Supply in England and Wales During the War. Bureau of Economic and Social Intelligence, International Institute of Agriculture. Rome: Printing Office of the International Institute of Agriculture, 1922.

Mount Hope Farm. New Methods with Poultry: Mount Hope Cockerels 1928, Single Comb White Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds. Williamstown, Massachusetts: Mount Hope Farm.

Mount Hope Farm. Prepotent Cockerels: Mount Hope Cockerels 1929-30, Single Comb White Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds. Williamstown, Massachusetts: Mount Hope Farm.

Mount Hope Farm. Prepotent Cockerels: Mount Hope Cockerels 1931-32, Single Comb White Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds. Williamstown: Massachusetts: Mount Hope Farm.

Murray, William G. and Ronald C. Bentley. Corporate-Owned Land in Iowa. Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Agricultural Economics Section. Bulletin 307, September 1923. Ames, Iowa.

Musselman, H.H. A New Lime Spreader. Michigan Quarterly Bulletin, Vol.5:No.1 (August 1933).

Series VI:  Box 7

National Broadcasting Company, Advisory Council. The President's Report and Resume of Programs and Committee Reports. Fifth Meeting, 1931.

National City Bank of New York. Economic Conditions, Governmental Finance, United States Security. New York: National City Bank of New York, May 1930.

National Cooperative Milk Producers'  Federation. The Tariff on Dairy Products: A Brief Favoring Higher Protective Duties Submitted to the Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. Baltimore, Maryland: The Lord Baltimore Press, September 20, 1922.

National Economic League. The Consensus, Vol.XVII:No.3, January 1933.

National Farmers' Union. The N.F.U. Year Book for 1929. London: National Farmers' Union, January 1929.

The National League for Economic Stabilization. The Clair Plan for Annual Minimum Price Stabilization and Market Control of the Basic, Indispensable, Non-Perishable Food and Clothing Crops of the United States. Chicago: The National League for Economic Stabilization, 1932.

National Live Stock Exchange. The National Live Stock Exchange Bulletin. Vol.3:No.10, whole no. 34 (April 1920)

National Poultry Band Company. Identify Your Birds with National Leg Bands. Newport, Kentucky: National Poultry Band Company.

National Progressive League for Roosevelt and Garner. Agricultural Issues of the 1932 Campaign.

National Swine Growers Association. Report of Proceedings, Annual Swine Growers Congress and Annual Business Meeting. Peoria, Illinois, September 10-15, 1928.

Nature: A Weekly Journal of Science. No.3270, Vol.130 (Saturday, July 2, 1932).

Nearing, Scott. World Events. Vol.VI:No.2 (Spring 1949), Letter 62

[One of the main problems that faces central banks of issue at the present time is how to check the inevitable tendency towards world deflation. . .] New York: Arista Press. (One page removed from an unidentified publication.)

Outline for Biography of a Chippewa Indian Who Became a Catholic Priest

Owen, F. V. Calculating Linkage Intensities by Product Moment Correlation. Genetics 13:80-110, January 1928.

Palestine Economic Corporation. Twenty-first Annual Report, Calendar Year 1946.

Parker, H. L. and W. R. Thompson. A Contribution to the Study of Hibernation in the Larve of the European Corn Borere (Pyrausta Nubilalis Hubn.). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Vol. XX:No.1. Columbus, Ohio, March 1927.

Parker, H. L., A. M. Vance, H. D. Smith, and W. Gamkrelidze. Pyrausta Nubilalis Hubn. in Europe: Notes on Infestation and Parasitism From 1926 to 1928. Journal of Economic Entomology, Vol. 22:No.4 (August 1929).

Patch, L.H. Some Factors Determining Corn Borer Damage. Journal of Economic Entomology, Vol.22:No.1 (February 1929).

Piggott, F.W. The Liberal Catholic Church: Its Origin, History, Purpose and Teaching. Liberal Catholic Literature Pamphlet No.2. London: St, Alban Press, 1925.

Pius XI, Pope. On the Reconstruction of the Social Order. The Encyclical "Quadragesimo Anno." The Catholic Mind, Vol. XXXIX:No.11 (June 8, 1931). New York: The America Press.

Pregel, Boris. Peacetime Uses of Atomic Energy. Reprinted from Social Research Vol.14:No.1 (March 1947).

Production Planning Section of the Division of Program Planning, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Project: A Study of Certain Aspects of Corn Belt Agriculture in Order to Determine Suitable Policy for Production Reduction. Second Progress Report. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State College, September 21, 1934.

Roberts, George E. "The Course of Credit Inflation." An address at the dinner of the Academy of Political Science, New York City, November 22, 1929.

Roos, Chas. O and Juanita E. Roos. From the Yellowstone: A Musical Drama for Solo Quartette and Chorus. Promotional pamphlet. Philadelphia: Theodore Presser Co.

Roosevelt, Franklin D. Acres Fit and Unfit. An address before the Conference of Governors at French Lick, Indiana, June 2, 1931.

Rose Hill Poultry Farms. White Leghorns & White Wyandottes and Light Sussex & Black Leghorns. Catalog, 1927.

The Round Table. Ceremonies. London: The Round Table.

S. B. The Ledger of Life. Halycon, California: The Temple of the People.

Sanoma Poultry Farm. Annual Catalog Describing the Welday Vitality Line, Pedigree Bred Record Land and Water Fowl. Seville, Ohio: K. K. Welday.

Simpson, Herbert D. The Tax Situation in Illinois. Studies in Public Finance, Research Monograph Number 1. Chicago: Institute for Research in Land Economics and Public Utilities, Northwestern University, 1929.

Smith, Bradford B. Correlation Theory and Method Applied to Agricultural Research. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture, August 1926.

Smithsonian Institution. Report on the Astrophysical Observatory, 1924. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1925.

Society of the Temple of the People. Bylaws. Halcyon, California: Society of the Temple of the People.

The Stable Money Association. Bulletin of the Stable Money Association, Vol.II:No.1-4 (January-December 1929). Bankers' number.

State Farm Bureau Organizations. Midwest Training School Program. July 14-18, 1930, Ames, Iowa.

State of Iowa. Iowa State House Journal, Tuesday, April 8, 1924. Des Moines, Iowa: Superintendent of Printing, State House.

State of Iowa. Iowa State House Journal, Wednesday, April 9, 1924. Des Moines, Iowa: Superintendent of Printing, State House.

State of Iowa. Iowa State Senate Journal, Tuesday, April 1, 1924. Des Moines, Iowa: Superintendent of Printing, State House.

State of Iowa. Iowa State Senate Journal, Friday, April 11, 1924. Des Moines, Iowa: Superintendent of Printing, State House.

State of Iowa. Iowa State Senate Journal, Monday, April 4, 1924. Des Moines, Iowa: Superintendent of Printing, State House.

Surface, Frank M. The Stabilization of the Price of Wheat During the War and its Effects Upon the Returns to the Producer. Washington, D.C.: United States Grain Corporation, May 1925.

Swope, Gerard. "Discussion of 'Stabilization of Industry.'" An address delivered before the Academy of Political Science, New York, November 13, 1931.

Swope, Gerard. "Stabilization of Industry." An address delivered before the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, New York City, September 16, 1931.

Series VI: Box 8

Thompson, W. R. and H. L. Parker. The European Corn Borer and its Controlling Factors in Europe. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin No. 59, August 1928. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1928.

Tinnes, D. J. The Market Gage Dollar (An Ideal Measure of Value). Quarterly Journal of the University of North Dakota, Vol.VIII:No.2 (January 1918). Grand Forks, North Dakota: University of North Dakota, 1918.

To Promote Agriculture. Report submitted by Mr. Haugen from the Committee on Agriculture to the 71st Congress, 1st Session. Report #5. May 1, 1929 to accompany HR 2152.

Tucker, Robert H. Our Unstable Standard of Value. The United States Banker, Vol.II:No.4 (January 1929). Washington, D.C.

United Americans. Organized to Preserve the Constitution and Develop an Even Better America. 1920

United States Department of Agriculture. Beef Grading and Stamping Service. Leaflet No. 67. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1930.

United States Department of Agriculture. Measuring Hay in Stacks. Leaflet No. 72. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Springing Office, 1931.

United States Department of Agriculture. Seedtime and Harvest: A Graphic Summary of Seasonal Work on Farm Crops. Department Circular 183. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, March 1922.

United States Department of Agriculture. Warehousing Farm Products under the U.S. Warehouse Act. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Springing Office, 1923.

Vanderlip, Frank A. "What About Banks?" Saturday Evening Post, November 5, 1932.

Viehzucht Der Kon. Ung. Staat-Gestutsdomane Mezohegyes (Ungarn). Budapest: "Patria" Iordalmi Vallalat es Nyomdaireszvenytarsag, 1928.

Warren, D. C. Inheritance of Rate of Feathering in Poultry. Journal of Heredity, Vol.XVI:No.1 (January 1925)

Warren, D. C. Sex-Linked Characters of Poultry. Genetics, 13:421-433, 1928.

Waterman, William T. Iowa Farm Land Values of the Future. A Paper Read Before the Contemporary Club, March 30, 1931. Davenport, Iowa: The Contemporary Club, 1931.

Weather Bureau, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Instructions for Cooperative Observers. Circulars B and C, Instrument Division, Seventh Edition. Washington. D.C.: U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1924.

Wedgwood, the Rt. Rev. J. I. The Place of Ceremonies in the Spiritual Life. London: St. Alban Press, 1927.

West, Carl J. and Lewis B. Flohr. Market Statistics. United States Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 982. Contribution from the Bureau of Markets. June 1921. Washington, D.C.

Wheeler [Burton K.?]. A Bill in the Senate of the United States, January 4, 1932.. S2487. 72nd Congress, 1st Session.

Wheeler [Burton K.?]. Independent Bimetallism or Bolshevism? Senate. 72d Congress, 1st Session, Document No. 109. Washington, D.C. United States Government Printing Office, 1932.

Wheeler, Hon. Burton K. Remonetization of Silver. Seventy-Second Congress, First Session. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1932.

Wickens, David L. Farm-Mortgage Credit. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin No.288, February 1932. Washington,D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1932.

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