The University Libraries divides responsibility for building the Libraries’ collections among a number of librarians, each of whom is responsible for selecting library materials on one or more subject areas. It is the function of these collection management librarians to determine which books, periodicals, videotapes, computer files, and other information sources should be acquired by the Libraries. These decisions are made in each case on the basis of the collection management librarians’ knowledge of current curriculum needs, faculty research interests, research trends in the relevant subject areas, and the strengths and weaknesses of the collections already in place. Communication between the collection management librarians and faculty is essential for the librarians to have the information necessary for their decisions.

In selecting information resources, the Libraries fully subscribes to the Library Bill of Rights issued by the American Library Association. Among other rights, this statement affirms that no materials should be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of its creators, that materials selected should reflect all points of view on current and historical issues, and that censorship should be challenged.

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