Library Staff

Conservation Intern

The UI Conservation lab is excited to host our second Library & Archives Conservation Education (LACE) intern during this 2023-24 academic year!

Katarina Stiller is a third-year library and archive materials conservation major and paper conservation minor at the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation. She graduated from California State University, Long Beach in 2018 with a BFA in ceramics. Prior to graduate school, she worked at a number of institutions, including UCLA Library, the Library of Congress, and the Margaret Herrick Library/Academy of Motion Pictures Museum. During graduate school, she has interned with the Conservation Center of Art & Historic Artifacts and the University of Michigan Library Conservation Lab.

Katarina Stiller, 2023-24 UI Conservation Lab intern.

Katarina Stiller, 2023-24 UI Conservation Lab intern.

Our previous LACE intern was Emma Guerard, who completed her conservation degree from the Buffalo State College Garman Art Conservation Department in 2022. Emma is currently the Post Graduate Paper Conservator at The New York Public Library.

Student Staff

As a teaching and learning lab, Conservation and Collections Care regularly employs graduate and undergraduate student staff in marking and shelf preparation, book repair, and in the Conservation Lab. Our student staff are invaluable to the performance of the department, and we love working with them!


Student staff and intern pose with tools they made in a workshop led by Bill Voss in 2013. From left to right: Islam Aly, Heather Bain, Abigail Merritt, Kristen Hartman, Mary Sullivan

Student staff and interns pose with tools they made in a workshop led by Bill Voss in 2013. From left to right: Islam Aly, Heather Bain, Abigail Merritt, Kristen Hartman, Mary Sullivan.