Have a project you want to make a reality? The Creative Kick-Start is sponsored by the Engineering Technology Center, John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center, and the Engineering Library. This program is for engineering students (undergraduate and graduate) to submit a proposal to receive up to $1000 in funding for prototyping/developing their projects.
What to Do?
- Think of an idea! Student Information
- Identify a faculty or staff sponsor. Sponsor Information
- Fill out the Application! (Deadline Due Monday, Nov. 7, 2022)
- Pick up RedBox and Funds (Nov 28 – Dec 9) Sign up for Workshop
- Progress Reports (Due January 27th and March 10th)
- Create a poster
- Present your project at College of Engineering Annual Research Open House in Early April 2023.
- Those award winners who make progress developing their prototype / designing / developing their project and are not graduating in May 2023 will be eligible for an additional $5000 one time grand prize award at the completion of this event in April to help them continue to turn this project/idea into a business.
Hawkeye Head Holder, Multi-functional Compartmentalized Product Analysis Reactor, Next-Generation Stage Measurement at Ungauged Locations using IoT, Palate Pal, Sled-Pull Power Optimization for Athletes, The Attentive Scooper, Throat and Airway Simulator, and UCan!
Air Chair, Asonus Tech, Body Betty, Car Turbo Jet Engine, Kineta, A Lyapunov-Based Control System for Path-Following WIPs, Optoshoulder, Patient Table, Rocket Bike, and The Root Canal Pal
Acoustic Fire Suppression Device, The Bugle Chip, Convert Any Piano to a Player Piano, Irrigation Control System, The KnowGlobe, Metered Dose Sunscreen Device, Stable Eyes, The Talon Retractor, TSAT – Terrestrial Satellite Acquisition and Tracking, and What’s Behind the Pink Ribbon: Tackling Truncal Lymphedema
3D Modeling an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Autonomous Robotic Boat, The Bandit, Desktop CNC Router/3d Printer Hybrid, Electronic Buccal Drug Delivery System, Gripping Neuropathy, The Little Jonny That Could: Providing Independence for Congenital Arm Amputees, Precision Landing System for Autonomous Aircraft, Smart Mirror, and T4 – Table Top Tension Tester