Research Scholars Workshops with the Engineering Library with Iowa LogoThis informative series of six virtual workshops is designed to aid researchers, of all levels, with scholarly publishing, technical writing tips, citation management, searches and more.

All one-hour workshops are on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm on Zoom. Anyone is welcomed to join these virtual workshops. All students, Iowa Honors Program, researchers, staff, and faculty.

Registration is required – the Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants one hour before the workshop starts.

If any questions or concerns, please email Marina Zhang ( or Presenters include those from Lichtenberger Engineering Library, the Graduate College, IEEE, Speaking Center, and the UI Research Foundation.

September 15- Thesis Formatting and Submission

  • Learn about the thesis submission process, issues related to copyright and embargo, and additional resources available from the Graduate College. Learn more about the Microsoft Word tools you can use to format your thesis. Presented by Erin Kaufman, Graduate College.

September 22- Introduction to LaTeX Editor

  • LaTeX not only creates professional-looking documents but also allows you to tackle the more complicated parts of typesetting, such as inputting mathematics, creating tables of contents, referencing and creating bibliographies. Instead of downloading, installing and trouble-shooting LaTeX software and packages locally in your computer, you can take advantage of the online LaTeX editor called Overleaf. In this workshop, we will use Overleaf and cover LaTeX basics, bibliographic management in LaTeX and collaboration with others on a LaTeX document. Presented by Marina Zhang, Engineering & Informatics Librarian, Lichtenberger Engineering Library.Before the workshop, sign up for Overleaf free account and copy the template and slides.
  • Slides Used
  • Template
  • Exercise
  • To make a copy of the documents:
    • Follow the link to the Overleaf Project
    • In the “Menu” select on “Copy Project”
    • Rename the file

September 29 – Research Poster Design

  • This workshop will help you make your poster presentation more effective. Learn to think about the prospective audience, poster content, and design considerations in a poster layout. Presented by Robert Peck, Speaking Center.

October 27- Understanding the Publishing Process: Behind the Scenes with IEEE

  • This workshop will cover:
    • Tips for selecting an appropriate IEEE periodical or conference
    • How successful IEEE authors structure quality work to improve their chances of being accepted
    • Insights into what editors look for in a submission and why editors and reviewers reject papers
    • Tools & resources to help authors through the publishing process including IEEE’s Author Center,Publication Recommender, and Reference Preparation Assistance
    • Strategies for using IEEE Xplore effectively for a literature review.
  • Presented by Jalyn Kelley, IEEE Client Services Manager.

November 10- Intellectual Property

  • “Intellectual property” may sound like an oxymoron—how can anyone own your brain? But whether you plan to stay in academia, work for a company, or strike out on your own as a freelancer or an entrepreneur, your intellectual creations are likely to have an impact on your future success. This presentation will cover the basics of patents, copyrights, and other forms of protecting intellectual property. Presented by Marie Kerbeshian, Executive Director of the University of Iowa Research Foundation.
  • Begin Registration

November 17 – Demystifying Scholarly Metrics

  • How do you make a list of every single paper that cites you? How do you gather evidence and demonstrate potential values and research impact? This workshop will help you understand how to interpret “standard” scholarly metrics (h-index, impact factor, CiteScore etc.) and where to find them, explore three major sources of citation data (Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar), and identify best practices on broadening your research impact. Presented by Marina Zhang, Engineering & Informatics Librarian, Lichtenberger Engineering Library.
  • Begin Registration

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Kari Kozak, at in advance of the event.