Several game cards in black and white are displayed. The ones with visible text say

Cards from Spinster, “a lighthearted lesbian gayme.” Created by Lavender Lace, printed by Iowa City Women’s Press, 1982. Iowa City Women’s Press Records [IWA0220], Iowa Women’s Archives.

Note from co-curator Madde Hoberg: “The Spinster card deck is definitely one of my favorite items in the exhibit. All the cards are amazing and it was difficult to narrow down which ones to display.”

The card game is a version of Old Maid, and includes the following rules printed on one of the cards:

How to Play Spinster
a lighthearted lesbian gayme.

Shuffle the deck well and deal cards to all players. Dealer plays first, and places on the table all matching pairs in her hand. She then chooses one card, sight unseen, from her neighhor.

Play continues in this manner, moving in circular motion until all pairs are placed on the table. She who holds the Spinster card ‘wins.’

Our hope is that every woman who enjoys the gayme will see herself somewhere in the deck.

Our thanks to the Iowa City Women’s Press & A Fine Bind for their enthusiasm, support, and skill. Also thanks to the womyn who appear in this deck; and a very special thanks to our Spinster, without whose inspiration this deck would not exist.

copyright 1982 Lavender Lace

Cards on display: Phoebe Femme, Amy Amazon, Phyllis Firefighter, Betty Butch, Self-Sufficient Sister, Softball Sal.

8 cards are on display They each feature a photo or illustration or rules for the game. Card titles include: self-sufficient sister, softball, sal, betty butch, amy amazon, phoebe femme, phyllis firefighter.

Cards from Spinster, “a lighthearted lesbian gayme.” Created by Lavender Lace, printed by Iowa City Women’s Press, 1982. Iowa City Women’s Press Records [IWA0220], Iowa Women’s Archives.