The Gaily Iowan, September 1981. Student-Produced Publications and Newsletter Collection, University Archives, University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives.
Text by Aiden Bettine, co-curator of We Are Hawkeyes: Celebrating 175 Years of Student Life at the University of Iowa.
Putting ideas in print is a way of life on our campus. From humor to politics and creative writing to social commentary, student voices on campus have reverberated through newspapers, newsletters, and magazines over the years. Often independently published through student organizations and clubs, these publications are more than words on a page. They evidence the diversity of students who have found community together, writing about what they believe, what they enjoy, and who they are.
Transcription from the front page of The Gaily Iowan , September 1981:
September 3: There will be a slide show of the Des Moines Gay Pride March and the video tape “Gay Issues in Iowa City” will be shown. All meetings will be at 8:pm in 304 EPB.
September 17: GPU Election of officers.
October 3: LGAI meeting in Iowa City. 304 EPB. New LGAI officers will be elected.
October 8: Homecoming Dance at the “620” bar, 620 S. Madison.
October 15: A talk on Lesbian separatism.
November 5: Gay/Straight rap. Everyone welcome.
November 19: Fiction reading.
GAYLINE 353-7162
Call and listen to our tape of GPU events. If you leave a message on the machine we’ll call back. GAYLINE is currently organizing new hours for the fall when GPU members will answer the phone and provide information. If you have some time to answer the phone this fall please contact Bill.
To new students, old students, staff, faculty, townsmen and townswomen (country people, too!) of the Iowa City Area – a cordial welcome to all the activities and meetings of the Gay People’s Union. Our purposes are educational and informational as well as social. Come out and add your talents and energy to our group’s!
This establishment is located at 620 South Madison Street (hence the name) and will open nightly (except Sunday) at 6:20 (no doubt manage Woody stayed awake nights dreaming that up). A cover charge will be collected whenever entertainment or a live DJ is featured, basically Friday and Saturday nights. (The sound and lighting systems are superb.) Amenities include: pool table and video games (but not pinball); dancing, for those wishing to cut a rug; a “quiet room” for serious tête-à-têtes; and a well-stocked liquor bar. Food will be catered for special events. The décor is variously described as “high-tech” or “New York style”. It’s really quite nice and all in all your GI reporter was suitably impressed.
Manager Woody expressed great satisfaction with the way things went the first night of operation (starting at 9:pm August 6th); he added that a series of specials will be offered during the bar’s grand opening week, August 25-29. We Wish Woody much success in his new endeavor, and urge the gay community to give him their support and patronage. At last, we have in the “620” a place we can call our own.
The connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. (Hartford) recently published the results of an opinion survey which attempted to gauge contemporary American values as indicated by individuals’ attitudes toward a variety of issues. Part of the study was conducted by Research and Forecasts Inc.; its tabulations of responses provide a comparison between the attitudes of the general public and those of persons regarded as leaders of important American institutions, such as educators and the military. Among other things, the survey addressed the attitudes of these groups toward homosexuality and lesbianism. The results are as follows: “