Purchase request
Use this form to suggest journals or books that you would like to see added to Hardin Library’s collection.
Gifts to the library
Please contact Janna Lawrence at 319/335-9870 if you have books or journals you would like to give to the library.
Contact Us
Linda Walton , Director, 319-335-9871
Electronic resources under evaluation
Financial contributions to the Library
Electronic Resources Under Evaluation
- How to Find Publisher Information from the National Library of Medicine.
- Publishers’ Catalogs This service is brought to you by Nothern Lights Internet Solutions.
- PubList.com “PubList.com is the most comprehensive directory of information about more than 150,000 publications and more than 8000 newspapers around the world. It’s easy to use. And it’s free. PubList.com information comes from definitive sources such as Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory. And it adds the timeliness and linking capabilities of the Web.” (from PubList.com)
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory A bibliographic database providing detailed and authoritative information on journals and other serials published throughout the world. Ulrich’s covers all subjects, and includes regularly and irregularly published serials that are available free or by paid subscription.
Make a financial contribution to the Library
through the University of Iowa Foundation
Alumni services –
visit the Alumni Services page to learn about accessing resources, borrowing books and other services available to alums at Hardin Library.