Financial Donations
If you wish to make a financial donation, please visit the University of Iowa Foundation’s Libraries page. In the search box, search for Hardin to see the options to contribute to Hardin Library. Gifts from private individuals make an enormous difference in the quality of collections and services we can offer to our community — and they give us a measure of flexibility to respond to unexpected opportunities that state-appropriated funds cannot match. We are grateful for financial gifts of any size.
Donating Materials
In most cases, Hardin is unable to accept additional copies of books or journal volumes already owned. If materials are accepted, they are done so with the understanding that upon receipt, the material becomes the property of the University of Iowa. The Library reserves the right to determine the disposition of all gifts, including the right to give away or discard items that do not fit our needs. Please contact Janna Lawrence at or 319-335-9870 before donating materials.
If you have books that you feel are appropriate for donation to the John Martin Rare Book Room, please contact Damien Ihrig at or 319-335-9154.
The UI Libraries’ page on Gifts-in-Kind provides more information, including a list of organizations that accept the donation of books.