The Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women’s Archives depends in large part on the generosity of donors to support its operations. All gifts, large or small, will help the IWA preserve the rich history of Iowa women today and in the future.

You may make a gift by check or credit card by clicking the “GIVE NOW” button. During the checkout process, the online form allows you to make your gift in someone’s honor or memory and provides space for comments.

You can give to the following specific areas within IWA

  • Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women’s Archives Fund
    Provides general support for the operations of the Iowa Women’s Archives.
  • Linda and Richard Kerber Fund for Research in the Iowa Women’s Archives
    Funds travel grants for graduate students, academic and public historians, and independent researchers and writers to travel to Iowa City to conduct research in the Iowa Women’s Archives.
  • Jewish Women in Iowa Fund
    Funds the collection and processing of personal papers and organizational records documenting the history of Jewish women in Iowa.


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For additional information about ways to support the Iowa Women’s Archives contact:

Paula Wiley, MSLS
Associate Director of Development
University of Iowa Libraries
The University of Iowa Center for Advancement
One West Park Road
Iowa City, IA 52242