Revised edition, with additions to June 2011


This bibliography lists histories and selected contemporary accounts of the University of Iowa and many of its colleges, departments, and other programs. Faculty biographies are placed with the appropriate departments. Both published and unpublished works are included: Typescripts, term papers, master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, oral history transcripts, articles, and books. Two very useful general works are a scholarly history by Stow Persons (37) and a pictorial history by John C. Gerber (21). The most comprehensive study of historic Old Capitol and its restoration is by Margaret N. Keyes (827). Scholarly and popular writers have explored many specific areas, but many subjects and approaches are still available for treatment. The works listed are not equally reliable; the reader must judge the accuracy and usefulness of each one.

This bibliography is located in Archives, and is cataloged as such: Z5816 .I68R6 1997 cop.16. Copies of nearly all of the works listed may be found (1) in the University of Iowa Archives (located in the Special Collections Department on the third floor of the Main Library), (2) elsewhere in the University Libraries, or (3) in the State Historical Society of Iowa-Iowa City. Many can be found in more than one location as noted in abbreviated italic notes at the end of each entry. For a list of locations described fully, click here. Items highlighted in blue are available online; blue indicates an active link you need merely click on. The locations noted are not exhaustive, and while care has been taken to confirm them, changes in records over time may have created errors here. To confirm locations, use both online and card catalogs or ask Libraries’ staff for assistance.

In addition to University Archives holdings of unpublished university records of permanent administrative and historical value, faculty papers, audiovisual materials, and vertical files on buildings, departments, faculty, organizations, and other subjects, historical information can be found in such printed sources as alumni registers, budgets (Internal Allocations), catalogs (fLD2557), commencement programs, course schedules, departmental minutes and newsletters, directories (faculty, staff, and student), Iowa Alumni Quarterly (title varies), Iowa Alumnus, Iowa Journal of Literary Studies, The Iowa Review, Pharmaceutical Alumni Association Proceedings (1st, 1897, includes histories), Philological Quarterly, regents minutes and reports, student newspapers (Daily Iowan, S.U.I. Quill, Vidette-Reporter), University of Iowa News Bulletin, University of Iowa Service Bulletin, and Hawkeye yearbooks (fLD2577.H3). The Hawkeye, vol. 2, 1893, includes histories. The Iowa Alumnus (Iowa City, 1903-24) is especially useful for activities and obituaries of alumni and faculty, discussions of current university issues, athletics, and photographs.

The University of Iowa Libraries, State Historical Society of Iowa, and Iowa City Public Library have motion picture film, videotapes, and still photographs on student protest, 1960s-1970s. For a summary of Archives holdings, click here.

The names of the three state universities in Iowa have changed several times and the similarity of their names has led to confusion among them. The works in this bibliography all concern the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and its former branches, at least in part. The University of Iowa was for much of its existence named State University of Iowa (SUI), in the nineteenth century sometimes reworded as Iowa State University, which should not be confused with the present Iowa State University in Ames. In popular usage, the word “State” was dropped from “State University of Iowa” in 1964.

Information on specific topics may often be found in works listed under more general headings. Many subjects are cross-referenced. The index of personal names includes authors, editors, and subjects in a single alphabet. Works with anonymous or corporate authorship are missing from the index and therefore must be found by using the table of contents.

This bibliography was compiled by Earl M. Rogers, University Archivist 1970-1998, who acknowledged in its several print editions the valuable assistance given by members of the University Libraries’ staff and by many helpful researchers. It has been slightly revised and annotated for online presentation but it remains, and will remain, his work in essence and structure.




Land grant

Branches and early departments

Student life

Literary societies
Student publications




Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of

Aerospace Military Studies
African American World Studies
American Studies

Grant Wood

Communication Studies
Computer Science

Writing programs

French and Italian
Home Economics
Military Science
Physical Education for Men
Physical Education for Women
Physics and Astronomy
Political Science
Social Work
Speech Pathology and Audiology
Theatre Arts

Business Administration, College of Dentistry, College of

Education, College of

Engineering, College of

Graduate College

Homeopathic Medicine

Law, College of

Medicine, College of

Nursing, College of

Pharmacy, College of





Buildings and grounds

Old Capitol
Other buildings

Conference Center

Continuing Education


Fine Printing


Iowa Child Welfare Research Station

Iowa Lakeside Laboratory

Iowa Memorial Union



Museum of Art

Museum of Natural History



Radio and television

Religious activity

Summer Session


War, veterans, and wartime research


1. Beilman, James. “The University of Iowa Oral History Project.” Books at Iowa 27 (November 1977): 21-29, 34, illus. Main.

2. Dodd, John Jeffrey. An Author and Subject Index to the Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, 1875-1988. Cedar Falls: Iowa Academy of Science, 1992. 187 pp. Main; Biology; Geology; Hardin.

3. Rockefeller Archive Center. Archives and Manuscripts in the Rockefeller Archive Center. North Tarrytown, N.Y.: Rockefeller Archive Center, 1982. 56 pp. Main.

4. Swigger, Boyd Keith, comp. A Guide to Resources for the Study of the Recent History of the United States in the Libraries of the University of Iowa, the State Historical Society of Iowa, and in the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. Iowa City: University of Iowa Libraries, 1977. 283 pp., notes. Includes holdings of the University of Iowa Archives. Archives Z1244.S94.

See also 107, 274, 475, 479, 901, and 903.


5a. Anderson, Scott. “Iowa City: International Arts.” Horizon 29:2 (March 1986). pp. 45-60. Travel article about visual and performing arts in Iowa City and the University.

5b. Andrews, Clarence A. 125th Anniversary (1840-1965) History of First Presbyterian Church, Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa City, 1966. 32 pp. History of Old Brick. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives BX8949.I6 A53.

5c. Aurner, Clarence Ray. History of Education in Iowa. Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1914-20. 5 vols., notes. Vol. 4, part 1, “History of the State University of Iowa,” pp. 1-190. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LA286 .A8 v.4 cop.7.

6a. Aurner, Clarence Ray. Leading Events in Johnson County, Iowa, History. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Western Historical Press, 1912. 2 vols., illus., maps, notes. Ch.14, “College and University Beginnings,” pp. 271-294. Main; Iowa Authors.

6b. Barnard, Jerald R. and Warren J. Boe. The Economic Contribution of a Large University: A Study of the University of Iowa. Iowa City: Institute for Economic Research, the University of Iowa, 1984. 26 pp., illus. Main; Archives fLC67.65.I8 B3 1984.

6c. Baxter, Elaine. Historic Structure Inventory: North Side Neighborhood Preservation Study. Iowa City: Dept. of Community Development, City of Iowa City, 1977. ca. 550 pp., illus. Main; Archives NA7238.I6 B3.

7. Belding, Robert E. Old Capitol’s Ghosts. Iowa City, 1981. 91 pp., illus. Main; Archives.

8a. Benton, Thomas H., Jr. Address Delivered at the Annual Commencement of the State University of Iowa, June 21st, 1867. Davenport, Iowa: Gazette Co., 1877. 99 pp., illus., map. 1838-1867. Iowa Authors; Archives LD2568 .B45.

8b. Butler, William, ed. The University of Iowa. 1989. 112pp. Archives fLD2569.7 .R53 1989.

9. Carstensen, Vernon. “The State University of Iowa: The Collegiate Department from the Beginning to 1878.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1936. 2 vols. (592 pp.). University of Iowa. Studies in the Social Sciences 10 (February 1938): 95-115. Archives LD2568.3 .C37 1936 v.1-2.

10a. Carstensen, Vernon. “The University as Head of the Iowa School System.” Iowa Journal of History 53 (July 1955): 213-246, notes. Also in Patterns and Perspectives in Iowa History, edited by Dorothy Schwieder, pp. 323-358, notes. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1973. Main.

10b. Charlton, Thomas H. and Cynthia L. Otis Charlton. Excavations at Plum Grove, Iowa City, 1978: Final Report. Iowa City: Dept. of Anthropology, 1981. 83 pp. Main; Archives F629.I6 C53 1991.

11. Crary, Ryland Wesley. “History of the State University of Iowa: The College of Liberal Arts in the Gilmore and Hancher Administrations.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1946. 284 pp. University of Iowa. Doctoral Dissertations, Abstracts and References 6 (1953): 559-569. Archives LD2556.5 .C7 1946.

12. Currier, A.N. “A Gallery of Portraits.” Iowa Alumnus 5 (December 1907): 66-67. Main.

13. Darling, Elmer C. “Curricular Trends in Higher Education in Iowa since 1900.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1935. 425 pp. Cornell College, Drake University, Grinnell College, Iowa State University, University of Iowa, and University of Northern Iowa. Main T1935.D22; Archives T1935.D22.

14. Davies, Frederick G. “History of the State University of Iowa: The College of Liberal Arts, 1916-1934.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1947. 2 vols. (966 pp.). University of Iowa. Doctoral Dissertations, Abstracts and References 6 (1953): 570-582. Archives LC1023.5 .I68 D38 1947 v.1 and 2.

15. Deemer, Horace E. An Address Delivered on the Eleventh Day of June Nineteen Hundred Seven at Iowa City on the Occasion of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the State University of Iowa. Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1908. 42 pp. Archives LD2568.D44 1908; SHSI.

16. Dorcas, H.C. “A Retrospect of Fifty-One Years.” Iowa City, 1942. 20 pp. UI history, 1887-1942. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

17a. Doty, Franklin A. “History of the State University of Iowa: The College of Liberal Arts, 1900-1916.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1946. 559 pp. University of Iowa. Doctoral Dissertations, Abstracts and References 10 (1954): 118-120. Archives LC1023.5 .I68 D68 1946.

17b. Eggers, Lolly Parker.  Iowa City’s Irving Weber: A Biography.  Victoria, B.C.: Trafford Publishing, 2006. 402 pp., illus. SHSI.

18. Ensign, Forest C. “The Half-Century Mark.” Iowa Alumnus 19 (February 1922): 169-173, illus. 1872-1897. Main.

19. Erickson, Lori. Ghosts of Johnson County, Iowa. Fort Madison, Iowa: Quixote Press, 1987. 152 pp. Includes UI subjects. Iowa Authors; SHSI.

20. Gallaher, Ruth A. “At the Beginning.” Iowa Alumnus 19 (February 1922): 163-165, illus. 1847-1869. Main.

21. Gerber, John C. A Pictorial History of the University of Iowa. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1988. 273 pp., illus. Archives LD2568 .G47 1988 cop.4 and 5; Main reserve.

22. Haddock, William J. A Retrospect: State University of Iowa. Iowa City, 1904. 59 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

23. Haddock, William John. Up-to-Date; Postscript to a Retrospect. N.p., 1905. 13 pp. Archives.

24. Haefner, Marie. “Some Highlights of University History.” University of Iowa News Bulletin 10, no. 12 (December 1935) 1-3; 11, no. 1 (January 1936): 4-6, no. 2 (February 1936): 7-8, no. 3 (March 1936): 4-6, no. 5 (May 1936): 5-7, no. 7 (July 1936): 4-6; 13, no. 11 (November 1938): 3-5; 14, no. 8 (August 1939): 2, 6-7; 16, no. 2 (February 1941): 7-8. 1854-1880s. Archives.

25. Hart, Irving H. “State Support of Higher Education in Iowa.” Iowa Journal of History 55 (April 1957): 147-166, notes. Main; Archives LB2342.15 .I8H37 1957.

26. Higbee, F.G. “Memoirs.” Iowa City, 1958. Unpaginated. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.4.

27a. History of Johnson County, Iowa, Containing a History of the County, and its Townships, Cities, and Villages from 1836 to 1882. Evansville, Ind.: Unigraphic, 1973. 966, 76, 8 pp. Reprint of 1883 edition. “The State University,” pp. 65-72. Ch. 6, part 2, “Educational Matters,” pp. 381-406. Biographical sketches include UI faculty. Main; Law; SHSI.

27b. Hudson, David, Marvin Bergman, and Loren Horton, eds.  The Biographical Dictionary of Iowa. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2008. 594pp., notes. Main; SHSI; Archives CT234.B56 2008.

28a. Iowa Alumnus, vol. 19, no.5, pp. 137-216, February 1922. Diamond jubilee number. Main; Archives.

28b. Iowa Social Science Institute. University Relations Statewide Survey Summary of Findings. Iowa City: University of Iowa Social Science Institute, 1994. 37 pp., appendix. Results of statewide telephone survey to assess public attitudes toward the three state universities. Archives.

29a. Lang, William C. “A History of the State University of Iowa: The Collegiate Department from 1879 to 1900.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1941. 549 pp. University of Iowa. Studies in the Social Sciences 11, no. 4: 149-157. University of Iowa. Doctoral Dissertations, Abstracts and References 3, no. 2, (1943): 149-157. Archives LD2568.3 .L35 1941.

29b. Larson, Lin. “A History in the Making.” Synchrony (UI Office of Health Science Relations) 1, no. 1 (December 1995): 12-17, illus. Health sciences education, 1850-1994. Gov Pubs; Archives 17-U582HC 58:

30. “Legislation Relating to the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City: University of Iowa Archives. Covers 1846-1941. Archives KFI4596.5 .U55 A2 1942 pt.1 and 2.

31. Leonard, N.R. “The State University of Iowa in 1860-1861.” Iowa Alumnus 4 (June 1907): 227-230. Main.

32a. Mahan, Bruce E. “University of Iowa.” Palimpsest 52 (February 1971): 33-128, illus. Main; Archives LD2568 .M34 1971a.

32b. Mahan, Bruce E. “University of Iowa.” (unabridged version) 1971. Archives LD2568 .M34 1971

32c. Mansheim, Gerald. “Iowa City: An Illustrated History.” Norfolk, Virginia: Donning Company, 1989. Main; Iowa Authors.

32d. Mellor, Betty Jean. “The Growth of American State Universities: Criticisms.” 1945. 16pp. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. I-II

33. Morris, Jim W. “Beginnings of the Methodist Protestant Church in Iowa.” Methodist History 7, no. 2 (January 1969): 45-51, notes. Includes Snethen Seminary and Iowa City University, 1840s. Main.

34. Morris, Jim W. “A History of the Methodist Protestant Church in Iowa.” B.Div. thesis, Drake University, 1966. 89 pp. Includes Snethen Seminary and Iowa City University, 1840s. Drake University.

35. Parker, Leonard F. Higher Education in Iowa. Contributions to American Educational History, 17. U.S. Office of Education Circular of Information, 1893, no. 6. 190 pp., illus., maps, tables, notes. Ch. 7, “The State University,” pp. 76-121. Main.

36. Perl, Larry. Calm and Secure on Thy Hill: A Retrospective of the University of Iowa. Iowa City: University of Iowa Alumni Association, 1978. 343 pp., illus. Main; Archives LD2568 .P4 cop.7.

37. Persons, Stow. The University of Iowa in the Twentieth Century: An Institutional History. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1990. 341 pp., illus., notes. Main reserve; Archives LD2568 .P47 1990 cop.3.

38. Pickard, J.L. “Historical Sketch of the State University of Iowa.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 4 (April 1899): 1-66, illus., notes. Main.

39. Pickard, Josiah L. A Retrospect of Sixty Years. Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1908. 24 pp. Also in Iowa Alumnus 11, no. 7 (April 1914): 11-12, 14-15. Archives LA230.5 .M52P5 1908.

40. Pickard, J.L. “The State University of Iowa 1878-1887.” Iowa Alumnus 2 (March 1905): 137-143. Archives.

41. Pickard, J.L. “The University from 1878 to 1887.” Iowa Alumnus 4 (June 1907): 238-243. Main; Archives.

42. “Professor Shimek to Be Honored at Commencement Luncheon.” University of Iowa News Bulletin, 7 no. 5 (May 1932): 1-4, illus. Shimek’s reminiscences of UI, 1870s-1880s. Archives.

43. Remley, Milton. “Turning the First Quarter.” Iowa Alumnus 19 (February 1922): 166-169, illus. 1858-1872. Main.

44. Rich, Ellen M. “Then and Now–1862-1907.” Iowa Alumnus 4 (June 1907): 230-234. Main.

45a. Roalson, Louise. On Iowa, a University and Its People: Old Gold Recipes, Campus Scenes and Traditions. Iowa City: Penfield Press, 1983. 88 pp., illus. Iowa Authors; Archives LD2568.R63 1983 cop.4.

45b. Rubiner, Betsy. “Journeys: 36 Hours | Iowa City.” The New York Times (July 9, 2004). General visitor’s guide to Iowa City, including the University.

45c. Schweider, Dorothy, and Gretchen Van Houten, eds. A Sesquicentennial History of Iowa State University: Tradition and Transformation. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2007. 368 pp., illus., notes. Includes relationship with Virgil M. Hancher, etc.; also includes Dan Gable.

45d. Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin. Iowa City: A Contribution to the Early History of Iowa. Archives F629 .I6S5 cop 9 1893. 116 pp.

45e. Sjolund, Richard. The University of Iowa Reflections: A Seasonal Journey Through the Campus and Its People and the River That Binds Them. Allen, Texas: DSA Publishing and Design, 2008.

46. “S.U.I. Thirty-Five Years Ago.” Iowa Alumnus 11, no. 6 (March 1914): 19-20. Main.

47. “State University of Iowa.” In Souvenir and Annual for 1881-82…, edited by J.F. Hoover, H.S. Kneedler, and C.J. Faust, pp. 11-47. Iowa City, 1881. x-collection.

48. Thornton, Harrison John. “Locating the State University of Iowa.” Iowa Journal of History 47 (January 1949): 50-62, notes. Selection of Iowa City as site. Main.

49. Thornton, Harrison John. “A State University Is Born.” Palimpsest 28 (February 1947): 33-48. 1847-1879. Main.

50. “The University: 1847-1947.” University of Iowa News Bulletin 22, no. 5 (May 1947): 1-24, illus. Pictorial history. Archives.

51. University of Iowa. The First Century at the University of Iowa. Iowa City, 1947. 18 pp. Archives.

52a. University of Iowa. The Ninetieth Anniversary of the State University of Iowa. Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1937. 160 pp. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LD2576 1937 cop.6.

52b. Walz, Thomas. The Unlikely Celebrity: Bill Sackter’s Triumph Over Disability. Southern Illinois University Press, 1998. 127pp. Wild Bill’s Coffeeshop on campus; Archives HV3006 .I68W35 1998 cop.2.

53a. Weber, Irving B. Historical Stories about Iowa City. Iowa City: Iowa City Lions Club, 1976-94. 8 vols., illus. Local history articles, many of them on UI topics, reprinted from the Iowa City Press-Citizen. Main; Iowa Authors.

53b. Weber, Irving. On Iowa: Essays about the University of Iowa in Celebration of the Sesquicentennial. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1996. 115 pp., illus. Local history articles reprinted from the Iowa City Press Citizen. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LD2568.W4 1996 cop.4.

54. Writers’ Program. Iowa. Johnson County History, Iowa. Iowa City, 1941. 100 pp. Ch. 13, “The State University of Iowa,” pp. 91-99. SHSI.



55. Bose, Sudhindra. “Sir Rabindranath Tagore at the State University of Iowa.” Modern Review (Calcutta) 21 (February 1917): 216-220. Main.

56. Cheever, John. “An Afternoon Walk in Iowa City, Iowa.” Travel & Leisure (American Express) 4, no. 9 (September 1974): 32-33, 50, illus. Archives, in Faculty and Staff Vertical File (RG 01.15.03), “Cheever, John” folder.

57. Evans, Edwin. “From a Middle-Western Campus.” Dominant (Oxford; in the U.S.A., The Gamut) 2, no. 4 (July-August 1929): 28-30. Archives 21:3:12 flat box.

58. Kentfield, Calvin. “State University of Iowa.” Holiday 34, no. 5 (November 1963): 88-91, 140-142, 144-148, 151, illus. Also in This Is Iowa: A Cavalcade of the Tall Corn State, edited by Clarence A. Andrews, pp. 269-285. Iowa City: Midwest Heritage, 1982. Main.

59. Lafore, Laurence. “In the Sticks.” Harper’s Magazine 243, no. 1457 (October 1971): 108-109, 112-115, illus. Main.

60. Roth, Philip. “Iowa.” Esquire 58, no. 6 (December 1962): 132, 240, 242-244, 247-248, 250. Main.



61. Buffum, Hugh S. “Federal and State Aid to Education in Iowa.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 4 (October 1906): 554-598; 5 (January 1907): 3-45, (April 1907): 147-192, (July 1907): 311-325, tables, notes. “The University Grant,” 4: 588-598; “The Saline Land Grant,” 5: 3-10; “State Appropriations for the University,” 5: 147-162; “Federal Land Grants for State Universities,” 5: 316-319. Main.

62. Kirkman, Johanna C. Fedson. “A History of Land Grants Used for Education in Iowa.” M.S. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, 1928. 166 pp. Includes UI. Iowa State University at Ames.

63. Lokken, Roscoe L. Iowa Public Land Disposal. Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1942. 318 pp., maps, notes. “The University Grant,” pp. 166-169. Main; Law.

64. Swierenga, Robert P. Pioneers and Profits: Land Speculation on the Iowa Frontier. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1968. 260 pp., illus., maps, tables, notes. “University Land Grant,” pp. 61-64. Main.



65. Aurner, Clarence Ray. “An Experiment in Higher Education.” Iowa Alumnus 19 (February 1922): 189, 212, 214, 216. Branches and administration, 1844-1860. Main.

66. Fulton, C.J. “The Beginnings of Education in Iowa.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 23 (April 1925): 171-191. “The Fairfield University,” pp. 180-191. UI branch. Main.

67. Howell, Saul Sylvester. “Diary of S.S. Howell, 1868.” Edited by Frederick J. Kuhns. Iowa Journal of History 49 (April 1951): 143-167, notes. Howell, 1841-1879, principal of UI Preparatory Department, 1867-1868. Main.

68. Remley, Milton. “In Olden Days.” Iowa Alumnus 21 (October 1, 1923): 7-9. Normal Department, 1855. Main.



69. Bailey, T.S. “University Reminiscences.” Iowa Alumnus 4 (June 1907): 234-238. 1864-1869. Main.

70. Baker, Tom. “More than a Place to Eat and Sleep: A History of Residence Halls at the University of Iowa.” Undergraduate honors thesis, University of Iowa, 1982. 202 pp. Archives LD2569.8 .B34 1982.

71. “The Baptist Frat.” Iowa Alumnus 12, no. 8 (May 1915): 10-12. Student boarding club, 1887-1889. Main.

72a. Barker, Edgar E. “Foreign Students at the University of Iowa prior to 1900.” Term paper, University of Iowa, 1984. 11 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

72b. Bendt, Iva Mae [“Mom B”]. Oh Yes, I Remember. Self-published monograph, [1979?]. 109 pp., illus. Memoir of housemother for Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, Iota Chi Chapter. Archives.

73. Bennett, Mary. “Student Unrest at the University of Iowa, 1967 to 1971.” Term paper, University of Iowa, 1975. Unpaginated. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03); SHSI.

74a. Berger, Elizabeth A. “The Student Cooperative Dormitory and Democratic Group Life as Illustrated by Russell House.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1939. 112 pp. Main T1939.B49; Archives T1939.B49.

74b. Boyd, Susan Kuehn.  The Wide-Brimmed Hat: Stories.  Iowa City: Long River Press, 2002.  “Death on the Lawn: A Diary of May 1970 in Iowa City,” pp. 99-116.  Wife of University of Iowa president experiencing antiwar protest.

74c. Brown, Clyde and Gayle K. Pluta Brown. “Iowa University Towns and the Twenty-sixth Amendment: The First Test of the Newly Enfranchised Student Vote in 1971.” Annals of Iowa 68 (Fall 2009): 395-442, notes, bibliog. Main; SHSI.

74d. Brownstein, Andrew. “Keeping the Lid On.” Iowa Alumni Quarterly 51, no. 1 (spring 1998): 32-36, illus. Student protest, 1969-1971. Archives.

75. Buntrock, Kermit L. How to Achieve Success While Being a Klutz. Storm Lake, Iowa, 1985. 104 pp., illus. Ch. 3, “Go Hawks!,” pp. 16-22; ch. 4, “Those Were the Days,” pp. 23-31. UI sports and student life, 1932-1935. Iowa Authors; SHSI.

76. Collier, Paul Stanley. “A Study of Housing Conditions in a Small City: Some Phases of the Housing Problem in Iowa City.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1912. 81 pp. Student rooms, pp. 26-30. Main T1912.C699; Archives T1912.C699 (film).

77. Cone, Carl B. “Growing up in Iowa City: Recollections of a Historian.” Palimpsest 64 (January-February 1983): 14-23, illus. 1920s-1930s. Main.

78a. Conzett, Karen Sue. “A Comparison of Activists and Non-activists: From the Sixties to the Eighties.” Research paper, University of Iowa, 1989. 64 pp. Surveys former UI students who were enrolled between 1965 and 1972. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

78b. Draper, Timoty Dean. “Activism and the University: The Relationships between Student Activism and the University of Iowa.” Seminar paper, University of Iowa, 1987. 31 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

79. Draper, Timothy D. “The Iowa Movements: Dualism and Student Activism at the University of Iowa, 1966-1971.” Term paper, University of Iowa, 1986. 50 pp. Restricted. SHSI.

80. Elliot, Evan Lee. “Chickens in the Attic and Other Stories: Henry Black and Black’s Gaslight Village.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1992. 35 pp. Black (1902-1978), eccentric landlord in Iowa City and his UI student tenants. Main T1992.E465.

81. Felsen, Milt. The Anti-Warrior: A Memoir. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1989. 245 pp., illus. UI student life of Felsen, b. 1912, pp. 28-36, 83-84, and 126-131. Main; Iowa Authors.

82a. “The Finkbine Tradition.” Iowa Alumni Review 3, no. 3 (April 1950): 18-19, 30, illus. William O. Finkbine, 1857-1930, and Finkbine dinner for representative Iowa men. Main.

82b. Franz, Janice. “Hawkeye Village Married Student Temporary Housing: A Memoir, 1951-52.” Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

83. Galer, Roger B. “Recollections of Busy Years.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 42 (January 1944): 3-72. “At the University,” pp. 43-51. 1881-1885. Main.

84. Gilson, James Edward. “Changing Student Lifestyle at the University of Iowa, 1880-1900.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1980. 392 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 41: 1664-A. Religion, prohibition, 1888 investigation, YMCA, Close Hall, curriculum, literary societies, fraternities, and athletics. Main T1980.G488; Archives LD2571 .G45 1980.

85. Hough, Emerson. “Commencements of the Past.” Iowa Alumnus 10, no. 9 (June 1913): 5-7. Main.

86a. Hutchinson, William T. Lowden of Illinois: The Life of Frank O. Lowden. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957. 2 vols., illus., notes. Vol. 1, ch. 2, “From ‘Rough Woods’ to Michigan Avenue,” pp. 17-31. UI student life, 1881-1885, of Lowden, 1861-1943. Main.

86b. Jones, Charlotte Enger. “Memories of Co-op Dorm Living: 1931-1955.” Coralville, Ia. ca. 1996. 15 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

87. Jordan, Philip D. “Adventures of a Student at Iowa.” Books at Iowa 28 (April 1978): 25-26, 30-47, illus., notes. Main.

88a. Kraushaar, Otto F. As I Remember It: The Recollections of a Grandfather. Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1988. 252 pp., illus. UI student reminiscences, 1921-1924, pp. 162-200, of Otto Frederick Kraushaar, b. 1901, professor of philosophy, Smith College, and president, Goucher College. SHSI.

88b. Leggett, John. “Metamorphosis of the Campus Radical.” New York Times Magazine (January 30, 1972): 14-17, 19-20, illus. Media Services.

89a. Luck, David J. Student Protest at Iowa. Iowa City: Typography Laboratory, University of Iowa School of Journalism, 1969. 10 pp., illus. Photographic essay.  Archives.

89b. Mechanical’s Bull Session Records, 1930-1938. RG 02.03.43. 0.25 lin. ft. Chronicle of eight 1930 graduates in mechanical engineering, College of Engineering, during the Great Depression. Archives.

90. Penningroth, Charles. Then ‘Til Now. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1966. 191 pp., illus. Includes UI student life, 1905-1909. Iowa Authors, SHSI.

91. Reed, Barbara. “The Formative Years of the Young Men’s Christian Association at S.U.I” Iowa City, 1944. 6 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives LD2568.H58 1942 v.2 no.4.

92. Rempel, Averno Milton. “Studies of the Role of the State University of Iowa in World Affairs: I. Foreign Student Relationships: II. Certain Variables Involved in the Development of International Understanding.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1954. 388 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 15: 519. Main T1954.R389.

93. Sabin, Edwin L. “Twenty Years Ago.” Iowa Alumnus 10, no. 7 (April 1913): 5-8. Main.

94. Schmidt, Dave. One Hundred Years, 1866-1966: Alpha Beta Chapter, Beta Theta Pi. Iowa City: Beta Theta Pi, 1966. [20] pp., illus. Fraternity. SHSI.

95. Schrader, Donald P. “The State of Iowa vs. Robert E. Bednasek.” Journalism Quarterly 28 (winter 1951): 15-23. Condensation of thesis. Main.

96. Schrader, Donald Paterson. “A Study of News Reports of the Trial, State of Iowa vs. Robert E. Bednasek.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1950. 242 pp. Main T1950.S377.

97. Sigma Chi Fraternity. Alpha Eta Chapter (University of Iowa). The Alpha Eta Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, 1882-1982. Iowa City: Alpha Eta Sig, 1982. 24 pp., illus. Archives LJ75.S54A4 1982.

98. Spence, Hartzell. Get Thee behind Me: My Life as a Preacher’s Son. New York: Whittlesey House, 1942. 375 pp. Main; Iowa Authors.

99. Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. Discovery: The Autobiography of Vilhjalmur Stefansson. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964. 411 pp., illus. Ch. 5, “Iowa and I,” pp. 33-39. Main.

100. Stegner, Wallace E. “The Iowa Years.” In Communication Research: A Half-Century Appraisal, edited by Daniel Lerner and Lyle M. Nelson, pp. 305-310. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1977. Wilbur Schramm. Main.

101. “This Family Tree Grows on Our Campus.” Iowa Alumni Review 7, no. 2 (April 1954): 4-7, 17, illus. Remley family members as UI students since 1855. Main.

102. Wagner, Dorothy. “The Varsity Whirl.” Palimpsest 10 (March 1929): 109-126. Student social life, 1890-1899. Main.

103. Westfall, Patricia Tichenor. Real Farm: Encounters with Perception. New York: New Chapter Press, 1989. 160 pp., illus. Graduate student life in rural Johnson County. Main; IWA.

104a. Yoseloff, Thomas. The Time of My Life. South Brunswick, N.J.: A.S. Barnes, 1979. 188 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors.

See also 187, 213, 318A, 607, and 969.

104b. State University of Iowa 1905 Campus Songs. Archives M1958 .I3 S8 1905.

104c. Jensen, Oliver. A College Album. New York: American Heritage Publishing Company, 1974. 112 pp.illus. The American college experience through the last century. Archives folio LA226 .J46 1974.



105. Belding, Robert E. “Iowa’s Brave Model for Women’s Education.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 43 (summer 1976): 342-348, notes. Main.

106. Focht, Helen E. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 23. 50 pp. 1976. Archives.

107. Hinding, Andrea, ed. Women’s History Sources: A Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States. New York: Bowker, 1979. 2 vols. Includes University of Iowa Archives and holdings. Special Collections Reference fZ7964.U49 H56.

108. Noun, Louise R. More Strong-Minded Women: Iowa Feminists Tell Their Stories. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1992. 301 pp., illus., bibliog. Includes UI. Main; IWA; Iowa Authors.

109. Sadler, Esther. “History of the State University of Iowa: Coeducation.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1942. 125 pp. Archives LB3066.4 .I8S3 1942; Archives T1942.S126.

110. Thornton, Harrison John. “Coeducation at the State University of Iowa.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 45 (October 1947): 380-412, notes. Main; Archives GB1399.4 .I8S88 1947.

111. Towner, Bette. “Sororities at Iowa.” Iowa City, 1944. 15 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 1. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 V.1-2.

112. Wilkerson, Sarah. “Iowa Women Remember the ‘Golden’ Days.” Iowa Alumni Review 33, no. 6 (October-November 1980): 12-15, illus. 1914-1924. Main.

113. Wilkerson, Sarah L. “An Oral History Collection: Reflections of Women Who Attended the University of Iowa, 1917-1924.” Iowa City, 1980. 180 pp.  Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

114. Yanney, Linda Jean. “The Practical Revolution: An Oral History of the Iowa City Feminist Community, 1965-1975.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1991. 202 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 52: 2602-A. Includes College of Law, day care, Women’s Resource and Action Center, and Women’s Studies. Main T1991.Y246.

See also 120A, 121A, 135-136, 168, 317, 321, 407-409, 463-467, 634, 649, 714, 730-734, 741, 800-803, 845, 877, 879, and 928.



115a. Bayliss, Edwin Homer. “The Negro Student at the State University of Iowa, His Preparation, Interests, and Achievement.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1936. 57 pp. Main T1936.B35; Archives T1936.B35 (film).

115b. Breaux, Richard M. “’Maintaining a Home for Girls’: The Iowa Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs at The University of Iowa, 1919-1950.” Journal of African American History 87 (Spring 2002): 236-255. Housing for UI African American women students in the early twentieth century. Main.

115c. Ibid. ” ‘We Must Fight Race Prejudice Even More Vigorously in the North’ : Black Higher Education in America’s Heartland, 1900-1940.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 2003. 506 pp. Main T2003.B834.

115d. Ibid. “Facing Hostility Finding Housing: African American Students at the University of Iowa, 1920s-1950s,” The Palimpsest: Iowa’s Popular History Magazine 76, no. 2 (1995), 15.

116. Broun, Heywood, and George Britt. Christians Only: A Study in Prejudice. New York: Vanguard Press, 1931. 333 pp. Antisemitism; includes Jewish students at the University of Iowa, pp. 94 and 150. Main.

117. Cooper, Arnold. Between Struggle and Hope: Four Black Educators in the South, 1893-1915. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1989. 121 pp., notes, bibliog. Ch. 4, “‘Lighting a Pine Torch,’: Laurence C. Jones and the Piney Woods Country Life School, 1909-1915,” pp. 51-62. Main; SHSI.

118a. Crist, John Richard. “The Negro of Iowa City, Iowa: A Study in Negro Leadership and Racial Accomodation.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1945. 97 pp. Main T1945.C93; Archives T1945.C93; Archives F62 .I6 C75 1945.

118b. Dungy, Madgetta Thornton. “African American Graduate School Experiences at the University of Iowa, 1937-1959: An Oral History.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1997. 272 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 58: 3043-A.

119a. Florman, Jean C. “Traces: Personal Accounts of a History Nearly Lost.” Iowa City Magazine 6, no. 1 (January 1995): 14-21, illus. Includes black student housing. Main.

199b. Freeman, Andrew. “Support Service Programs at the University of Iowa: A Response to National Affairs.” Typescript, 2002. 16 pp., bibliog., notes. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

120a. Harrison, Myrtia I. “Negroes at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, ca. 1944. 16 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

120b. Hubbard, Philip G. New Dawns: A 150-Year Look at Human Rights at the University of Iowa. Iowa City: Sesquicentennial Committee, University of Iowa, 1996. 210 pp., illus., notes. Main; Archives LD2568 .H85 1996 cop.3.

120c. Hubbard, Philip G. My Iowa Journey: The Life Story of the University of Iowa’s First African American Professor. University of Iowa Press, 1999. 193pp., illus. Archives LD2567 .H83A3 1999 cop. 3.

121a. Hubbard, Philip G. “UI: The Early Years.” In The Iowa State Bystander, 1894-1994: 100 Years of Black Achievement, edited by Robert V. Morris, pp. 17-19. Des Moines, Iowa: Morris Communications Group, 1994.

121b. “The Iowa Federation Home.” In Lifting as They Climb, by Elizabeth Lindsay Davis, pp. 151-155. Washington, D.C.: National Association of Colored Women, 1933; New York: G.K. Hall, 1996. Also, as “A Home for Black Women at the University of Iowa, 1908-1929.” In Black Women in Higher Education: An Anthology of Essays, Studies, and Documents, edited by Elizabeth L. Ihle, pp. 93-97. New York: Garland, 1992.

122a. Jenkins, Herbert Crawford. “The Negro Student at the University of Iowa: A Sociological Study.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1933. 69 pp. Main T1993.J52; Archives T1993.J52.

122b. Jones, Douglas W. “Jewish Life at Iowa, Draft” Iowa City, 1996. 33 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

123. Jones, Laurence C. Piney Woods and Its Story. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1922. 154 pp., illus. UI student, pp. 46-51. Main.

124a. Miner, Myrtle B. “Jewish People at the University.” Iowa City, ca. 1944. 15 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 1-2.

124b. Muehl, Siegmar and Lois. “Mississippi Comes to Iowa: Reaching Out for Civil Rights in the Sixties.” Iowa City, 2006. 7 pp., illus., endnotes. About the RILEEH (Rust, Iowa, and Lemoyne Expanding Educational Horizons) program. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

125. Murray, Mary Constance. “The Negro Student at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1945. 11 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

126. Nee, Victor G., and Brett de Bary Nee. Longtime Californ’: A Documentary Study of an American Chinatown. New York: Pantheon, 1973. 410 pp., map. Interview with Frank Chin, including Iowa Writers’ Workshop, pp. 377-389. Main.

127. O’Brien, Robert W. The College Nisei. Palo Alto, Calif.: Pacific Books, 1949. 165 pp., maps, notes. Includes very few at UI during World War II (tables). Main.

128. Pawley, Thomas D. “Experimental Theatre Seminar; Or the Basic Training of Tennessee Williams: A Memoir.” Iowa Review 19, no. 1 (winter 1989): 64-76, illus., notes. Main.

129. Peirce, P.S. “Colored Alumni of the State University of Iowa.” Iowa Alumnus 7 (May 1910): 215-217. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03) (foldered with 130, below).

130a. Peirce, Paul S. “Negro Alumni of the Colleges of Iowa.” In The College-Bred Negro American, edited by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois and Augustus Granville Dill, pp. 26-34. Atlanta University Publications 15. 1910.  Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03) (foldered with 129, above).

130b. Schultz, Jessica Lynn. Moments of Impact: Race, Injury, and Football History in Iowa’s Collective Memory. Ph.D. dissertation, sports, University of Iowa, 2005. 223 pp. Johnny B. Bright (Drake University), Jack Trice (Iowa State University), and Ozzie Simmons (University of Iowa). Dissertations Abstracts International 66: 1477-A.

131a. Smith, W.O. Sideman, the Long Gig of W.O. Smith: A Memoir. Nashville, Tenn.: Rutledge Hill Press, 1991. 319 pp., illus. Ch. 24, “Corn Belt Hiatus,” pp. 217-231. William Oscar Smith, 1917-1991, black musician, as doctoral student at UI, 1955-1957, and contacts with Iowa black residents. Main.

131b. Wilson, Charles Rodger, J. Jerome Peters and William L. Crump. The Story of Kappa Alpha Psi : A History of the Beginning and Development of a College Greek Letter Organization, 1911-1971. 2nd edition. Philadelphia, Penn.: Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, 1972. History of nationally-recognized black fraternity includes numerous references to the University of Iowa. Archives LJ75.K37 C78 1972.

132. Wolfe, Jack. A Century with Iowa Jewry. Des Moines, Iowa, 1941. 280 pp., illus. “The University,” pp. 252-254. Iowa Authors.

See also 104, 169, 655, 657-658, 679b, 768, 793, 797 and 798a.



133. Chant, Mildred. “History of the Literary Societies of the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1944. 36 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 1. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

134a. “For Harrison and Reid.” Palimpsest 13 (June 1932): 239-258, illus. Mock Republican convention, 1892, held by Zetagathian Society. Main.

134b. Hevel, Michael. “Public Displays of Student Learning: The Role of Literary Societies in Early Iowa Higher Education.” In Annals of Iowa 70:1 (Winter 2011), pp. 1-35, illus. Main.

135. Lavender, Helen E. “A History of the Erodelphian and Hesperian Societies of the State University of Iowa with a Brief Resume of the Octave Thanet, Whitby, Athena, and Hamlin Garland Societies.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1937. 190 pp. Archives LD2571.4 .L38 1937.

136. Rigler, Edith G. “The Hesperians.” In History of the Zetagathian Society of the State University of Iowa, by Theodore A. Wanerus, pp. 186-198. Iowa City: Zetagathian Society, 1911. Main; Archives PN22 .Z47W35 1911 cop. 2; see also 138.

137. University of Iowa. Irving Institute. History and Alumni Register of Irving Institute of the State University of Iowa. N.p., 1908. 63 pp. SHSI.

138. Wanerus, Theodore A. History of the Zetagathian Society of the State University of Iowa. Iowa City: Zetagathian Society, 1911. 248 pp. Main; Archives PN22.Z47 W35 1911; see also 136.

See also 84 and 373.



139. Dahl, Julia. “The Vidette-Reporter.” Iowa City, n.d. 18 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Newspaper. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.3-4.

140. Hawbaker, Becky Wilson. “Taking ‘The Pulse of Democracy’: George Gallup, Iowa, and the Origin of the Gallup Poll.” Palimpsest 74 (fall 1993): 98-113, illus. Includes Daily Iowan and UI School of Journalism. Main.

141. Hilton, Robert T. “It Was Frivol-ous and Fun.” Iowan 29, no. 3 (spring 1981): 36-41, 50-51, illus. Student humor magazine. Main.

142. Levine, Jerry. “Campus Humor Magazines.” Iowa Journalist 1, no.3 (March 1968): 11-14, illus. Archives, in Subject Vertical File (RG 01.15.05), Journalism: “Campus Humor Magazines” folder.

143. Myers, Gail Eldridge. “A Narrative History of the Daily Iowan (1901-1949).” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1949. 128 pp. Archives PN4899 .I83M9 1949.

144. Pearson, Natalie. “Covering the Century at the Daily Iowan.” Iowa Alumni Review 44, no. 5 (September 1991): 16-21, illus. Student newspaper since 1901. Main.

145. Rowe, Stan. “Defender Defined.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1974. 61 pp. Gerald Stevenson and other staff, the Iowa Defender (Iowa City underground newspaper, 1959-1970), and the Paper Place bookstore fire, 1970. Main.

146a. Sheppard, Norma L. “History of the Hawkeye.” Iowa City, ca. 1944. 13 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Yearbook. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

See also 104, 415, 601, 611 and 644.



146b. Dorfman, Lorraine T. The Sun Still Shone: Professors Talk about Retirement. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1997. 206 pp., bibliog. Includes UI faculty. Archives LB2334.D67 1997.

147. Draegert, Eva Ellen. “Some Statistical and Interpretative Data Concerning the Faculty of the State University of Iowa, 1847-1916.” M.A.thesis, University of Iowa, 1936. 130 pp. Archives LD2565.2 .D7 1936.

148. Folk, G. Edgar, Jr., and others. The Research Club of Faculty Members of the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa City, 1986. 36 pp., lllus. Archives AS36 .I67 A65 1986.

149. Ginter, Eloise. “History of the State University of Iowa: Faculty Participation in Administrative Functions.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1946. 73 pp. Archives LD2556.5 .G55 1946.

150. Iowa Mountaineers, 1940-1990: 50th Golden Anniversary, 50 Year Summary and Pictorial. Iowa City, 1990. 1 vol., illus. Mountaineering club. Special Collections QUAC 94-302.

151. Seashore, Carl E. “Historical Sketch of The Club at the Three Hundredth Dinner and the Thirty-Fifth Anniversary.” Iowa City, 1940. 26 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

152. Seashore, Carl E. “Remarks.” Iowa City, 1944. 6 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 1. Triangle Club. Archives in Miscellaneous Papers, LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 1-2.

153. Soldofsky, Robert M. [History of Retirement Plans at the University of Iowa] Iowa City Press-Citizen, October 14, 1991-January 6, 1992. Historical treatment in the author’s weekly newspaper column. SHSI; ICPL.



154. “The Board of Education.” Iowa Alumnus 6 (May 1909): 225-238, illus. Biographical sketches of members of new board and its Finance Committee. Main.

155. Ensign, Forest Chester. “Benton, Thomas Hart.” Dictionary of American Biography 2: 213, bibliog. Benton, 1816-1879, ex-officio president of UI Board of Trustees. Main reference.

156. Fogdall, Vergil S. “History of the State University of Iowa: The Governing Boards, 1847-1947.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1947. 463 pp. University of Iowa Doctoral Dissertations, Abstracts and References 6 (1953): 583-593. Includes W.R. Boyd, William J. Haddock, and biographical sketches of leading regents. Main T1947.F65; Archives LD2551 .F64 1947.

157. Parvin, T.S. “Thomas Hart Benton, Jr.” Iowa Historical Record 16 (January 1900): 1-14, illus. Main.

158. Ross, Earle D. “William Headrick Gemmill.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 53 (1946): 91-92, illus. Secretary of Board of Education, 1913-1936. Main.

159. Rutkowski, Edward. “The Iowa Experiment with an Integrated System of Higher Education.” Midwest History of Education Society Journal 2 (1973): 73-87, notes. Main.

160. Springer, John. “William J. Haddock.” Iowa Alumnus 3 (March 1906): 161-168. Secretary of UI Board of Regents, 1865-1902. Main.

161. Tillinghast, B.F. “D.N. Richardson.” Iowa Historical Record 15 (July 1899): 481-495, illus. David Nelson Richardson, 1832-1898, UI regent. Main.

See also 22-23.



162. Bordwell, Percy. “Brief Memoir of 50-plus Years at Iowa.” Iowa City, 1961. 6 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.1 no.1-11.

163. Dakin, Allin W. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 1. 39 pp. 1976. Archives.

164. Hawkins, Max S. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 36. 39 pp. 1976. Archives.

165. MacGregor, Jay B. “The Genesis and Growth of the Control and Administration of the State University of Iowa.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1931. 296 pp. Archives LD2556.5 .M2 1931.

166. Peterson, Elof R. “History of the State University of Iowa: The Problem of Finance, 1847 to 1900.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1944. 384 pp. Archives LD2553 .P48 1944.

167. Riechmann, F.C. “History of the State University of Iowa: The Legislative Investigation of 1931.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1951. 186 pp. Archives GV691 .U556R5 1951.

168a. Springer, Cornelia. “History of the Office of Dean of Women at the State Univ. of Iowa (1900 to 1942).” Iowa City, 1944. 19 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 3. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

168b. Stone, Gerald L. “University Counseling Service (UCS) at the University of Iowa, 1946-1996.” Iowa City, 1996. 7 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

169. Thompson, C. Woody. “The Origin and Early Years of the Office of Student Affairs, March 10, 1942, to December 15, 1947.” Iowa City, 1955. 20 pp. Includes desegregation of dormitories, p. 19.  Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

See 65 and 149.



170. Green, Judith, and Roxanne T. Mueller. “A Portrait of the Artist–and the Subject.” Iowa Alumni Review 35, no. 2 (February-March 1982): 10-12, illus. Portraits of Willard L. Boyd and other UI presidents. Main.

171. Mills, Max Whitman. “What the University of Iowa Presidents Have Said.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1942. 150 pp. Main T1942.M65.

172. Parish, John C. “Iowa’s Presidents.” Iowa Alumnus 19 (February 1922): 182-187, illus. Main.

173. The President and the Portrait: A Featured Presentation of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Fine Arts Festival, Iowa Memorial Union, State University of Iowa, June 10 — August 5, 1964, including the Festival Program. Iowa City, 1964. 26 pp., illus. Art; Archives.


AMOS DEAN, 1803-1868

174. “Amos Dean, L.L.D.” Annals of Iowa, 1st ser. 12 (April 1874): 119-125. Main.

175. Dean, Amos H. “Amos Dean, LL.D.” Iowa Historical Record 11 (April 1895): 241-257, illus. Main.

176. Haefner, Marie. “A President for the University.” Palimpsest 15 (April 1934): 129-138. William C. Larrabee, Lorin Andrews, and Amos Dean. Main.

177. Knott, H.W. Howard. “Dean, Amos.” Dictionary of American Biography 5: 168-169, bibliog. Main reference.

178. Wanerus, Theodore A. “Amos Dean, 1855-1859.” Presidents of the University, 1. Iowa Alumnus 9 (December 1911): 68-70, illus. Main.


SILAS TOTTEN, 1804-1873

179. Allen, Anne Beiser. ” ‘Suspicion of Disloyalty’: Silas Totten, Beleaguered University President, 1859-1862.” Palimpsest 73 (summer 1992): 50-61, illus. Main.

180. Chapman, Anne West. “The College of William and Mary, 1849-59: The Memoirs of Silas Totten.” M.A. thesis, College of William and Mary, 1978. 218 pp. College of William and Mary.

181. Wanerus, Theodore A. “Silas Totten, 1860-1862.” Presidents of the University, 2. Iowa Alumnus 9 (January 1912): 105-108, illus. Main.

182. Watson, Sam’l N. “Silas Totten, D.D., LL.D.” Iowa Historical Record 11 (October 1895): 337-341, illus. Main.


OLIVER M. SPENCER, 1829-1895

183. Wanerus, Theodore A. “Oliver M. Spencer, 1862-1867.” Presidents of the University, 3. Iowa Alumnus 9 (February 1912): 136-140, illus. Main.



184. Wanerus, Theodore A. “Nathan R. Leonard, Acting President 1866-1868, and 1870-1871.” Presidents of the University, 4. Iowa Alumnus 9 (March 1912): 161-161, illus. Main.


JAMES BLACK, 1826-1890

185. Wanerus, Theodore A. “James Black, 1868-1870.” Presidents of the University, 5. Iowa Alumnus 9 (April 1912): 183-185, illus. Main.



186. Wanerus, Theodore A. “George Thacher, 1871-1877.” Presidents of the University, 6. Iowa Alumnus 9 (May 1912): 209-211, illus. Main.



187. Slagle, Frank M. Recollections of a Lifetime: Autobiography. Bethlehem, Pa.: ABC Printing, 1964. 138 pp., illus. Includes the author’s father, acting president of UI, and the author’s UI student life. Archives fCT275 .S5225 A3 1964; SHSI.

188. Wanerus, Theodore A. “Christian W. Slagle, 1877-1878.” Presidents of the University, 7. Iowa Alumnus 9 (June 1912): 235-237, illus. Main.

189. Wilson, James F. “Christian W. Slagle.” Iowa Historical Record 3 (October 1887): 529-543, illus. Main.



190. Bicknell, F.W. “Josiah L. Pickard.” Iowa Historical Record 16 (October 1900): 202-205. Main.

191. “Former S.U.I. President Dies.” Iowa Alumnus 11, no. 7 (April 1914): 11-15, illus. Includes Pickard’s A Retrospect of Sixty Years, 1908. Main.



192. Gallaher, Ruth A. “A Helpmeet for the President.” Palimpsest 28 (February 1947): 63-64. Evelyn Schuyler Schaeffer. Main.

193. Prince, Robin Beecher. “History of the State University of Iowa: Charles Ashmead Schaeffer.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1946. 306 pp. Archives LD2566 .S3 P75 1946.

194. Springer, John. “Charles Ashmead Schaeffer.” Iowa Historical Record 15 (April 1899): 433-448, illus. Main.

195. Swisher, Jacob A. “Charles Ashmead Schaeffer.” Palimpsest 28 (February 1947): 49-62. Main.



196. “Amos Noyes Currier.” Iowa Alumnus 6 (June 1909): 257-279, illus. Main.

197. Berryhill, Virginia J. “Amos Noyes Currier.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 10 (July 1911): 90-118, illus. Main.

198. Wright, Luella Margaret. Amos Noyes Currier. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 71 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LD2565 .I5 v.1 cop.2 “Centennial Memoirs “.



199. Johnson, Ellen Elizabeth. “A History of the State University of Iowa: The Administration of President MacLean.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1946. 95 pp. Archives LD2566 .M2J64 1946.

200. MacLean, George E. “Jottings: Fragmentary Notes on the MacLean Administration, 1899-1911, of the State University of Iowa.” N.p., 1934. 38 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

201. Pound, Louise. “MacLean, George Edwin.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 2 (1936-1940): 419-420. Main reference.



202a. Conklin, Mary Winifred. “The History of the State University of Iowa: Thomas Huston Macbride.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1945. 119 pp. Main T1945.C75; Archives LD2567.M3S28 1945

202b. Conard, Rebecca. Places of Quiet Beauty: Parks, Preserves, and Environmentalism. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1997. 382 pp., illus., map, tables, notes, bibliog. Includes Thomas H. Macbride and Bohumil Shimek.

203. Gallaher, Ruth A., Robert B. Wylie, and Thomas H. Macbride. “Thomas Huston Macbride.” Palimpsest 15 (May 1934): 161-192, illus. Main.

204. Schertz, Mary Winifred Conklin, and Walter L. Myers. Thomas Huston Macbride. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 77 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LD2565 .I5 v.2 cop.2.

205. Shimek, B. “Thomas Huston Macbride.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 41 (1934): 33-37, illus. Main.



206. Carstensen, Vernon. “Jessup, Walter Albert.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 3 (1941-1945): 386-388, bibliog. Main reference.

207a. In Memory of President Emeritus Walter Albert Jessup, 1877-1944. Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1944. 30 pp. Main.



207b. Carrington, Paul D., and Erika King. “Law and the Wisconsin Idea.” Journal of Legal Education 47 (September 1997): 297-340, notes. Law.

208. Gilmore, Blanche Basye. Recollections. Iowa City, 1970. 53 pp., illus. Archives CT275 .G42A3 1970.

209. Menocal, Narciso G. “Taliesin, the Gilmore House, and the Flower in the Crannied Wall.” Wright Studies 1 (1992): 66-97, illus., plans, notes. Art.



210. Phillips, Chester A. “A Memoir by Chester A. Phillips.” Iowa City, n.d. 5 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.1 no.1-11 “Faculty Memoirs”.



211. Freimuth, Vicki Sue Beckman. “An Analysis of Virgil M. Hancher’s Methods of Speech Preparation and Revision in Three Representative Addresses.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1967. 126 pp. Includes biographical sketch. Main T1967.F865.

212. Hancher, Susan. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 19. 54 pp. 1976. Archives.

213. Hancher, Virgil M. “The Summing up.” Iowa Business Digest 35, no. 2 (February 1964): 3-8. Also in Iowa Alumni Review 17, no. 4 (June 1964): 4-8, illus. Includes reminiscences of freshman year, 1914-1915. Main; Archives (Iowa Alumni Review only).

For Hancher papers, see: Presidential correspondence (12:11:1, 250 ft.); Papers (13:1:1, 12 ft.); Speeches (13:1:4, 8 ft.); Publications (13:2:7, 2.5 ft.); Doctoral books (Storage 21:7, 2 ft.); Scrapbook (13:2:5, 6 ft.).



214. Bowen, Howard R. Academic Recollections. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Higher Education and American Council on Education, 1988. 155 pp. Main; Archives LA2317.B72A3 1988.

215a. Bowen, Howard R. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 29. 49 pp. 1977. Archives.

215b. Solberg, Winton U., and Robert W. Tomilson. “Academic McCarthyism and Keynesian Economics: The Bowen Controversy at the University of Illinois.” History of Political Economy 29 (spring 1997): 55-81, notes. Howard R. Bowen and George D. Stoddard. Main.



See 170 and 886.



215c. Freedman, James O. Finding the Words: The Education of James O. Freedman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. 339 pp., illus. Main LA2317.F83A3 2007.

215d. Freedman, James O. Idealism and Liberal Education. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996. 186 pp. Essays include the University of Iowa. Main; Archives.



216. Aurner, C.R. “Manuscript Relating to the Teaching of Science.” Iowa City, n.d. 107 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

217. “The Baconian Club of Iowa City.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 9 (January 1911): 57-113, notes. UI science club. Main.

218a. Bontekoe, Cornelius. “Development of the Social Studies in the State University of Iowa: 1856-1906.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1936. 83 pp. Archives HN477 .I67 B65 1936.

218b. Breaux, Richard. “Both Kind and Forceful: Dewey B. Stuit’s Leadership of The University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts, 1947-1977.” Iowa City: The University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2003. Archives LD2567.B74 B6 2003.

219. Cartier, Jacqueline Marie. “Wilbur Schramm and the Beginnings of American Communication Theory: A History of Ideas.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1988. 314 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 49: 3190-A. Includes English, journalism, Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Norman Foerster, George Gallup, Wendell Johnson, Kurt Lewin, Carl E. Seashore, Wallace Stegner, and George D. Stoddard. Main T1988.C327.

220. Cretzmeyer, Jane. “History of the State University of Iowa: Foreign Languages since 1900.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1945. 218 pp. Archives P59 .I8 C74 1945.

221. Fenlon, Leslie Knapp, Jr. “The Growth of Fine Arts at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, n.d. 11 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Archives, in Miscellaneous Papers, LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

222. “The Flowering of the Valley: Iowa Trains Creative Artists.” Life 6, no. 23 (June 5, 1939): 54-58, illus. Main.

223. Greene, Victor R. “Ethnic Confrontations with State Universities, 1860-1920.” In American Education and the European Immigrant: 1840-1940, edited by Bernard J. Weiss, pp. 189-207, notes. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982. Czech and Scandinavian languages, including UI. Main.

224. “The History of the University of Iowa, Curriculum Revision, College of Liberal Arts, University of Iowa, 1943-1946.” Iowa City, n.d. Unpaginated. Archives LC1023.5 .I68H58 1946.

225. Hott, Leland Elmer. “The History of the State University of Iowa: The Development of History and the Social Sciences, 1906-1946.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1947. 215 pp. Archives D16.5 .I68 H68 1947.

226. Hughes, Julie Allison. “Departmental Choices in the Implementation of a University General Education Curriculum.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1987. 122 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 48: 2552-A. UI, including history, 1944-1986. Main T1987.H894.

227. Newburn, H.K. The New Program in Liberal Arts. University of Iowa Publication, n.s. no. 1350. 14 pp., notes. 1945. Main.

228. Reinking, Esther. “Scholarly Societies on the University of Iowa Campus.” Iowa City, n.d. 15 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 1. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

229. Rich, J.W. “Natural History at Iowa State University–What It Was and What It Is.” Iowa Alumnus 3 (April 1906): 187-194, illus. A description of the program at the State University of Iowa, at the time known informally as Iowa State University and not to be confused with the institution at Ames, Iowa. Main.

230. Shambaugh, Benjamin F. “Parvin, Theodore Sutton.” Dictionary of American Biography 14: 285, bibliog. Main reference.

231. Springer, John. “Theodore Sutton Parvin.” Iowa Historical Record 17 (July 1901): 335-344. Main.

232. Stuit, Dewey B. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 31. 71 pp. 1977. Archives.

233. “University of Iowa Writers High in National Recognition.” University of Iowa News Bulletin 7, no. 11 (November 1932): 1-6. Archives.

234a. Wangberg, Martha Iona. “History of the State University of Iowa: Languages and Literature to 1900.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1944. 97 pp. English and foreign languages. Archives P59 .I8 W35 1944.

234b. Warrick, Daniel Charles. “The Establishment of the Study of Fine Arts at the State University of Iowa during the Administration of Walter A. Jessup and Carl E. Seashore.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri, 1995. 257 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 57: 3751-A. Administrative support for art, music, and theatre, with general administrative background; also includes R.H. Fitzgerald.

See also 9, 11, 14, 17, and 29.



See 424-425.



234c. Lindfors, Bernth, ed. Africa Talks Back: Interviews with Anglophone African Authors. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 2002. 428 pp., illus. Peter Nazareth, pp. 191-212. Interview recorded 1986. All interviews previously published in out-of-print works.

235. Willie, Charles V. Five Black Scholars: An Analysis of Family Life, Education, and Career. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1986. 122 pp., notes. Ch. 6, “An Objective and Sympathetic Literary Critic: Darwin T. Turner,” pp. 75-90. Main.



236. Cawelti, John G. “Alexander Kern: An Analysis and Interpretation.” American Studies 16, no. 2 (fall 1975): 9-14, illus. Also “An Issue for Alex,” pp. 5-8, with “A Kern Bibliography.” Main.

237a. Kern, Alexander C. “A Historical Note on [the] American Civilization [Program] at Iowa.” Handbook of the University of Iowa American Studies Program, pp. 3-4. Iowa City, 1978. Archives E175.8 .U55 1982.



237b. Florman, Jean C., “Tales from the North.” Iowa Alumni Quarterly 49, no.3 (autumn 1996): 40-42, illus. June Helm. Main.



238. Arnold, Paul Beaver. “The Influence of Mauricio Lasansky on Printmaking in the United States.” M.F.A. thesis, University of Minnesota, 1955. 215 pp. Art film 5147.

239. Barragan, Nina. “Mauricio Lasansky: View from a Spanish Bridge.” Kansas Quarterly 14, no. 4 (fall 1982): 5-18, illus. Main.

240a. Bredt, Theodore Louis. “The Art of James Lechay.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1948. 2 vols. (92 pp., 44 plates). Art.

240b. Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Intaglios: The Work of Mauricio Lasansky and Other Printmakers Who Studied with Him at the State University of Iowa, U.S.A. Washington, D.C. [?]: U.S. Information Service, 1959. 80 pp., illus. Art; Archives NE45.B8 B8.

241. Drewelowe, Eve. [Autobiography.] In her Eve Drewelowe, pp. iv-xiv, illus. Iowa City: University of Iowa School of Art and Art History, 1988. Includes study at UI, leading to first M.A. degree in art, 1924. Art; IWA; Archives.

242. Ferguson, Bess. Charles Atherton Cumming, Iowa’s Pioneer Artist-Educator. Des Moines: Iowa Art Guild, 1972. 54 pp., illus. Art; Iowa Authors.

243. Ferguson, Bess. “Charles Atherton Cumming: Pioneer Artist and Educator.” Iowan 30, no. 3 (spring 1982): 28-33, 50-52, illus. Main.

244. Firestone, Evan R. “Incursions of Modern Art in the Regionalist Heartland.” Palimpsest 72 (fall 1991): 148-160, illus. Includes Charles A. Cumming, Lester D. Longman, Grant Wood, and the University of Iowa. Main.

245. Fitzpatrick, Virginia Le Noir Van Duzer. “Changes in Curricula, Students, Faculty, and Teaching Styles in the Art Departments at the University of Iowa and Indiana University, 1940 to 1949.” Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, 1989. 256 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 50: 3868-A. Art film 28633.

246. Katz, Robert. Naked by the Window: The Fatal Marriage of Carl Andre and Ana Mendieta. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990. 428 pp., illus., notes. “Iowa, 1961-1978,” pp. 132-147. Ana Mendieta, 1948-1983; includes UI School of Art and Art History and Hans Breder. Main.

247. Kratz, Jennifer. “Unifying the Studio and the Scholar: The University of Iowa School of Art.” M.A. thesis, Arizona State University, 1992. 203 pp. Archives NX284.4 .I8 K7 1992a.

248. Lasansky, Mauricio. Lasansky, Printmaker. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1975. 166 pp., illus., bibliog. Art; Archives.

249. Liffring-Zug, Joan. “James Lechay.” Iowan 23, no. 4 (Summer 1975): 52-55, illus. Main.

250a. Longman, Stanley. “History of the Art Department.” Iowa City, 1956. 25 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 5. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.5.

250b. Mannheimer, Joan. “Glenn C. Nelson.” Des Moines, Ia., 1984. 22 pp., notes. Ceramics. Archives, in Joan Mannheimer Papers (RG 99.0032).

250c. Mannheimer, Joan E. “River Rebels in the Barracks: Ceramic Education at the University of Iowa, 1952-1069.” Des Moines, Ia., 1979. 95 pp., notes, bibliog. Archives, in Joan Mannheimer Papers (RG 99.0032).

251. Ness, Zenobia B., and Louise Orwig. Iowa Artists of the First Hundred Years. Des Moines: Wallace-Homestead, 1939. 253 pp., illus. Main; Art; Iowa Authors.

252. Newland, Randa Ann. “Twenty-Five Years and the Iowa Print Group.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1970. 41 pp. Students of Mauricio Lasansky, 1945-1970. Art.

253a. Nordland, Gerald. Ulfert Wilke, a Retrospective. Salt Lake City: Utah Museum of Fine Arts, University of Utah, 1983. 129 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Art.

253b. Rasmussen, Chris. “Agricultural Lag: The Iowa State Fair Art Salon, 1854-1941.” American Studies 36, no. 1 (spring 1995): 5-29, illus., notes. Includes Charles A. Cumming and Grant Wood. Art.

254. Stinson, Robert Edwin. “Mauricio Lasansky, a Monograph.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1948. 116 pp., 44 plates. Art.

255a. Tomasini, Wallace J. “History of the School of Art and Art History.” Iowa City, 1975. 10 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

See also 844 and 936.



255b. Allen, Lee. Grant Wood As I Knew Him. Typescript, 1996. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

256a. Brown, Hazel E. Grant Wood and Marvin Cone: Artists of an Era. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1972. 150 pp., illus. Main; Art; Iowa Authors.

256b. Burns, E. Bradford. Kinship with the Land: Regionalist Thought in Iowa, 1894-1942. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1996. 199 pp., illus., notes. Grant Wood, pp.148-161, 193-194. Main; Iowa Authors.

257. Cole, Sylvan, Jr. Grant Wood: The Lithographs: A Catalogue Raisonné. Edited by Susan Teller. New York: Associated American Artists, 1984. 47 pp., illus. Art.

258. Corn, Wanda. “The Birth of a National Icon: Grant Wood’s American Gothic.” In Art: The Ape of Nature: Studies in Honor of H.W. Janson, edited by Moshe Barasch and Lucy Freeman Sandler, pp. 749-769, illus., notes. New York: H.N. Abrams; Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1981. Art.

259. Corn, Wanda. Grant Wood, the Regionalist Vision. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983. 168 pp., illus, notes, bibliog. Art; Archives.

260. Corn, Wanda. “The Painting that Became a Symbol of a Nation’s Spirit.” Smithsonian 11, no. 8 (November 1980): 84-97, illus. Grant Wood. Main.

261. Cruz, Martha O. “The Regionalist Triumvirate and the ‘American Program’: Thomas Hart Benton, Grant Wood and John Steuart Curry.” Ph.D. dissertation, Saint Louis University, 1975. 270 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 36: 4084-A. Art film 19190.

262. Czestochowski, Joseph S. John Steuart Curry and Grant Wood: A Portrait of Rural America. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1981. 224 pp., illus., bibliog. Art; SHSI.

263. Czestochowski, Joseph S. Marvin D. Cone and Grant Wood: An American Tradition. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 1989. 227 pp., illus., bibliog. Art; SHSI.

264a. Davis, Earle. “Grant Wood: He Painted America.” Kansas Quarterly 4, no. 4 (fall 1972): 5-11, illus. Main.

264b. DeLong, Lea Rosson. Grant Wood’s Main Street: Art, Literature and the American Midwest. Ames: Brunnier Art Museum, Iowa State University, 2004. 251 p., illus., notes. Illustrations for an edition of Sinclair Lewis novel, identifying some models at the University of Iowa. Art.

265. Dennis, James M. “An Essay into Landscapes: The Art of Grant Wood.” Kansas Quarterly 4, no. 4 (fall 1972): 12-122, illus., notes. Main.

266. Dennis, James M. Grant Wood: A Study in American Art and Culture. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1986. Rev. ed. 256 pp., illus., notes. Art.

267a. Dennis, James M. “Grant Wood…Eastern Iowa’s ‘Old Master.'” Iowan 21, no. 4 (summer 1973): 28-43, 53, illus. Main.

267b. Dennis, James M. Renegade Regionalists: The Modern Independence of Grant Wood, Thomas Hart Benton, and John Steuart Curry. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1998. 279 pp., illus., notes. Art.

268a. Dennis, James M. Grant Wood: Still Lifes as Decorative Abstractions. Madison: Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, 1985. 32 pp., illus., notes. Art; SHSI; Archives.

268b. Dennis, James M. The Grant Wood Collection: Cedar Rapids Art Center. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Cedar Rapids Art Association, 1973. Art; Archives fND237.W795 C42 1973.

268c. Duggleby, John. Artist in Overalls: The Life of Grant Wood. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1995. 56 pp., illus. Juvenile. ICPL.

268d. Evans, R. Tripp. Grant Wood: A Life. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010. 402 pp., illus.

269. Gambone, Robert L. Art and Popular Religion in Evangelical America, 1915-1940. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1989. 278 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Grant Wood, pp. 34-40. Art.

270. Garwood, Darrell. Artist in Iowa: A Life of Grant Wood. New York: Norton, 1944. 259 pp., illus. Main; Art; Iowa Authors.

271. Goldberg, Kenneth Paul. “The Paintings of Grant Wood.” M.A. thesis, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1972. 195, 53 pp. Art.

272. Graham, Nan Wood. My Brother, Grant Wood. Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1993. 200 pp., illus. Iowa Authors; Archives.

273. Green, Edwin B. “A Grant Wood Sampler.” Palimpsest 53 (January 1972): 1-32, illus. Main.

274. Guedon, Mary Scholz. Regionalist Art: Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry, and Grant Wood: A Guide to the Literature. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1982. 181 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Art .

275a. Idema, James. “Rediscovering a Midwestern Master.” Inland  (Inland Steel Company, Chicago) 1983, no. 4: 9-17, illus. Grant Wood. Main.

275b. Juhl, Paul C. Grant Wood’s Clear Lake Summer. Iowa City: Brushy Creek Publishing, 2007. 52 pp., illus. Archives.

275c. Juhl, Paul C. Grant Wood: Abandoned Plans. Iowa City: Brushy Creek Publishing, 2012. 66 pp., illus. Archives.

276a. Keesee, William C. “Regionalism: The Book Illustrations of Benton, Curry and Wood.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Georgia, 1972. 214 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 33: 5064-A. Ch. 6, “The Book Illustrations of Grant Wood,” pp. 200-225. Art.

276b. King, Richard Alan. 1142: The History and Growth of the N. Oakes-Grant Wood-Dr. Pauline Moore-James P. Hayes House: 1142 East Court Street, Iowa City, Iowa. Hiawatha, Ia.: Cedar Graphics, 2008. 143 pp., illus., notes. Art fND237.W795K55 2008.

277. Liffring-Zug, Joan, comp. This Is Grant Wood Country. Davenport, Iowa: Davenport Municipal Art Gallery, 1977. 64 pp., illus. Art.

278. McLean, Albert F., Jr. “Wood, Grant.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl 3 (1941-1945): 840-842, bibliog. Main reference.

279a. Mathews, Jane De Hart. “Grant Wood’s Vision of the American Scene.” Reviews in American History 4 (December 1976): 588-593. Essay review of James M. Dennis, Grant Wood, 1975 (revised 1986). Main.

279b. Roberts, Brady M., James M. Dennis, James S. Horns, and Helen Mar Parkin. Grant Wood: An American Master Revealed. Davenport, Iowa: Davenport Museum of Art; San Francisco: Pomegranate Artbooks, 1995. 112 pp., illus., notes. Art.

280. Whiting, Cécile. Antifacism in American Art. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. 238 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Grant Wood, pp. 98-111. Art.



See 281-286, 553-559, and 910-913.



281. “Bohumil Shimek.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 44 (1937): 31-33, illus. Main.

282. Conard, Henry S. “Notes for a Biography of Bohumil Shimek.” Iowa City, 1947. 76 pp. Iowa Authors; Archives.

283a. Dean, H.L. “Robert Bradford Wylie.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 66 (1959): 72-73, illus. Main.

284b. Kent, Thomas H., M.D. “Paul Bartsch: Biography and Iowa Bird Records.” Iowa Bird Life 79, no. 2 (Spring 2009): 115-120, illus., notes.

284c. Kent, Thomas H., M.D. “Bohumil Shimek: An Early Iowa Ornithologist.” Iowa Bird Life 77, no. 4 (Fall 2007): 177-179, illus., notes.

284. Loehwing, Walter F. Bohumil Shimek. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 36 pp., illus. Main; Archives LD2565 .I5 v.2 cop.2 “Centennial Memoirs”.

285. Loehwing, Walter F. Bohumil Shimek, a Golden Anniversary. Iowa City, 1932. 39 pp. Botany; Archives.

286. Paris, Clark D. “Lucy M. Cavanagh.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 44 (1937): 23-24, illus. Main.

See also 42, 202-205, and 910-913.



287. Bartow, Edward. “Memoirs of Edward Bartow.” Iowa City, n.d. 22 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.1 no.1-11.

288. Bond, Perry A. “Lemuel Charles Raiford.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 51 (1944): 121-122, illus. Main.

289. Bond, Perry A. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 13. 34 pp. 1976. Archives.

290. Morgan, Barton. A History of the Extension Service of Iowa State College. Ames: Collegiate Press, 1934. 107 pp., illus., maps, notes. “Agricultural Chemistry in the University of Iowa,” pp. 5-7. 1855-1862. SHSI.

291. Pearce, J.N. “Elbert William Rockwood.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 43 (1936): 34-37, illus. Main.

See also 375, 477-481, 491, and 493.



292. Gunter, Helen Clifford. “A Young Latin Scholar: University Life in the 1920s.” Palimpsest 71 (spring 1990): 38-48, illus. UI graduate student in Classics. Main.

293. Swisher, Jacob A. Leonard Fletcher Parker. Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1927. 199 pp., illus., notes. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LA2317 .P36S85 cop.3.

294. White, Dorrance S. “Classics at the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1958. 5 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.1 no.1-11 “faculty memoirs”.

See also 196-198.



295. Allen, Robert C. “Challenge to Sam Becker: Keep Polishing the Mosaic.” Iowa Journal of Communication 25, no. 1 (spring 1993): 15-24. Main.

296. Baird, A. Craig. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 18. 29 pp. 1976. Archives.

297. Balcer, Charles Lewis. “Concepts with Regard to High School Public Address Activities as Shown by the History of the Iowa High School Forensic League.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1954. 349 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 15: 643. Main T1954.B174.

298. Becker, Samuel L. “My Students, My Teachers.” Iowa Journal of Communication 25, no. 1 (spring 1993): 60-66, notes. Main.

299. Becker, Samuel L. “Television: No Wasteland at SUI.” Iowa Alumni Review 16, no. 4 (June 1963): 9-13, illus. Main.

300. Bowers, John Waite. “Samuel Leo Becker, Iowa Icon: An Interpretive Professional Biography.” Iowa Journal of Communication 25, no. 1 (spring 1993): 3-14. Main.

301. Cheshier, David, ed. On the Side of Truth: A Century of Intercollegiate Debate, Remembrances of A. Craig Baird. Iowa City: University of Iowa, A. Craig Baird Debate Forum, 1993. 181 pp., facsims., illus. Includes writings by LeRoy Cowperthwaite, Orville Hitchcock, and Helen E. Lavender as well as new material. Main; Archives PN4189.U555 O5 1993.

302. Coder, William. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 15. 38 pp. 1976. Archives.

303. Cowperthwaite, Lowery LeRoy. “Forensics at the State University 1860-1942.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 46 (July 1948): 266-295, notes. Main.

304. Cowperthwaite, Lowery LeRoy. “A History of Intercollegiate Forensics at the State University of Iowa, 1874-1946.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1946. 454 pp. Speech Monographs 14 (1947): 217. Main; Archives PN4189 .I8 C68 1946.

305. Harshbarger, H. Clay. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 3. 25 pp. 1976. Archives.

306. Harshbarger, H. Clay. Some Highlights of the Department of Speech & Dramatic Art. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1976. 34 pp., illus. Main; Archives PN4093 .I6H3 cop.3.

307. Harshbarger, H. Clay, and Donovan J. Ochs. In the Iowa Tradition: Roots and the Communication Future. Iowa City, 1981. 10 pp.  Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

308. Hitchcock, Orville A. “Albert Craig Baird.” In American Public Address; Studies in Honor of Albert Craig Baird, edited by Loren Reid, pp. xi-xix. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1961. Main; Archives PS408 .R4 cop. 4.

309. Mitchell, Anne G. “A. Craig Baird, Editor and Teacher.” Speech Teacher 18 (January 1969): 1-8, notes. Main.

310. Mitchell, Anne Goyne. “The Rhetorical Theory of A. Craig Baird as Expressed in Representative American Speeches: 1937-1959.” Ph.D. dissertation, Louisiana State University, 1968. 168 pp. Speech Monographs 36 (August 1969): 246. Dissertation Abstracts 29: 1613-A. Archives fPN4094 .B34 M58 1968a.

311. Peterson, Owen. “A. Craig Baird (1883-1979).” Southern Speech Communication Journal 47 (winter 1982): 130-134, notes. Main.

312. Reid, Loren. Finally It’s Friday: School and Work in Mid-America, 1921-1933. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1981. 292 pp., illus., map. Includes Ch. 6, “Great Crash, Great Depression,” pp. 211-265; ch. 7, “Bad News, Good News,” pp. 267-286. Graduate study in speech at UI. Main; SHSI.

313. Turner, Caryl Ann. “A History of the Northern Oratorical League.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1962. 276 pp. Speech Monographs 30 (August 1963): 256. Dissertation Abstracts 23: 1830. Main T1962.T945.

314a. Vande Berg, Leah R. “On Making a Difference: Samuel L. Becker’s Communication Criticism.” Iowa Journal of Communication 25, no. 1 (spring 1993): 25-50, notes. Main.

See also 427B. 



314b. Fleck, Arthur. “A Historical Overview of the Computer Science Department at the University of Iowa, 1965-1995.” 8 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

314c. Horton, Dick; et. al. A Report to the President: Computing at the University of Iowa: Study and Recommendations. Iowa City: The University of Iowa, 1966. 116 pp. Archives.



315. Andrews, Terry. “Iowa’s Literary Curator.” Iowan 29, no. 2 (winter 1980): 44-45, illus. Clarence A. Andrews. Main.

316. Baker, Joseph. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 5. 50 pp. 1976. Archives.

317. Barnhart, Cornelia Mallett. “Phoebe W. Sudlow.” Palimpsest 28 (January 1947): 25-32. Also in Palimpsest 38 (April 1957): 169-176. Main.

318a. Bucco, Martin. René Wellek. Boston: Twayne, 1981. 186 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Iowa, pp. 23-24. Main.

318b. Benson, Jackson J. Wallace Stegner: His Life and Work. New York: Viking 1996. 472 pp., illus., notes. Main.

318c. Blotner, Joseph. Robert Penn Warren: A Biography. New York: Random House, 1997. 585 pp., notes. Main.

319. Bush, Sargent, Jr. “The Achievement of John T. Frederick.Books at Iowa 14 (April 1971): 8-23, 27-30, illus., notes. Main.

320. Campbell, Douglas S. “Midland: A Magazine of the Middle West.” In Regional Interest Magazines of the United States, edited by Sam G. Riley and Gary W. Selnow, pp. 164-167, bibliog. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1991. John T. Frederick. Main.

321. Christian, Rebecca. “A Few ‘Firsts’ for Phoebe.” Iowan 37, no. 4 (summer 1989): 6-9, 62, illus. Phoebe Sudlow. Main.

322a. Dell, Floyd. “Cook, George Cram.” Dictionary of American Biography 4: 372-373, bibliog. Main reference.

322b. Deutelbaum, Wendy, and Carol de Saint Victor. “The Art of Teaching: Interviews with Three Masters.” Iowa Review 28 (1998): 1-29, illus. Includes Stavros Deligiorgis and Robert Scholes. Archives.

323. Falk, Robert, and Robert E. Lee. “In Memoriam: Norman Foerster 1887-1972.” American Literature 44 (January 1973): 679-680. Main.

324a. Flanagan, Frances Mary. “The Educational Role of Norman Foerster.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1971. 279 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 32: 2434-A. Main T1971.F584; Archives LD2567 .F64 F45 1971.

324b. Fradkin, Philip L. Wallace Stegner and the American West. New York: Knopf, 2008. 369 pp., illus., notes. Main PS3537.T316Z64 2008.

325a. Gerber, John C. “English at Iowa in the Nineteenth Century.” Books at Iowa 51 (November 1989): 32-52, illus., notes. Main.

325b. Gerber, John C. The First Hundred Years, 1861-1961. The Teaching of English at the University of Iowa, 1. Iowa City: Maecenas Press, 1995. 151 pp., illus. Main; Archives PE69.I59 G47 1995.

326. Gerber, John C. “Foreword.” In Anglo-Saxon Poetry: Essays in Appreciation, for John C. McGalliard, edited by Lewis E. Nicholson and Dolores Warwick Frese, pp. xi-xiv. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1975. McGalliard. Main.

327. Gerber, John C. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 32. 43 pp. 1977. Archives.

328. Glaspell, Susan. The Road to the Temple. New York: F.A. Stokes, 1927. 445 pp., illus. George Cram Cook. Main; Iowa Authors.

329. Hale, Edward E., Jr. “English at the State University of Iowa.” Dial 16 (June 1, 1894): 328-329. Main. Also in English in American Universities, edited by William Morton Payne, pp. 83-85. Boston: D.C. Heath, 1895. Contemporary description. Main.

330. Hardesty, Carolyn Lieberg. “The Iowa Review: A Magazine and Its Editor.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1986. 48 pp. David Hamilton and previous editors. Main T1986.H259.

331. Hartley, Lois J. “The Midland.” Iowa Journal of History 47 (October 1949): 325-344, notes. Main.

332. Humphrey, Robert E. Children of Fantasy: The First Rebels of Greenwich Village. New York: Wiley, 1978. 267 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Ch. 3, “George Cram Cook: A Bohemian in Search of Classical Greece,” pp. 84-118. Main; Iowa Authors.

333. Kelly, Gilbert Bruce. “Norman Foerster and American New Humanist Criticism.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Nebraska, 1982. 381 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 43: 2349-A. Media Services 25993.

334. Kirk, Rudolf. “Hardin Craig.” Philological Quarterly 20 (July 1941): 193-197. Main.

335. Laird, Charlton. “The ‘Literati’ at Iowa in the Twenties.” Books at Iowa 37 (November 1982): 16-37, illus., notes. Main.

336. Maxwell, Baldwin. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 10. 28 pp. 1976. Archives.

337. Our Beloved Uncle Leigh, 1886-1969. N.p., 1982. 59 pp. W. Leigh Sowers. Special Collections QUAC 94-303.

338. Reigelman, Milton M. “John T. Frederick.” Palimpsest 59 (March-April 1978): 58-65, illus. Main.

339. Reigelman, Milton. “The Midland.” In American Literary Magazines: The Twentieth Century, edited by Edward E. Chielens, pp. 199-203, notes, bibliog. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1992. Main reference.

340. Reigelman, Milton M. The Midland: a venture in literary regionalism. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1975. 137 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Main; Archives PS563.M4R4.

341a. Simon, Myron, and Harvey Gross, eds. Teacher & Critic: Essays by and about Austin Warren. Los Angeles: Plantin Press, 1976. 165 pp., illus., bibliog. Main; Special Collections x-collection.

341b. Stegner, Wallace. The Selected Letters of Wallace Stegner. Edited by Page Stegner. Emeryville, Calif.: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2007. 420 pp., notes. Iowa Authors.

See also 219, 234, 413, 419, and 871.



342a. Algren, Nelson. The Last Carousel. New York: Putnam, 1973. 435 pp. “Hand in Hand through the Greenery with the Grabstand Clowns of Arts and Letters,” pp. 74-82. Main.

342b. Bailey, Blake. Cheever: A Life. New York: Knopf, 2009. 770 pp., illus., notes. Main PS3505.H668Z53 2009.

343a. Bell, Marvin. A Marvin Bell Reader: Selected Poetry and Prose. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1994. 232 pp. “Memoirs,” pp. 131-172. Main; Iowa Authors.

343b. Bell, Marvin. Iowa Workshop Poets, 1963. Chicago, Iowa City: Midwest Statements, 1963. 31 pp. Special Collections x-collection; Archives PS614 .B4.

344. Blaise, Clark. I Had a Father: A Post-Modern Autobiography. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1993. 204 pp. Main.

345a. Bukowski, Anthony. “The Canadian Writer & the Iowa Experience.” Canadian Literature 101 (summer 1984): 15-34, notes. Main.

345b. Busis, David. Word by Word: Published on the Occasion of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop 75th Anniversary. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 2011. 173 pp. Archives.

345c. Cash, Jean W. Flannery O’Connor: A Life. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2002. 356 pp., illus., notes. Ch. 4, “Iowa, 1945-1948,” pp. 77-106, 324-325.

345d. Cash, Jean W. “O’Connor in the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.” Flannery O’Connor Bulletin 24 (1995-96): 67-75, notes.

346. Cheever, John. The Letters of John Cheever. Edited by Benjamin Cheever. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988. 397 pp., illus. “Gateway to Nebraska,” pp. 295-306. Fall 1973 semester at UI. Main.

347a. Chevrefils, M., comp. The Clark Blaise Papers, First Accession and Second Accession: An Inventory of the Archive at the University of Calgary Libraries. Canadian Archival Inventory Series, 7. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1991. 585 pp. Includes Bharati Mukherjee. Main.

347b. City of Literature: A Film About the History of Creating Writing in Iowa. Iowa City: The University of Iowa, 2012. DVD; 57 min. Archives.

347c. Conroy, Frank. Dogs Bark, But the Caravan Rolls On: Observations Then and Now. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. 222 pp. Recollections of Writers’ Workshop. Main.

347d. Conroy, Frank, editor. The Eleventh Draft: Craft and the Writing Life From the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, 1999, 235 pp. Archives PN187 .E44 1999.

347e. Dana, Robert, ed. A Community of Writers: Paul Engle and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. University of Iowa Press, 1999. 294pp. Archives PS3509 .N44Z53 1999 cop.4.

348. Dinger, Ed, ed. Seems Like Old Times. Iowa City, 1986. 127 pp. Iowa Writers’ Workshop jubilee. Main; Archives.

349. Donaldson, Scott. John Cheever: A Biography. New York: Random House, 1988. 416 pp., illus., bibliog. “Iowa-Boston-Smithers/1973-1975,” pp. 271-290. Fall 1973 semester at UI. Main.

350a. Drew, Bettina. Nelson Algren: A Life on the Wild Side. New York: Putnam, 1989. 416 pp., illus., notes. Iowa Writers’ Workshop, pp. 330-333. Main.

350b. Eilersen, Gillian Stead. Bessie Head: Thunder behind Her Ears: Her Life and Writing. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1995. 312 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Ch. 13, “Ohio, 1977,” pp. 207-223, 301. International Writing Program. Main.

350c. Engle, Paul. A Lucky American Childhood. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1996. 192 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives PS3509 .NZ468 1996.

351. Engle, Paul, and Rowena Torrevillas, eds. The World Comes to Iowa: Iowa International Anthology. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1987. 295 pp., illus. See also “Ex-Centricities,” 1987. Main; Archives PN6014.W632 1987.

352. “The Ex-Centricities of World Literature: Oklahoma’s World Literature Today Salutes Iowa’s International Writing Program upon Turning Twenty.” World Literature Today 61 (summer 1987): 364-414, illus., notes. Main; Special Collections x- collection Z1007.B74.

353. Fuchs, Miriam, ed. Marguerite Young, Our Darling: Tributes and Essays. Normal, Ill.: Dalkey Archive Press, 1994. 143 pp. Main.

354. Gildner, Judith. “Paul Engle: Champion of His Kind.” Iowan 26, no. 2 (winter 1977): 34-41, illus. Main.

355a. Gioia, Dana, and William Logan, eds. “Donald Justice Special Feature.” Verse (Oxford) 8, no. 3; 9, no.1 (winter-spring 1992): 3-72, illus., bibliog. Main.

355b. Gooch, Brad. Flannery: A Life of Flannery O’Connor. New York: Little, Brown, 2008. 448 pp., illus., notes. Main PS3565.C57Z6795 2009.

355c. Grimes, Tom.  Mentor: A Memoir.  Portland, Ore.: Tin House Books, 2010.  242 p.  Frank Conroy, director of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

356. Haffenden, John. The Life of John Berryman. Boston: Routledge and K. Paul, 1982. 451 pp., bibliog. Main.

357a. Hamilton, Ian. Robert Lowell: A Biography. New York: Random House, 1982. 527 pp., illus., notes. Main.

357b. The Iowa Writers’ Workshop 75th Anniversary Reunion, The University of Iowa, Iowa City; June 9-12, 2011. Iowa City: The Video Center, 2011. 8-disc DVD set. Includes keynote address by Marilynne Robinson and 15 sessions featuring Workshop alumni. Archives.

357c. Irving, John. The Imaginary Girlfriend. Toronto: A.A. Knopf Canada, 1996. 148 pp., illus. Also in his Trying to Save Piggy Snead, pp. 25-145, illus. New York: Arcade Pub., 1996.

358. Levine, Philip. The Bread of Time: Toward an Autobiography. New York: Knopf, 1994. 296 pp. “Mine Own John Berryman,” pp. 3-32. Main.

359. Mariani, Paul L. Dream Song: The Life of John Berryman. New York: Morrow, 1990. 519 pp., illus. Main.

360a. Mariani, Paul. Lost Puritan: A Life of Robert Lowell. New York: Norton, 1994. 527 pp., illus., notes. Main.

360b. McGurl, Mark. The Program Era: Postwar Fiction and the Rise of Creative Writing. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009. Includes Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Main.

360c. McPherson, James Alan. Crabcakes. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998. 281 pp.

361. Neubauer, Alexander. Conversations on Writing Fiction: Interviews with Thirteen Distinguished Teachers of Fiction Writing in America. New York: HarperCollins, 1994. 237 pp., illus., bibliog. Includes Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Main.

362a. Noguchi, Hajime. Furanari Okona no sekai. Tokyo: Bunka Shobo Hakubunsha, 1988. 204 pp., illus., map, notes. Largely in Japanese. Flannery O’Connor. Main EA5; Archives PS3565.C57Z8156 1988 cop.2. Note: Title in Japanese characters.

362b. Noguchi, Hajime. Furanari Okona kenkyu. Tokyo: Bunka Shobo Hakubunsha, 1992. 274 pp., illus., map, notes. In Japanese. Flannery O’Connor.

363a. Offutt, Chris. The Same River Twice: A Memoir. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. 188 pp. Main.

363b. Olsen, Eric, and Glenn Schaeffer, eds.  We Wanted To Be Writers: Life, Love, and Literature at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.  New York: Skyhorse Pub., 2011.  344 p., facsims., illus., notes.  History, interviews, and biographical sketches.

364. “R.V. Cassill.” December (Chicago), vol. 23, no. 1-2. 195 pp., illus., bibliog. 1981. Main.

365a. Rhodes, Richard. The Inland Ground: An Evocation of the American Middle West. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1991. Rev. ed. 323 pp. Ch. 16, “The Community of True Inspiration,” pp. 286-312. Main.

365b. Schiff, Stephen. “Big Poetry.” New Yorker 78, no. 19 (July 14, 1997): 60-67 illus. Jorie Graham.

366a. Soucek, M. Joan, comp. and ed. “A Literary Walking Tour of Eastside Iowa City.” Iowa City: Division of Continuing Education, University of Iowa, 1990. [19] pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG01.01.03).

366b. Tlali, Miriam. Mihloti. Johannesburg: Skotaville Publishers, 1984. 127 pp., “New Horizons,” pp. 70-80; “Getting to Know Iowa,” pp. 80-88.

366c. Turco, Lewis. A Sheaf of Leaves: Literary Memoirs. Scottsdale, Arizona: Star Cloud Press, 2004. The chapter “Engle’s Workshop” is a personal memoir of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, 1958-1967. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03) (chapter only).

367. Weber, Richard B. “Paul Engle: A Checklist.” Books at Iowa 5 (November 1966): 11-25, 29-37, illus. Main.

368. Weber, Richard Baker. “The Sonnets of Paul Engle.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1958. 85 pp. Main.

369. Wiekierak, Gaye Ann. “A Profile of Vance Bourjaily.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1984. 74 pp. Main T1984.W646.

370. Wilbers, Steve. “A Delicate and Imaginative Aggression.” Iowa Alumni Review 30, no. 4 (June-July 1977): 8-13, illus. Paul Engle. Main.

371. Wilbers, Stephen McCoy. “Emergence of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1978. 210 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 39: 3587-A. Main T1978.W665.

372. Wilbers, Steve. “Inside the Iowa Writers’ Workshop: Interviews with Three of Its Teachers.” North American Review 262, no. 2 (summer 1977): 7-15, illus. Marvin Bell, Vance Bourjaily, and Donald Justice. Main.

373. Wilbers, Steve. “The Iowa City Writers’ Clubs.” Palimpsest 59 (March-April 1978): 44-57, illus., bibliog. Main; Archives PN22 .A2W44 1978.

374. Wilbers, Stephen. The Iowa Writers’ Workshop: Origins, Emergence, & Growth. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1980. 153 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Main; Archives PN181.W5.

375a. Wilbers, Steve. “Perry Bond: ’01BS, ’08MS, ’15PhD.” Iowa Alumni Review 30, no. 3 (April-May 1977): 12-13, illus. Main.

375b. Wylder, Jean. “Flannery O’Connor: A Reminiscence and Some Letters.” North American Review 255, no. 1 (spring 1970): 58-65. Main.

See also 80, 100, 126, and 219.



376. Blakely, Robert J. “Stephen Hayes Bush.” Iowa Alumni Review 1, no. 3 (April 1948): 14-17, illus. Main.

377. Bush, Stephen Hayes. “The Autobiography of an Ordinary Person.” Iowa City, 1953. 222 pp. Includes Richard P. Baker (mathematics) and Clarence E. Cousins (French and Italian). Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.3 “Faculty Memoirs”. 



378. Bunge, William. “Fred K. Schaefer and the Science of Geography.” Association of American Geographers Annals 69 (March 1979): 128-132, notes, bibliog. Main.

379. King, Leslie J. “Areal Associations and Regressions.” Association of American Geographers Annals 69 (March 1979): 124-128, notes. Main.

380. King, Leslie J. “H.H. McCarty, 1901-1987.” Association of American Geographers Annals 78 (September 1988): 551-555, illus., notes, bibliog. Main.

381. McCarty, Harold H. “Geography at Iowa.” Association of American Geographers Annals 69 (March 1979): 121-124. Main.

382. McNulty, Michael L. “Clyde F. Kohn 1911-1989.” Association of American Geographers Annals 81 (December 1991): 697-700, illus., bibliog. Main.



383. Doller, Bertha H. “Notes on the History of the Geology Department at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, ca. 1945. 20 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

384. Kaplan, Esther Toby. “History of the State University of Iowa: Samuel Calvin.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1944. 110 pp. Archives LD2567 .C3 K3 1944.

385. Merrill, George Perkins. “Calvin, Samuel.” Dictionary of American Biography 3: 431-432, bibliog. Main reference.

386a. Moon, Steven Elliott. “The Photographic Work of Samuel Calvin: Geological Field Studies Reinterpreted as High Art and Assimilated in the Process of Continued Examination of the Iowa Landscape with a Camera in the 1980’s.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1987. 57 pp. Archives T1987.M819.

386b. Prior, Jean C. “The State Geological Survey of Iowa.” In The State Geological Surveys: A History, edited by Arthur A. Socolow, pp. 134-145, illus., notes. n.p.: Association of American State Geologists, 1988.

386c. Prior, Jean C. “Field Travels of Early Iowa Geologists.” Iowa Geology, 1996, edited by Jean C. Prior. pp.8-13. Mention of Thomas H. Macbride and Samuel Calvin. Archives QE47 .I8P75 1996.

387. “Samuel Calvin.” Iowa Alumnus 8 (May 1911): 217-225, illus. Main.

388. Thornton, Harrison John. Samuel Calvin. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 73 pp., illus. Main; Geology; Archives LD2565 .I5 v.2 cop.2.

389. Trowbridge, A.C. “George Frederick Kay.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 51 (1944): 109-111, illus. Main.

390a. Trowbridge, A.C. “Memoirs of A.C. Trowbridge.” Iowa City, n.d. 10 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.1 no.1-11 “faculty memoirs”.

390b. Trowbridge, A.C. “Memorial to George Frederick Kay.” Geological Society of America Proceedings 1943: 169-176, illus., bibliog.

390c. Tuttle, Sherwood D. “Kay, George Frederick.” Dictionary of Scientific Biography 7: 266267, bibliog. New York: Scribner, 1970-80.

See also 950.



391. Aurner, Nellie Slayton. Charles Bundy Wilson. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 77 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LD2565 .I5 v.1 cop.2 in “Centennial Memoirs”.

392. Funke, Erich. “An Attempt in Memoirs.” Iowa City, 1961. 11 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .s8 v.2 no.1-4 “faculty memoirs”.



393a. Bogue, Allan G. “Inside the ‘Iowa School.'” In his Clio & the Bitch Goddess: Quantification in American Political History, pp. 19-50, notes. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1983. Main.

393b. Bogue, Allan G., and Gilbert White. “William Osgood Aydelotte, 1910-1996.” National Academy of Science Biographical Memoirs 73 (1997): 2-4, illus., notes, bibliog.

394. Calkin, Homer L. “W. Ross Livingston, Curator of British Documents.” Books at Iowa 35 (November 1981): 34-52, illus. Main.

395. Cross, Robert D. “Schlesinger, Arthur Maier.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 7 (1961-1965): 675-677, bibliog. Main reference.

396. Curti, Merle. “Stow Persons as a Historian of American Intellectual Life.” In Ideas in America’s Cultures: From Republic to Mass Society, edited by Hamilton Cravens, pp. xv-xxv, 157, notes. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1982. Main.

397. Ellis, Elmer. My Road to Emeritus. Columbia: State Historical Society of Missouri, 1989. 234 pp., illus. See inter-library loan.

398. Livingston, W.R. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 17. 44 pp. 1976. Archives.

399a. “Louis Pelzer: Scholar, Teacher, Editor.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review 33 (September 1946): 201-216. Main.

399b. Miller, Eric John. American Sojourn: A Life of Christopher Lasch. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Delaware, 2002. 2 v. (580 pp.). Dissertation Abstracts International 63: 2985-A.

399c. Miller, Eric.  Hope Is a Scattering Time: A Life of Christopher Lasch.  Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2010.  394 p., notes.  Professor of history at the University of Iowa and other schools.  (Ph.D., Del., 2002)

399d. Mosse, George L., Irene Runge, and Uwe Stelbrink. “Ich Bleibe Emigrant”: Gespra” che mit George L. Mosse. Berlin: Dietz Verlag, 1991. 121pp. Interviews in the German language.

400a. Nelson, Elving. “A Study of the History of History in College Curriculum.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1927. 99 pp. “State University of Iowa,” pp. 54-56. Course offerings. Main T1927.N425.

400b. Persons, Stow. “History at Iowa: The First Century, 1855-1948.” Iowa City, 1996. 21 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

400c. Persons, Stow. “History at Iowa: The Modern Era.” Iowa City, 1996. 24 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

401. Rohrbough, Malcolm J. “Louis Pelzer.” In Historians of the American Frontier: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook, edited by John R. Wunder, pp. 483-496, bibliog. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1988. Main reference.

402. Schacht, John N. “American Labor and Working Class History at Iowa.” Books at Iowa 53 (November 1990): 29-59; 54 (April 1991): 31-56, notes. Main.

403. Schlesinger, Arthur M. In Retrospect: The History of a Historian. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1963. 212 pp. Ch. 5, “The Iowa Interlude,” pp. 62-75. Department head, 1919-1924, describing university community. Main.

404. Silag, William. “Pioneers in Quantitative History at the University of Iowa.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 46 (fall 1981): 121-134, notes. Department of History. Main.

405. Swierenga, Robert P. “Computers and American History: The Impact of the ‘New’ Generation.” Journal of American History 60 (March 1974): 1045-1070, notes. Includes UI Department of History and William O. Aydelotte. Main.

406. Umscheid, Arthur G. “Academic Odyssey: From the Mississippi to the Missouri.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 45 (summer 1980): 384-410, illus. Includes UI Department of History. Main.

See also 87, 225, 293, and 530.



407. Morris, Edna Crawford. “The Development of Home Economics in the State University of Iowa, 1912-1945.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1945. 46, 33 pp. Also in “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 3. Main T1945.M87; Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

408. Smith, Lula. “Home Economics at the State University of Iowa from 1940 to 1963.” Iowa City, 1963. 28 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

409. “Wider Worlds for Women.” Iowa Alumni Review 16, no. 2 (February 1963): 4-9, illus. Main.



410a. Becker, Samuel; et. al. The Daily Iowan: Report and Recommendations of the Commission on The Daily Iowan. May 1971. Typescript. Archives.

410b. Chaffee, Steven H., ed. “Contributions of Wilbur Schramm to Mass Communication Research.” Journalism Monographs 36. 44 pp., notes, bibliog. 1974. Main.

411. Clayton, Charles C. “Mott, Frank Luther.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 7 (1961-1965): 559-560, bibliog. Main reference.

412. Essays in Honor of Malcolm S. MacLean, Jr. Iowa City: Iowa Center for Communication Study, School of Journalism, University of Iowa, 1976. 151 pp. Main; Archives LB45 .E79 1976 cop. 4.

413a. Glander, Timothy Richard. “Education and the Mass Media: The Origins of Mass Communications Research in the United States, 1939-1955.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, 1990. 351 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 51: 4038-A. Includes Norman Foerster and Wilbur Schramm. University of Illinois.

413b. Long, Howard Rusk. Frank Luther Mott: Scholar, Teacher, Human Being. Carbondale, Ill.: Hornstone Press, 1968. 23 pp., notes.

414. McElwain, Max. Profiles in Communication: The Hall of Fame of the University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Iowa City: Iowa Center for Communication Study, University of Iowa, 1991. 261 pp., illus. Main; IWA; Archives.

415. McEniry, Josephine. “A History of Journalism at the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, ca. 1941. 19 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Includes student publications. Archives LD2568.H58 1942 v.4.

416. Manca, Luigi Daniele. “Toward a Philosophy of Communication Education: A Synthesis of Malcolm MacLean’s Writings.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1981. 177 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 42: 1840-A. Main T1981.M267.

417. Marshall, Max Lawrence. “Frank Luther Mott: Journalism Educator.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri, 1968. 669 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 29: 2835-A. Archives LA2317 .M68 M37 1968a.

418. Moeller, Leslie G. “Oral History Memoir.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 35. 238 pp. 1977. Archives.

419a. Mott, Frank Luther. Time Enough: Essays in Autobiography. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1962. 248 pp. Ch. 8, “The Midland,” and ch. 9, “The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Speakers,” also in Palimpsest 43 (March 1962): 113-144, illus. Main; Iowa Authors.

419b. Ohmer, Susan. George Gallup in Hollywood. New York: Columbia University Press. 2006. 284 pp., illus. Main PN1995.9.A8O46 2006.

420. Oukrop, Carol Christensen. “A History of the University of Iowa School of Journalism, from Its Founding in 1924 under C.H. Weller, through the Tenure of Wilbur Schramm as Director, June, 1947.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1965. 264 pp. Main T1965.O934; Archives PN4791 .U557 O8 1965a; Archives T1965.O934 (film).

421a. Righter, Millicent Beth. “The History of Journalism at the State University of Iowa (1868-1924).” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1950. 122 pp. Main T1950.R571; Archives PN4791 .U557R5 1950.

421b. Rogers, Everett M., and Steven H. Chafee. “Communication and Journalism from ‘Daddy’ Beyer to Wilbur Schramm: A Palimpsest.” Journalism Monographs 148. 50 pp., illus., notes. 1994.

See also 100, 139-146 and 219.



422. Powell, Kathryn. “The Growth of the Department of Mathematics of the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1946. 50 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Includes astronomy. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

423a. Woods, Roscoe. “Henry Lewis Rietz.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 51 (1944): 123-124, illus. Main.

See also 377.



423b. Kim, Young-tak. “The Architecture of ROTC: A Historical Overview and Proposal for the Next Generation at ISU.” M. Arch. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, 1995. 115 pp. ROTC at Iowa, pp. 78-83. Iowa State University at Ames.

424. Maurer, William P., Russell W. Jenna, Jr., and David M. Anderson. “A History of ROTC at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1976. 36 pp. Archives fU409 .I68M38 1976.

425. Patten, Jerry. “ROTC at Iowa: 100 Years.” Iowa Alumni Review 28, no. 1 (December 1974-January 1975): 16-19, 23, illus. Main.

426. Rockwood, Alan C. “A History of the Military Department of the State University of Iowa.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 21 (April 1923): 183-312, tables, notes. Main; Archives U438 .I68 R6 1923.

427a. Stodart, Nona Ruth. “Military Training at the University of Iowa since 1917.” N.p., 1945. 67 pp., notes. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

See also 977-985.



427b. Brownstein, Andrew. “Founding Fathers.” Iowa Alumni Quarterly 49, no. 4 (winter 1996): 38-41, illus. Samuel L. Becker, “Stage Coach” [clarification], 50, no.1 (spring 1997): 6. Philip Greeley Clapp and Edward C. Mabie. Archives.

427c. Buikema, Randal Alan. “A History of Choral Activity at the University of Iowa, 1855 to 1993.” D.M.A. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1995. 267 pp. Music.

428. Calmer, Charles Edward. “Philip Greeley Clapp: The Early Years (1888-1909).” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1981. 220 pp. Music.

429a. Calmer, Charles Edward. “Philip Greeley Clapp: The Later Years (1909-54).” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1992. 427 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 53: 2150-A. Music; Archives ML410.C6C34 1992.

429b. Chiarello, F Mario. “A Study of Selected Compositions by Eldon Obrecht.” D.M.A. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1994. 135 pp. Music; Archives T1944.C532.

430. Clapp, Mildred. “Philip Greeley Clapp.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 62 (1955): 69-71, illus. Main.

431a. Crane, Frederick. “Iowa Composers.” Iowa Music Educator 35, no. 1 (September 1981): 22-23; no. 2 (December 1981): 38, 40; no. 3 (March 1982): 24. Includes UI faculty and alumni. Music.

431b. Crane, Frederick. The University of Iowa School of Music, 1906-2006: Celebrating 100 Years. Iowa City: University of Iowa School of Music, 2006. 86 pp. Music; Archives LD2579.5.M97 U64 2006.

432. Culver, Daniel Huber. “A History of the University of Iowa Symphony Orchestra.” D.M.A. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1978. 275 pp. Music; Archives ML1211.8 .I68 C84 1978.

433. Farley, Barbara C. Phillips. “A History of the Center for New Music at the University of Iowa, 1966-1991.” D.M.A. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1991. 189 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 52: 2750-A. Music.

434. Grahame, Pauline. “The Normal Academy of Music.” Palimpsest 10 (September 1929): 328-340. Iowa State Normal Academy of Music, private Iowa City school, 1866-1871. Main.

435. Holcomb, Dorothy R. “Philip Greeley Clapp.” Books at Iowa 17 (November 1972): 3-14, 20-21, illus., notes, bibliog. Main.

436a. Holcomb, Dorothy Regina. “Philip Greeley Clapp: His Contribution to the Music of America.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1972. 298 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 33: 1768-A. Main.

436b. Husted, Michele Ann Bowen. “The Life and Career of Himie Voxman.” D.M.A. dissertation, University of Iowa, 2010.

437. “The Iowa State Normal Academy of Music, at Iowa City.” Annals of Iowa, 1st ser. 10 (January 1872): 62-77, (April 1872): 143-147. Main.

438. Johnson, Lauren Theodore. “History of the State University of Iowa: Musical Activity, 1916-1944.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1944. 167 pp. Music; Archives MT4 .I68 U554 1944.

439. Lasocki, David, ed. Fluting and Dancing: Articles and Reminiscences for Betty Bang Mather on Her 65th Birthday. New York: McGinnis & Marx, 1992. 200 pp., music, notes, bibliog. Music.

440. Quick, Julia May Ehlers. “Violin Pedagogy of Imre Waldbauer.” D.M.A. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1977. 150 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 38: 1967-A. Music.

441. Righter, Charles B. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 6. 59 pp. 1976. Archives.

442. Righter, Charles Boardman. Theme and Variations, a Life in Music. Iowa City, 1980. 138 pp. Music; SHSI; Archives ML423.R55R57 1980 cop.2.

443. Stinehart, James Senior. “History of the State University of Iowa: Musical Activity to 1915.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1941. 184 pp. Music ; Archives MT4 I68 U554 1941.

444. Voxman, Himie. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 38. 31 pp. 1977. Archives.

445. White, Dorrance Stinchfield. “A Biography of Dr. Philip Greeley Clapp, Director of Music at the State University of Iowa, 1919-1954.” Iowa City, 1960. Unpaginated. Archives ML410 .C6W5 1960a; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

446. Zank, Margaret Jean Porter. “Compositional Practices in Selected Symphonies of P.G. Clapp.” D.A. dissertation, University of Northern Colorado, 1989. 133 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 50: 3104-A. University of Northern Colorado.

See also 131.



447a. Addis, Laird. “The Philosophy of Gustav Bergmann.” Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 63 (April 1971): 78-98, notes, bibliog. Main.

447b. Anellis, Irving H. “Bergmann, Gustav.” In The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, edited by John R. Shook, 1:209-212, bibl. Bristol: Thoemmes, 2005. Professor of philosophy.

448. Bergmann, Gustav. “Memories of the Vienna Circle: Letter to Otto Neurath (1938).” Edited and translated by William Heald and Gunter Zoeller. In Scientific Philosophy: Origins and Developments, edited by Friedrich Stadler, pp. 193-208, notes. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook, 1. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. Main.

449. Bergmann, Gustav. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 4. 21 pp. 1976. Archives.

450. Booth, Howard John. “Edwin Diller Starbuck: Pioneer in the Psychology of Religion.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1972. 411 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 33: 7011-A. Main.

451a. Booth, Howard J. Edward Diller Starbuck, Pioneer in the Psychology of Religion. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1981. 292 pp., notes. Main; Archives BL43.S85 B66 1981.

451b. Bradshaw, Denny. “Butchvarov, Panayot Krustev.” In The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, edited by John R. Shook, 1:400-401, bibl. Bristol: Thoemmes, 2005. Professor of philosophy.

452. Dittes, James E. “Starbuck, Edwin Diller.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 4 (1946-1950): 766-767, bibliog. Main reference.

453. Farber, I.E. “Bergmann’s ‘History and Systems of Psychology’ with Penultimate Reflections on Behaviorism.” In Psychology at Iowa: Centennial Essays, edited by Joan H. Cantor, pp. 19-36, notes. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum, 1991. Psychology; Archives BF80.7.U62 I685 1991.

454. Feigl, Herbert. “The Wiener Kreis in America.” Perspectives in American History 2 (1968): 630-673, notes. Main.

455. Heald, William. “From Positivism to Realism: The Philosophy of Gustav Bergmann.” Books at Iowa 56 (April 1992): 25-46, illus. Main.

456a. McMaster, Robert Keith. “A History of the Department of Philosophy at the State University of Iowa from Jared Stone to Herbert Martin.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1979. 336 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 40: 2536-A. George T.W. Patrick, Edwin Starbuck, and Herbert Martin. Main T1979,M163; Archives B52.3 .I8M25 1979.

456b. Reisch, George A. “Feigl, Herbert.” In The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, edited by John R. Shook, 2: 757-760, bibl. Bristol: Thoemmes, 2005. Professor of philosophy.

457a. Starbuck, Edwin D. “Religion’s Use of Me.” In Religion in Transition, edited by Vergilius Ferm, pp. 201-260, bibliog. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1937. Main.

457b. Vande Kemp, Hendrika. “Starbuck, Edwin Diller.” In The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, edited by John R. Shook, 4: 2314-2316, bibl. Bristol: Thoemmes, 2005. Professor of philosophy.



457c. English, Eleanor B. “Charles H. McCloy: The Research Professor of Physical Education.” Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 54, no. 4 (April 1983): 16-18, illus., notes.

457d. English, Eleanor B. “The Enigma of Charles H. McCloy.” Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 54, no. 5 (May 1983): 40-42, illus., notes.

458. Fiskum, Robert Wayne. “Development of Intramural Activities for Men at State University of Iowa.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1960. 151 pp. 1869-1960. Main T1960.F5429; Archives GV710 .F58 1960.

459. Gimbel, John. “A History of the State University of Iowa: Physical Education and Athletics for Men.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1951. 458 pp. 1920-1950. Main T1951.G491; Archives GV367 .U55G55 1951.

460. Little, James Robert. “Charles Harold McCloy: His Contributions to Physical Education.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1968. 257 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 29: 3860-A. Main T1968.L777.

461. Meinhard, Robert Wilson. “History of the State University of Iowa: Physical Education and Athletics for Men.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1947. 194 pp. 1860-1920. Main; Archives GV367 .U55 M45 1947.

462. Tipton, Charles M., and James G. Hay, eds. Specialization in Physical Education: The Alley Legacy. Iowa City: Department of Physical Education, University of Iowa, 1984. 172 pp. Main.

See also 846.



463. Andre, Mary Jeanette. “The History of the Women’s Undergraduate Physical Education Program at the University of Iowa.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1969. 628 pp. Main T1969.A555; Archives T1969.A555 (film).

463b. Lucas, Shelley Marie. “Courting Controversy: Gender and Power in Iowa Girls’ Basketball.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 2001. 207 p. Dissertation Abstracts International 62: 1306-A. Includes University of Iowa Dept. of Physical Education for Women.

463c. Ibid. Journal of Sport History 30 (Fall 2003): 281-308, illus., notes. IGHSAU and University of Iowa Dept. of Physical Education for Women.

464. Malizola, Florence Theresa. “The History of the Graduate Program in Physical Education for Women at the State University of Iowa.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1964. 281 pp. Main T1964.M251; Archives GV439 .M34 1964a.

465. Miller, Blanche. “History of the State University of Iowa: Physical Education for Women.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1943. 151 pp. Main T1943.M647; Archives GV439 .M54 1943.

466. Phillips, Madge Marie. “Biographies of Selected Women Leaders in Physical Education in the United States.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1960. 436 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 20: 4581. Ch. 8, “Biographical Sketch of Dr. Elizabeth Halsey,” pp. 305-354. Main.

467. Scott, M. Gladys. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 44. 183 pp. 1976. Archives.



468. Aurner, C.R. “The Early History of Instruction in Physics at the University of Iowa.” Contributions from the Physical Laboratory 1, no. 5 (February 4, 1913): 3-7. University of Iowa Bulletin, n.s. 53. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

469. Brown, Janet. “James Van Allen: A Mind that Matters.” Iowan 33, no. 2 (winter 1984): 14-21, 49-50, illus. Main. 

470. Chen, Edwin. Deadly Scholarship: The True Story of Lu Gang and Mass Murder in America’s Heartland. New York: Birch Lane Press, 1995. 202 pp., illus., bibliog. Main; Physics; Archives HV6248 .L84 C54 1995 cop. 4.

471. Chen, Edwin. “James Van Allen.” Iowa City Magazine 4, no. 10 (November 1993): 16-23, illus. Main; Special Collections w- collection; SHSI.

472. Collins, Martin J. Oral History on Space, Science, and Technology: A Catalog of the Collection of the Department of Space History, National Air and Space Museum. Washington, D.C.: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, 1993. 267 pp. James Van Allen, pp. 66-74. Special Collections QUAC 94-775.

473a. Fletcher, Harvey. “George W. Stewart.” National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs 32 (1958): 379-398, illus., bibliog. Main.

473b. Foerstner, Abigail. James Van Allen: The First Eight Billion Miles. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2007. 376 pp., illus., bibliog. Main, Archives.

474. Ford, Leonard A. “A History of the S.U.I. Physics Department.” Iowa City, n.d. 6 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

475. Halas, Christine D. Guide to the James A. Van Allen Papers and Related Collections. Iowa City: University of Iowa Archives, 1993. 335 pp., illus., bibliog. Physics; Archives Z6616 .V3U55 1993 cop.3.

476. Halas, Christine D. “The James A. Van Allen Papers.” Books at Iowa 51 (November 1989): 53-61, illus. Main.

477. Hinrichs, Adelaide. “The Life of My Grandfather.” Typescript, University High School, University of Iowa, n.d. 7 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG01.01.03).

478. Hinrichs, Jeanne A. “Gustavus Detlef Hinrichs.” Typescript, 1946. 35 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

479. Iben, Icko. Gustavus Detlef Hinrichs Collection, an Inventory. Urbana: University of Illinois Library, 1967. 27 pp.

480. Keyes, Charles. “Contributions to Knowledge by Gustavus Detlef Hinrichs, M.D., LL.D.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 31 (1924): 79-94. Main.

481a. Keyes, Charles. “Gustavus Detlef Hinrichs.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 30 (1923): 28-31, illus. Main.

481b. Ku, Chao-sen. Ch’iang wei t’a shuo le i ch’ieh. Taipei: Tung jun ch’u pan she, 1993. 193 pp., illus., notes. November 1, 1991, tragedy at UI.

481c. Kumagai, Jean. “Shooting at University of Iowa Claims Four Physicists, Administrator.” Physics Today 44, no. 12 (December 1991): 60-62, illus. Physics.

481d. Ludwig, George. Opening Space Research: Dreams, Technology, and Scientific Discovery. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 2011. 448 pp., illus., notes. Memoir of graduate student, and later colleague, of James A. Van Allen.

482. Mann, Jim. “The Physics of Revenge.” Los Angeles Times Magazine (June 7, 1992): 26-28, 32, 46-48, illus. Lu Gang and November 1, 1991, tragedy at UI. Media Services film 20614.

483. Needell, Allan A. “Preparing for the Space Age: University-Based Research, 1946-1957.” Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 18 (1987): 89-109, notes. “Van Allen and the University of Iowa,” pp. 99-106. Physics.

484. Nipher, Francis E. “Early Instruction in Physics in Iowa.” Iowa Historical Record 11 (October 1895): 349-352. Hinrichs at UI, 1870-1872. Main.

485. “Physics–A Wonderland of Science.” University of Iowa News Bulletin 6, no. 12 (December 1931): 1-4, illus. Archives.

486. Polumbaum, Judy. “The Forgotten Victim.” Iowa City Magazine 3, no. 8 (November 1992): 18-25, illus. Shan Lin-hua and November 1, 1991, tragedy at UI. Main; Special Collections w- collection.

487. Tyndall, E.P.T. “George Walter Stewart.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 64 (1957): 72-74, illus. Main.

488. Van Allen, James A. The Beginnings of Magnetospheric Physics. University of Iowa Department of Physics and Astronomy Research Report 81-29. 15 pp., illus., notes. 1981. Physics; Archives.

489. Van Allen, James A. Origins of Magnetospheric Physics. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983. 144 pp., illus., table, notes. Physics; Archives QC809 .M35V35 1983 cop.3.

490. Van Allen, James A. “What Is a Space Scientist? An Autobiographical Example.” Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 18 (1990): 1-26, illus. Also in The James A. Van Allen Papers and Related Collections, by Christine D. Halas, pp. 15-41, illus. Iowa City: University of Iowa Archives, 1993. Geology.

491. Wells, James P. Annals of a University of Iowa Department: From Natural Philosophy to Physics and Astronomy. University of Iowa Department of Physics and Astronomy Research Report 80-19. 246 pp., notes. 1980. Physics; Archives LD2568.8.W45 1980 cop.3 and 4.

492. Wells, James P. “Space Probing at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1977. 11 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

493. Wylie, Charles Clayton. “Gustavus Detlef Hinrichs.” Palimpsest 11 (May 1930): 193-201, illus. Main.

See also 422, 850, and 921.



494. Aurner, Nellie Slayton. Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 93 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LD2565 .I5 v.1 cop.2 in “Centennial memoirs”.

495. Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh, as Iowa Remembers Him, 1871-1940: In Memoriam. Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1941. 229 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives E175.5 .S49 I84 cop.6.

496. Briggs, John Ely. “Benj. F. Shambaugh.” Palimpsest 21 (May 1940): 133-139, illus. Main.

497. Christian, Rebecca. “Her Starring Role in Their Polished Show.” Iowan 39, no. 2 (winter 1990): 30-38, 50-51, illus. Bertha M.H. Shambaugh. Main.

498. Gallaher, Ruth A. “Benjamin F. Shambaugh.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 38 (July 1940): 227-233. Main.

499. Horack, Frank Edward. “A Brief History of the Political Science Club 1896-1906.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 5 (April 1907): 213-233. Main; Archives JA28.P65H67 1907.

500. Loos, Karl D., and Helen Loos Whitney. Issac Althaus Loos. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 92 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LD2565 .I5 v.2 cop.2 “Centennial memoirs”.

501. Ridgeway, Stanley R. “Democratic Individualism, Expertise, and Public Interest: The Legacy of the Commonwealth Conference.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 50 (spring 1990): 359-374, notes. Social science conferences, 1923-1928 and 1930; includes Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Main.

502. Ross, Russell M. Political Science at the University of Iowa (1859-1986): Its Association with the State Historical Society of Iowa. Iowa City: State Historical Society, Inc., 1990. 84 pp., bibliog. Main; Archives JA89 .I6R68 1986 cop. 2.

503. Schroder, Alan M. “Benjamin F. Shambaugh.” In Historians of the American Frontier: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook, edited by John R. Wunder, pp. 611-623, bibliog. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1988. Main reference.

504. Schroder, Alan M. “A Dedication to the Memory of Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh, 1871-1940.” Arizona and the West 24 (winter 1982): 301-304, illus., bibliog. Main.

505. Springer, John. “Benjamin F. Shambaugh.” Iowa Alumnus 4 (November 1906): 33-39, illus. Main.



506. Cantor, Joan H., ed. Psychology at Iowa: Centennial Essays. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum, 1991. 178 pp., illus., notes. Psychology; Archives BF80.7 .U62 I685 1991 cop.2.

507. Clark, Gilbert, Enid Zimmerman, and Marilyn Zurmuehlen. Understanding Art Testing: Norman C. Meier’s Contributions, Present Concerns, and Future Possibilities. Reston, Va.: National Art Education Association, 1987. 128 pp., illus., notes. Psychology.

508a. Davis, Audrey B., and Uta C. Merzbach. Early Auditory Studies: Activities in the Psychology Laboratories of American Universities. Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology, 31. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1975. 39 pp., illus., bibliog. Carl Emil Seashore, pp. 23-26. Gov Pub.

508b. Devonis, David C. “Seashore, Carl Emil.” In The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, edited by John R. Shook, 4: 2181-2182, bibl. Bristol: Thoemmes, 2005. Professor of psychology and dean of the Graduate College.

509. Kendler, Howard H. “The Iowa Tradition.” American Psychologist 44 (August 1989): 1124-1132, notes. UI Department of Psychology. Psychology.

510a. Kendler, Howard H. “Kenneth W. Spence, 1907-1967.” Psychological Review 74 (September 1967): 335-341, illus., notes. Hardin; Psychology.

510b. Kucasan, Kathryn Marie. “Historical Perspectives on Approaches to Aesthetics in Early Music Psychology: The Writings of Carl E. Seashore (1866-1949) and Vernon Lee (1856-1935).” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado, 1995. 236 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 56: 3366-A.

511. Mandler, Jean Matter, and George Mandler. “The Diaspora of Experimental Psychology: The Gestaltists and Others.” Perspectives in American History 2 (1968): 371-419, notes. Kurt Lewin, pp. 399-405. Main.

512. Metfessel, Milton. “Carl Emil Seashore, 1866-1949.” Science 111 (June 30, 1950): 713-717, notes. Main.

513. Miles, Walter R. “Carl Emil Seashore, 1866-1949.” National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs 29 (1956): 265-316, illus., notes, bibliog. Main; Archives BF109.S4M5 1936 cop. 3.

514. Miles, Walter R. “Seashore, Carl E.” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 14: 127-128, bibliog. 1968. Main reference; Psychology; Law.

515. Patrick, George T.W. “Founding the Psychological Laboratory at the State University of Iowa: An Historical Sketch.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 30 (July 1932): 404-416. Main; Archives BF80.7 .I8P3 cop.2.

516. Patrick, George Thomas White. George Thomas White Patrick: An Autobiography. Teacher and Philosopher, by Herbert Martin. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 180 pp., illus. Main; Archives LD2565 .I5 v.1 cop.2.

517. Routh, Donald K. “Intellectual Progeny of Seashore and Spence: Iowa Psychologists.” In Learning, Speech, and the Complex Effects of Punishment, edited by Donald K. Routh, pp. 213-230, notes. New York: Plenum Press, 1982. Psychology; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG01.01.03).

518a. Seashore, Carl Emil. “Autobiography.” In A History of Psychology in Autobiography, edited by Carl Murchison, 1:225-297. Worcester, Mass.: Clark University Press, 1930. Main.

518b. Seashore, Carl Emil. Introduction to Psychology. New York: The Macnillan Company, 1923. 422 pp.; index. Archives.

519. Seashore, Carl E. Pioneering in Psychology. University of Iowa Studies, Series on Aims and Progress of Research, 70. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1942. 232 pp., illus., plans, notes, bibliog. Hardin; Psychology; Archives BF109 .S4A3 cop. 5.

520. Seashore, Carl E. Psychology and Life in Autobiography. Washington, D.C., 1964. 249 pp., illus. Main; Psychology; Archives BF109 .S4A33 cop. 3.

521. Sokal, Michael M. “Seashore, Carl Emil.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 4 (1946-1950): 730-732, bibliog. Main reference.

522. Stoddard, George D. “Carl Emil Seashore: 1866-1949.” American Journal of Psychology 63 (July 1950): 456-462. Psychology.

523. Stroud, J.B. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 12. 35 pp. 1976. Archives.

See also 623, 665A, 690A, and 883-909.



524. Bach, Marcus. Of Faith and Learning: The Story of the School of Religion at the State University of Iowa. Iowa City: School of Religion, SUI, 1952. 261 pp. Main ; Archives BV4070.I86B3 cop.6; Iowa Authors.

525a. Belgum, David. A Progress Report of the Graduate Program in Clinical Pastoral Education, 1964-1970, College of Medicine and School of Religion, the University of Iowa. Iowa City, n.d. 39 pp. Hardin; Archives.

525b. Forell, George Wolfgang. “They Told What Had Happened on the Road.” Dialog: A Journal of Theology 33 (spring 1994): 129-134. Also in Martin Luther, Theologian of the Church: Collected Essays, [George Wolfgang Forell] in Honor of His Seventy-fifth Birthday, edited by William R. Russell, pp. 1-9, notes. St. Paul, Minn.: Word & World, 1994. Main; Archives.

526. Hayne, Donald. Batter My Heart. New York: Knopf, 1963. 303 pp. Includes UI School of Religion. Main; Archives BX4705 .H36A3 cop.2.

527. Lampe, M. Willard. An Autobiographical Sketch of the School of Religion, the University of Iowa. Iowa City, 1965. 24 pp. Archives BV4070 I68 L35 1965.

528. Lampe, M. Willard. The Story of an Idea: The History of the School of Religion of the University of Iowa. University of Iowa. Extension Division. University of Iowa Extension Bulletin 806. 14 pp. 1963. Main; Archives BV4070 I86 L36 1955.

529. Mannheimer, Eugene. “Notes on the History of the School of Religion at the University of Iowa and of Its Jewish Department.” Des Moines, Iowa, 1950. 100 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

530. Mead, Sidney E. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 7. 36 pp. 1976. Archives.

531a. Page, Robert E., and Mary Lou Doyle. A Brief History of the School of Religion, the University of Iowa. University of Iowa. Bulletin. School of Religion News, June 1974. 15 pp. Archives BV4070 .I86B75 1974.

531b. The School of Religion at the University of Iowa: The First Seventy Years. Iowa City: School of Religion, University of Iowa, 1997. 24 pp. Archives, in Subject Vertical File (RG 01.15.05), “Religion: history” folder.

531c. Starbuck, Edwin Diller. “Pioneer in the Psychology of Religion”, Washington, D.C., University Press of America, 1981. 292 pp. Archives BL43 .S85 B66 1981 cop.2.

532. Starkes, Monte Thomas. “Glimpses of Greatness: O.D. Foster.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1967. 179 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 28: 2332-A. Main T1967.S795; Archives BV4070 .I8S8 1967a.

533a. Starkes, M. Thomas. “The O.D. Foster Collection.” Books at Iowa 6 (April 1967): 22, 24-28, illus. Main.

533b. Wilson-Black, Robert Kenneth. Uses of Religion: The Dual Role of College Religion Departments at Midcentury. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 2002. 260 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 63: 1391-A.

See also 966-972.



See 927.



533c. Walz, Thomas.  Memoirs of a Maverick Professor: The Unlikely Adventures of Tom Walz.  n.p., 2010?  356 p., illus.  Walz, professor of social work, University of Minnesota and University of Iowa; includes Bill Sackter.  Archives HV40.32.W359 W3 2010.  



534a. Iowa Urban Community Research Center. A History of the Center 1958-1970 and a Report on Its Current Activities. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1971. 15 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

534b. Shannon, Lyle. One Hundred Years of Criminology at the University of Iowa: How It Relates to the Development of Sociology. [draft] Typescript, 2005. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).



See 295-314 and 535-552.



535. Frankrone, M. Dorothy, Sister. “Wendell Johnson and His Contribution to the Speech and Hearing Profession with a Special Focus on Stuttering.” M.S. thesis, Marquette University, 1970. 89 pp. Marquette University.

536. Johnson, Wendell. “The Time, the Place, and the Problem.” In Stuttering in Children and Adults: Thirty Years of Research at the University of Iowa, edited by Wendell Johnson, pp. 3-24. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1955. Hardin; Special Collections QUAC 95-14.

537. Moeller, Dorothy. Speech Pathology & Audiology; Iowa Origins of a Discipline. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1975. 225 pp., illus., notes. Hardin; Iowa Authors; Archives RC428 .M63 cop.3.

538. Moeller, Dorothy. “Wendell Johnson: The Addiction to Wonder.” Books at Iowa 20 (April 1974): 3-23, illus., bibliog. Main.

539. Spriestersbach, Duane C. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 34. 66 pp. 1977. Archives.

540. Stewart, Joseph L. “Wendell Johnson: A Memoir.” ETC: A Review of General Semantics 49 (winter 1992-93): 424-432. Main.

541. Williams, Dean E. “Johnson, Wendell Andrew Leroy.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 7 (1961-1965): 395-396, bibliog. Main reference.



542. Carey, Macdonald. The Days of My Life. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991. 309 pp., illus. UI, pp. 37-41. Iowa Authors.

543. Davee, Paul Wilson. “Definition of the Philosophy Underlying the Recognition and Teaching of Theatre as a Fine Art in the Liberal Arts and Graduate Curricula at the State University of Iowa.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1950. 552 pp. Speech Monographs 19 (June 1952): 151-152. University of Iowa Doctoral Dissertations, Abstracts and References 9 (1954): 763-764. Main T1950.D246; Archives PN2078 .I682 I68 1950.

544. Felton, Norman. “Best of Luck: The Education of Norman Felton.” Books at Iowa 43 (November 1985): 3-14, illus. Main.

545a. Gilman, Rebecca. “Sesquicentennial: Theatre at the UI: We’re Not 150 Yet, but a Lot Has Happened since the Hep-Zet Days.” In The Caryl Churchill Summer Festival, the University of Iowa, pp. 27-31, illus. Iowa City: University of Iowa Theatres, 1989. 1855-1989. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

545b. Hale, Allean. “Early Williams: The Making of a Playwright.” In The Cambridge Companion to Tennessee Williams, edited by Matthew C. Roudane, pp. 11-28, illus., notes, bibliog. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

546. Hayman, Ronald. Tennessee Williams: Everyone Else Is an Audience. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993. 268 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Main.

547. Jones, Elinor F. “The University Theatre.” Iowa City, 1945. 21 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

548a. Koch, John Charles. “The Federal Theatre Project: Region IV–A Structural and Historical Analysis of How It Functioned and What It Accomplished.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Nebraska, 1981. 339 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 42: 913-A. Ch. 2, “The Iowa Federal Theatre Project,” pp. 18-39. Media Services 26420.

548b. Leverich, Lyle. Tom: The Unknown Tennessee Williams. New York: Crown, 1995. 644 pp., illus., notes. Main.

549. Spoto, Donald. The Kindness of Strangers: The Life of Tennessee Williams. Boston: Little, Brown, 1985. 409 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Main.

550. Williams, Dakin, and Shepherd Mead. Tennessee Williams: An Intimate Biography. New York: Arbor House, 1983. 352 pp., illus. UI, pp. 67-71. Main.

551a. Williams, Edwina Dakin. Remember Me to Tom. New York: Putnam, 1963. 255 pp., illus. Ch. 6, “Well, We All Have to Paint Our Nudes,” pp. 89-98. Tennessee Williams at UI, including letters to his mother and grandparents. Main.

551b. Williams. Tennesse. Notebooks. Edited by Margaret Bradham Thornton. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. 828 pp., illus., notes. Main PS3545.I5365A6 2006.

551c. Williams, Tennessee. The Selected Letters of Tennessee Williams. New York: New Directions, 2000. Includes references to his time as a student in Iowa City, 1937-1938. Main.

552. Williams, Tennessee. Tennessee Williams: Memoirs. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975. 264 pp., illus. Main.

See also 128, 306, 427B, 849, and 852.



553. Beams, Harold W. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 25. 49 pp. 1976. Archives.

554. Gustafson, John. “Notes on the Department of Zoology.” Iowa City, ca. 1945. 25 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

555. Pammel, L.H. “Dr. Charles Nutting.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 34 (1927): 39-45, illus. Main.

556. Stromsten, Frank A. “The History of the Department of Zoology of the State University of Iowa.” Bios (Mount Vernon, Iowa) 21 (March 1950): 8-30, illus., bibliog. Archives QL69 U52 I68 1950.

557. Taylor, Wilson L. “Charles Cleveland Nutting.” Palimpsest 24 (September 1943): 269-300, illus. Main.

558. Taylor, Wilson Lewis. “Charles Cleveland Nutting and His Work.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1937. 169 pp. Main T1937.T247; Archives storage.

559. Wickham, Henry F. “Nutting, Charles Cleveland.” Dictionary of American Biography 13: 597-598, bibliog. Main reference.

See also 910-913 and 937-946.



560. The Bureau of Business and Economic Research: An Historical Review and Report on Recent Activities. Iowa City, 1966. 31 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

561. Curtis, Orville Brim. “The History of the State University of Iowa: The College of Commerce.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1945. 160 pp. Main; Archives HF1134 .I84 C87 1945.

562. Kallaus, Norman F., and Allen Hall. Meeting a Need: A History of Business Education at the University of Iowa. Iowa City: College of Business Administration, University of Iowa, 1977. 69 pp., illus., tables. Business; 16-3:1; Archives HF1134.I84K2 cop.2.

563a. Olson, Paul R. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 30. 45 pp. 1977. Archives.

563b. Persons, Stow. “The College of Business Administration.” Iowa City, 1997. 18 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

563c. Stix, Gary. “When Markets Beat the Polls.” Scientific American 298, no. 3 (March 2008): 38-45, illus. (part col.), table. Iowa Electronic Markets, at University of Iowa, and other prediction markets.

564. Thompson, C. Woody. “A Report of Activities for the Fifteen-Year Period 1940-1955.” Iowa City: Bureau of Business and Economic Research, State University of Iowa, 1955. 27 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

See also 210.



565. Bryan, A.W. “Memoirs of My Association as a Student and Teacher in the State University of Iowa College of Dentistry.” Iowa City, 1959. 17 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.2 no.1-4.

566. “Historical Sketch of Dentistry at Iowa.” Iowa Alumnus 13, no. 8 (May 1916): 5-7, illus. Main.

567. Howe, Maurice Harold. “History of the Iowa State Dental Society, 1863-1963.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1966. 121 pp. Ch. 4., “The Society and Professional Education,” pp. 54-72. Main.

568. Kremenak, Nellie W., and Samir E. Bishara. The History of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Iowa. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1987. 151 pp., illus. Archives RK97 .U52 K74 1987.

569. Sievert, W.J., and C.A. Full. “The History of Pedodontics at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1981. 10 pp. and attachments. Faculty lists from annual budgets. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

570. Smith, Earle S. A History of the Iowa Dental Association, 1863-1963. Iowa City, 1963. 80 pp., illus. Includes UI College of Dentistry. Hardin; Archives RK1 .I68S5 cop. 3.

571. Smith, Earle S. “Memoirs of Earle S. Smith, D.D.S.” Iowa City, 1958. 28 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.1 no.1-11 “Faculty Memoirs”.

572. University of Iowa. College of Dentistry. A Proud Heritage, 1882-1982, the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. Iowa City, 1982. 44 pp., illus., bibliog. Hardin; Archives 17-U582CD2:P94.

573a. Weidenbach, Amelia Rose. “History of the University of Iowa: The College of Dentistry.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1944. 172 pp. Main T1944.W41; Archives RK97 .I66 W45 1944.

See also 29A.



573b. ACT: The First Fifty Years, 1959-2009. Iowa City: ACT, 2009.  161 p., illus. (part col.), notes.  Educational testing firm founded by E. F. Lindquist and others.

574. Bolton, Frederick E. “The New School of Education in the State University of Iowa.” Iowa Alumnus 5 (October 1907): 1-7, illus. 1855-1907. Main.

575. Camp, Frances M. “The Development of the Educational Placement Office from 1924-1957.” Iowa City, 1960. 11 pp. Archives LD2568.3.S8 v.1 no.4.

576. Echols, James Phillip. “The Rise of the Evaluation Movement: 1920-1942.” Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1973. 429 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 34: 1108-A. Includes E.F. Lindquist and UI. Media Services 19540.

577. Eddy, Helen M. “Memoirs of Helen M. Eddy.” Iowa City, n.d. 1 p. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.1 no.1-11 “Faculty Memoirs”.

578. Ensign, Forest C. “Fifty Years of Education.” Iowa Alumnus 20 (April 1923): 217-220, illus. Main.

579. Ensign, Forest C. “Fifty Years of Education in the University of Iowa.” In Fifty Years of Progress: Proceedings of the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the College of Education, pp. 11-16, illus. University of Iowa. Extension Bulletin, 133. College of Education Series, 13. 1925. 1855-1923. Main; Archives LB2193 .I83F5 1925.

580a. Ensign, Forest C. “The First Century of Teacher Training in the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1947, 360 pp. Archives fLB2193 .I83 E5 1947a.

580b. Ensign, Forest C. “The First Century of Teacher Training in the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1947. 647 pp. Main; Archives fLB2193 .I83E5 1947 cop.2.

581a. Feldt, Leonard S. “Everet F. Lindquist 1901-1978: A Retrospective Review of His Contributions to Educational Research.” Journal of Educational Statistics 4 (spring 1979): 4-13, illus., notes. Psychology; Archives LB1028 .F36 1979.

581b. Feldt, Leonard S., and Robert V. Hogg. “Melvin R. Novick:Recollections of Two Iowa Colleagues.” Journal of Educational Statistics 12 (spring 1987): 7-10. Special issue on Novick. Psychology.

581c. Hauser, Scott. Education First: A History of the College of Education: In Celebration of the University of Iowa’s Sesquicentennial. Iowa City: University of Iowa College of Education, 1997. 44 pp., illus. Main LB2193.I83H28 1997.

582. Hillestad, James Thomas. “A Study of the State University of Iowa Undergraduate Social Studies Teacher Education Program and Its Graduates, 1946-1961.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1965. 234 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 26: 2575. Main T1965.H652.

583. Hood, Albert B. “A Brief History of the College of Education of the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1969. 23 pp. 1847-1968; includes summary of Ensign, “The First Century.” Archives fLB2193 .I83H66 1969.

584. Horn, Ernest. “A Memoir of Ernest Horn.” Iowa City, ca. 1962. 39, 36 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.5 in “faculty memoirs”.

585. Jackson, Harry Dunham. “University High School–The University of Iowa: A Task-Oriented Study of the First Fifty Years.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1968. 185 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 29: 131-A. Main T1968.J136.

586. Kaufmann, Stephen Richard. “Choosing the Middle Way: Ernest Horn’s Contribution to the Commission on the Social Studies in the Schools.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1983. 368 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 44: 3615-A. Main T1983.K21.

587. Lee, Edwin Augustus. “The Development of Professional Programs of Education in Six Selected Universities of the United States.” Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1932. 125 pp. Chicago, Harvard, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, and Stanford. University of Wisconsin.

588. Lindquist, E.F. “The Iowa Testing Programs–A Retrospective View.” Education 91 (September-October 1970): 4, 6-23, illus. Main; Archives LB3052 .I8L55 1970.

589a. Lindquist, E.F. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 22. 38 pp. 1976. Archives.

589b. Persons, Stow. “The Culture-Epoch Curriculum at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1995. 23 pp. UI Elementary School. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03)

590a. Persons, Stow. “Education and the Liberal Arts at the University of Iowa.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 52 (spring 1993): 150-165, notes. Main.

590b. Persons, Stow. “From Pedagogics to Education.” Iowa City, 1995. 67 pp. UI College of Education. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

591a. Peterson, Julia J. The Iowa Testing Programs: The First Fifty Years. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1983. 260 pp., illus., notes. Psychology.

591b. Quandt, Anna Spitzer. “Ernest Horn and the Curriculum Set in Advance.” Chicago: Conference of the Organization of Educational Historians, 2009. 33 pp. University Schools and University High School. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

592. Schoenfelder, Carroll M. “A History of the University High School Athletic Program: 1916 to 1972.” M.A. paper (non-thesis), University of Iowa, 1973. 147 pp. Archives fGV691 .U5563 S3 1973.

593. Seabury, Hugh. “The College of Education, 1913-1963.” In Fifty Years of the College of Education of the University of Iowa, pp. 1-8. University of Iowa Extension Bulletin 813. 1964. Main.

594. Spitzer, Herbert F. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 20. 69 pp. 1976. Archives.

595. Stein, Frances Jordan. “Ernest Horn’s Ideas on Education within the Context of the Progressive Education Movement in America.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1973. 117 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 34: 3105-A. Main T1973.S823; Archives LB1027 .S27 1973a.

596. Westerberg, Virginia. “A History of the University Elementary School, State University of Iowa, 1915-1958.” Paedagogica Historica (Ghent) 4 (1964): 457-496, notes, bibliog. Main.

597. Westerberg, Virginia May. “A History of the University Elementary School, State University of Iowa, 1915-1958.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1959. 394 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 20: 948. Main; Archives LB1563 .I68W48 1959a.

598. Wine, Margaret Anne McGehee. “A Narrative History of the University High School, University of Iowa, 1916-1972.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1979. 371 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 40: 2584-A. Main T1979.W67; Archives LB1607.52 .I68 W55 1979.

599. Yager, Robert E. Science Education at the University of Iowa: Twenty-Five Years, 1950-1975. Science Education Center Special Reports, Report 1. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1975. [8], 89 pp. History, pp. [2]-[8]. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

600a. Yearnd, Moretta Arda. “History of the State University of Iowa: The Experimental High School since 1930.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1943. 172 pp. Main T1943.Y39; Archives LB1607.52 .I68Y4 1943.

600b. Welte, Herbert D. “A Psychological Analysis of Plane Geometry.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no.1 (January 1, 1926). Archives LB5.I65.

600c. Thies, L.J. “The Time Factor in Arithmetic Texts.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no. 2 (February 1, 1926). Archives LB5.I65.

600d. Lutes, O.S., and Agnes Samuelson. “A Method for Rating the Drill Provisions in Arithmetic Textbooks.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no. 3 (March 1, 1926). Archives LB5.I65.

600e. Horn, Ernest. “A Basic Writing Vocabulary: 10,000 Words Most Commonly Used in Writing.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no.4 (1926). Archives LB5.I65.

600f. Lutes, Olin S. “An Evaluation of Three Techniques for Improving Ability to Solve Arithmetic Problems.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no.6 (June 1, 1926). Archives LB5.I65.

600g. Blackstone, E. G. “Research Studies in Commercial Education, II.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no.8 (January 1, 1928). Archives LB5.I65.

600h. Blackstone, E. G. “Research Studies in Commercial Education, III.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no.9 (November 1, 1928). Archives LB5.I65.

600i. McBroom, Maude. “The Course of Study in Written Composition for the Elementary Grades.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no.10 (December 1, 1928). Archives LB5.I65.

600j. Blackstone, E. G. “Research Studies in Commercial Education, IV.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no.11 (January 1, 1929). Archives LB5.I65.

600k. Blackstone, E. G. “Research Studies in Commercial Education, V.” University of Iowa Monographs in Education, no.12 (November 15, 1932). Archives LB5.I65.

See also 68 and 523.



601. Allen, Rick. “History of the Hawkeye Engineer.” Hawkeye Engineer 6, no. 6 (April 1980): 2-3. Engineering; Archives, in Records of the College of Engineering (RG 10.02).

602. Barrett, Norbert Clement. “History of the State University of Iowa: The College of Engineering.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1944. 520 pp. University of Iowa. Doctoral Dissertations, Abstracts and References 10 (1954): 116-117. Main T1944.B27; Archives T171.U67B37 1944.

603. Brainerd, Ossian Hatch. “Charles Scott Magowan.” Iowa Alumnus 5 (January 1908): 91-96, illus. Main.

604. Chase, Charles Perry. “A Half Century of Engineering.” Palimpsest 28 (October 1947): 310-320. UI student reminiscences, 1886-1890. Main.

605. Chen, C.J. “The Evolution of the College of Engineering.” Hawkeye Engineer, 100th Anniversary Issue (1990): 16-18, illus. Engineering; Archives, Records of the College of Engineering (RG 10.02).

606a. Chen, Ching Jen. “History of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1989. 8, 11 pp., illus.  Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

606b. Dodd, Jeffrey. Administrative History of the College of Engineering. Iowa City, 1995. 3 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

607. Higbee, F.G. “A Mecca Week History.” Iowa Transit 72, no. 6 (March 1968): 13-16, 32, illus. Engineering; Archives.

608. Higbee, Frederick G. “Not on the Record; 60 Years of Iowa Engineering.” Iowa Transit 72, no. 3 (December 1967): 14-19, 21-22, 26-30, 32-33, 35-36, illus. Engineering; Archives.

609. Higbee, Frederick Goodson. “Two Decades of Engineering Education, College of Engineering, State University of Iowa, 1943-1964.” Iowa City, 1963. 63, 37, 21 pp. Engineering Materials in Main Storage; Main Media Film 9055; Archives T171 I89H5 1963.

610. Howe, Joseph W. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 21. 61 pp. 1976. Archives.

611. Howe, J.W. “The Way It Was.” Hawkeye Engineer 1, no. 3 (December 1974): 4-6, illus. Also in Hawkeye Engineer 94, no. 3 (March 1990): 3-4, 7-8, illus. Engineering at UI, 1857-1905, and birth of the Transit. Engineering; Archives, Records of the College of Engineering (RG 10.02).

612. Kjellander, Joe. “The Legend of MECCA.” Hawkeye Engineer 91, no. 5 (March 1987): 7-10, illus. Engineering; Archives, Records of the College of Engineering (RG 10.02).

613. Lambert, B.J. William Galt Raymond. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 52 pp., illus. Main; Engineering; Archives “Centennial memoirs” LD2565 .I5 v.2 cop.2

614. Liitschwager, J.M. “On the History of Quality Control and Reliability at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1990. 12 pp., notes. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG01.01.03).

615. Macagno, Enzo O., David D. Moran, and David W. McDougall, eds. The First Half Century of Hydraulic Research at the University of Iowa. University of Iowa. College of Engineering. Studies in Engineering, Bulletin 44. Rev. ed. 186 pp., illus., plans. 1971. Engineering Library TA7 .I85 no. 44; Engineering Materials in Main Storage; Government Publications; Archives TC158 .M25 1971.

616a. Magowan, Charles Scott. “The Engineering Departments of the State University of Iowa.” Iowa Alumnus 2 (November 1904): 25-34, illus. 1868-1904. Main.

616b. Magowan, Charles Scott. Catalogue of the Civil Engineering Library of the University of Iowa. 1901. 22pp. Archives Z5851 .S87 1901.

616c. Mechanical’s Bull Session Records, 1930-1938. RG 02.03.43. 0.25 lin. ft. Chronicle of eight 1930 graduates in mechanical engineering, College of Engineering, during the Great Depression. Archives.

616d. Mutel, Cornelia F. “Floyd Nagler’s Passion for Water Power.” Iowa Heritage Illustrated 77 (winter 1996): 152-156, illus., map.

616e. Mutel, Cornelia F. “Secrets from the Home Front.” Iowa Alumni Quarterly 50, no. 4 (winter 1997): 34-37, illus. Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research during World War II. Archives.

616f. Mutel, Cornelia F. “Flowing Through Time: A History of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research.” Iowa City: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 1998. Engineering TC158.M88 1998.

616g. Persons, Stow. “The College of Engineering.” Iowa City, 1997. 30 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

617. Rourke, John. “History of the Chem-E Department.” Hawkeye Engineer 5, no. 4 (February 1979): 7. Chemical engineering. Engineering; Archives, Records of the College of Engineering (RG 10.02).

618. Russ, John M. “Memoirs of My Twenty-Six Years at the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1961. 15 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.2 no.1-4 “faculty memoirs”.

619. Shaw, Paul B. Early Flying in Iowa. Iowa City, 1985. 61 pp., illus. Ch. 5, “Civilian Pilot Training (CPT),” pp. 37-41; ch. 6, “World War II,” pp. 42-52. Aviation programs at UI, 1939-1944. Main; Iowa Authors.

620. Ware, Lawrence A. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 14. 36 pp. 1976. Archives.

621. Welke, Krista. “A Look into the Past…Department Histories.” Hawkeye Engineer, 100th anniversary issue (1990): 28-29, 32. Engineering; Archives, Records of the College of Engineering (RG 10.02).

See also 26 and 808.



622. Howard, Donald F. “History of the State University of Iowa: The Graduate College.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1947. 355 pp. University of Iowa. Doctoral Dissertations, Abstracts and References 6 (1953): 601-603. Main T1947.H84; Archives LD2563 .H68 1947.

623. Jones, Lewis Lester. “Carl Emil Seashore: Dean of the Graduate College of the University of Iowa, 1908 to 1936, Dean pro tempore, 1942 to 1946: A Study of His Ideas on Graduate Education.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1978. 232 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 39: 4759-A. Main T1978.J772; Archives LD2567 .S4 J65 1978a.

624. Seashore, Carl E. “The Graduate College in the State University of Iowa, a Review and Forecast.” In Trends in Graduate Work: A Program Commemorating the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Graduate College of the State University of Iowa, edited by John William Ashton, pp. 7-60. University of Iowa Studies, Series on Aims and Progress of Research, 33. 1931. Main.

See also 512-514, 518-522, and 539.



625. Cone, Carl B. “The College of Homeopathic Medicine.” In his “History of the State University of Iowa: The College of Medicine,” pp. 279-299, notes. Iowa City, 1941. Hardin; Archives R747.I8 C65.

626. Persons, Stow. “The Decline of Homeopathy–The University of Iowa, 1876-1919.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 65 (spring 1991): 74-87, notes. Hardin; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).



627. Acton, Richard, Lord. “Justice Wright’s Law School.” Iowan 40, no. 2 (winter 1991): 8-10, 57-58, illus. Also in Iowa Advocate 30, no.2 (fall-winter 1991-92): 20-23, illus. Also, as “Judge Wright’s Vision: The Founding of Iowa’s First Law School,” in To Go Free: A Treasury of Iowa’s Legal Heritage, by Richard, Lord Acton and Patricia Nassif Acton, pp. 149-157, 332, illus., notes. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1995. Main; Law.

628. Belgum, Kathie, and Cindy Benton. To Honor Allan Delker Vestal, Roy J. Carver Professor of Law, University of Iowa: Selected Biography and Bibliography. Iowa City, 1983. 16 pp., bibliog. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

629. Brant, Irving. “Mr. Justice Rutledge–The Man.” Iowa Law Review 35 (summer 1950): 544-565, notes. Also in Indiana Law Journal 25 (summer 1950): 424-443, notes. Main; Law.

630. Briggs, John E. “Wade, Martin Joseph.” Dictionary of American Biography 19: 307, bibliog. Main reference.

631. Briggs, John E. “Wright, George Grover.” Dictionary of American Biography 20: 551-552, bibliog. Main E176.D56 1943.

632. Cushman, Robert E. “Dillon, John Forest.” Dictionary of American Biography 5: 311, bibliog. Main reference.

633. Deemer, Horace E. “Emlin McClain.” Iowa Alumnus 12, no. 9 (June 1915): 16-20, illus. Main.

634. Drachman, Virginia G. Women Lawyers and the Origins of Professional Identity in America: The Letters of the Equity Club, 1887 to 1890. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993. 290 pp., illus., bibliog. Includes Mary Emily Humphrey Haddock and Mary Hickey Wilkinson. Main; Law.

635. Fahr, Samuel M. “Hooligans and Shenanigans.” Iowa Alumni Quarterly 48, no. 1 (spring 1995): 34-36, illus. UI College of Law traditions. Main.

636a. Fahr, Samuel M. “Mason Ladd.” Iowa Law Review 66 (May 1981): 709-724. Main; Law.

636b. Ferren, John M. Salt of the Earth, Conscience of the Court: The Story of Justice Wiley Rutledge. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004. 577 pp., illus., bibliog.

637. Fuchs, Ralph F. “Rutledge, Wiley Blount.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 4 (1946-1950): 712-713, bibliog. Main reference.

638. Hansen, Millard Winchester. “The Early History of the College of Law, State University of Iowa: 1865-1884.” Iowa Law Review 30 (November 1944): 31-67, notes. Main; Law; Archives KF292 .I64 H35 1940 v.1.

639. Haynes, Fred E. “Cole, Chester Cicero.” Dictionary of American Biography 4: 289-290, bibliog. Main reference.

640. Haynes, Fred E. “Deemer, Horace Emerson.” Dictionary of American Biography 5: 191-192, bibliog. Main reference.

641a. Hines, N. William. “The Iowa Law Review: A Tradition of Excellence.” Iowa Law Review 75 (May 1990): 821-827. Main; Law.

641b. Hines, N. William, ed.  The History of the Iowa Law School, 1865-2010.  Iowa City: University of Iowa College of Law, 2011.  625 p., illus., table, notes.

642. Irish, John P. “The Origin of the Law College of the State University of Iowa–Two Communications from John P. Irish.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 8 (October 1910): 553-557. Main.

643. Israel, Fred L. “Wiley Rutledge.” In The Justices of the United States Supreme Court, 1789-1969: Their Lives and Major Opinions, edited by Leon Friedman and Fred L. Israel, 4: 2593-2601, bibliog. New York: Chelsea House, 1969. Law.

644. Ladd, Mason. “The Iowa Law Review: Maturity of Fifty Years.” Iowa Law Review 50 (fall 1964): 5-11. Law.

645. Ladd, Mason. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 40. 100 pp. 1976. Archives.

646a. “The Law Department of the Iowa State University.” Western Jurist 2 (December 1868): 325-340. Law; Archives KF292 .I64L38 1869.

646b. Mabie, Edward C., editor. The Courts and Social Reform: Constructive and Rebuttal Speeches and Briefs in the New England Triangular League Debates, March 6, 1913. 67pp. Archives JK1533 .M2 1913.

647. McClain, Emlin. “Law Department of the State University of Iowa.” Green Bag 1 (September 1889): 374-394, illus. Law; Archives KF292 .I64M25 1889 cop.2.

648. Moylan, Helen S. “A Manuscript Record of the Early Days of the Iowa Law School.” Iowa Law Review 22 (November 1936): 108-118. Main; Law.

649. Opheim, Teresa. “Portias of the Prairie: Early Women Graduates of the University Law Department.” Palimpsest 67 (January-February 1986): 28-36, illus. Also, in part, in Iowa Advocate 25, no. 1 (spring-summer 1986): 42-44, illus. Main.

650a. Perkins, Rollin M. “The Story of the Iowa Law School.” Iowa Law Review 15 (April 1930): 257-277, notes. 1848-1930. Main; Law.

650b. Perkins, Rollin M. “The Story of the Iowa Law School.” Bulletin of the State University of Iowa (March 29, 1930). Reprinted from the Iowa Law Review 15, no. 3. Archives KF292.I64Z618 1930.

650c. Persons, Stow. “A Brief Glance at the College of Law.” Iowa City, 1995. 12 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

651. Philbrick, Francis S. “McClain, Emlin.” Dictionary of American Biography 11: 578-579, bibliog. Main reference.

652. Pickard, J.L. “William G. Hammond.” Iowa Historical Record 10 (July 1894): 97-106, illus. Main.

653. Rossman, Kenneth R. “History of the College of Law of the University of Iowa, 1885-1920.” Iowa City, n.d. 103 pp. Archives KF292 .I64H35 1940 v.2. Also in Iowa Law Review 32, pp. 463-501 and 659-696.

654. Sixtieth Anniversary Celebration, College of Law, 1865-1925. University of Iowa Bulletin, n.s. 372. 76 pp., illus. 1926. Law.

655. Smith, J. Clay, Jr. Emancipation: The Making of the Black Lawyer, 1844-1944. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993. 703 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. “Iowa,” pp. 451-455, 472-474. Law.

656. Van der Zee, Jacob. “Emlin McClain.” Iowa Law Bulletin 1 (November 1915): 157-179, notes. Main; Law.

657. Whitaker, Charles. “The True Story of an Indiana ‘White’ Boy Who Discovered that He Was Black.” Ebony 47 (October 1992): 88, 90, 92, 94, 136, illus. Gregory Williams. Main.

658. Williams, Gregory Howard. Life on the Color Line: The True Story of a White Boy Who Discovered He Was Black. New York: Dutton, 1995. 285 pp., illus. Main; Law.

659. Wirtz, W. Willard. “Mr. Justice Rutledge–Teacher of Men.” Iowa Law Review 35 (summer 1950): 566-577, bibliog. Also in Indiana Law Journal 25 (summer 1950): 444-454, bibliog. Main; Law.

See also 114 and 808.



660. Anderson, Lee. ” ‘A Great Victory’: Abraham Flexner and the New Medical Campus at the University of Iowa.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 51 (winter 1992): 231-251, notes. Main.

661. Anderson, Lee. Internal Medicine and the Structures of Modern Medical Science: The University of Iowa, 1870-1990. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1998. 308 pp., illus., notes. Includes nutrition and Kate Daum. Hardin.

662a. Anderson, Lee, and Lewis E. January. “Walter Bierring and the Flexner Revolution: At the University of Iowa College of Medicine.” Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society 55, no. 1 (winter 1992): 9-12, illus., notes. Hardin; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

662b. Bardarch, Janusz, and Kathleen Gleeson. Man Is Wolf to Man: Surviving the Gulag. Berkeley: The University of California Press, 1998. 392 pp, illus.

663. Barnes, Milford E. “Autobiography of Milford E. Barnes, M.D.” Iowa City, ca. 1965. 42 pp. Covers 1883-1930, up to arrival in Iowa City. SHSI.

664. Barnes, Milford Edwin. “The Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine of the State University of Iowa from February 1, 1930 to June 30, 1952, with Historical Notes of Developments prior to 1930.” Iowa City, 1958. 29 pp. Hardin; Archives RA447.I8B37 1958 and also LD2568.3 .S8 v.1 no.1-11 “Faculty Memoirs”.

665a. Bean, William B. “The University of Iowa College of Medicine 100 Years Ago.” Iowa Medical Society Journal 60 (April 1970): 237-240, illus. Hardin.

665b. Benton, Arthur L. “Arthur L. Benton.” American Psychologist 34 (January 1979): 55-64, illus., bibliog.

666. Berg, Clarence P. The University of Iowa and Biochemistry from Their Beginnings. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1980. 173 pp., illus., maps, notes. Hardin; Chemistry; Iowa Authors; Archives QP511.5.I8B47 cop.3.

667. Bierring, Walter L. A History of the Department of Internal Medicine, State University of Iowa, College of Medicine, 1870-1958. Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1958. 116 pp. Archives R747.I8B5 cop.4.

668. Bierring, Walter L. “State University of Iowa College of Medicine: The First Dean and First Medical Faculty.” History of Medicine in Iowa. Iowa State Medical Society Journal 34 (April 1944): 178-180, illus. Hardin; SHSI.

669. Bierring, Walter L. “The Story of Bacteriology at the University of Iowa.” History of Medicine in Iowa. Iowa State Medical Society Journal 27 (October 1937): 555-557, (November 1937): 602-606, (December 1937): 656-659, illus. Hardin; SHSI; Archives QR .I67 B5 1937.

670. Bonfiglio, Michael. “Memories.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 6 (1986): 18-20.

671a. Bonfiglio, Michael. “Orthopaedic Pathology at the University of Iowa: Sagacity and Serendipity.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 10 (1990): 9-13, illus., notes.

671b. Bonner, Thomas Neville. Iconoclast: Abraham Flexner and a Life in Learning. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. 376 pp., illus., notes, bibl. University of Iowa College of Medicine, pp. 168-170, 331.

672. Borts, Irving H. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 8. 32 pp. 1976. Hygienic Laboratory. Archives.

673. Boyd, W.R. “State University of Iowa College of Medicine: An Outline of Its History.” Medical Bulletin (University of Iowa) (fall 1955): 19-29, illus. Also, as 16-page typescript with title “A Brief History of the Development of the College of Medicine of the Iowa State University, from 1909 to Date (1934),” and variations in text, housed at the University of Iowa Archives. Typescript also Appendix B of Carl B. Cone, “History of the State University of Iowa: The College of Medicine,” 1941. Hardin Rare Book Room; Archives R747 .I8 C65 cop.2; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

674. Braley, Alson E. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 39. 66 pp. 1977. Archives.

675. Brand, Richard A., Kenneth J. Noonan, and Lacy E. Thornburg. “Biomechanical Research at Iowa.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 13 (1993): 22-27, illus., notes. Since 1915.

676a. Buckwalter, Joseph A. “Arthur Steindler: Founder of Iowa Orthopaedics.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 1 (spring 1981): 5-12, illus.

676b. Buckwalter, Joseph A. “Stuart Weinstem: Advancing the Specialty of Orthopaedics.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 17 (1997): v-xiii, illus., table, notes.

677. Buckwalter, Joseph A., John J. Callaghan, and William F. Blair. “Adrian E. Flatt–Surgeon and Scholar.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 14 (1994): 22-30, illus.

678. Caldwell, Charles W. A Brief History of the Iowa Regional Medical Program. Oakdale, Iowa: Iowa Regional Medical Program, 1976. 74 pp. Hardin; Archives RA395.A4I8 cop.2.

679a. Callaghan, John J. “Carroll B. Larson, a Man for All People.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 2 (spring 1982): 5-10, illus.

679b. Caplan, Richard M. “Early History of the Educational Opportunities Program [Affirmative Action] at the University of Iowa College of Medicine.” Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

680. Carney, Robert G. A History of the Department of Dermatology and Syphilology at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1899-1973. Iowa City, 1973. 14 pp. Archives.

681a. Carstensen, Vernon. “An Early Grave Snatching Incident.” Palimpsest 35 (December 1954): 501-510. Medical department, 1870-1871. Main.

681b. Clark, Ira C. “The Development of Physician Continuation Education.” Health Care Research Series Number 3. Iowa City: University of Iowa, Graduate Program in Hospital and Health Administration, 1966. 77 pp. Hardin; Archives R852 .H4 no. 3.

682a. Cone, Carl B. “History of the State University of Iowa: The College of Medicine.” Iowa City, 1941. 306 pp. Hardin; Archives R747.I8 C65.

682b. Currier, Russell W. “People and Pigs: Iowa’s Role in 20th Century Influenza History.” Iowa Heritage Illustrated 86, no. 2 (summer 2005): 80-85, illus. Recounts 1951 effort by UI researchers Johan Hultin, Albert McKee and Jack Layton to recover original strain of the 1918 virus for study and possible vaccine production. SHSI.

683. De Gowin, Elmer L. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 24. 20 pp. 1976. Archives.

684. Dictionary of American Medical Biography. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984. 2 vols., bibliog. Includes UI alumni and faculty. Hardin.

685. Fairchild, D.S. “Medical Department of Iowa State University at Iowa City.” History of Medicine in Iowa. Iowa State Medical Society Journal 9 (August 1919): 265-268. Also in his History of Medicine in Iowa, pp. 84-92. N.p., n.d. Hardin; SHSI.

686a. Fairchild, D.S. “Physicians Who Located in Iowa in the Period between 1850 and 1860.” Iowa State Medical Society Journal 12 (January 1922): 22-27, illus. Dr. Wm. S. Robertson, pp. 22-24, 26. Hardin; SHSI.

686b. Fait, Kathy. “Tracking Down Disease: The University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory.” Iowa Heritage Illustrated 86, no. 2 (summer 2005): 69-71, illus. SHSI.

687. Flexner, Abraham. I Remember: The Autobiography of Abraham Flexner. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1940. 414 pp., illus. UI, W.R. Boyd, etc., pp. 127, 291-297; UI presidents, faculty, pp. 335-339. Main; Hardin.

688. Goetz, Devon D., and John J. Callaghan. “Michael Bonfiglio: Student and Teacher.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 11 (1991): 13-18, illus. Archives.

689. Gross, E.G. “Dept. of Pharmacology, Period 1929-1960.” Iowa City, 1961. 6 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.2 no.1-4 “faculty memoirs”.

690a. Gross, E.G., and J.P. Long. “Pharmacology at Iowa, 1920-1980.” Life Sciences 27 (December 22-29, 1980): 2423-2426. Biology; Hardin.

690b. Hamsher, Kerry D. “The Iowa Group.” International Journal of Neuroscience 25 (January 1985): 295-305, notes. Arthur L. Benton and neuropsychology colleagues at UI, 1950-1983.

691a. Hardin, Robert C. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 45. 80 pp. 1976. Archives.

691b. Hawtrey, Charles E. Dr. Ignacio Ponseti and the Spanish Civil War: An Oral History of the University of Iowa Distinguished Professor of Orthopedics. Iowa City, 2006. 113 pp. Hardin; Archives RD728.P66H39 2006.

692. Howard, R. Palmer. The Chief, Doctor William Osler. Canton, Mass.: Science History Publications, 1983. 194 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Ch. 4, “Changes of Medicine at Iowa and the Hopkins,” pp. 48-71, 108-110; ch. 5, “Stresses of World War I,” pp. 72-89, 110-113; ch. 7, “Campbell Howard’s Later Career,” pp. 97-99, 114; “Biographical Notes,” pp. 115-178. Hardin; Special Collections x- collection; Iowa Authors.

693. Irish, John P. “Some Episodes in the History of the Founding of the Medical College of the State University of Iowa.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 18 (January 1920): 125-129. Main.

694. Jacobs, Richard L. “Memories.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 14 (1994): 177-186, illus. UI medical education reminiscences of Jacobs, 1940s-1960s. Archives.

695. Keettel, William C. A History of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, the University of Iowa, 1848-1980. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1981. 186 pp., illus., bibliog. Hardin; Archives RG143 .I8K43 cop.2. See also: Pixley, Edna folder in Staff and Faculty Vertical File (RG 01.15.03).

696. Kenney, Edna. “Kate Daum.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 63 (1956): 73-74, illus. Dietetics. Main.

697. Lambert, A.E. “William R.B. Robertson.” Iowa Academy of Science Proceedings 48 (1941): 46-47, illus. Main.

698a. Langille, Vernon. “Dr. Arthur Steindler.” Iowa Alumni Review 2, no. 2 (February 1949): 9-12, illus. Main.

698b. Lawrence, Susan C. “Deadly Diphtheria and Walter Bierring.” Iowa Heritage Illustrated 86, no. 2 (summer 2005): 59-60. SHSI.

698c. Lawrence, Susan C. and Richard P. Nelson. Altruism and Autonomy: Medicine in Iowa Since 1850. Iowa City, Iowa: 2001. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

698d. Lawrence, Susan C. “Iowa Physicians: Legitimacy, Institutions, and the Practice of Medicine.” In three parts: ” Establishing a Professional Identity, 1833-1886,” “Putting Science Into Practice, 1887-1928,” “Dealing With Poverty and Defending Autonomy, 1929-1950.” Annals of Iowa 62 (Spring 2003), pp. 151-200; 63 (Winter 2004), pp. 1-62; 66 (Winter 2007), pp. 1-74. Main, SHSI.

698e. Leidiger, Lynda. “Elementary, Dr. Caplan!” Iowa Alumni Quarterly 50, no. 1 (spring 1997): 40-42, illus. Richard M. Caplan and his interest in Sherlock Holmes and other literature.

699. Lillibridge, William L. An Historical Analysis of the Graduate Program in Hospital Administration, State University of Iowa, 1946-February, 1961. Iowa City: Graduate Program in Hospital Administration, State University of Iowa, 1961. 58 pp., notes, bibliog. Archives RA971.L54 1961.

700. Lillibridge, William Leverett. “An Historical Analysis of the Graduate Program in Hospital Administration, State University of Iowa, 1946–February, 1961.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1961. 82 pp. Hardin T1961.L729.

701. McClintock, John T. “The College of Medicine, 1870-1945.” Medical Bulletin (University of Iowa. Publications, n.s. 1369), pp. 2-7, illus. July 1, 1945. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

702. McClintock, J.T. “The College of Medicine Seventy-Five Years Ago.” Medical Bulletin (University of Iowa. Publications, n.s. 1352), pp. 4-6, illus. February 3, 1945. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

703. McClintock, John T. “Comments on the Founding and Development of the College of Medicine.” History of Medicine in Iowa. Iowa State Medical Society Journal 36 (April 1946): 174-177. 1870-1928. Hardin; SHSI.

704. McClintock, John T. Historical Sketches Regarding the College of Medicine: State University of Iowa at Iowa City. N.p., 1933. 31 pp., illus. Reprint of his “Historical Statistics….” Hardin. Archives R747 I8 M32 cop.2.

705. McClintock, John T. “Historical Statistics Regarding the College of Medicine, State University of Iowa at Iowa City.” Iowa State Medical Society Journal 23 (February 1933): 103-106, (March 1933): 174-179, illus. Also as his Historical Sketches…. Founding, 1868-1871. Hardin; SHSI.

706. McClintock, John T. “Medical Education in Iowa.” In One Hundred Years of Iowa Medicine, by the Iowa Medical Society, pp. 224-309. Iowa City: Athens Press, 1950. Hardin; Archives R221 .I6 cop.6 .

707. McClintock, John T. Washington Freeman Peck. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1947. 42 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LD2565 .I5 v.2 cop.2 in “Centennial Memoirs.”

708. McClintock, John Thomas. Washington Freeman Peck, M.D., 1841-1891. Iowa City, 1946. 37 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Hardin.

709. McQueen, Donald L. “History of the State University of Iowa, College of Medicine.” Term paper, University of Iowa, 1949. 27 pp. 1851-1947; includes “The History and Social Significance of the Perkins and Haskell-Klaus Laws in Relation to the People of Iowa.” SHSI.

710. Malloy, Michael Jon Anthony. “Research Outcomes of the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act of 1987: An Organizational Analysis.” M.P.A. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, 1992. 97 pp. Includes UI Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination. Iowa State University at Ames.

711. Middleton, Wm. D. “Medical Department, Iowa State University.” Iowa State Medical Society Journal 2 (May 15, 1913): 771-791, illus. 1868-1876. Hardin; SHSI.

712. Miller, Anthony Reinhard, and Susan C. Lawrence. “Revising the Curriculum: ‘Introduction to Clinical Medicine’ at the UI College of Medicine, 1960-1978.” N.p., 1992. 23 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

713. Njus, Nina M., Stuart L. Weinstein, and Joseph A. Buckwalter. “Ignacio Ponseti.” Iowa Orthopaedic Journal 4 (spring 1984): 6-9, illus.

714a. North, Carol S. Welcome Silence: My Triumph over Schizophrenia. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987. 316 pp. Largely UI undergraduate and medical student life, 1970s, with disguised names. Iowa Authors.

714b. Percas de Ponseti, Helena. Homage to Iowa: The Inside Story of Ignacio V. Ponseti. Iowa City: Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, University of Iowa, 2007.  90 pp., illus., notes. Iowa Authors; Hardin; Main RD 728.P66P47 2007.

715. Persons, Stow. “The Flexner Investigation of the University of Iowa Medical School.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 48 (summer-fall 1986): 274-291, notes. Main.

716. Sahs, A.L. History of the Department of Neurology, 1919-1974: The University of Iowa College of Medicine. Iowa City, 1985. 117 pp., illus., plan. Hardin.

717a. Sahs, Adolph L. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 11. 37 pp. 1976. Archives.

717b. Thomas, Theodore N. “Paul, William Darwin (“Shorty”).” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 10 (1976-1980): 623-625, bibliog. Paul, professor of medicine, inventor of Bufferin and Rolaids, and pioneer in sports medicine. Main reference.

718. Thomson, John D. “The Department of Physiology and Biophysics of the University of Iowa: A Brief History.” Iowa City, 1979. 20 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

719. Tidrick, Robert T. “Specific Problems in Medical Education in Iowa.” In Proceedings of the Faculty Conference on Undergraduate Medical Education, by University of Iowa College of Medicine, pp. 24-46. Iowa City, 1962. History of UI College of Medicine. Hardin; Archives R735 .A2F27 1961.

720. Wheatley, Steven C. The Politics of Philanthropy: Abraham Flexner and Medical Education. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1988. 249 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. UI, pp. 101-106. Hardin.

721. “The William B. Bean Festschrift.” Archives of Internal Medicine 134 (November 1974): 794, 796, 823-828, 833-877, illus., notes. Hardin.

See also 29A, 525, 808, 839-840, 865-882, 922A, and 925.



722. Bierring, Walter L. “Annual Announcement of the Iowa Medical College, Keokuk, Iowa, Session of 1855-56.” History of Medicine in Iowa. Iowa State Medical Society Journal 29 (October 1939): 532-533. Hardin; SHSI.

723. Fairchild, D.S. “Medical Education in Iowa.” History of Medicine in Iowa. Iowa State Medical Society Journal 9 (June 1919): 180-187. Also in his History of Medicine in Iowa, pp. 61-83. N.p., n.d. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk. Hardin; SHSI.

724. “Keokuk as a Medical Center, 1850-1870.” Iowa State Medical Society Journal 22 (November 1932): 557-559, illus. Hardin; SHSI.

725. Noyes, A.A. “A History of the Iowa State Medical Society and Its Connection with the Iowa State University.” Iowa Medical Journal 15 (July 15, 1908): 42-45. 1847-1858. Hardin; SHSI.

726. Smith, Ferdinand J. “Early Medical Education of Keokuk: Additional Historical Data.” History of Medicine in Iowa. Iowa State Medical Society Journal 30 (April 1940): 176-177. 1853. Hardin; SHSI.

727. Smith, Ferdinand J. “The Transition from Franklin Medical School to the Keokuk College of Medicine of the State University of Iowa.” History of Medicine in Iowa. Iowa State Medical Society Journal 26 (October 1936): 595-597, (November 1936): 656-662, (December 1936): 707-709, illus., notes. 1842-1856. Hardin; SHSI.

728. Smith, Ferdinand J. The Transition from Franklin Medical School to the Keokuk College of Medicine of the State University of Iowa and History of Drake University College of Medicine. Milford, Iowa, n.d. 87 pp., notes. Hardin.

729a. Speed, Joshua Nichols. “A Medical Student in Keokuk: Letters of Joshua Nichols Speed, 1858-1860.” Edited by William Hanchett. Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 37 (fall 1964): 416-435, illus., notes. Speed, 1833-1900, at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Main; SHSI.



729b. Anderson, Lee, and Kathy Penningroth. Complete in All Its Parts: Nursing Education at the University of Iowa, 1898-1998. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998. 308 pp., illus., tables, notes. Archives RT80 .I82 I693 1998 cop.6.

730. Benz, Gladys S. Journey through Time. Iowa City, 1986. 61 pp., illus., map, bibliog. Archives.

731a. Donahue, M. Patricia. “Teresa Elizabeth Christy.” In American Nursing: A Biographical Dictionary, edited by Vern L. Bullough, Olga Maranjian Church, and Alice P. Stein, pp. 61-64, bibliog. New York: Garland, 1988. Hardin.

731b. Louis, Sidney S. “Butch: A Cautionary Tale of the Dark Period When a ‘Great University’ Abrogated Responsibility to the Students of a Certain College.” Allegation of lesbianism in the College of Nursing, 1950’s. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

732. Means, Elizabeth Keyser. “History of the College of Nursing, the State University of Iowa.” In Nurses Alumnae Association Directory 1951: 1-7. Archives, Records of the College of Nursing (RG 16).

733. Morrison, M. Grace. “History of Nursing at the University of Iowa.” Iowa City, ca. 1945. 22 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 3. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

734. Zemlicka, Pearl. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 41. 56 pp. 1976. Archives.

See also 29A, 875A, 877, and 879.



735. Anderson, Lee. Iowa Pharmacy, 1880-1905: An Experiment in Professionalism. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1989. 178 pp., illus., notes. Ch. 6, ” ‘A Thorough Practical Education’: Professional Education, Pharmaceutical Science, and the Professional Community,” pp. 107-126, 166-169. Main; Hardin; Archives RS67.U7 I83 1989.

736a. Anderson, Lyle Lee. “The Politics of Pharmaceutical Specialization: Iowa as a Case Study, 1875-1905.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1987. 283 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 48: 1869-A. Ch. 6, “Pharmaceutical Science and Professional Education,” pp. 208-243. Main T1987.A548.

736b. Burks, Thomas F. “Iowa Symposium on Pharmacology.” Life Sciences, 27, no. 25-26 (December 22 & 29, 1980). Archives RM 301 .I68 1980.

737. Cooper, Zada M. “History of the College of Pharmacy of the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1947. 274 pp. Hardin; Archives, fRS111 .I8 I6 cop.2.

738. Harper, Mary Ann. “75 Years of Pharmacy.” Staff (University of Iowa) 11 (October 1960): 2-14, illus. Archives, RS111 .I8H37 1960.

739. Kuever, R.A. “The Aspirin Story at the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1958. 10 pp. Archives, LD 2568.3.S8 v.1. in “Faculty Memoirs”.

740a. Kuever, R.A. “The Beginning of Hospital Pharmacy at the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1958. 9 pp. Archives, LD 2568.3.S8 v.1. in “Faculty Memoirs”.

740b. Kuever, R.A. “Professor Emeritus Zada Mary Cooper.” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 25 (winter 1961): 1-6, illus.

741. Schoenwald, Joanne. “Women in Pharmacy at the University of Iowa.” University of Iowa College of Pharmacy News, Summer 1983: 2-11, illus. History; includes Zada M. Cooper. Archives, RS122.9 .S3 1983.

742. A Story of the Past and the Future. Iowa City: University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, 1985 or 1986. 20 pp., illus. Archives, in Subject Vertical File (RG 01.15.15), Pharmacy: “Centennial, 1985” folder.

743. Swisher, Jacob A., and Wilber J. Teeters. “Wilber J. Teeters–Pharmacist and Toxicologist.” Palimpsest 30 (March 1949): 65-92, illus. Main; Archives RS73 .T44W45 1949.

744. Zopf, Louis C. Iowa Pharmacy, a Century of Service: A Chronology of the Iowa Pharmacists Association, 1880-1980. West Des Moines, Iowa: Roblee Hill, 1980. 408 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Ch. 7, “Pharmaceutical Education,” pp. 227-256. Hardin; Archives RM1 .I683Z66 cop.2.

745. Zopf, Louis C. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 27. 48 pp. 1976. Archives.

See also 29A.



746. Britson, Gary. “…for the Welfare of the University.” Iowa Alumni Review 29, no. 6 (October-November 1976): 10-15, 19, 21, illus. Alumni Association, 1869-1976. Main; Archives.

747. Haynes, Alice L. “History of the University of Iowa News Bulletin.” Iowa City, n.d. 10 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Alumni periodical. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

748. Hickerson, Loren L. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 28. 70 pp. 1977. Archives.

749a. Peterson, Margaret L. “A History of the Alumni Association of the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1945. Unpaginated. Archives LD2565.4 .P48 1945.

749b. Pittman, Von.  “Notorious Inmate and Gallant Little Lady: The Education of Nathan Leopold.”  Iowa Heritage Illustrated 91 (Summer 2010): 54-64, facsims., illus., bibl.  Helen Williams, director of UI correspondence study, and Illinois prisoner and prison school.  Adapted from the author’s article in Vitae Scholasticae.

750. Rohbach, James A. “Alumni of the State University of Iowa in Public Life.” Iowa Historical Record 11 (April 1895): 259-281. Main.

751a. “Sixty Years of Alumni Activity.” University of Iowa News Bulletin 4, no. 3 (March 1929): 1-2. 1869-1929. Archives.

751b. Zabel, Jim. Jim Zabel: 65 Years of Fun and Games: I Love It! I Love It! I Love It! Clerisy Press, 2010. 262 pp. Memoir of longtime WHO radio sportscaster and UI alumnus.

See also 26.



752. Banach, Lou, and Mike Chapman. The New Breed: Living Iowa Wrestling. West Point, N.Y.: Leisure Press, 1984. 136 pp., illus. Main; Archives.

753. Bender, Jack. A Gallery of Iowa Sports Heroes. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Voice of the Hawkeyes, 1989. 74 pp., illus. Bender cartoons of UI athletics. Iowa Authors; Archives.

754. Chamberlin, Harold. “Fifty Years of Athletics.” Iowa Alumnus 19 (February 1922): 197, 199-203, 205. Main.

755. Chapman, Mike. A History of Wrestling in Iowa: From Gotch to Gable. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1981. 368 pp., illus. Iowa Authors; Main; Archives.

756a. Chapman, Mike. The Toughest Men in Sports: Looking for the Mental Edge. New York: Leisure Press, 1984. 144 pp., illus. “Dan Gable: Total Commitment and Dedication,” pp. 92-103. Iowa Authors.

756b. Griffith, John L., ed. The Big Ten Book of Athletic Events: A Complete Record of Scores in Major Sports. 1929 edition. Chicago: C.D. Hobson, 1929. 176 pp. Archives.

757a. Holland, Stephen T. “Dan Gable: A Pursuit of the Man and the Legend.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1982. 60 pp. Main T1982.H733.

757b. Holland, Stephen T. Talkin’ Dan Gable. Iowa City: Limerick Publications, 1983. 87 pp., illus. Iowa Authors.

758a. Irving, John. “Gorgeous Dan.” Esquire 79, no. 4 (April 1973): 106-109, 217-221, illus. Dan Gable. Main.

758b. Lester, Ronnie. Ronnie #12. Iowa City: Sports Promotions, Inc., 1983. 154 pp., illus. Archives.

759a. Mahan, Bruce E. “John Van Fleet Crum.” Palimpsest 13 (June 1932): 217-238, illus. Crum, 1872-1897, UI track star. Main; Archives GV1061.15 .C78M34 1932.

759b. Mahan, Bruce E. “The First Iowa Field Day.” Palimpsest 4 (May 1923):137-172. Track events. Archives GV691 .U556M34 1923.

760a. Miller, Ralph. Ralph Miller: Spanning the Game. Champaign, Ill.: Sagamore Publishing, 1990. 222 pp., illus. Part 3, “Coaching at Iowa,” pp. 77-110. UI basketball coach. Main.

760b. Olson, Lute, and David Fisher. Lute! The Seasons of My Life. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006. 321 pp., illus. Main; Archives GV884.O5A3 2006.

761a. Porter, David L., ed. Biographical Dictionary of American Sports: Basketball and Other Indoor Sports. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1989. 801 pp., bibliog. Includes UI wrestlers. Main reference.

761b. Rogers, Leah D. and Clare L. Kernek. “Track and Field in Iowa, 1880s-1960s.” Iowa Heritage Illustrated 91:2 (Summer 2010): 66-71, illus.

762a. Shanley, Mary Kay. “He’s High on the Hawks.” Iowan 36, no. 1 (fall 1987): 26-31, 50-51, illus. Jim Zabel, WHO sportscaster. Main.

762b. Smith, Russ L. The Legend of Dan Gable: “The” Wrestler. Milwaukee, Wis.: Medalist Industries, 1974. 176 pp., illus. Main.

763a. Sponberg, Adryn Lowell. “The Evolution of Athlete Subsidization in the Intercollegiate Conference of Faculty Representatives (Big Ten).” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1968. 237 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 30: 159-A. Media Services 22232.

763b. Turnbull, Buck. From the Press Box: The Iowa Sports Scene. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1996. 200pp., illus. Columns reprinted from the Des Moines Registar; includes UI. Iowa Authors.

764. Voltmer, Carl D. A Brief History of the Intercollegiate Conference of Faculty Representatives, with a Special Consideration of Athletic Problems. New York, 1935. 100 pp., notes, bibliog. Big Ten. Main; Hardin; Law; Archives.

765. Wilcox, Francis O. “First in the Mile Relay.” Palimpsest 13 (May 1932): 181-197, illus. UI 1932 mile relay team. Main; Archives GV1061.22 .I8W5 1932.

766. Wilson, Eric C. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 16. 56 pp. 1976. Sports Information. Archives.

767. Wilson, Kenneth L., and Jerry Brondfield. The Big Ten. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. 496 pp., illus., tables. Main.

768a. Wolf, David. Foul! The Connie Hawkins Story. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. 400 pp. Basketball. Main.

768b. Wolfe, Rich, ed.  For Hawkeye Fans Only: Rousing Toasts from Loyal Sons.  n.p.: Lone Wolfe Press, 2004.  255 p., illus (part col.).  University of Iowa football and men’s basketball.

769a. Yagla, Chuck, and Mike Chapman. Kings of the Mat. Waterloo, Iowa: Myrmidon, 1977. 140 pp., illus. UI wrestling, 1973-1977. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives.

769b. Young, David J., M.D. Arrogance and Scheming in the Big Ten: Michigan State’s Quest for Membership and Michigan’s Powerful Opposition. Charleston: DJY Publishing, 2012. 335 pp.; illus., bibliog. Role of State University of Iowa during 1940s and 1950s. Archives.

769c. Zabel, Jim, with Rich Wolfe.  I Love It! I Love It! I Love It!: 65 Years of Fun and Games.  n.p.: Lone Wolfe Press, 2010.  260 p., illus. (part col.); includes compact disk.  Zabel, b. 1921, sports radio broadcaster covering University of Iowa athletics, and other Iowa subjects.

769d. Zavoral, Nolan. A Season on the Mat: Dan Gable and the Pursuit of Perfection. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998. 288 pp., illus. Main.

See also 75, 84, 458-462, 846 and 974b.



770. Baender, Paul. “Reflections on A Hero Perished.” Books at Iowa 57 (November 1992): 5-15, illus., notes. Nile Kinnick diary and selected letters, edited for publication by Baender, 1991. Main.

771. Briggs, John Ely. “That 1900 Football Team.” Palimpsest 3 (November 1922): 345-363, illus. Main.

772. Bright, Chuck. University of Iowa Football: The Hawkeyes. Huntsville, Ala.: Strode, 1982. 320 pp., illus. Main; Archives.

773. Brockway, John H. State University of Iowa Football: Big Ten Champions, 1900. West Des Moines, Iowa, 1994. Unpaginated, facsims. Includes photocopy of football-shaped souvenir program, Northwestern vs. Iowa, November 29, 1900, Rock Island, Illinois. Special Collections QUAC 95-1383.

774. Chapman, Brian, and Mike Chapman. Evy and the Hawkeyes: The Glory Years. New York: Leisure Press, 1983. 240 pp., illus. Main; Archives.

775. Cohane, Tim. Great College Football Coaches of the Twenties and Thirties. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1973. 329 pp., illus. “Dr. Eddie Anderson: Football Doctor” [1939-1942, 1946-1949], pp. 6-10; “Howard Harding Jones: The Thunder Maker” [1916-1923], pp. 81-87; Jesse B. Hawley [1910-1915], p. 309; Edward P. Madigan [1943-1944], p. 310; Oscar M. Solem [1932-1936], p. 311. Main.

776. Couppee, Albert W. One Magic Year: 1939: An Ironman Remembers. N.p., 1989. 145 pp., diagrs., illus. Archives.

777. Cummins, Tait. Who’s Who in Iowa Football. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Stamats Pub. Co., 1948. 112 pp., illus. 1889-1948. SHSI; Archives.

778a. Duckworth, Gregg. “Iowa Pre-Flight.” Voice of the Hawkeyes 5, no. 2 (September 7, 1988): 14-15, 26, illus. Seahawks football, 1942-1944. Archives.

778b. Dukes, Mark, and Gus Schrader. Greatest Moments in Iowa Hawkeye Football History. Edited by Francis J. Fitzgerald. Chicago: Triumph Books, 1998. 223 pp., illus. Main.

779. Edson, W.C. Football in the Gay Nineties. N.p., ca. 1949. 24 pp. Buena Vista College and Storm Lake, Iowa, 1893-1896; Iowa State University, 1897-1898; and UI, 1899-1900 and 1905. SHSI; Iowa Authors.

780. Fimrite, Ron. “Nile Kinnick.” Sports Illustrated 67, no. 9 (August 31, 1987): 112-124, illus. Main.

781. Fisher, Scott M. The Ironmen. Lincoln, Nebr.: Media Publishing, 1989. 125 pp., illus. Archives.

782. Grady, Al. 25 Years with the Fighting Hawkeyes: Fourth Quarter, 1964-1988. Iowa City: University of Iowa Athletic Department, 1989. 196 pp., illus. Football. Part two of two-volume set, One Hundred Years of Iowa Football, 1889-1989. McGrane, Bert, Dick Lamb and Al Grady. Archives.

783. Harker, Carol. “100 Years of Iowa Football.” Iowa Alumni Review 42, no. 5 (September 1989): 16-33; no. 6 (November 1989): 16-31, illus. Main; Archives.

784a. Hyman, Mervin D., and Gordon S. White, Jr. Big Ten Football: Its Life and Times, Great Coaches, Players, and Games. New York: Macmillan, 1977. 344 pp., illus. Main.

784b. Jones, Howard H. How to Coach and Play Football. Iowa City: The Clio Press, 1923. 128 pp., illus. Archives.

785. Karras, Alex. Even Big Guys Cry. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977. 246 pp. Main.

786. Kinnick, Nile. A Hero Perished: The Diary and Selected Letters of Nile Kinnick. Edited by Paul Baender. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1991. 290 pp., illus., map, notes. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives GV939 .K56 A3 1991 cop. 3.

787a. Lamb, Dick, and Bert McGrane. 75 Years with the Fighting Hawkeyes. Iowa City: University of Iowa Athletic Department, 1989. [3d printing] 284 pp., illus., tables. Football. Part one of two-volume set, One Hundred Years of Iowa Football, 1889-1989. McGrane, Bert, Dick Lamb and Al Grady. Archives.

787b. Larson, Don. Iowa Rose Bowl Memories. Self-published. 42 pp., illus. Highlights of 1957, 1959 and 1982 Rose Bowl games. Archives.

787c. Lidd, T. (Tom). Nile. Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse, 2008. 449 pp., illus. Fictionalized biography of Nile Kinnick. Iowa Authors.

788. McCallum, John D. Big Ten Football since 1895. Radnor, Pa.: Chilton, 1976. 318 pp., illus., tables. Main.

789. McGrane, Martin. “Remembering Nile Kinnick.” Iowan 38, no. 1 (fall 1989): 16-22, 62-64, illus. Main.

790. Newhouse, Dave. After the Glory: Heisman. St. Louis: Sporting News Pub. Co., 1985. 319 pp., illus. Ch. 3, “Nile Kinnick Jr.,” pp. 45-57. Iowa State University at Ames.

791. “Old Football and Footballers.” Iowa Alumnus 18 (November 1920): 42-48. Main.

792. Petersen, William J., John O’Donnell, Bert McGrane, Tait Cummins, Gus Schrader, Al Grady, and Eric Wilson. “University Football through the Years.” Palimpsest 38 (October 1957): 389-452, illus., tables. Main; Archives GV958 .I6U55 1957.

793. Peterson, James A. Slater of Iowa. Chicago: Hinckley & Schmitt, 1958. 42 pp., illus. Special Collections Quac 94-1100; Archives.

794. Porter, David L., ed. Biographical Dictionary of American Sports: Football. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1987. 763 pp., bibliog. Includes UI coaches and players. Main reference.

795a. Roberts, Howard. The Big Nine: The Story of Football in the Western Conference. New York: Putnam, 1948. 259 pp., illus., tables. Main.

795b. Schmidt, Raymond. “The 1929 Iowa Football Scandal: Paying Tribute to the Carnegie Report?” Journal of Sport History 34:3 (Fall 2007): 343-351, illus., footnotes. Main.

796. Shuttleworth, Craven. Football. N.p., 1962. Unpaginated. 1920-1922 squads. Archives.

797. Smith, Raymond A., Jr. ” ‘He Opened Holes Like Mountain Tunnels.’ ” Palimpsest 66 (May-June 1985): 87-92, 97-100, illus. Archie Alexander. Main.

798a. Stump, D.W. Kinnick: The Man and the Legend. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1975. 127 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives.

798b. Tunnell, Emlen. Footsteps of a Giant. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1966. 238 pp.

799. Wood, Bob. Big Ten Country: A Journey through One Football Season. New York: Morrow, 1989. 271 pp. Ch. 5, “University of Iowa,” pp. 120-150. Michigan at Iowa game, October 15, 1988. Main.


See also 130b (Schultz, Jessica Lynn), 164 and 975-976.



800. Florman, Jean C. “C. Vivian Stringer.” Iowa City Magazine 4, no. 11 (December 1993): 12-16, illus. Basketball. Main; SHSI; Special Collections w- collection.

801. Helgeson, Meridel Irene. “The History of the Seals Club.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1974. 148 pp. Swimming club for women. Main T1974.H475. Archives GV836.25 .S4H44 1974.

802. Lienau, Maureen K. “The Metamorphosis of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women at the University of Iowa, 1974-1984.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1989. 290 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 50: 3515-A. Main T1989.L722.

803a. Seymour, Harold. Baseball, vol. 3, The People’s Game. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 639 pp., illus., bibliog. Main.

803b. Stringer, C. Vivian, with Laura Tucker. Standing Tall: A Memoir of Tragedy and Triumph. New york: Crown, 2008. 291 pp., illus. SHSI; Main GV884.S765A3 2008.

803c. Williams, Vicki Annette. A Case Study of Success Against the Odds: The Leadership Development and Career Progression of an African American Female Head Basketball Coach: C. Vivian Stringer. Ph.D. dissertation, Bowling Green State University, 2002. 246 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 63: 3497-A.

See also 463-467.



804. Bates, Katherine V. “History of the State University of Iowa: Aspects of the Physical Structure.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1949. 293 pp. UI buildings. Main; Archives LD2568.8 .B38 1949.

805. Bates, Katherine. “The Physical Plant of the State University of Iowa, Its Growth and Development from 1847-1947.” Iowa City, 1948. 64 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

806. Brcak, Nancy J., and Jean W. Sizemore. “The ‘New’ University of Iowa: A Beaux-Arts Design for the Pentacrest.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 51 (fall 1991): 149-167, illus., notes. Main.

807. Briggs, Shirley Ann. “In the Lifetime of a Bur Oak.” Palimpsest 18 (October 1937): 335-342. Trees on UI campus, 1762-1936. Main.

808. Eckhardt, Patricia Ann Lacey. “Proudfoot and Bird, Campus Architects: Building Facilities for Professional Education at the University of Iowa, 1898-1910.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1990. 391 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 52: 714-A. Art; Archives LB3218 .I8E25 1990.

809. Gebhard, David, and Gerald Mansheim. Buildings of Iowa. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. 565 pp., illus., maps, notes, bibliog. University of Iowa, pp. 259-264. Art.

810. Gray, Steve. “Proudfoot and Bird.” Seminar paper, Iowa State University, Ames, 1975. 29 pp. Architects for UI and other buildings. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

811. Johnson, Florence Evelyn. “The Urban Geography of Iowa City.” M.A. thesis, University of Toronto, 1952. 505 pp. Ch. 9, “Government and Special Land Use,” pp. 266-307. Largely on physical development of UI campus. Media Services 8816.

812a. Lafore, Laurence. American Classic. Iowa City: State Historical Society, 1975. 95 pp., illus. Includes UI buildings. Main; Art; Law; Special Collections x- collection fNA735 .I58 L33; Archives.

812b. Olmsted Brothers. The Report of Olmsted Brothers, Landscape Architects of Brookline, Massachusetts: Outlining Plans for the Future Arrangement of the Grounds and Buildings of the State University of Iowa. [Iowa City]: Published by the University, 1905. 16 pp. Archives LB3223.4.I55 O55 1905.

813a. Rusnak, Cecilia Jaswa. “Nineteenth Century Campus Planning at the University of Iowa.” Term paper, University of Iowa, 1989. 25 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

813b. Scott, John Beldon and Rodney P. Lehnertz. The University of Iowa Guide to Campus Architecture. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2006.

813c. Sizemore, Jean. “An Iowa Renaissance: Campus Planning at the University of Iowa.” Paper presented at the fifteenth annual Graduate Student Seminar, Art Institute of Chicago, April 19, 1980. 11pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

814a. Sizemore, Jean. “The Planning of the Pentacrest, 1898-1905.” Term paper, University of Iowa, 1979. 17 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

814b. Vanderwicken, Ann. “A Survey of Campus Architecture: University of Iowa, 1965.” Seminar paper, University of Iowa, 1965. 58 pp., photographs, bibliog. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

815. Witzke, Brian J., ed. Geology of the University of Iowa Campus Area, Iowa City: With a Walking Tour along the Iowa River. Iowa Geological Survey Guidebook 7. Rev. ed. 76 pp. 1985. Includes campus building stones. Archives QE112.J6G46 1984 cop.6

See also 423A.



816. American Association for State and Local History. A Historical Guide to the United States. New York: Norton, 1986. 601 pp., illus. “Old Capitol,” pp. 164-168. Main.

817. Baker, Ann Marie. “The Historic Textiles of Iowa’s Old Capitol, 1842-1857.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1974. 123 pp. Main T1974.B166; Archives T1974.B166 (film).

818. Bower, Robert K. “Frontier Stone: The Story of Iowa’s Old Capitol.” Palimpsest 57 (July-August 1976): 98-121, illus., plans. Main; Archives NA4413 .I84B68 1976.

819. Dawson, Steven Kent. “The Interior Design of the House of Representatives Chamber of Iowa’s Old Capitol 1842-1857.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1972. 104 pp. Main T1972.D272.

820. “Early Uses of the Old Capitol Building.” Iowa Alumnus 9 (May 1912): 227. Main.

821. Griffith, C.F. “H.V. Gildea: Pioneer Church Builder.” Iowa Catholic Historical Review 1 (January 1930): 14-25, illus., notes. Includes Mazzuchelli and Old Capitol. Main.

822. Keyes, Margaret N. “The Gallery Will Be Reserved for Ladies.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 42 (summer 1973): 1-16, illus., notes. Main; Archives NA4413 .I84K38 1973.

823. Keyes, Margaret N. “A Home Economist Does Historic Preservation.” Journal of Home Economics 67, no. 3 (May 1975): 19-22, illus., notes. Main.

824. Keyes, Margaret N. “In Search of an Original: The Restoration of Old Capitol.” Iowan 26, no. 1 (fall 1977): 4-13, illus. Main; Archives fNA4413 .I84K39 1977.

825. Keyes, Margaret N. “Old Capitol: A Greek-Revival Monument in Iowa.” Victorian Society in America Newsletter 5, no. 6 (fall 1973): 6-9, illus. Archives, in Faculty and Staff Vertical File (RG 01.15.03) in “Keyes, Margaret N.” folder.

826. Keyes, Margaret N. “Old Capitol, Iowa City, Iowa.” Antiques 114 (July 1978): 120-131, illus, notes. Also in The Antiques Book of Victorian Interiors, compiled by Elisabeth Donaghy Garrett, pp. 28-39, illus., notes. New York: Crown, 1981. Main; Art; Archives fNA4413 .I84K397 1978.

827. Keyes, Margaret N. Old Capitol: Portrait of an Iowa Landmark. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1988. 171 pp., illus., maps, plans, notes, bibliog. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives NA 4413 .I84K4 1988 cop. 2.

828. Keyes, Margaret N. “Old Capitol Restored.” Palimpsest 57 (July-August 1976): 122-128, illus., bibliog. Main.

829. Keyes, Margaret N. “Piecing Together Iowa’s Old Capitol.” Historic Preservation 26 (January-March 1974): 40-43, illus. Art; SHSI; Archives NA4413 .I84K42 1974.

830a. Lathrop, H.W. “The Capitals and Capitols of Iowa.” Iowa Historical Record 4 (July 1888): 97-124, illus. Old Capitol, pp. 99-109. Main.

830b. McCray, Linzee Kull. Facing East and Facing West: Iowa’ Old Capitol Museum. Iowa City: University of Iowa, [2007]. 56 pp., illus. Main; Archives.

831. Old Capitol. Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1928. 16 pp., illus. Main; Special Collections x- collection F629 .I6 I6; Archives NA4413 .I84 O5 1928 cop.3.

832a. “The Old Capitol Building; A Plea for Its Preservation.” Iowa Alumnus 13, no. 5 (February 1916): 5-8, illus. Main.

832b. Old Capitol: The Story of a Building and of How it Came to Symbolize the Strength and Energy of a State and a School. SUI, Iowa City, 1949, 12pp. Archives NA4413 .I84 O52 1949.

833. Plum, H.G. “The ‘Old Stone Building.'” Iowa Historical Record 12 (January 1896): 418-425. Main.

834. Shambaugh, Benj. F. “John Francis Rague: Architect.” Palimpsest 20 (May 1939): 169-172. Also in Palimpsest 48 (February 1967): 73-76. Main.

835. Shambaugh, Benj. F. The Old Stone Capitol Remembers. Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1939. 435 pp. Includes Old Capitol and UI. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives F629 .I6S53 cop. 4.

836a. Shambaugh, Benj. F. “A Plan for the Capitol.” Palimpsest 20 (May 1939): 164-168. Also in Palimpsest 48 (February 1967): 68-72. Main.

836b. Walsh, Tom C. and R.T. Hilton. Old Capitol, Iowa City, Iowa. Photos by Drake Hokanson. 1976. 28pp. Archives NA4413 .I84W34 1976.

837. Woodman, Betsy H. “John Francis Rague: Mid-Nineteenth Century Revivalist Architect (1799-1877).” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1969. 2 vols. (339 pp.). Vol 1, ch. 3, “The Iowa State Capitol,” pp. 67-103; vol. 2, pp. 264-277. Archives T1969.W893.

See also 212 and 923.



838. Bates, Katherine V. “Old South Hall.” Palimpsest 29 (April 1948): 97-110, illus. Main.

839. Bierring, Walter L. “Reveries of a Doctor: The Old Medical Building.” Iowa Alumnus 16 (February 1919): 134-138, illus. Main.

840. Bierring, Walter L. “Two Historic Cornerstones.” Iowa State Medical Society Journal 37 (April 1947): 176-177, 180, illus. Cornerstones of Mechanics Academy and Old Medical Building in entrance hall of Medical Laboratory Building. Hardin; SHSI.

841. Canter, Miriam, and Arthur Canter. “Hancher Auditorium–A Twenty-Year History.” Hancher Auditorium 20th Anniversary Event Program (October 30, 1992): 24-37, illus. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

842. “Close Hall.” Iowa City, n.d. 21 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives, in Miscellaneous Papers, LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

843a. Eckhardt, Patricia. “Schaeffer Hall.” Books at Iowa 57 (November 1992): 35-59, illus., notes. Main.

843b. Florman, Jean. And Now Presenting…Hancher Auditorium at 30. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 2002. 68, [20] pp., illus. Archives NX805.I6F56 2002.

844. Klaver, Linda M. “The University of Iowa Art Building as Constructed under the PWA.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1975. 92 pp. Archives T1975.K636.

845. Nicolosi, Vincent. “Dorm Living in Past Years.” Daily Iowan, July 7, 1978. History of Currier Hall. Archives, in Buildings and Grounds Vertical File (RG 01.15.02) in “Currier Hall” folder.

846. 1927-1982 Remembered, 55 Years, Iowa Field House. Iowa City: Goodfellow Sports Promotions, 1982. 10 pp., illus. Main; Archives.

847. Pickard, J.L. “The First Home of the University.” Iowa Historical Record 13 (April 1897): 77-78. Mechanics’ Academy. Main.

848. Schoenberger, Mary. “The Opera House.” Iowa City, 1945. 33 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 1. UI use of opera house in Iowa City, 1877-1899. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

849. Sellen, Eric. “Dream to Reality: Getting a Theatre Building, 1920-85.” In Theatre Building, the University of Iowa: Dedication Playbook, September 1985, pp. 6-12, illus., plans. Iowa City, 1985. Archives, in Buildings and Grounds Vertical File (RG 01.15.02) in”Theater Building” folder.

850. Stewart, G.W. “Incidents in Connection with the Construction of the Physics Building at the University of Iowa, 1909-1911.” Iowa City, 1952. 24 pp. MacLean Hall. Archives in Faculty Memoirs LD2568.3 S8 v.6; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

851. Swisher, Jacob A. “The Cradle of the University.” Palimpsest 28 (May 1947): 129-143. Mechanics’ Academy. Main.

852. Young, William C. Famous American Playhouses, 1900-1971. Documents of American Theatre History, 2. Chicago: American Library Association, 1973. 297 pp., illus., plans, notes, bibliog. “University of Iowa,” 2: 201-205. Theatre Building. Main.

See also 669, 922, and 929.



See 302.



853a. Bass, Jack Edward. “The History of the State University of Iowa: The Extension Division.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1943. 99 pp. Main T1943.B317; Archives LC6301 .I65 B38 1943.

853b. Penn, Vivian-Sue. “A Study of the Origin, Structure and Significance of the Lake Okoboji Educational Media Leadership Conferences, 1955-1970.” Ed.D., Temple University, 1973. 286 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 34: 3938-A. Psychology.

853c. Pittman, Von. “Out on the Fringe: Helen Williams and Early Correspondence Study.” American Educational History Journal 33:1 (2006): 107-116, notes.

See also 963.



854. Rogers, Earl M. “Fiction with an Iowa City Setting: An Updated Checklist.” Books at Iowa 55 (November 1991): 37-72, notes. Main.



855. Amert, Kay, O M Brack, Jr., and K.K. Merker. “Works Printed by K.K. Merker: The Stone Wall Press, the Windhover Press, and Others.” Books at Iowa 25 (November 1976): 21-24, 26-27, 29-33, illus. Windhover Press at UI. Main.

856a. Berger, Sidney E. “Kim Merker: 35 Years of Fine-Press Printing.” AB Bookman’s Weekly 90 (November 23, 1992): 1941, 1944, 1946, 1948, 1950, illus., notes. Stone Wall Press and Windhover Press.  Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

856b. Berger, Sidney B. “Printing and the Mind of Merker: A Bibliographical Study.” With contributions by Harry Duncan, Dana Gioia, and K.K. Merker. New York: Grolier Club, 1997. 138. Exhibition catalog.

857. Bohn, Melvin Michael. “The Cummington Press and Abattoir Editions: A Descriptive Bibliography of the Presswork of Harry Duncan, 1939-1985.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Nebraska, 1986. 2 vols. (514 pp.). Dissertation Abstracts International 47: 1310-A. Media Services 27997.

858. Childers, Rebecca. “Kay Amert: Attentive to the Task at Hand.” Iowa Woman 13, no.4 (winter 1993): 27-31, illus. Main; Special Collections x- collection XHQ1438.I8I8, Box 4.

859. Coleman, Carroll. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 26. 53 pp. 1976. Archives.

860. Harrison, John M. “A Confirmed Typomaniac: Carroll Coleman and the Prairie Press.” Books at Iowa 62 (April 1995): 15-75, illus. Main.

861. “Harry Duncan.” In Against the Grain: Interviews with Maverick American Publishers, edited by Robert Dana, pp. 43-86. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1986. Main; Archives Z741.A35 1986.

862a. McComb, Don E. “Harry Duncan and the Craft of Hand Printing.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1985. 151 pp. Main T1985.M2685.

862b. O’Connell, Bonnie. “The Quality of Response: Kim Merker and the Literary Fine Press.” Books at Iowa 64 (April 1996): 3-13, illus. Main.

863. Pearce, Floyd. “Carroll Coleman & the Prairie Press.” Wapsipinicon Almanac (Anamosa, Iowa) 3 (1990): 113-115. Main.

864. Taylor, W. Thomas. “The Iowa Center for the Book.” American Craft 47, no. 3 (June-July 1987): 26-33, illus. Art.



865. Belgum, David. A Progress Report of the Graduate Program in Clinical Pastoral Education, 1964-1970, College of Medicine and School of Religion, the University of Iowa. Iowa City, n.d. 39 pp. Includes history of denominational chaplaincies at UI hospital. Hardin; Archives.

866. Belgum, David. Excuse Me, I’m Just Passing by. Iowa City: Rose of Sharon Pub. House, 1992. 224 pp., illus. Main; Special Collections QUAC 93-250.

867. Belgum, David. Memoirs of Iowa’s Only Socialist Mayor. Iowa City: Rose of Sharon Pub. House, 1990. Enlarged ed. 74 pp., illus., maps, tables. Main, Archives.

868. Boulware, Lois. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 37. 75 pp. 1977. Student Health Service. Archives.

869a. Condon, Mary Brigid. From Obscurity to Distinction: The Story of Mercy Hospital, Iowa City, 1873-1993. Iowa City: Mercy Hospital, 1993. 205 pp., illus., maps, bibliog. Includes early relationship to UI. Hardin; IWA; Iowa Authors.

869b. Edwards, J.A. and Sadie Seagrave. “A Brief History of the State Sanatorium at Oakdale, Iowa.” Unpublished typescript, n.d. 18 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

870. Harn, Thomas Joseph. “The Development and Utilization of the County Quota System at the State University of Iowa Hospitals.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1955. 38 pp. Ch. 1, “Development of the Quota System,” pp. 1-13. Hardin; Archives T1955.H2892.

871. Hearst, James. My Shadow below Me. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1981. 235 pp. Includes UI hospital (orthopedics patient) and John T. Frederick (Department of English). Iowa Authors; SHSI.

872a. Huston, Paul E. “The Iowa State Psychopathic Hospital.” Palimpsest 54, no. 6 (November-December 1973): 11-27; 55, no. 1 (January-February 1974): 18-30, illus. Main.

872b. Huston, Paul E. “The Iowa State Psychopathic Hospital.” Reprinted from the Palimpsest, Vol.54, no.6. Archives RC445.I63H88 1974.

873. Huston, Paul E. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 42. 50 pp. 1977. Archives.

874. The Iowa State Psychopathic Hospital and the Department of Psychiatry, Semicentennial Celebration, 1920-1970. Iowa City, 1970. 44 pp. Hardin; Archives.

875a. Koopman, Ken. “The University Hospitals.” Iowan 12, no. 1 (fall 1963): 34-52, illus. Includes brief history. Main.

875b. Levey, Samuel. The Rise of a University Teaching Hospital, a Leadership Perspective: The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 1898-1995. Chicago: Health Administration Press, 1997. 465 pp., illus., maps, tables, notes. Hardin, Law.

876. McCray, Paul B., Jr. A History of the Department of Pediatrics, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, 1870-1986. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1987. 127 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Hardin; Archives RJ84 .U6M33 1987 cop.3.

877a. Neumann, Tali. “The Administrations of Marie E. Tener, Helen F. Watters, Myrtle Kitchell Aydelotte, and Mary E. Fuller: Four Directors of Nursing Service, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 1949-1979.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1987. 408 pp. Hardin.

877b. Organ Transplantation Service: A Historical Review. Iowa City: University of Iowa Office of Public Information, 1994. 25 pp. Gov Pubs; Archives 17-U582HC 7:O68/2.

877c. Pomerantz, Marvin. The Best I Can Do. Bloomington, Ind.: AuthorHouse, 2006. 227 pp., illus. SHSI; Pomerantz Business Library HC102.5.P66B3 2006.

878. Rembolt, Raymond R. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 43. 37 pp. 1977. Hospital School. Archives.

879. Robnett, Michelle Kearns. “The Growth of a Nursing Leader, Myrtle Kitchell Aydelotte.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1986. 219 pp. Especially as Director, Nursing Service, UI hospital. Hardin.

880. Schweitzer, Cletus Raymond. “A Developmental History of the State Services for Crippled Children’s Program in Iowa.” M.A. project, University of Iowa, 1951. 55 pp. School of Social Work; unable to locate. 

881a. Smith, Carol Dean. “An Historical Study of the Social Services Department at Psychopathic Hospital.” M.A. project, University of Iowa, 1963. 74 pp. School of Social Work; unable to locate. 

881b. Spear, Mrs. William and Basil Waddington. “A Brief History of Oakdale.” Unpublished typescript. 7 pp., addenda. Oakdale Sanatorium. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

881c. Spear, William. “Early History of State Sanatorium of Iowa.” Unpublished typescript, n.d. 2 pp. Oakdale Sanatorium. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

881d. Swaim, Ginalie. “Tuberculosis: The White Plague in Iowa.” Iowa Heritage Illustrated 86, no. 2 (summer 2005): 72-73, illus. Notes Oakdale Sanatorium. SHSI.

882a. Van Metre, Dean Frederick. “History of the Iowa Law Relating to the Medical and Surgical Care of Indigent Persons.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1959. 89 pp. Hardin.

882b. Walsh, Tom. “Community Health.” Iowa Alumni Quarterly 50, no. 1 (spring 1997): 34-37, illus. Oakdale tuberculosis sanitarium. Archives.

See also 699-700 and 739-740.



883. Ash, Mitchell G. “Cultural Contexts and Scientific Change in Psychology: Kurt Lewin in Iowa.” American Psychologist 47 (February 1992): 198-207, notes. Psychology; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

884. Ash, Mitchell G. “Kurt Lewin in Iowa.” In Kurt Lewin–Person, Werk, Umfeld: Historische Rekonstruktionen und aktuelle Wertungen aus Anlass seines hundertsten Geburtstags, edited by Wolfgang Schonpflug, pp. 193-209, notes. New York: P. Lang, 1992. In German. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

885. Barr, Bernadine Courtright. “Spare Children, 1900-1945: Inmates of Orphanages as Subjects of Research in Medicine and in the Social Sciences in America.” Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1992. 341 pp. Dissertation Abstracts International 53: 3656-A. “A Controversy,” pp. 214-233. ICWRS and Iowa Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home (Annie Wittenmyer Home), Davenport. Stanford University.

886. Boyd, Willard. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, addendum. Iowa City, 1981. 16 pp. Archives.

887. Cravens, Hamilton. Before Head Start: The Iowa Station & America’s Children. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993. 327 pp., illus., notes. Psychology; Archives HQ778.7 .U6C73 1993 cop.3.

888. Cravens, Hamilton. “Child-Saving in the Age of Professionalism, 1915-1930.” In American Childhood: A Research Guide and Historical Handbook, edited by Joseph M. Hawes and N. Ray Hiner, pp. 415-488, notes, bibliog. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1985. Main.

889. Crissey, Marie Skodak. “Beth Lucy Wellman (1895-1952).” In Women in Psychology: A Bio-Bibliographic Sourcebook, edited by Agnes N. O’Connell and Nancy Felipe Russo, pp. 350-357, notes. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1990. Psychology.

890. Cronbach, Lee J., Albert H. Hastorf, Ernest R. Hilgard, and Eleanor E. Maccoby. “Robert R. Sears (1908-1989).” American Psychologist 45 (May 1990): 663-664. Psychology.

891. Heider, Grace M. “Lewin, Kurt.” Dictionary of American Biography, suppl. 4 (1946-1950): 484-486, bibliog. Main reference.

892. The Institute of Child Behavior and Development: Fifty Years of Research, 1917-1967. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1967. 129 pp. Main; Main reference; Hardin; Psychology; Archives Z5814 .C5 I6 cop.8.

893. Kurtz, Mary Ann. “History of the Child Welfare Research Station.” Iowa City, 1944. 24 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 3. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.

894. Lasch-Quinn, Elisabeth. “Children under the Expert Eye: The Rise of Child Development Science.” Reviews in American History 22 (June 1994): 346-351. Essay review of Hamilton Cravens, Before Head Start: The Iowa Station and America’s Children, 1993. Main.

895. Lippitt, Ronald. “Lewin, Kurt.” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 9: 266-271, bibliog. 1968. Main reference.

896. Lipsitt, Lewis P., and Joan H. Cantor, eds. Experimental Child Psychologist: Essays and Experiments in Honor of Charles C. Spiker. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum, 1986. 289 pp., notes, bibliog. Psychology.

897. Marrow, Alfred J. The Practical Theorist: The Life and Work of Kurt Lewin. New York: Basic Books, 1969. 290 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. Psychology.

898. Minton, Henry L. “The Iowa Child Welfare Research Station and the 1940 Debate on Intelligence: Carrying on the Legacy of a Concerned Mother.” Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 20 (April 1984): 160-176, notes. Main; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

899. Minton, Henry L. Lewis M. Terman: Pioneer in Psychological Testing. New York: New York University Press, 1988. 342 pp., illus., notes, bibliog. “The Reopening of the Testing Debate,” pp. 191-201. Stanford-Iowa debate of 1940. Psychology.

900. Schlotfelt, Ruth Anne. “Concerning Amy Louise Daniels.” Seminar paper, University of Iowa, 1962. 53 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

901. Shelley, James E., comp. A Survey of Manuscript Sources for the History of Psychiatry and Related Areas in the Rockefeller Archive Center. North Tarrytown, N.Y.: Rockefeller Archive Center, 1985. 107 pp. Includes UI child study and other subjects. Main.

902. Smith, Afton. “Twenty-One Years in Iowa.” Iowa City, 1958. 13 pp. Archives LD2568.3 .S8 v.1 no.1-11 “faculty memoirs”.

903a. Smith, Melissa A., comp. A Survey of Sources for the Study of the History of Child Studies at the Rockefeller Archive Center. North Tarrytown, N.Y., 1988. 86 pp. Includes UI. Main.

903b. Smuts, Alice Boardman. “Science Discovers the Child, 1893-1935: A History of the Early Scientific Study of Children.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1995. 2 v. (586 pp.). Dissertation Abstracts International 56: 4919-A.

904. Stoddard, George D. The Pursuit of Education: An Autobiography. New York: Vantage Press, 1981. 289 pp., illus. Ch. 4, “Iowa’s Seashore,” pp. 37-50; “The Iowa Years,” pp. 277-278. Main.

905. Stoddard, George D. The Second Decade, a Review of the Activities of the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station, 1928-1938. University of Iowa Aims and Progress of Research 58. University of Iowa Studies, n.s. 366. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1939. 19 pp. Main.

906. Swaim, Ginalie. “Cora Bussey Hills: Woman of Vision.” Palimpsest 60 (November-December 1979): 162-177, illus. Main.

907. University of Iowa. Pioneering in Child Welfare: A History of the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station, 1917-1933. Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1933. 80 pp. Main.

908. Updegraff, Ruth. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 33. 66 pp. 1977. Archives.

909. Wellman, Beth L. “Contributions of Bird Thomas Baldwin to Child Development.” Journal of Juvenile Research 14 (January 1930): 1-7, illus., notes. Main.

See also 506-523.



910. Baker, Debby Zieglowsky. “Eighty Years of Research at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory: A Bibliography.” Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 97 (December 1990): 190-199. Main.

911. Bovbjerg, Richard V., Martin J. Ulmer, and John C. Downey. The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory: Its Past, Present, and Potentials for the Future. N.p., 1974. 69, 139 pp. Main; Biology; Archives Q183 .U62 I6 cop.3.

911a. Lannoo, Michael J. The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory: A Century of Discovering the Nature of Nature. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2012. 98 pp., illus. Archives.

912. Nuss, Elizabeth Frances. “History of the State University of Iowa: The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1946. 161 pp. Main T1946.N97; Archives Q183 .U62 I65 1946.

913. Zieglowsky, Debby J. “Thomas Macbride’s Dream: Iowa Lakeside Laboratory.” Palimpsest 66 (March-April 1985): 42-56, 61-65, illus. Main.

See also 853A.



914. “Iowa Memorial Union, 1963-1970, the Kottner Era.” Iowa City, n.d. 21 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

915. Musselman, Gearhart Alan. “A History of the Iowa Memorial Union.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1969. 223 pp. Main T1969.M988; Archives LD2570 .I68M88 1969; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

916. Neville, Mary Jane. “A History of the Iowa Memorial Union.” Iowa City, 1944. 25 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 5. Archives, LD2568 .H58 1942 v.5.



917. Dwyer, Genevieve. “University of Iowa Lectureship (1872-1944).” Iowa City, ca. 1944. 12 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 1. Lecture series. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

See also 419.



918a. Ambrose, Jennifer. “‘No Masterpiece of Architectural Design’: The Relationship Between Library Structure, Mid-Century Pedagogy and Student Reading Experience at the University of Iowa.” Class paper, University of Iowa, 2004. 23 pp. Ralph Ellsworth and the development of the University of Iowa Main Library. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

918b. Bennett, Astrid Hilger. “Finding Art in the Inner Details.” Iowa Woman 13, no. 4 (winter 1993): 22-26, illus. Pamela Spitzmueller, Conservator. Main; Special Collections x-collection xHQ1438.I8I8 Box 4.

919. Bentz, Dale M. Reflections on a Lifetime. Iowa City: Maecenas Press, 1990. 134 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors.

920a. Brigham, Johnson. “Mrs. Ada E. North.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 6 (January 1905): 624-626, illus. Mrs. North, 1840-1899, UI librarian 1879-1892. Main.

920b. Buell, R.R. “An Introductory Report On Use of Books in an Open Shelf Library at the State University of Iowa.” 20pp. 1942. Archives LD 2568 .H58 1942 v.5.

921. Dickey, Jack. “The Physics Library of the University of Iowa.” University of Iowa Libraries Newsletter 9, no. 3 (January 1981): 1-2. Archives, in Subject vertical file (RG 01.15.05) in Libraries : Physics Library folder.

922a. Ellsworth, Ralph E. Ellsworth on Ellsworth: An Unchronological, Mostly True Account of Some Moments of Contact between “Library Science” and Me, since Our Confluence in 1931, with Appropriate Sidelights. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1980. 163 pp., illus., bibliog. “Another Chance at Modular Planning at Iowa,” pp. 47-50; “Projects I Was Involved with at Iowa, 1944-58,” pp. 51-83. Main.

922b. Erickson, Lori. “John Martin’s Books.” Iowan 43, no. 4 (summer 1995): 24-31, illus. Rare medical books, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. Main.

923a. Esbin, Martha. “Old Capitol Library: Its History, Contents, and Restoration.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 42 (winter 1975): 523-540, notes. Also in Iowa Library Quarterly 25, no. 1 (spring 1988): 17-42, notes. Main; Archives Z881 .I644E8 1988, 2 copies.

923b. Fingerson, Ronald L. “Treasures of the University Libraries.” Iowan 16, no. 1 (spring 1968), illus. Special Collections highlights. Main.

924. The Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries: A Retrospect on the Occasion of the Retirement of Leslie W. Dunlap, Dean of Library Administration. Iowa City, 1981. 49 pp., illus. Main; Special Collections x-collection Z733.U832F7; Archives Z733.U832F7.

925. Frohwein, Nina. “A History and Description of the State University of Iowa Medical Library, 1870-1938.” Iowa City, n.d. 14 pp; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

926a. Johnson, Edward R. “Ralph E. Ellsworth.” In Leaders in American Academic Librarianship: 1925-1975, edited by Wayne A. Wiegand, pp. 94-123, illus., notes. Beta Phi Mu Chapter, 16. Chicago: American Library Association, 1983. Main; Special Collections x- collection Z720.A4L4 1983.

926b. Kolbet, Richard. “A Brief History of the University of Iowa Libraries.” Iowa City, 2000. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

927. Lorkovic, Tatjana. “The Slavic Collection at the University of Iowa.” Books at Iowa 51 (November 1989): 62-65, notes. “Correction,” 53 (November 1990): 3-4. Library holdings and the teaching of Russian language, literature, history, and political science since 1944. Main.

928a. Mason, Kären M. “History through Women’s Eyes: The Iowa Women’s Archives.” Books at Iowa 59 (November 1993): 15-22. Main.

928b. Mason, Kären, and Tanya Zanish-Belcher.  “Raising the Archival Consciousness: How Women’s Archives Challenge Traditional Approaches to Collecting and Use, or, What’s in a Name?”  Library Trends 56 (Fall 2007): 344-359, bibl., notes.  Includes Iowa State University and Iowa Women’s Archives, University of Iowa.

929a. Monson, Mary. “The Library Fire of 1897.” Palimpsest 61 (July-August 1980): 118-123, illus. Main.

929b. Neal, Kathryn M. “Giving Our History a Home: The African-American Women in Iowa Project.” Books at Iowa 65 (November 1996): 17-23, notes. Main.

930. Parham, Paul Morris. “Malcolm Glenn Wyer, Western Librarian: A Study in Leadership and Innovation.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Denver, 1964. 428 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 25: 4916. “Librarian at the State University of Iowa, 1904-1913,” pp. 69-81; “The State University of Iowa Summer Library School,” pp. 81-87; “Professional Activities in Iowa,” pp. 87-93. Media Services 17996.

931. Persons, Stow. “Ralph Ellsworth and the University of Iowa Libraries.” Books at Iowa 49 (November 1988): 7-15, notes. “A Correction,” 50 (April 1989): 7. Main.

932. Stueart, Robert, ed. Academic Librarianship: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1982. 273 pp., notes, bibliog. Festschrift for Ralph E. Ellsworth. Main.

933a. Throne, Mildred. “The History of the State University of Iowa: The University Libraries.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1943. 121 pp. Main; Archives Z733 .U858T57 1943, copy 2.

933b. University of Iowa Health Sciences Library. Ars Librorum Medicorum Per Quinque Saecula: November 19, 1983 – January 15, 1984: Selections from the John Martin Rare Book Room of the Health Sciences Library. 32 pp., illus. Art; Hardin; Archives Z1029 .A78 1983.

934a. Watts, Blanche. “Iowa Summer Library School.” Iowa City: University of Iowa School of Library Science, 1970. 5 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

934b. Wilcox, Annie Tremmel. “A Degree of Mastery: A Journey through Craft Apprenticeship.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1994. 179 pp. Apprenticeship with conservator William Anthony. Special Collections x- collection.

934c. Wilcox, Annie Tremmel. A Degree of Mastery: A Journey through Book Arts Apprenticeship. Minneapolis: New Rivers Press, 1999. 210 pp., illus. Main.

935a. Wyer, Malcolm Glenn. Books and People: Short Anecdotes from a Long Experience. Denver, Colo.: Old West Pub. Co., 1964. 150 pp. Main.

935b. Yerkes, Lawrence, ed. William Anthony, Fine Binder. Iowa City: University of Iowa Libraries, 2005. 70 pp., col. illus. University of Iowa library conservation laboratory head.

See also 394, 394, and 402.



936a. “Gallery: Ulfert Wilke.” Iowan 23, no. 2 (winter 1974): 10-15, illus. Main.

936b. Roy, Christopher D. and Keith Dominic Westbrook. Art from the Wilderness: From the University of Iowa Museum of Art: Gallery Guide. [Iowa City: The Museum], 1990. 59 pp., illus. Art; Archives N7391.65 .A77 1990.

See also 253.



936c. Bourjaily, Philip. “Birds of a Feather.” Iowa Alumni Quarterly 49, no. 2 (summer 1996): 33-35, illus. Laysan Island Cyclorama. Main; Archives.

937. Dill, Homer R. “The University Museum of Natural History.” Palimpsest 33 (February 1952): 33-64, illus. Main; Archives Q105 .U52 I643 1952.

938. Hall, Reeves. “Arctic Exploration.” Palimpsest 25 (February 1944): 33-49. Frank Russell. Main.

939. Harker, Carol. “Arctic Odyssey.” Iowa Alumni Review 45, (March 1992): 14-18, illus, map. Frank Russell and expedition to collect specimens for the UI Museum of Natural History, 1892-1894. Main.

940. Jackson, Marilyn. “A Gem of a Gallery Fulfills a Turn-of-the-Century Dream.” Iowan 35, no. 2 (winter 1986): 48-50, 52-54, illus. Iowa Hall. Main.

941. Kohler, Francis J. “History of the State University of Iowa: Scientific Expeditions, Collections, and the Museum of Natural History.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1944. 100 pp. Main; Archives Q105 .U52 I646 1944.

942a. Nutting, C.C. “Frank Russell.” Iowa Alumnus 1 (December 1903): 1-4, illus. Main.

942b. Opitz, Cindy.  Window to the World: The University of Iowa Museum of Natural History.  Iowa City: University of Iowa Museum of Natural History, 2010.  59 p., illus. (part col.), bibl. Archives AM101.I69 O65 2010.

943. Sabin, Ed. L. “Dredging for Specimens.” Midland Monthly 1 (March 1894): 201-210, illus. UI Bahama expedition, 1893. Main.

944. Schrimper, George D. “A Brief History of the University of Iowa Museum of Natural History and Its Ornithological Collections.” Iowa Bird Life 52 (December 1982): 103-111, illus. Main; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

945a. Schrimper, George D. “He Searched the Arctic Wilds.” Iowan 28, no. 2 (winter 1979): 24-29, illus., map. Also in An Iowan in the Arctic: Frank Russell’s Expedition to the Far North, 1892-1894, by George D. Schrimper. Iowa City: University of Iowa Museum of Natural History, 1992. 12 pp., illus., map. Frank Russell. Main.

945b. Schrimper, George D. “The University of Iowa Museum of Natural History: An Historical Perspective.” Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 99 (December 1992): 86-97, illus., notes. Main; Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

946. Thomson, Will. “A Whale for Iowa.” Palimpsest 68 (summer 1987): 50-59, illus., map. Main.

See also 553-559.



947. Bennett, Mary. “Images of Victorian Iowa.” Palimpsest 61 (March-April 1980): 34-61, illus. Bertha Shambaugh as photographer. Main.

948. Bennett, Mary. “The Man behind the Camera: Fred W. Kent.” Palimpsest 75 (fall 1994): 102-131, illus. Main.

949. Brown, Janet. “Pairing the Past with the Present.” Iowan 32, no. 3 (spring 1984): 35-39, illus. Includes Fred W. Kent photographs of Iowa City. Main.

950. Hokanson, Drake. “The Professor Was a Photographer.” Iowan 27, no. 2 (winter 1978): 22-28, illus. Samuel Calvin photographs of UI. Main; Archives, in Faculty and Staff Vertical File (RG 01.15.03) in”Calvin, Samuel” folder.

951. Kent, Frederick W. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 9. 34 pp. 1976. Archives.

952. Liffring-Zug, Joan. “Fred Kent’s Iowa.” Iowan 23, no. 2 (winter 1974): 41-47, illus. Main.

953. “Photo by Kent: 60 Years of History on Film” University of Iowa Alumni Review 32, no. 6 (October-November 1979): 22-24, illus. Main.

954. Zieglowsky, Debby J. “Pantatorium Summer.” Palimpsest 68 (summer 1987): 72-83, illus. Fred W. Kent, UI student, and photography at Arnolds Park, Iowa, 1913-1914. Main.

See also 89 and 386.



955. Pownall, Fred M. “History of University of Iowa Publications, 1847 to 1927.” Iowa City, n.d. 43 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

956. Pownall, Fred M. “History of University of Iowa Publications, 1927 to 1955.” Iowa City, n.d. 52 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).



957. Andrews, Ernest Francis. “The Development of Amplitude Modulation Radio Broadcasting Stations in Iowa: A Selective History.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1956. 616 pp. Dissertation Abstracts 16: 2444. Ch. 7, “WSUI, Iowa City,” pp. 204-242. Also brief mention of experimental television. Main T1956.A566.

958. Broders, Forrest M. “A History of Broadcasting at the State University of Iowa.” Term paper, University of Iowa, 1948. 32 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

959. Ebert, Sylvanus J. “Radio History at Iowa.” Iowa Transit 42, no. 5 (February 1938): 3-6, 12, illus. Engineering; Archives.

960. Kurtz, E.B. Pioneering in Educational Television, 1932-1939. Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1959. 166 pp., illus. Engineering; Psychology; Special Collections x- collection LB1044.7; Archives LB1044.7 .K8 cop. 7.

961. Menzer, Carl. “Fifty Years of Broadcasting.” Iowa Transit 73, no. 2 (November 1968): 19-22, illus. Engineering; Archives.

962. Menzer, Carl. “Oral History Interview.” University of Iowa Oral History Project, 2. 31 pp. 1976. Archives.

963. Pittman, Von V., Jr. “Station WSUI and the Early Days of Instructional Radio.” Palimpsest 67 (March-April 1986): 38-52, illus. Main; Archives HE8697.25 .I68 P58 1986.

964. Rachut, Marie Perkins. “History of the State University of Iowa: The Radio Station WSUI.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1946. 150 pp. Main T1946.R11; Archives HE8697.25 .I68R3 1946; Archives T1946.R11 (film).

965a. Scully, Timothy L. “A History of KSUI(FM).” Term paper, University of Iowa, 1981. 24 pp. Archives, in Historical Papers Collection (RG 01.01.03).

965b. Slotten, Hugh Richard. Radio’s Hidden Voice: The Origins of Public Broadcasting in the United States. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2009. 325 pp., illus. Includes references to WSUI.

See also 299.



966. Pitz, Helen. “Relationship of Churches with the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1945. 26 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

967. Russell, Roberta J. “University Chapel.” Iowa City, ca. 1943. 13 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

968. Shedd, Clarence Prouty. The Church Follows Its Students. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938. 327 pp., notes. “University of Iowa,” pp. 190-195, 314, notes. Main.

969. Sleezer, Patricia. “The Religious Struggle at the State University of Iowa.” Seminar paper, Yale Divinity School, 1942. 98 pp. Includes YWCA and YMCA. Archives BR561 .I8 S54 1942.

970. Torpey, Mary Ruth. “The Newman Club at the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, 1945. 19 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

971. Weber, Jean. “History of the Vespers, State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, ca. 1945. 28 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

972. Wiley, Beth Ann. “Religion at the State University of Iowa.” Iowa City, ca. 1944. 21 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 2. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v.1-2.

See also 84, 91, 524-533, and 865-867.



973. McEniry, Josephine. “History of the Summer Sessions on This Campus.” Iowa City, ca. 1945. 17 pp. In “History of the University of Iowa, Miscellaneous Papers,” 4. Archives LD2568 .H58 1942 v. 3-4.



974a. Barnhart, Cornelia Mallett. “Old Gold.” Palimpsest 28 (May 1947): 144-149. Colors and song. Main.

974b.Connors, Timothy. “Big Bird Faces 50.” Iowa Alumni Quarterly 50, no. 3 (autumn 1997): 28-31, illus. Herky the Hawk. Archives.

975. Staub, Herbert K. Price Guide to Iowa Homecoming Badges. Edited and with photography by Phillip M. Pollack. Coralville, Iowa: Iowa Homecoming Badges, 1991. 2d ed. 90 pp., illus. Archives.

976. Strub, Sean O. University of Iowa Homecoming Badges and Forgotten Traditions: A Pictorial Chronology. Coralville, Iowa: Courier Printing, 1975. 58 pp., illus. Main; Iowa Authors; Archives LD2568 .S8 cop.2.



977a. Baldwin, Ralph B. The Deadly Fuze: The Secret Weapons of World War II. Presidio Press, 1980. Recounts the research by James A. Van Allen in 1941-42 through the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University to develop avionic target-sensing devices known as proximity fuzes. Main.

977b. Bangsberg, Harry Frederick. “History of the State University of Iowa: The University and World War I.” M.A. thesis, University of Iowa, 1951. 299 pp. Main; Archives LD2568.8 .B35 1951.

978a. Bourke-White, Margaret, photographer. “Veterans at College.” Life 22, no. 16 (April 21, 1947): 105-113, illus. Main.

978b. Goldman, Joanne Abel. “Mobilizing Science in the Heartland: Iowa State College, the State University of Iowa and National Science during World War II.” The Annals of Iowa 59, no. 4 (Fall 2000): 374-397. Main.

978c. Grinstead, Dan. Afghanistan Diary. Self-published, [2012]. Account of experiences of Army National Guard soldier from the University of Iowa, 2010-2011. 102 pp., illus. Archives.

979a. Horack, Frank E. “The Flag of the University Company.” Iowa Historical Record 15 (July 1899): 517-520. Civil War relic. Main.

979b. Keefer, Louis E. Scholars in Foxholes, 1998, 282 pp. Archives U428.7 .K44 1998 cop.2.

980a. Koch, Louis P. “Drill on the Campus: The Student’s Army Training Corps, 1918.” Palimpsest 56 (November-December 1975): 184-191, illus. Main; Archives U438 .I68K6 1975.

980b. Marrs, K. Ray. I Was There When the World Stood Still. Bloomington, Indiana: First Books Library, 2003. 448 pp. Recounts experiences in Navy V-5 Flight Training program at UI. Archives D790 .M3337 2003.

981a. Rich, Ellen M. “State University of Iowa and the Civil War.” Iowa Historical Record 15 (January 1899): 395-408. Also in Iowa and War 8 (February 1918): 1-24. Main.

981b. Rich, Ellen M. “State University of Iowa and the Civil War.” Iowa and War, no. 8, February 1918. Archives F621 .R52 1918.

982. Scott, Marvin. “The Veterans and the University of Iowa: 1945-1950.” Seminar Paper, University of Iowa, ca. 1969. 29 pp. Archives fUB358.I6S3 1969.

983a. Thornton, Harrison John. “The State University of Iowa and the Civil War.” Annals of Iowa, 3d ser. 30 (January 1950): 198-209. Main.

983b. University of Iowa. Alumni Office. State University of Iowa deceased, World War II / compiled by Alumni Office. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa, 1946. 33 pp. Archives.

984. Van der Zee, Jacob. “Wartime Commencements.” Iowa Alumnus 12, no. 9 (June 1915): 5-7. Student life, 1860-1866. Main.

985. Wanerus, Theodore A. “The University and the Civil War.” Iowa Alumnus 9 (November 1911): 37-40, illus. Main.

See also 73, 74A, 88A, 89, 619, and 778.