The staff of Special Collections & University Archives offers reference services based on the resources in our collections to all interested patrons, including University of Iowa faculty, staff and students, as well as the general public. We provide access to research materials and consult on the direction that research projects might take, and we are pleased to share any knowledge we have regarding other institutions and their collections.
Email Us with a Reference Question
Special Collections staff are happy to answer questions you may have about materials in the University of Iowa Special Collections and Archives. Please allow for 5 business days for staff to initially respond to your email.
Visit Special Collections In-Person
To use our collections in person, please visit us on the third floor of the Main Library on the University of Iowa campus. You can also request reference assistance by emailing us at, or by calling us at 319-335-5921. You may also contact individual staff members directly.
Scanning Services
The University of Iowa Special Collections & Archives offer select scanning services for distance patrons. Depending on the nature of your request, a labor fee may be involved. Please visit our Scanning Services page for more details, and email us at with your scanning needs.
The University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives provides the use of materials to facilitate private study, scholarship, or research. We welcome you to use materials in our collections that are in the public domain and to make fair use of copyrighted materials as defined by copyright law. Please visit our Copyright page for further details on citations and rights information.
Hire an Independent Researcher
If you are unable to visit the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, you have the option to hire an independent researcher to complete research or digital scans on your behalf. Please visit our Hire an Independent Researcher page for more information. Contact to be provided with an up-to-date list of local, independent researchers.
Schedule a Special Collections Class
We also welcome invitations from instructors who wish to have their classes visit the Department for one or more sessions, and we are pleased to collaborate on projects or assignments that require use of rare books or manuscripts. To learn more about scheduling a class session, visit our class scheduling page.