UI Libraries Loan Guidelines
Requests for borrowing UI Libraries Special Collections materials should go through Special Collections. Contact Elizabeth Riordan at elizabeth-riordan@uiowa.edu for further information.
Our Loan period is generally no more than 4 months for the loan of a flat item and no more than 4-6 months for a book. A 6-month loan period is possible only for books with a page change at 3 months.
Depending on what materials are requested, we require minimum a 6-month lead time for in-state exhibits and minimum 1 year for out of state or international exhibits.
After an object list with call numbers is created, materials will be evaluated by Conservation and Special Collections staff. A General Facility Report will be requested from the borrower so that environment, light levels, and security can be evaluated. The University of Iowa Libraries reserves the right to refuse any request.
Fees for the borrowing institution are as follows:
- In state: no fee.
- Out of state: 100.00 one-time fee
- International: 200.00 one-time fee
Conservation treatment and mount preparation are done in house when possible. Depending on materials and needs, these costs are covered by the borrowing institution. Some loans may require an outside appraisal and transportation costs.
The UI Libraries will also require a Loan Agreement agreed and signed by lender and borrower.
Loan guidelines for on-campus departments may vary, depending on materials requested. Conservation treatment, mounting costs, appraisal (if needed) and transportation are generally covered by the UI Libraries for all on campus loans, unless otherwise requested by UI Libraries Special Collections.