Go to Articles by Wallace 1941 -- 1961
– 1940
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Box List
October. "Symposium on Iowa Land Value Appraisals." The Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics
October 15, 1926. "Hoover and the Hog Farmer: Defender of Food Administration Fails to Explain Breaking of Promise in 1918"
"Causes of the World Wide Depression of 1930"
April. 8. Untitled. Des Moines YWCA Magazine
June. "Agriculture Recognized at Last." The Jeffersonian
July. "Wring Out the Old." Country Home
August. "Agriculture and Science." Journal of the Franklin Institute
September. "World Agriculture." Rural America
October 1. " The Roosevelt Administration and the Farmer." Encyclopedia Britannica Bulletin
November. "Beware of Cut-Rate Milk!" Everybody's Health
November. "The Emergency..And After." The Country Gentleman
November. "Planning Together." Cosmopolitan Magazine
November 26. "The New Thanksgiving." Des Moines Register *
December. "Adjusting American Agriculture To The Post-War World." Foreign Affairs
"Statesmanship And Religion." Round Table Press
January. "American Agriculture And World Markets." Foreign Affairs
January. "Fruit Situation Better." American Fruit Growers
January. " America Must Choose." Foreign Policy Association
January. "Potentialities of the Youth Movement." The Educational Record
January 1. [Statement for George E. Anderson for use in Bankers Association Journal ]
January 12. "Employees Aid National Welfare." The Federal Employee
February 15. "Grave Problems Facing Dairy And Beef Cattle Industries." Guernsey Breeders Journal
March. "Where There Is No Vision The People Perish." Christian Herald
June. "Research And Adjustment March Together." Extension Service Review
June. "The Scientist In An Unscientific Society." Scientific American
June 8. "The World At Crossroads." Christian Science Monitor
June 12. "Why Be A Farmer?" Comments on proposed book accompanied by letter to Robert Spiers Benjamin
June 22. Letter, including comments, on the book Monetary Statesmanship by Norman Lombard
July. "The Bugaboos Of Child Labor." The Country Home
August. "Reopening Foreign Markets for Farm Products." Extension Service Review
August 19. "Wallace Answers Critics Of Crop Control." The New York Times. Reprinted in pamphlet form as "A Charted Course Toward Stable Prosperity." By the United States Department of Agriculture, September 1934.*
September. "The United States Has Met the Farm Problem." The Farmer's Monthly
September. "The Drought And The Farmer." The Democratic Digest
September. "Give Research A Chance." Country Gentleman
September 22. "Good-bye to the Fleshpots." The Saturday Review
September 28. "The Tyranny of Greed." Colliers
Series X: Box 2
1934, cont.
October. "What the New Deal Means to You." Independent Woman
October. "Tariff Bargaining for Agriculture." Extension Service Review
October. "The Cost Of The Drought." Encyclopedia Britannica
October 9. "American Farmers' 1934 Cash Income." The Adcrafter
October 16. "Untitled Statement." The Adcrafter
November 2. "Toward Economic Democracy In Agriculture." Grange Lecturers' Handbook
November 22. "Why Advertising Must Have A New Food And Drug Law." Advertising & Selling
November 25. "Henry Wallace's Harvest Sunday Message to People of Iowa." Des Moines Register*
December. "Is the 'A.A.A.' Experiment Proving a Success?" Congressional Digest
December. "We Are More Than Economic Men." Scribner's
December. "Help Pennsylvania in production and marketing programs." Pennsylvania Farm Review
December 30. "Wallace on Crop Control." New York Herald Tribune*
December 30. "Wallace Replies To Critics Of Cotton Control Program." New York Times*
"Our Land Policy Takes Shape." The Ames Forester
January. "'Traffic Lights' for Business vs. Economic Confusion." System and Business Management
January 2. "Beard: The Planner." The New Republic
January 14. "Agriculture and Economic Recovery." Vital Speeches
February. "The Making of Economic Decisions." The Clubwoman
February 2. " America – Recluse or Trader." Collier's
March 14. "The Outlook For Poultry Producers." Poultry Tribune
March 23. "The Bull Index." The Saturday Review of Literature
March 31. "Wallace Points to the Dangers of Tenancy." The New York Times Magazine*
April. "The Influence Of 4-H Clubs." Elizabeth Business
April 16. Untitled Statement. Cedar Rapids Gazette, Farm Edition
May. "Are We Going To Lose More Foreign Trade?" Credit Executive
May. "Farmers Must Assert Themselves." The Southern Planter
May 11. "Farm Facts For Consumers." Wisconsin Agriculturist And Farmer
May 20. "Foreign Trade As National Interest." The New York Forwarder, Foreign Trade Edition
June. "Our Common Interest In Restoring Foreign Trade." Commercial Fertilizer
June 11. "Searching for a Permanent Program." Cotton Trade Journal
Series X: Box 3
1935, cont.
Series X: Box 4July. "The Dangers of Farm Tenancy." The Pilgrim Highroad
July. "The Problem Of Farm Tenancy." Scientific Monthly
July. "The World Cotton Drama." Foreign Affairs
August. "There Are New Frontiers Ahead." The Epworth Highroad
August. "Land Utilization as it Affects Wildlife." The Minnesota Conservationist
August 24. Untitled article. Editor And Publisher
September. "Wallace Tells of Grazing Problem After Forest Trip." The Forestry News Digest
September. "Confusion, Choice and Unified Action." Rural America
October 30. Review of O.W. Willcox' book, Nation's Can Live at Home. The New Republic
November. Untitled Article. Democracy
November. "What I Am Trying to Do?" Progressive Farmer
November 15. "The Problems of a High Tariff." Farm and Ranch
December. "The Processing Tax." The World Today (Encyclopedia Britannica)
December. Untitled statement. New York Times Chronology
Essay on Chemical Foundation. Not signed, but assumed to be by Wallace
January. "Research - The Yeast in the Loaf of Agriculture." Scientific Monthly
January 16. "Balancing Abundance." BARRONS
January 29. "Protestants and Social Action." The Christian Century
January. "The Farmer's Tariff." Southern Agriculturist
February. "Farm Economics And Agricultural Planning." Journal of Farm Economics
February. "Trading With Our Neighbors." The Nations Agriculture
March 27. Untitled greetings to Department of Agriculture staff. Agriculture Exchange, special edition
March 29. "New Vistas For Agriculture." New York Times
April. "The Welfare of the Nation and the New Farm Act." The Democratic Digest
April 15. Untitled statement for publication in "Cooperative Organization and Management With Special Reference to China " by W. Mackenzie Stevens
May. "A Communication To State Legislators And State Officials." State Government
May. "H.A.W. Writes a Message." The Countrywoman
May. Untitled. Magazine of Associated Country Women of the World
May. Untitled introduction to book Storm Over the Constitution by Irving Brant
May 7. "...and still the farmers pioneer." The Sublette Monitor
May 18. "Making the Most of the Home Market. Vital Speeches
May 19. Untitled statement to accompany Charles Norman article
June. "What About Farm Imports?" The Southern Journal of Progress
June 22. "G.O.P. Platform Caters to Special Privilege." The Prairie Farmer (Letter to publisher)
June 23. "Wallace Sees Bright Farm Outlook." Philadelphia Record (Convention Issue)
Series X: Box 5
1936, cont.
July. "The Search for an American Way." Scribner's
July 18. "Learn to LIVE Together." The Michigan Farmer
August. "Protecting Our Domestic Market." National Grange Monthly
September. "Agriculture." New York Herald Tribune 6th Annual Forum on Current Problems
October. "Farmers on the Recovery Road." The Illinois Voter
November. "Henry Wallace Decries Dogma in Search for Abundance." National Student Mirror
November 29. "Crop Insurance Plans Explained By Wallace." New York Times . Also titled "Agriculture and the Economy of Abundance"*
December 2. "The Next Four Years." The New Republic
January. Untitled (Crop Insurance). Associated Press
January. "The Ultimate Power." Book review of The Ultimate Power by Morris L. Ernst
January 1. Untitled statement for the New York Times Chronology for 1936*
January 3. "Wallace Maps A Farm Program." New York Times Magazine*
February 8. "The Creditor Position of the United States." The London Daily Telegraph
March. "Locking the Gate." The Forum
March. "The Problem of Balance in Modern Civilization." The Consensus
March 1. "Definition of the Ever Normal Granary." The Agricultural Situation
May 21. "A Message to the Readers of The Old Farmer's Almanac from Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture." The Old Farmer's Almanac
June. "Chemistry and the Farmer." The Country Home
September. "National Security and the Farm." The Atlantic Monthly
September. "Our National Poultry Policy." Poultry Tribune
September. "Producer Goals and Consumer Goals." Rural America
September. Untitled statement. Fortune
November. "The Ever Normal Granary." Literary Digest
November 28. "The Ever Normal Granary and Consumers." Philadelphia Record
December. "The Ever-Normal Granary Plan." The Democratic Digest
December. "The Cotton Situation." Memphis Commercial Appeal, Business Survey Section
Series X: Box 6January 7. Foreword for "They Starve that We May Eat." Council of Women for Home Missions, NYC
January 8. "Jackson Day Address." The Democratic State Central Committee
January 22. "What Democracy Means to Me." Scholastic
February. "The Human Side of the Department." Rural America
March.10. "Looking Ahead 50 Years." The Democratic National Research Review
May 23. "Foreign Trade." The New York Forwarder
July. "Aid to Farmers." The Democratic Digest
July 1. "The Present Farm Program." The Commonweal
August 21. Untitled column. New York Journal-American*
September. "La Investigacion Fermento De La Agricultura." Sociedad Argentina De Agronomia ( Argentina 's Agricultural Society)
January 1. "Farm Hopes for 1939 Rest on All U.S., Says Wallace." The Washington Star*
February 3. "The Need for Increased Distribution to Consumers of Low Income Class." The Independent Grocer, 18th Annual Convention Issue
March 1. "Better Soil and Better Living." New York Times World's Fair Supplement
March 13. "Plenty for All." Des Moines Register And Tribune
April. "Our Plan for Marketing Surplus Foods." Advertising & Selling
May. "What Democracy Means to Me." Foreign Information Service
June/July. "Experiences with Hybrid Corn." 4-H Horizons
June/July. "Hacia una Cultura Interamericana." ("Toward an Inter-American Culture") El Magazine Internacional *
July 9. "Toward an Inter-American Culture." New York Times Magazine*
August. "For Tomorrow's America." The American Legion Magazine
August 2. "Wallace Holds Federal Program Realistic Solution For Cotton." The Journal of Commerce*
October. "Taking the Shock." The Democratic Digest
November 1. "The Forest Industries Conference." Southern Lumberman
November 8. "The Future of the American Farm." The New Republic
December. "The Time to Act." Equality
January. "How Permanent is the Farm Program?" The Nation's Agriculture
February. "The War at Our Feet." Survey Geographic
February. "The War at Out Feet." The American City
February 2. "The Food Stamp Plan." The Independent Grocer, Annual Convention Issue
February 10. "Comments on the Nation." The Nation
March. "The Forest in Our Land Economy." American Forests
Series X: Box 7
1940, cont.
April. "Inter-American Agricultural Cooperation." Bulletin of the Pan American Union
April. "Where Agriculture?" The Nation's Agriculture
April. "New Frontiers." Think Magazine
April 11. "Wallace Urges Production Curbs; Cites Handicaps to U.S.-Latin America Trade." New York Post *
April 17. "Agriculture is Faced with Changing Conditions." The Sacramento Bee, Annual Agricultural Number *
April 20. "Would McNary-Haugen Two-Price Farm Plan, Without Production Adjustment, Work Today?" The American Forum
May 5. "Battles Without Guns." New York Times*
June. HAW and McCamy, James L. "Straw Polls in Public Administration." Public Opinion Quarterly
June 15. "The Jewish Heritage and the American Spirit." The Jewish Merchant
June 25. "Act Resolutely Together to Meet Needs of Future, Wallace Advises Farmers." Rural Life*
July. HAW and Capper, Arthur. "What Shall We Do About Agriculture?" Independent Woman
July/September. "Judaism and Americanism." The Menorah Journal
July 31. "Wallace Declares Domestic Market Best Cotton Outlet." The Journal of Commerce*
Series X: Box 8
1940, cont.
November 15. "In the Spirit of the Prophets." The New Palestine
Winter. "A New Lease for the Tenant Farmer." The Business Bulletin