– 1977
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Box List
Continuing in Box 8
"Latin America Comes Ever Closer." Life
Untitled . Sociedad de Ciencias Agricolas. (Society of Agricultural Sciences)
Untitled. (Having to do with the drought)
Winter. "Soil Defense." The Land
February 22, 1941. "Wallace in Mexico." Wallace's Farmer
March. "Toward Pan-American Understanding." Reader's Digest
March 22. "Land Hunger in Mexico. "Wallace's Farmer
April 5. "When You Go to Mexico." Wallace's Farmer
April 5. "The Tourist in Mexico." Farmer & Iowa Homestead
July. "Food, Farmers, and Fundamentals." Survey Graphic
July. "Housing and the Nation's Defense, Present and Future." American Savings and Loan News
July. "The Price of Freedom." American Magazine*
August. "The National Income and National Debt." Land Policy Review
Series X: Box 9
1941, cont.
October. "For Peace But Not for Pacifism." Think
November. "Summary of Principal Developments in Agriculture During the Period 1933-1941." The National Cyclopedia of American Biography
November 22. "The Silent War." Colliers
December. Untitled letter. FCA Credit Union publication
December 27. "Ready for Economic Warfare." Foreign Commerce Weekly
Winter. "Soil Defense." The Land
Winter, 1941 – 1942. "Tanks and the Land." The Land
"The Board of Economic Welfare." Britannica Book of the Year 1942
January. "Foundations of the Peace." Atlantic Monthly*
February. Untitled statement. Hispania, Silver Jubilee Issue
February. "What Are We Fighting For?" St. Louis Post-Dispatch
February 13. "Tribute to the Honorable Cordell Hull." The American Hebrew
February 19. "Statement to the Cedar Rapids Gazette." Cedar Rapids Gazette
March. "Basis for Latin-American Relations." Free World
June. "The Price of Victory." Reprinted from The Free World
June 21. "Friends and Partners." The Baltimore Sun This Week Magazine*
June 24. Untitled letter. Novosselye
July 2. "Message to Portuguese." Diario de Noticias
July 12. "Rubber and the New Isolationism." New York Times Magazine*
August/September. H.A.W. featured on the cover. The Filipino Reporter
August 12. Untitled statement. Free World Anniversary Issue
August 25. "United for Victory." The Chicago Defender Victory Week Issue
August 29. "Economic Warfare – The War Behind the War." Army and Navy Journal
September 12. "The Guts to Win." Liberty
October 11. "The Day of the New World." New York Times Magazine*
October 7. Untitled statement. The New York Daily News
October 31. Untitled statement. Cedar Rapids Gazette
Series X: Box 10
1942, cont.
December. "Neighbors Working Together." The Rotarian
December 6. "A Peace Worth Fighting For." San Antonio Air Service Command
December 26. Untitled statement. St. Louis Post-Dispatch
December 27. "New Paths to Freedom." This Week*
December 29. Untitled statement. Tass News Agency
January. Untitled statement. America Clinica
January 1. "The Cooperative Way." Los Angeles Times
January 8. Untitled article. America Latina
January 9. "Ten Years After Hitler." Opinion
January 18. "How We Can Meet New War Debts – And Live Better." PM Daily*
March. "What We Will Get Out of the War." American Magazine
June 23 – 24. "The Silent War Against the Axis"; "Economic Guns Rip Axis in Battle of Neutrals"; "How U.S. Fights for War Supplies." AP News
June 27. "Freedom of the Air – A Momentous Issue." New York Times Magazine*
June 28. "This is My Country." Sheboygan Press
September 8. Untitled statement. Free World (Greek Edition)
October 23. "We must Save Free Enterprise." Saturday Evening Post
December 5. Untitled statement. Chicago Sun Christmas Edition
December 26. "Food in '44." This Week Magazine
Introduction. The United Fruit Company and Middle America by A.A. Pollan
"Invisible Governments." Unpublished
Untitled letter. World Outlook
January 11. "How Well Will We Eat in 1944?" Look
February. "Invisible Government." Unpublished
February. "Two Peoples – One Friendship." Survey Graphic
February 24. Statement to be included in Artemio Pacheco's book
March 2. Untitled statement. Cooperative League of Washington
March 6. Untitled message. Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society
March 17. Untitled statement. The Sentinel
March 27. "The Way to Abundance." The New Republic
April 9. "Wallace Defines 'American Fascism'." New York Times Magazine*
June 23, 24, 25. "BEW Wages Silent Economic War on 3 Fronts, Wallace Says"; "BEW Scouring the World for War Good, Wallace Says"; "BEW Helps Friendly Nations Gain Exports, Wallace Says." Baltimore Sun
Series X: Box 11
January 3. Untitled greeting. Daily Mail
January 5. "The Young Jefferson." Review by H.A.W. of Claude Bowers' Jefferson Book. Unpublished
April 11. "Waste Paper." U.S. Dept. of Commerce
April 14 – 15, 1945. H.A.W. /F.D.R. University of Iowa Libraries
May. "Planning for Freedom." Reader's Digest
May 24. "Industrialization of the New World." Address by H.A.W. to Institute of World Affairs
June. "How Can Exporters." Export Trade and Shipper
June 4. "In Memoriam of Franklin D. Roosevelt." Address by H.A.W. at Churchman Award Dinner
June 11. " America, Russia, the Word." The New Republic
June 19. "How to Guarantee the Peace." New Masses
July. "Fight for Prosperity As We Fight the War." Unity News
July. "Henry Wallace's Charter for Postwar Prosperity." Philadelphia Record
July 15. "Wallace Calls for Free Enterprise." Sales Management
August. "Postwar Foreign Travel." Travel Trade
August. "Full Employment." Wholesale Grocer News
Autumn. "Country Matters." The Land
Fall. "Practical Religion." Clear Horizons
September. "How Much Planning?" Reprint. An Editor's Notebook
September 2. "How Much Planning?" The New York Times Magazine
October. "Sixty Million Jobs" (condensation). The Reader's Digest
October 18. "Department of Commerce Program in the Field of Distribution." Submitted to Women's Wear Daily
October 25. Untitled article. Submitted to Army and Navy Journal
November. "The Department of Commerce – The Cities' Washington Agent." The American City
November. "Use All You Know." Modern Management
November. "Secretary's Statement." Unpublished
November. "Foreign Travel." A.S.T.A. (American Society of Travel Agents) News
November 12. "Bright Prospects for Future." The New York ForwarderNovember 30. "God and the Sixty Million." Sermon by Fred I. Cairns, with an introduction consisting of a copy of a letter written to Reverend Cairns by Wallace
December. "Basic Marketing Data to Aid Retailers." Chain Store Age
December 6. "Government's Role." The Commercial and Financial Chronicle
Series X: Box 12
"Wallace Views Soviet Asia." In collaboration with Andrew J. Steiger
January "What is Civilization? Response to article." Ladies' Home Journal
January "1946: A Year of Decision." Domestic Commerce
February. Fraternal Outlook – for Negro History Week
February. "Veterans Going into Business." VET
February. "Panel Discussion of the First Lecture." The Psychiatry of Enduring Peace and Social Progress
February 2. "Trade and Peace." The Christian Leader
March 16. "Full Employment." Liberty
March 21. "A Policy Toward Russia ." The Commercial and Financial Chronicle
April. "Faith – America 's Greatest Heritage." The Synagogue Light
April 11. "Old Age Insurance." The Commercial and Financial Chronicle
April 14. "Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Wallace See Globe Plan." Boston Sunday Globe
April 15. "He Led the Common Man." The New Republic
April 16. "The Service Industries Must Expand." This Week Magazine
April 18. "Arguments Against the Bulwinkle Bill." The Commercial and Financial Chronicle
Spring. "My Strawberries From Seed." The Countryman
April/May. " Russia 's Chance of Success." Labor and Nation
May. " St. Lawrence Seaway – A Stimulus to Trade." Domestic Commerce
May 15. "The Service Industries Must Expand." This Week Magazine
May15. "Education For Agriculture." The Churchman
May 18. "Untitled Statement for Shanghai Evening Post." Foreign Trade Supplement
May 18. "World-Trade Vistas Open." Journal of International Economy
May 20. "Higher Imports Key to World Prosperity." New Yorker Forwarder
May 20. "Message of Greeting." China Trade and Engineering
May 23. " Wallace Points Out Foreign Trade Essentials." The Commercial and Financial Chronicle
Summer. "Gardens Against Famine." The Land
June. "Henry Wallace Praises Radio Industry." Radio and Television Journal
June. " Way to Check Depressions." The American Magazine
June 4. Untitled Article – The Two Party System. The Democrat
June 6. "The Loan to Britain." The Commercial and Financial Chronicle
June 14. "The Automobile." Think Magazine
June 20. "Disaster Without Price Control." The Commercial and Financial Chronicle
June 22. "Party Responsibility." Colliers
June 24. "World Progress Spells Prosperity." Trade Union Courier Magazine Section
July. "The New Community Spirit." American Druggist
July. Untitled Article, Postwar Economy. Action
July 20. "Sidney Hillman." The Nation
July 25. "Names in the News." Molalla Pioneer
August. "Top Assignment for Veterans." Salute
August 4. "Present Level of Employment." The Philadelphia Record
August 13. "On Growing Up." Ruth Taylor Papers
August 31. "How to Elect A Progressive Congress." The Nation
October."The Fight For Peace." Reynal and Hitchcock , N.Y.
November. Untitled Statement, Elections. The Democrat
December. "Statement By Wallace to Lead Civil Aviation." Skyways Magazine
"Strike Back." Introduction to America's "Thought Police." Record of the Un-American Activities Committee
January 20, 1947. "Address Before the Founding Convention of the Progressive Citizens of America." A reproduction of the complete text from the New Republic. Signed by Wallace
"Open Letter to Premier Stalin." Reprinted with "Stalin Answers Wallace." National Wallace for President Committee
"Toward World Peace." Translation into German by Alice Herz
February 24, 1948. "The Wallace Plan vs. The (Hoover) (Dulles) Marshall Plan." Testimony by Henry A. Wallace before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs
March 18. ". . . Willful men with private interests are dictating our foreign policy. Their interest is profit, not people." Radio broadcast. Reprinted by the Wallace for President Committee
April 2. "Where They Stand."
May 10, 1948. "The Hushed Up Iranian Affair." New Republic
July 1. "Greetings From Wallace." Uncensored
July 19. "Farewll and Hail!" New RepublicWinter. "A Tall Man Comes Over." Upsurge
January. "Production for Peaceful Purposes." Swords Into Plowshares
February 25. Dictated statement to Johannes Steel. Action
Time magazine interview
January 30. "Henry A. Wallace on FDR, China and World Peace." National Guardian
December 1. Unpublished. H.A.W. Notes
"U.S.-Russia Against Red Chinese?"
November 19. "My Mission to China." The New Leader
February 11, 1952. "Mr Wallace Denies." Letter to the Editor. The Freeman* (print version only)
March 10, 1952. "Mr. Wallace Explains Further." Letter to the Editor. The Freeman* (print version only)
October. "Thomas Jefferson's Farm Book." Agricultural History
June 29. "Feeding the Hungry World." The New Leader
February. "A Long Look Ahead." Ford Forum in Boston , Massachusetts
June 30, 1960. Interview by Mrs. Dorothy Kehlenbeck at the time of Wallace's 50th anniversary of the class of 1910, Iowa State University
"Origin and Utilization of Germ Plasm in the U.S. " Germ Plasm Resources
November 6, 1962. Review of A History of Husbandry by Russell Lord. In Oversized Box 1
"Amateur Growing of Strawberries from Seed"
"Reflections of an ALSer"
Series X: Box 13
July/August. "On Growing Up in Iowa: An Oral Memoir by Henry A. Wallace." ed. Robert K. Bower. Palimpsest
"AE: A Prophet Out of an Ancient Age"
"Agricultural Prices" [1940?]
"An Appreciation of Ireland 's Greatest Writers." The Ireland American Review [April 1940?]
"Four Men Speak Out About Jobs For All." CIO Political Action Committee
"Incentives for the Non-Coms of Industry." Mill and Factory
"Hybridizing for the Health and Vigor in Glads"
"Korea, Trygve Lie and the Progressive Party from July 6 to 12, 1950." (Presumed to be by Wallace; it is unsigned and, except for one strike-out, unmarked. The point of view, tone, and diction all suggest that it was written by Wallace) Missing
"The Problem of Balance in Modern Civilization"
Press release. "Wallace Offers Hemisphere War Peace Plan-5 XXX Dealings." Missing
Press release. "Wallace Offers Hemisphere Peace War Plan-4 XXX Economy" Missing
"Which Path? Revolution, State Socialism or World Cooperation"
Untitled article. National Alliance of Newspaper Associations [1935?]
Untitled statement. Producer-Consumer [1935?]
Untitled statement . Symposium of Cabinet Members When Talking Over the Radio [1935?]
Untitled article. Universal Service[1935?]
Untitled statement. University Interscholastic League of Texas (Debating Bulletin). [1935?]
Untitled statement. Minneapolis Tribune [December 1937?]
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