The Rare Book Room features exhibits of the works of notable individuals and special aspects of the history of the health sciences on a regular basis. In addition, the Anatomia Universa of Paolo Mascagni is permanently displayed. The Rare Book Room also features Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language and the desk used by Sir William Osler while he was Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford, England.
Frankenstein. Open House, March 22, 2018. Digital Exhibit
Humans in Medical Experiments: Issues of Social Justice. Exhibit, Spring, 2018.
WWI: Medical Issues at Home and in the Field. Exhibit, Fall, 2017.
Early Modern England: Medicine, Shakespeare, and Books. Open House, March 23, 2017. Digital Exhibit
College of Medicine, 1870-1928. Exhibit, Fall, 2015.
Syphilis and Paul Ehrlich: an Historical Case Study. Exhibit, July, 2014.
Cholera and the Broad Street Pump. Exhibit, January, 2014.
Dentistry: Innovations and Curiosities, Exhibit. Fall, 2013
The Black Death: the Plague, 1331-1770, Open House. March 28, 2013 Digital Exhibit.
Cutting for the Stone. Exhibit, October 2012
Bonesetters in Europe in the 15th-17th Centuries. Exhibit, September, 2011.
The Apothecary. Exhibit, November 2011