
Mechanical's Bull Session - Class of 1930

Note: Information in square brackets was provided by the editor of this electronic version. Information in parentheses was used by the writer of the letter.

Faculty and Staff

Jessup, Walter Albert [President of the University]

Williams, Clement Clarence [Dean of Engineering]

Croft, Huber Ogilvie [Professor and Head, Mechanical Engineering]

Caywood, Thomas Garfield [Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering]

Ekstrand, Karl Hjalmar [Instructor, Mechanical Engineering]

Englert, Norma Agnes [Librarian]

Keller, George John [Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering]

Mavis, Frederick Theodore [Associate Professor, Mechanics and Hydraulics]

O’Brien, Arthur Vincent [Instructor, Mechanical Engineering]

Putnam, Ernest A. [Laboratory Mechanician, This name was spelled “Putman” in one letter]

Sheedy, Mary [Secretary to Dean]


Allen, Lawrence Edwi

Bergsten, Milford A. [“Bergie”]

Clark, Clarence Hayward

Davis, Earl

Eige, Gaylord S.

Fawcett, Cecil C.

Hamil, James K. [“Kenney”]

Hardwick, Pearl I.

Lyons, Richard N.

McLarney, William Joseph

Mougin, John Francis

Nelson, Wallace E.

Plumly, Mark

Rocklin, Isadore Jay

Sanger, K.W.

Weiskircher, Ambrose

Others Writing

Hampshire, Ernest L.

Nelson, Miss Verna

Wright, Roy V.

List of Writers, by Year, in Order of Appearance in the Issue

1930 PDF File

Ernest L. Hampshire

Huber O. Croft

George J. Keller

Ralph M. Barnes

Thos. G. Caywood

Lawrence E. Allen

“Bergie” [Milford A. Bergsten]

C.H. Clark

Earl Davis

Cecil C. Fawcett

Pearl I. Hardwick

“Kenney” [James K. Hamil]

Bill McLarney

John F. Mougin

Wallace E. Nelson [editor]

Mark Plumly

K.W. Sanger

I.J. Rocklin

1931 PDF File

Roy V. Wright

Huber O. Croft

George J. Keller

Ralph M. Barnes

Thos. G. Caywood

Lawrence E. Allen

Milford A. Bergsten (Bergie)

C.H. Clark (Clarence H. Clark)

Earl Davis

Pearl I. Hardwick

W.J. McLarney

Wallace E. Nelson [editor]

Mark Plumly

K.W. Sanger

Isadore Jay (I.J.) Rocklin

“Kenney” [James K. Hamil]

1932 PDF File

Huber O. Croft

Thos. G. Caywood

Ralph M. Barnes

George J. Keller

Larry Allen

“Bergie” [Milford A. Bergsten]

C.H. Clark

Kenney [James K. Hamil]

Bill McLarney

John F. Mougin

Wallace E. Nelson [editor]

Mark Plumly

Isadore Jay (I.J.) Rocklin

K.W. Sanger

1933 PDF File

Huber O. Croft

Ralph M. Barnes

Lawrence Allen

M.A. Bergsten [editor]

Clarence H. Clark

Dick Lyons

Bill McLarney

Wallace E. Nelson

Mark Plumly

Isadore J. Rocklin

[unsigned, from Dekalb, Ill. almost certainly K.W. Sanger]

1934 PDF File

[unknown writer, probably M.A. Bergsten, dedication to Wallace E. Nelson, 1907-1933]

Huber O. Croft

Ralph M. Barnes

Thos. G. Caywood

Larry Allen

Bergie [Milford A. Bergsten, editor]

C.H. Clark

Earl Davis

Kenney [James K. Hamil]

Dick Lyons

W.J. McLarney

Verna Nelson [sister of Wallace E. Nelson]

Mark Plumly

Isadore Jay Rocklin

K.W. Sanger


This issue missing


This issue missing

1937 PDF File

I.J. Rocklin [cover letter for his contribution]

Dick Lyons [prompt to I.J. Rocklin to write]

Dick Lyons [prompting all class members to write]

Huber O. Croft

Ralph M. Barnes

Thos. G. Caywood

Isadore J. Rocklin

K.W. Sanger

Mark Plumly

Larry Allen

Bergie [Milford A. Bergsten]

J.K. Hamil

C.H. Clark

Dick Lyons [editor]

Earl Davis

1938 PDF File

Huber O. Croft

Ralph M. Barnes

Geo J. Keller

Thos. G. Caywood

A.V. O’Brien

Larry Allen


C.H. Clark

Hamil [James K. Hamil, editor]

Dick Lyons

Mark Plumly

Isadore Jay Rocklin [signed “Rock”]

K.W. Sanger

A. Weiskircher

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