Do you need help with conducting a comprehensive literature review? Let’s start with…
Which types of reviews would be appropriate for your research topic?
- Literature Reviews aim to summarize the critical points of current knowledge of a particular topic.
- Scoping/Mapping Reviews aim to address an exploratory research question by mapping key concepts, types of evidence, and gaps in research related to a defined area or field.
- Systematic Review is a research method that “aims to locate and summarize all available evidence for a specific question in order to guide decisions and practices” (Cochrane).
What are main stages of conducting a review?
The figure below is about a systematic review. Depending on the review type, the review process may vary.
What can the library help?
- Provide feedback on systematic review project protocols
- Identify sources, design search strategies, and manage search results
- Get you familiar with EndNote citation software for managing references
- Write up a method section describing search strategies for your report
Provide the following information when email Marina Zhang ( and get your project started today!
- Title and which type of review (comprehensive, scoping/mapping or systematic reviews)
- Authors (provide names, institutions, emails and role of each contributor)
- Rationale (describe how this review project will contribute to current knowledge on the topic, or what gap in knowledge this review project will seek to fill)
- Objectives (Provide an explicit statement of the questions the review will address with reference to population, intervention, comparison, and outcome if you use the PICO framework)
- Eligibility criteria (state which criteria will be used to determine inclusion/exclusion eligibility: examples include PICO characteristics, study design, setting, time frame, language, etc.)
- Sample articles relevant to your research question