Between the Engineering Library and the Engineering Technology Centers we have the resources available to help prototype and develop ideas.

Resources in the Library

Prototyping Station – “Introductory”

Located along the wall in the Creative Space, the Prototyping Station has parts and an assortment of materials to begin building and tinkering. Please feel free to take and use what you need and be considerate of others using the space

MakerBot Replicator Mini – “Intermediate”

Generously provided by the Engineering Electronics Shop as a pilot program, the Makerbot Replicator Mini is connected to the HTC Vive Station. Using the MakerBot Print software print models up to 4″ x 4″ x 5″

Terms of Use 

The 3D Printer being available in the Creative Space is a pilot program. As such, the following policies can be updated as needed and the 3D Printer removed from the space without notice.  

  • Users are permitted 1 print/day. 
  • Only library-purchased filament is allowed – 3D printer filament is not food safe. 
  • Printer is for personal, non-commercial, purposes only.  
  • User is responsible for watching the 3D Printer while model is being created to ensure print is correct and without error.  
  • Employees do not edit files, create, or print items for users – but are available for help with specific questions about operation of the Printer. Email James Cox with questions
  • No weapons, parts for weapons, weapon accessories, or weapon replicas may be produced with the equipment. Equipment may not be used to create or view obscene or inappropriate content including violent or gory content, sexually explicit content, content that promotes or condones intimidation or violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or, any other object which violates University of Iowa Policies. 
  • Employees reserve the right to deny or cancel any job that does not comply with policy and report the infraction to the proper authority. 

Resources from Engineering Technology Centers – “Experienced”

Basic 3D Printing through the Engineering Electronics Shop using consumer grade 3D Printers. Submit files using their website and it costs $0.20/gram of material used. The Electronics Shop tackles electronic repair, calibration, and design services throughout the the college. They also maintain a sales desk in 2018 SC that sells lab parts and kits for engineering lab classes and other educational items.

Advanced 3D Printing through the Engineering Machine Shop. They optimize the resolution, slicing, materials, build orientation and add screw inserts as part of their service. The Machine Shop is a modern version of the classic machine shop that includes computer-literate staff, machines, and methods alongside traditional manufacturing equipment and procedures.

More information can be found on the 3D Printing Page


Engineering Electronics Shop (EES)

2018 Seamans Center

Engineering Machine Shop (EMS)

G450 Seamans Center

To Learn More:

Please go to the Engineering Services webpage.