• Studies are not to be used as office space, storage, for meetings with students and colleagues, or for lending to others to use.
  • Keys must be returned to the Main Library Service Desk at the end of the assignment period. Losing your key will result in a $25.00 charge and/or an approximate $250 charge to re-key the door to the space.
  • All library books and journals should be checked out before being taken to a study. A library staff member will periodically check all studies and remove uncharged library materials. Keeping uncharged or overdue library materials in a study is grounds for revocation of the assignment.
  • The individual study rooms vary depending on location within the building. It may or may not have a window, may tend to be cooler or warmer, may be slightly larger or smaller, or have other variables due to building configurations.
  • Due to limited availability, assignments are based on a first come, first served basis.
  • The Main Library is set up for Wi-Fi throughout the building. Hard wired computer access is not available in individual rooms. All studies have 110-volt outlets.
  • No Libraries’ furniture or equipment should be introduced into a study, except for an approved shared study assignment.
  • Conversation, computer sound (e.g. streaming music), and cell phone use is discouraged given the transmission of sound between the studies.
  • Spill-proof mugs or twist/pull-top beverage bottles may be used. Leaving open beverage containers and food of any type is prohibited and must be removed when the occupant leaves each day.
  • Coffee pots, hot plates, electric heaters, and other equipment of this nature are prohibited and will be removed and sent to the University Lost and Found Office, 809 UCC; Iowa City, IA 52242
  • Although research studies are normally secure, leaving personal property in the studies is done at the occupant’s risk.
  • Information about a study assignment is confidential.
  • Should an occupant not comply with these requests, the study lock will be changed, and personal property will be sent to the University Lost and Found Office, 809 UCC; Iowa City, IA 52242.
  • Occupants who retire with a study assignment need to vacate the study by noon on their retirement date.
  • Please notify Circulation Services (335-5299) of any problems with the study (lights not working, leaks, etc.)