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Go to Speeches by Wallace 1923 to 1933, 1934 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950-1964

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Prepared by: M. Bailey, M. Domenget, J. Roethler

Box List

Series X: Box 38


January 7.  "The Challenge to the West"--address at Jackson Day dinner, Minneapolis

Four differences between the Democratic and Republican parties; what would Republicans do in place of farm program?; independent progressives of West and national Democratic party need each other

January 11. Statement to the employees of the Farm Security Administration

January 12.   Statement on the 50th Anniversary of the Denver Daily Record Stockman

January 18.  "Democracy and the Farm Program." Address before the 4th General Assembly of the Council of State Governments, Washington, D.C.

February 5. Radio address on a series entitled "Democracy in Action", describing Federal participation in the New York World's Fair

February 6. Address before the Farm Editors' Conference, Washington, D.C.

February 10. Statement before the Senate Agriculture Committee, concerning the bill S. 570. To regulate interstate and foreign commerce in agricultural products

February 10.  "Tribute to Pope Pius XI."  Radio address

Series X: Box 39

February 12.  "Racial Theories and the Genetic Basis for Democracy." Address before Lincoln's Birthday Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom, New York City

Germany's inculcation of idea of racial superiority; claim has little ground in fact; ideas about so-called backward races not sound; George W. Carver; poor whites in South; genetic democracy; impossibility of conscious eugenic improvement; United States blind to importance of environment; danger to our system because of poor environment; economic maladjustments due to changes wrought by science; science must meet problem; democracy must succeed; science must help

February 18.  "How Agriculture, Industry, Labor and Government Can Work Together for a 100-Billion Dollar Income." Address before the 3rd Annual  National Farm Institute, Des Moines, Iowa

Should aim for national income of 100 billion dollars; what this would mean to workers and farmers; requisites to sound approach; balance; confidence; willingness to cooperate; "bigger pie for all to share"; resolving of conflicts; a clearing house suggested

February 23. Statement before the Senate Agriculture Committee, concerning the bill S. 1303

February 26. "United States-Brazil Relations." Radio discussion by HAW, Dr. Oswaldo Aranha, Senator Guy Gillette, Eugene Meyer, and Maurice S. Sheehy

Suggests rubber production, etc. in Brazil

March 2.  Text of a letter from HAW to Senator Ellison D. Smith giving cotton statistics

March 7. Statement before the Senate Finance Committee, concerning the probable effects of increasing taxes on imported fats and oils, exclusive of drying oils

March 13. Address before the Food and Grocery Conference Committee, Washington, D.C.

Paradox of farmers impoverished by abundance while millions of consumers hungry; proposed food stamp plan

March 20. "Considering Wildlife." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

March 20.  "The Importance of Planning in the Development of Agricultural Programs." Address before the Bureau of Agricultural Economics Conference, Washington, D.C.

March 21. Statement before the House Agriculture Committee on gross farm income

April 3. Statement on the enforcement of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act

April 5.  "Proposed Plan for Distribution of Surplus Agricultural Commodities to Needy Persons Through Normal Wholesale & Retail Channels of Trade"

April 10.  Statement before the Subcommittee on Agriculture of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, concerning the agricultural situation in relation to peace

April 13. "Agricultural Appropriations and Their Relation to Farm Programs and Farm Income."  Statement before the Subcommittee on Agriculture of the Senate Committee on Appropriations

Steps toward international agreements in cotton and wheat; exchange of cotton for rubber; balance the goal of farm program; approach from opposite direction

April 17. Address before a meeting of Agricultural Adjustment Administration employees; Washington, D.C.

April 18. Statement on the control committee to administer the 1939 watermelon marketing agreement program

April 19. Statement on the death of Dean Lipman of Rutgers University

April 21.  "Arbor Day - Symbol of a People's Faith." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

April 22.  "Progressive Democracy and This Changing World." Address at the Annual Jefferson Dinner sponsored by the National Democratic Club, New  York City

Tribute to Roosevelt; fair play to relievers; Supreme Court decision has placed all 3 branches of government behind farmer; world situation, danger of war, need of preparing, need of national unity

April 25.  "International Friendship and the New York World's Fair." Address at a dinner by the United States New York World's Fair Commission in honor of foreign nations participating in the World's Fair, New York City

May 2. "Making the World a Neighborhood." Address at the dedication of the League of Nations Building at the New York World's Fair, New York City

Monument to magnificent vision; what obscured vision; but there are other realities

May 6.  "What We Want in the Future in Farm Life." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

May 8. Address before the Conference of County Agricultural and Home Demonstration Agents, Washington, D.C.

May 10.  Statement on the motion picture, Juarez

May 15. Radio discussion by HAW and Lowell Mellett on the organization of the U.S. Department of Agriculture

May 21. "America, the Land of Opportunity." Address before the 87th Annual Convention of District Grand Lodge No. 1 of B'nai B'rith, New York City

Jews have suffered, therefore think of fundamentals; country founded on Bill of Rights; make it land of opportunity; importance of jobs; encouragement of capital; insurance of risks; spirit of tolerance and justice; balance of reason and emotion; use both-heads and hearts

May 22. Statement on the Farm Credit Administration

Series X: Box 40

May 23.  "The Agricultural Surpluses." Address before the Retailers' National Forum sponsored by the American Retail Federation, Washington, D.C.

List of 10 things done in farm program; need of putting capital to work

May 26.  "Keeping Our Markets for Cotton." Address before a farmers' meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas

May 30. Message to the 4th Triennial Conference of the Associated Country Women of the World, London, England

June 2.  Statement on the improper actions of a county agricultural agent

June 3. Address at the dedication of the Patuxent Research Refuge, Patuxent, Maryland

June 5.  Interview given by HAW to A. L. White, representative of the Associated Negro Press

June 6. "The Children of Tomorrow." Address at the Commencement Exercises of the National Cathedral School for Girls, Washington, D.C.

Children are only wealth we have

June 9.  Text of a letter from HAW to Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, concerning sugar

June 15. Joint statement of the Secretaries of State and Agriculture on the reciprocal trade agreements program

June 16.  Address to 4-H delegates, Washington D.C.

June 17.  "Progressive Foundations That Can Endure." Address at a dinner sponsored by the Democratic Party in Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Democratic Party must make broad appeal; can not afford to go backward

June 19.   "The Farmer and His Newspaper." Address before the Alabama Press Association at a dinner given by the Alabama Society of Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C.

Why public criticizes some newspapers; distortions becoming more rare; failure to understand farmers' programs; high caliber of Washington press gallery; importance of newspapers watching government; importance of competition among newspapermen; standards could be still higher; newspapers' duty to people greater than to any group or class; this is good business, too; business office; Editor and Publisher article on farm prosperity; newspapers can build up concept of general welfare; hold scales even among groups; great responsibility for welfare of democracy

June 21. Statement on the export subsidy on cotton

June 23. "Pillars of Future Democracy." Address at the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

July 1.  Statement on the transfer of the Rural Electrification Administration to the U.S. Department of Agriculture

July 8. Statement announcing a conference to discuss a cotton export program

July 8.  Statement re AAA

July 12. Statement before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee, concerning the expansion of the Rural Electrification Program

July 12. Statement before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee, concerning the work of the Farm Security Administration

July 13. Address at the opening of a conference to discuss a cotton export program, Washington, D.C.

July 23. Statement on a cotton export program

July 24.  "Works Financing Act." Round-Table discussion, by HAW, Senator Alben W. Barkley, Senator Robert F. Wagner, John R. Carmody,and Emil Schram, Washington, D.C.

July 24.  "David Fairchild - Plant Explorer. " Address at the presentation of the Frank N. Meyer Medal to David Fairchild, Glenn Dale, Maryland

July 27.  "Helping Nature Help Mankind." Address at the 3rd Annual Indiana Tomato Festival, Elwood, Indiana

July 28.  "The Contribution of the Poultry Industry to World-Wide Abundance." Address before the 7th World's Poultry Congress and Exposition, Cleveland, Ohio

August 3.  Text of a letter from HAW to Senator Robert M. La Follette, Jr., concerning the Commodity Credit Corporation item in the Third Deficiency Bill

August 4.  Text of a letter from HAW to Senator John. H. Bankhead, concerning Commodity Credit Corporation Funds

August 5.  Text of a letter from HAW to Senator Pat Harrison, concerning farm import provisions

August 7.  "The Cooperative Movement and the American Way." Address at the American. Institute of Cooperation, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Example of Sweden and Finland and what it means to the United States

August 8.  Statement on the expansion of the food stamp plan

August 12.  "Corn Loans and the Success of the Corn Program." Radio address. Station WHO, Des Moines, Iowa

Ever Normal Granary becoming a reality among corn growers

August 15. Statement on the fats and oils situation

Series X: Box 41

September 1.  Statement on the farmer and the possibility of war, Washington D.C.

September 5.  "Cooperation or Chaos." Address before the International Cotton Meeting, Washington, D.C.

International cooperation along commodity lines

September 5.  Statement on the formation of an Agricultural Advisory Council to aid in formulating farm policies

September 8. Statement approving the provisions of the 1940 farm program

September 8.  "Farmers, Consumers and Middlemen and Their Food Supplies In  Time of War." Radio address.

September 13. Statement to the U.S. Wholesale Grocers Association, concerning its cooperation in time of emergency

September 16.  Text of a letter from HAW to flue-cured tobacco growers, concerning the crisis caused by the withdrawal of the Imperial Tobacco Co. from the market

September 18.  "Rural Electrification As Part of the National Farm Program." Address before Rural Electrification Administration employees, Washington, D.C.

September 18.  "Racial Theories and the Genetic Basis for Democracy." Address at meeting sponsored by the "Lincoln's Birthday" Committee. New York City

October 1.  "The Bill of Rights Today." Address in an observance of the 150th anniversary of the Bill of Rights, Federal Building, New York World's Fair, New York City

Importance of Bill of Rights; problem to emphasize General Welfare along with Bill of Rights

October 4. "The Tobacco Growers' Emergency and the AAA Farm Program." Address before a meeting of tobacco growers, and warehousemen, Kinston, North Carolina

October 14. "What the Scientist Can Do to Combat Racism." Address as leader of a panel discussion sponsored by the Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom, in the Hall of Science and Education at the New York World's Fair, New York City

Environment is at least as important as heredity; "the corn crib cross"; can't improve heredity of human beings; relation to claims of superior racial stock; racial situation in Europe confused "Nordic souls animating non-Nordic bodies"; fallacious claims in United States too; responsibility of scientist

October 18.  "Importance of Research in the National Farm Program." Address at the cornerstone ceremony of the Northern Regional Research Laboratory, Peoria, Illinois

Four laboratories provided by Congress; what Department of Agriculture has done in past; place in well-rounded farm program

October 18.  "The New Research Laboratories, and What They Mean for Agriculture." Address before a farmers' meeting, Peoria, Illinois

Chemical research and its results in past (not all beneficial); motor fuel from corn alcohol?; petroleum resources not inexhaustible; phases of problem; laboratories may be valuable in war; distinction between useful function and vehicle for attacks on program

October 26. "The Federal Government and Internal Trade Barriers." Address before a Conference on Western Governmental Problems, San Francisco, California

October 27. "Pan-America--the Road of Our Destiny." Address before the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, San Francisco, California

Imperialism; totalitarianism; wide gulf between Old World and New World; New World ideals; building up trade ties with Canada and Latin America; things we could buy; especially rubber; proposal of Institute of Tropical Agriculture; cultural ties; Roads; Hemispheric defense; in time of war prepare for peace; possibilities pictured at New York World's Fair

October 27.  "The Western Research Laboratory." Address at the cornerstone ceremony of the Western Regional Research Laboratory, Albany, California

Chemurgic movement vehicle for attacks on farmers' programs and for propaganda for American form of Nazi dictatorship
Program for this event

October 27. Message to the Utah Farm Bureau Federation

November 11.  "National Programs and Human Values." Address at the Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama

Cannot preserve democracy simply by disliking dictatorship; creating better understanding between races, removal of discrimination; farm programs; soil conservation; human conservation; main thing is to solve economic problems, then won't have to worry so much about inequality

November 17.  "Conservation - the Farmers' Part in National Defense." Address before the Annual Meeting of the Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C.

Examples of ghost towns because of despoiled forests; causes of land waste; human conservation first and greater goal; Shelter belt; no excuse for exploitation now; "on its lands and natural resources a nation will rise or fall, etc"; need for master conservation plan; moral equivalent to war; war against waste.

November 28. Radio discussion of the book, Agriculture in Modern Life by O.E. Baker, Ralph Borsodi, and M. L. Wilson

December 1. "Strengthening the Position of Cotton and Wheat." Address before the Chamber of Commerce and farm leaders, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

December 4.  Statement on the resignation of Harry L. Brown from the post of Assistant Secretary of Agriculture

December 13. Statement for the March of Dimes campaign

December 5.  "How Permanent Is the Farm Program?" Address before the 20th Annual Meeting of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Chicago, Illinois

Farmers believe in balanced budget; price fixing and what it would mean; agriculture is the backbone of the nation

December 14. "Trade Agreements, Price Policies, and the Agricultural Northwest." Address at the annual banquet of the Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association, the Farmers Union Livestock Commission Company and the Farmers Union Central Exchange, St. Paul, Minnesota

Why United States farmers and Argentine farmers should cooperate; small groups of population should not pay all cost of peace insurance; need of reciprocal understanding between friends of trade agreements and friends of farm program

December 14. Address before the U.S. Department of Agriculture employees at an open meeting of the Twin Cities USDA Club, St. Paul, Minnesota

Series X: Box42

December 20. Statement on the appointment of A. G. Black as Governor of the Farm Credit Administration

December 25. "Peace and the Christmas Spirit." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

December 26. Statement on the Farmers' Income Certificate Program

December 28.  "Emerging Problems in Public Administration." Address before a joint session of the American Political Science Association and the Society for Public Administration, Washington, D.C.

Administrators can keep in contact with only 20 men; general staff to keep government from running to seed as bureaucracy; qualities of a good staff man; specialists in Federal State relationships; role of government in a mature nation; cooperation between executive and legislative branches; understanding of fiscal policy; democratic type of mind, not dictator, required to run big cabinet department; with more centralization of policy, need more decentralization of administration; problem of carrying President's policies into action; contacts with Congress, public, etc.; contacts with own department; delegation of authority; got more in New Deal programs for dollar spent than would get in war period; more improvement in management needed; role of public servants

December 30.  "What 1940 Holds for the American Farmer." Radio address on the Columbia Country Journal Program

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