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Go to Speeches by Wallace 1923 to 1933, 1934 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950-1964

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Box List

Series X: Box 34


January 1. Statement for the New Year

January 3. "The Community of Interest Between Labor, Capital and Agriculture." Address before the Community Forum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh typifies dramatically close relationship between farmers, industrial workers and capitalists; only half farm problem on the farm, etc.; only half of labor's problem is in collective bargaining; need more cooperation between agriculture and labor; what irritates farmers; danger if bargaining powers of agriculture and labor are pushed too far; true interests of capital; are higher wages menace to agriculture?; problem of farm labor; problem of export agriculture; need of diffusing results of technology; problem of people on small, poor farms; more opportunities for capital if good relationships; can smooth out business cycle; difference between Capital and capitalists; need capitalists with vision.

January 8. Radio address concerning the farm program

January 8. Address at the Jackson Day Dinner, Des Moines, Iowa

Why Henry A. Wallace is no longer Republican; Republicans always in favor of something which is out of date; problem of bringing together leaders of Democratic party and men of great managerial ability

January 11. "Rural Relief Needs." Statement before the Special Senate Committee to Investigate Unemployment and Relief

January 12.   Text of a letter from HAW to Senator James F. Byrnes, concerning the former's statement before the Special Senate Committee to Investigate Unemployment and Relief

January 18. "The Dependence of the Railroads on Increased Industrial Production and Increased Purchasing Power of Farm Products." Statement before the Interstate Commerce Commission on Increases on Freight Rates and Charges

February 5. "Making Democracy Efficient." Address at a dinner meeting sponsored by Common Sense Magazine

Discussion of efficiency of government bureaus and Office holders; need of coordinating agency; need to keep the democratic touch; why problem important : technology, corporations, etc.; should study Scandinavian approach ("we don't want to become serfs of the state, any more than we want to become serfs of corporations")

Series X: Box 35

February 13. Radio address, introducing the anniversary program of the University of Chicago Round Table

Importance of public discussion in a democracy

February 16. Statement on the Senate Reorganization Bill, S. 3331

February 16. Statement on the provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938

February 17.  "The New Farm Bill." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

Discusses new AAA Act

February 22. "Capitalism." Lecture No. 1, Earl Lectureship Foundation, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California

Increase in Productivity in terms of industrial goods; "way of life" farmers are something out of past, but have contribution to make; capitalism on trial for its life today, hasn't brought greater economic security; American capital frightened; civilizations don't have to commit suicide; alternative to "fever and chills"; need of clearinghouse to make sure capital invested at right rate; corporations the "Holy of Holies" of the capitalistic system; their power and responsibility; corporations, cooperatives, government ownership; Scandinavian system; quotation from encyclical; need to eliminate periods of over-investment and under-investment; service of corporations to General Welfare.

February 22.  "The West and the National Farm Program." Radio address on the Western Farm and Home Hour

February 23.  "Religion in Democracy." Lecture No. 2, Earl Lectureship Foundation, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California

Democracy in center, between anarchy and oligarchy;  capitalism and democracy; freedom must be accompanied by discipline; farmers know this; may businessmen fight democracy because control isn't in their hands; this is changing; farmers and workers must learn to safeguard capital, just as wealthy people, must post themselves as social ferment; if government takes over too many functions, question is: who controls government?; for farmers and workers and businessmen, vital that flow of private capital into productive investment be at more nearly uniform rate; capital should be servant and not master; body of faith; 7 points; difference between agricultural economic democracy and that needed for industry; democracy must be efficient, must have purpose, needs to have religious zeal, be built into economic system.

February 24. "Religion of the Whole Man and of the Whole Society." Lecture No. 3, Earl Lectureship Foundation, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California

The American ideal; Kingdom of Heaven here on earth; people in modern civilization are losing loving contact with earth; religion must match freedoms with responsibilities; want directions; too much specialization, need to be oriented; individualism must think of relationship to others; in United States, can combine into harmonious whole all the prerequisites of the good life; strong sense of direction needed, for General Welfare; Prophets, Jesus, etc. and doctrine of social justice; Marx distorted it; difference between Christianity and Communism or Nazism; What is worthwhile?; General Welfare (Rotarians); capitalism, democracy, and religion; unity and liberty don't have to be mutually exclusive; movement toward unity; necessity of leadership with vision; "profound religious motivation of the whole man"; Workers, farmers, business men; look beyond short-term objective; rights and privileges curtail disciplines.

February 23.  "Church and School in Democratic Capitalism." Lecture No. 4, Earl Lectureship Foundation, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California

March 7.  "The New Farm Act: Balanced Abundance for Farm and City." Radio address on the National Radio Forum

Two vital things about the Farm Act

March 11.  "The Rural Relief Program." Statement before the Special Senate Committee to Investigate Unemployment and Relief

March 12.  "Making Democracy Efficient." Address before a farm and labor group, Bristol, Virginia

March 16.  Statement on implementing the Ever Normal Granary for corn

March 29.  Statement before the Senate Finance Committee on H. R. 9682, an act to provide revenue and equalize taxation

April 6. Text of a letter from HAW to Senator Prentiss M. Brown, concerning sugar prices

April 8.  "A New World, a New University and a New Generation." Address at the Dedication Exercises of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

We live in a New World; handicaps of the South; four horse team (agricultural colleges, experiment stations, Extension Service and Department of Agriculture) and its opportunity; farmers' new responsibility; the sugar problem as example of what must be faced in Washington; how small minorities, through tariff raids, can endanger General Welfare; colleges must educate on this

April 12.  Address at the Award Dinner, National Traffic Safety Contest of the National Safety Council, Washington, D.C.

April 14.  "Individual and Collective Responsibility in Democracy." Lecture in the Democracy Course, Graduate School, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.

April 19.  "Crop Insurance Arrives." Address before a meeting of farmers and farm leaders to launch the crop insurance program, Omaha, Nebraska

How President's promise of crop insurance has been fulfilled; Government hands-off policy rejected by people; cooperative planning and action

April 21.  "Corn Breeding Experience and its Probable Eventual Effect on the Technique of Livestock Breeding." Spragg Memorial Lecture, Michigan State  College, East Lansing, Michigan

Impossibility of breeding up better race of men by eugenics

April 28.  "The Kansas City Commission Rate Case." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

Series X: Box 36

May 12.  "The Corn Program and What It Means to Business." Radio address

May 12.  "Crop Reporters: Public Servants."  Radio address, commemorating 75 years of Federal crop reporting, on the National Farm and Home Hour

May 12.  Statement regarding HAW's position in the Kansas City Stockyards Rate Case

May 16.  Statement before the Senate Appropriations Committee

May 18.  Statement on the Kansas City Stockyards Rate Case

Courts can't run administrative work of government

May 20.  "Conservation of Phosphorous--a National Problem." Radio address

May 31.  Statement on the Kansas City Stockyards Rate Case

June 1. Statement on the Kansas City Stockyards Rate Case

June 3. Statement for B. H. Hunnicutt of Mackenzie College, Brazil, on the importance of inter-American friendship

June 7. Statement before the Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee for additional appropriations for foreign competition and demand

June 8. Statement on the death of Roy J. Dunlap, managing editor of the St. Paul Pioneer Press

June 12. Statement concerning Representative Gomer Smith

June 19. "The Farmer Will Do His Part." Radio address

June 27. "People, Broadcasters, Government." Radio address commemorating the 3,000th broadcast of the National Farm and Home Hour

June 27.  Statement on the new Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

June 29. "The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

June 30. Introductory remarks at the dedication of the Government Building, New York World's Fair, New York City

July 17. Statement read on the opening program of "The Farmer Takes the Mike"

July 27. Address before the Iowa State Democratic Convention, Des Moines, Iowa

July 28.  "Iowa Comes of Age." Address at the commemoration of the Centennial of the Establishment of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa

August 11.  Address before a conference of Agricultural Adjustment Administration state committeemen, Washington, D.C.

August 15.  Statement on the four regional research laboratories authorized by the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938

August 24.  Excerpts from an address before the Association of Rural Mail Carriers, Washington, D.C.

August 27.  "The International Exchange of Goods in Relation to Progressive Agricultural Development." Address before the International Conference of Agricultural Economists, MacDonald College, St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec

Loans from our country to another need to be well thought out; United States to duplicate experience of Great Britain?; we lack group corresponding to British ruling class; United States Trade agreement program; middle path; don't turn back on world; lowering tariffs and control of domestic supplies an attempt to bridge chasm; International Ever Normal Granary; need agreement among nations

August 27.  Statement on United States-Canadian relations

September 20.  "Progressive Democracy and What it Means to Vermont." Address before the Vermont State Democratic Convention, Burlington, Vermont

Father's experience as Republican, why Henry A. Wallace is progressive Democrat today; AAA program and non-partisan aspect; center of Republican power rests with the reactionaries and center of Democratic power rests with the people

September 29.  "An American Income for Wheat." Address before a meeting of farmers and farm leaders, Hutchinson, Kansas

Wheat and danger of near world war; what war might mean; with return of ordinary weather, wheat prices down; wheat programs need more than one leg (control of surplus); other leg is parity payments; people of Great Plains have government's export sales program; "Some people, it seems, would like to see the farmers speared through both the stomach and through the head, and then express surprise when they wiggle."; price fixing, and how it would work; (would ruin farmers)

Series X: Box 37

September 30.  "An American Income for Cotton." Address before a meeting of farmers and Agricultural Adjustment Administration committeemen, Fort Worth, Texas

Unlimited production--questions asked who advocate it; the real issues; programs vs. no programs; other proposal, high loans; questions asked of advocates; if both could argue out, rest could go down middle road; need for vital spark for agriculture, fight for program

October 2.  "The Economics of the New Deal." Radio discussion among HAW, Harry D. Gideonse and T.V. Smith on the University of Chicago Round Table

October 3. Text of a letter from HAW to Senator Robert J. Bulkley, concerning agricultural exports and imports

October 6.  Statement on the reorganization of the U.S. Department of Agriculture

October 7.  "Citizens and Government Organization." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

October 12.  Excerpts from an address before the Women's National Democratic Club, Washington, D.C.

October 14.  "An American Income for Corn."  Address at meeting of farmers, farm leaders and AAA committeemen at Springfield, Illinois

Corn Belt Liberty League campaign and how their charges turned out to be bunk; Saturday Evening Post editorial on oil; AAA of 1938; a bulwark of strength; why it's under fire; comparison with proposed substitutes; price fixing; fallacies; keeping out imports

October 15.  Campaign address at Mitchell, South Dakota

Challenge to efficiency of our democracy; Columbus Day, may yet be called New World Day; working with Latin American countries

October 17.  Campaign address at Council Bluffs, Iowa

October 18.  Campaign address at Waterloo, Iowa

Narrow escape from war; danger may knock more thunderously in a year or two

October 20.  Campaign address at Adrian, Michigan

Breathing spell, let's strengthen democracy; momentous task; Republican trait to worship past; "The only good progressives are dead progressives"

October 24.       "Making Abundance Work for the American People." Radio address on the National Radio Forum sponsored by the Washington Evening Star .

Attacks on farm program; danger of permanent cleavage between city and country; Better Eating, Better Health and Better Living

October 25.  Statement on surplus farm products

October 27.  Campaign address at Reading, Pennsylvania

October 27.  Statement on the farm situation

October 30. "What Should Be Done About Our Farm Surpluses." Radio discussion among HAW, General Hugh S. Johnson and Lyman Bryson on the People's Platform

October 31.  Statement on Thomas E. Dewey's farm comments

October 31. Statement on surplus farm products

[October].  Campaign address at Council Bluffs, Iowa

November 2.  Statement concerning Senator L. J. Dickinson and former Governor Daniel W. Turner of Iowa

November 2.  Statement on Senator Arthur Capper

November 5.  Excerpts from an address before the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Young Men's Christian Association Serving Colored Youth, Washington, D.C.

November 8.  Statement in the introduction to a Venezuelan livestock picture with Dr. Diogenes Escalante

November 10.  Statement on the election

November 11.  Address at the dedication of the Court of Peace, New York World's Fair, New York City

Series X: Box 38

November 12.  "Social Objectives of the Federal Government." Radio address on the dedicatory program of Radio Station WEVD, New York City

Bigger share in pie, but need bigger pie to be shared; need national income 100 billion; agriculture, labor and business work together

November 15. "Common Interests and Conflicting Interests of Farmers and Industrial Labor." Address before the 5th National Conference of Labor Legislation, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.

Need for full production and full employment; farmers and labor need to attack this problem

November 15. Radio address condensed from an address before the 5th National Conference of Labor Legislation, Washington, D.C.

November 17. "The Southeast Faces Forward." Address before a meeting of farmers and Agricultural Adjustment Administration committeemen, Macon, Georgia

Cotton end tobacco programs like ships in sheltered haven away from world economic storm; make cotton loan work for you and not against you; long view optimistic; conservation, more food and feed crops; more industrial production; test out substitute farm programs; "Don't be like the dog in Aesop's fables that dropped the bone that was in his mouth into the streams because of the grand reflection he saw in the water"; farm solidarity

November 18.  "The South Faces Changing Demands." Address at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

Cooperating with the inevitable, rapidly changing world; new industries in South, question of whose capital invested; can't see hope of world peace; 4-power pact means increased fear of war; effect on foreign trade; large numbers of farmers, work of Farm Security Administration; look rock bottom facts in face

November 19.  Statement on the death of Rodney Dutcher

December 1.  "Economic Progress and Southeast Agriculture." Address before a meeting of the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, Raleigh, North Carolina

December 9.  "The Rededication of the Americas." Address at the Citizen's Rally, New York City

Country founded on Bill of Rights, etc.; must see that Bill of Rights does not lead to anarchy; tolerance and self-restraint; peace and harmony of New World; contrast to Old World; don't get hatred of Nazis; "Mountain of Lord"

December 12.  Statement on the results of the referenda on tobacco, cotton and rice

December 14.  Statement on the locations for the four regional research laboratories authorized by the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938

December 15.  "A Broad Attack on Farm Problems." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

Work of new regional research laboratories

December 23.  Statement on regulations for the enforcement of the new Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act

December.  Statement on the outlook for the dairy industry


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