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1923 -

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Box List

Series X: Box 20


February 21. "Agricultural Price Outlook." Address before the 28th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Farmers' Institute, Belleville, Illinois



September 6. "Relation of the Tariff to Farm Relief in the United States. "Address before the 1st International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Totnes, Devon, England



January 17. "The Domestic Allotment Plan"

March 22. "Agriculture and National Planning." Radio address for National League of Women Voters

April 6. "The Drive for the Honest Dollar as seen from Washington and New York." Radio address

June 22. "The Honest Dollar Fight." Address before the Iowa Bankers Association

September 16. Statement endorsing Franklin D. Roosevelt for President

October 4. Statement commenting on Herbert Hoover's speech at Des Moines, Iowa, ca. October 4, 1932

October 19. " Hoover and Roosevelt on Agriculture." Address before the Iowa Roosevelt Club, Des Moines, Iowa

October 29. Radio address endorsing Franklin D. Roosevelt for President

November 1. "A Middle Chamber Lecture."  "  . . . a copy of what was attmpted (sic) to be delivered at Capital Lodge November 1, 1932, by the brother who made this copy."

November 2. Radio address endorsing Franklin D. Roosevelt for President

November 4. Radio address endorsing Franklin D. Roosevelt for President

November 7. Radio address endorsing Franklin D. Roosevelt for President

November 18. "Making the Tariff Effective for Agriculture."

November 23. "Agricultural Readjustments to a Changed World." Address before the Bankers' Club, New York City

December 6. "The Tariff as it Affects American Agriculture." Address before the 14th Annual Convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Chicago , Illinois

December 30. "Discussion of L. H. Bean's Paper on Prices of Farm Products." Address before the Farm Economics Association


"Build a Bridge"

January 9. "National Legislation of Interest to the Farmer." Radio address

January 27. "The Money Question." Address before the Illinois Agricultural Association, Peoria, Illinois

January 31. "Four Sides to the Farm Problem." Address before the Iowa Legislature, Des Moines, Iowa

February 6. "Debts and Money." Omaha, Nebraska

March. Address on the Farm Relief Bill, New York City

March 1. Radio statement before leaving for Washington to become Secretary of Agriculture

March 3. Statement on coming into the Department of Agriculture

March 8. Statement on agricultural meeting with national farm leaders to be held March 10, 1933

March 9. Statement on grazing fees of domestic livestock in National Forests

March 10. Statement on the farm conference.

March 10. Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour, concerning a farm relief program.

The farm emergency and the farm bill; farm leaders' meeting; background of problem; foreign markets closed; tariffs, creditor nation; the processor's cooperation, etc.

March 11. Statement submitted to HAW by national farm leaders, concerning a farm relief program

March 14. Statement on emergency agricultural relief

March 17. Statement on principles of an agricultural relief bill

March 18. Radio address on the Farm Bill

Farm bill to increase farmer's purchasing power, give prewar parity; untrod path, cooperation of all groups, horror at reducing production; surpluses on farms, breadlines in New York; bill to give balance.

March 22. Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour, concerning the efficiency of science.

Science and farm productivity; crime of using science regardless of social results; need to be as efficient in social experimenting. Farm bill such social inventiveness; as crude as first automobile; a day when all pull together to enrich life. Farm bill an attempt; lesson of last 12 years; ready to start over; need social justice in hearts; can make it work.

March 25. "Necessity for Powers vested in the Administration by the Farm Relief Bill." Statement before the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

March 28. Text of a letter from HAW to the Senate, transmitting a report of the Forest Service, pursuant to Senate resolution 175 (72d Congress, 1st Session)

April 1. Radio Address for the Institute of Public Affairs, concerning unemployment and farm relief programs.

Can raise prices only gradually; also need farm mortgage relief; farmer's debt condition intolerable; how bill will relieve it.

April 6. Statement on the dairy situation

April 19. Extemporaneous remarks before Religious Editors, Cosmos Club Washington, D.C.

April 24. Statement for La Hacienda magazine on the need for international cooperation in the production and control of agricultural products

April 25. Text of a letter from HAW to the governors of all States requesting representatives be appointed to aid the Agricultural Adjustment Administration

May 1. Radio address concerning the farm relief bill and the Department of Agriculture in general

             Harder to live with abundance than scarcity

May 3. Dictation on farm problem

May 5. Address before the United States Chamber of Commerce.

Tribute to Harriman; balance between agriculture and industry

May 8. Dictation on agricultural experimentation

May 9. Radio address before the Democratic Women's Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With extemporaneous remarks.

Old policy of drift; primitive man; balance between city and country, fate of Roman Empire .

May 9. "Agriculture and Science." Address before the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Must make science safe for democracy; must conquer not only physical but social obstacles-laissez faire related to Darwin theory; life side compared with mechanical side-mistake to destroy scientific work of Department of Agriculture.

May 9. Statement re International Wheat Meeting

May 11. Statement summarizing the Farm Act

May 11. Address before Boston Flour and Grain Exchange

Feeling that country can escape fundamental fact of surplus acreage; must be hard-headed.

May 13. "A Declaration of Interdependence." NBC Radio address, evening.

Description of farm act; long-term aims: planned land use, decentralization of industry; machinery of act; processing taxes; definition of parity; still after foreign markets; may reverse program; farm depression and farm buying; new era on farm; can't do everything all at once, to act deliberately; act will work if farmers make it work; Declaration of Independence.

May 15. Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour, concerning the Farm Act

May 18. Statement on the Farm Act

May 18. Paramount news interview re Farm Bill

Series X: Box 21

June 3. Message to Wisconsin farmers on the 50th anniversary of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station

June 4. "The Purposes of the Farm Act." Statement in the New York Times

June 7. Statement before the House Committee on Public Lands, supporting the Bill H.R. 2835

June 7 "World Trade Barriers in Relation to American Agriculture." A report submitted to the Senate by HAW in response to Senate Resolution No. 280, 72d Congress. 1st Session.

June 15. Memorandum on Cotton Prices in Relation to Certain Cotton Manufactures Goods

June 19. Radio address on National Farm and Home Hour, concerning the Agricultural Adjustment Act as applied to wheat and cotton

June 20. Address before the Extension Conference, Washington, D.C.

Pioneer had planned production, need to emulate his common sense; farmers worked too hard in past; need of leisure, especially for farm women.

June 21. Address before the Grain Analyst Club, Chicago, Illinois

June 21. Address before the Convention of the Millers' National Federation, Chicago, Illinois

June 23. Address at the Experiment Farm, St. Paul , Minnesota

June 23. Address before the Junior Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul, Minnesota

June 28. Address at Salina, Kansas

July 8. Radio address concerning cotton acreage reduction

July 10. Statement on crop conditions

July 17. Radio address. "The Consumer and the Farm Act"

July 17. Radio address on the Civilian Conservation Corps

July 20. Statement to Burton E. Howards for use in syndicated series

July 24. Address before the American Institute of Cooperation, Raleigh, North Carolina

Farmers and cooperatives must avoid mistakes such as Stevenson rubber plan; cooperation of all groups; government represents all; interested in needs of labor and of country as whole.

July 26. Message to the Convocation of Ruritan Clubs at Petersburg, Virginia

July. Statement for the Hatchery Tribune

August 1. "The Government and Minimum Prices"

August 3. "Trends and Shifts in World Agricultural Production." Address before the American Country Life Association, Blacksburg, Virginia

Erosion control and production control.

August 5. Address at Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama

August 8. Address at Delta Day Program, Stoneville, Mississippi

Community and interest between West and South and between farms and factories.

August 18. "A Program for the Corn Belt ." Address at Farmers' Week, Century of Progress

August 18. "Machinery, Economics and Religion." Address before the World Fellowship of Faiths Conference, Chicago, Illinois

Religion and modern economic and social problems.

August 21. Radio address concerning the farm program, CBS

Cotton campaign; too bad, but better than general smash-plan for next year; gambling spirit of the United States in the past; farmlands in better order; "What is there in it for me?" must be translated into "What is there in it for all of us?"

August 21. Message to the Vegetable Growers of America, Inc.

August 23. Message to the Farmers' Meeting, Decatur, Indiana

August 31. "The Long View." Radio address on the American Legion Program, CBS

Inflation and stubborn facts; people don't like adjustment of production but it's necessary; foreign demand prospects not good.

August. Statement at the Butter Manufacturers' Association Meeting, Washington, D.C.

September 3. Dedication of Hershey Building, Hershey, Pennsylvania. Program only; the text of the address is not here

September 5. "The Milk Question." Address at the New York State Fair, Syracuse, New York

September 6. "The Restoration of Rural Life." Statement before the 58th Annual meeting of the American Forestry Association, Franconia, New Hampshire

September 7. "The Corn-Hog Problem." Statement to the Executive Committee of the National Corn-Hog Producers' Committee of Twenty-Five

September 14. "A Question of Land Policy"

September 14. Suggested address before a Farmers' Union meeting for Senator Louis Murphy

September 14. Suggested letter to Governor Clyde Herring on the cost of production

September 20. "Supply and Demand, Political Pressure and the Long Look Ahead." Address before the Grain Dealers Association, Chicago, Illinois

Law of supply and demand, price fixing, need of thinking deeply instead of superficially, need of broad point of view.

September 24. Radio address. "Farm With Your Neighbor"

October 9. Statement on the Federal Surplus Relief Corporation

New Federal Surplus Relief Corporation; strikes at paradox of want in midst of plenty.

October 18. "The Corn and Hog Program." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

October 24. Statement before the Conference on Article X of the Lumber and Timber Products Code.


October 26. Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour, concerning the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and corn-hog programs


October 30. Transcript of address before the Agricultural Outlook Conference

October 31. "The Corn-Hog Problem." Address to conference of corn-hog workers, Washington, D.C.

Series X: Box 22

November 4. Statement on prices following the meetings with the governors of the five Northwestern States

November 6. "The National Recovery Administration and the Farmer." Radio address

Farm income and factory payrolls as a team of horses; elimination of sweatshop both in labor and on farm

November 9. Radio comments to the National Cornhusking Contest

November 9. Message to a meeting of the Grange, Boise, Idaho

November 11. Address before the Iowa Legislature, Des Moines, Iowa

November 11. Address at the Coliseum, Des Moines, Iowa

The five governors and price fixing; labor and agriculture as two legs of recovery.

November 13. "Agricultural Planning and the New Deal." Address before the Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities, Chicago, Illinois

Adjustments ahead; background of international trade war; farmers' dilemma; farm program; some mistakes; land problem; have to start somewhere; use land to best purpose; farm families need to get fresh start; solution not found in "back of the book"; must find it from fullness of experience.

November 14. "Emergencies and Fundamentals." Address at Muncie, Indiana

Economic weapons spiritual in nature; foreign loans all right if you have tariff policy to permit repayment; new type of business man needed

November 17. Radio address opening the 3rd International Conference for the Roerich Peace Pact

November 17. "The Red Cross and the Banner of Peace." Address before the 3rd International Conference for the Roerich Peace Pact

November 17. Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

November 20. "The Farmer and the Rest of Us." Dictation

November 24. "The Farmers' Problem - Everybody's Problem." Address before the Civic Forum, Town Hall Club, New York City

Many business men now realize true function; predicts time will come when production will be turned loose-people not fundamentally mean-comes from feeling of insecurity; rich potentialities, but must take hold of things as they are; United States must decide place in family of nations.

November 24. "The Farmer and the Rest of Us." Address before the Town Hall Club, New York City

November 24. Statement on milk prices

November 28. "Renewed Frontiers." Remarks of HAW read at the Western Governors' Conference, in conjunction with the meeting of the National Reclamation Association, Boise, Idaho

November. "The Church and the National Life." Extract from an address before the Editorial Council of the Religious Press

December 1. Statement for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on the Agricultural Adjustment Act

December 6. Press conference

December 7. Statement before the subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Commerce, endorsing the Bill S. 1944

December 7. "Statesmanship and Religion." Address before the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, Washington, D.C.

Need a new spirit of religion animating all our affairs if we are to realize potentialities of our age (use entire address).

True statesmanship and true religion go beyond immediate political and economic interests, envision a superior social state; true religion is the force which governs man 's attitude toward God and his fellowmen; essentials of Protestantism, originally highly spiritual, as expressed by classical economists and naturalists of early 19th century, became more and more material; human nature ran be changed through spiritual and economic upheavals; infinite progress is possible if "economic man" of 19th century will give way to new faith in human nature; finance and capital often distort true needs of man; today hope is in workers, farmers, businessmen, not the embittered left elements or powerful industrialists; we must meet challenge of this historic epoch, move forward to higher standards; men's economic and spiritual powers, his control over nature so vast that "struggle for existence" is outmoded, replaced by the new universal law of cooperation.

December 12. "The Farm Part in the National Plan." Address before the 15th Annual Convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Chicago, Illinois

Need of national debate on national course.

December 15. Excerpts from the annual report to the President

December 17. Address at Birmingham, Alabama, re cotton production

December 19. Statement to dairy leaders

December 22. Statement at farm leaders' conference, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.

December 25. Christmas greetings to the Civilian Conservation Corps

December 28. "The Farmer and Social Discipline." Address before a joint meeting of the American Economic Association, American Statistical Association, and the Farm Economic Association; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

December 29. "The Social advantages and disadvantages of the Engineering-Scientific Approach to Civilization." Address before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, Massachusetts

Inventors and scientists in the past aimed to free mankind from fear of insecurity; these social gains carried forward only by planning; research and technical organization will accelerate discoveries; envisions total use at productive power--progress in science and engineering at times destructive to social institutions-social and economic isolation of the past will be replaced by conscious social purpose, otherwise civilization destroyed; balance between production and consumption, export-import policy, remedies for unemployment-many engineers and scientists believe "good old days" will come back, but this won't happen except perhaps temporarily; engineer doesn't always recognize "mathematics of life"; material production an inadequate yardstick of civilization.

December 31. Statement for the New York Times

December 31. "The Potentialities of the Youth Movement in America." Address before a Student Conference, Washington, D.C.

Inheritance taxes not fundamental answer; need flow of capital; youth should know about all the sins, but not subscribe to any of them; dynamic liberal spirit of Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt; advice to progressives and conservatives.


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