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Posted to Internet: January 2004

Go to Speeches by Wallace 1923 to 1933, 1934, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950-1964

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Prepared by: M. Bailey, M. Domenget, J. Roethler

Box List

Series X: Box 26


January 11.   "Toward a Rational Land Policy." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

Comment on report of National Resources Board; extent of erosion; hopes AAA can help on problem in next year or two.

January 12.  "The Making of Economic Decisions"

Statement to General Federation of Women's Clubs

January 15.  Text of letter submitted by HAW to the Senate in response to Senate Resolution No. 17, a report relating to the subject of industrial prices and their relative inflexibility

January 26. Outline of an address before the New York Democratic Club

January 30. Statement before the Senate Agricultural Committee on Cotton Exports

February 5.  Statement re Reorganization of AAA Announced by Administrator

February 6. Press conference notes

February 14.  Address before the Association of Local Creameries, St. Paul, Minnesota

February 15. Excerpts from an address before a convocation at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

February 15. Address before the Michigan Farm Bureau Federation, Lapeer, Michigan

February 25.  "The 1935 Flue-Cured Tobacco Program." Address at Raleigh, North Carolina

February 26."Farmers and Foreign Trade." Radio discussion among HAW, Nils A. Olsen, M. S. Eisenhower, and Paul A. Porter on the National Farm and Home Hour

February 28.  "The Need for a Unifying Purpose." Address before the convention of the Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey

History repeats but in different way; time like Articles of Confederation, need new type of constitution on world-wide scale; "a cosmic sense of unity of purpose"; need balance between liberty and security; teaching should center around unified sense of purpose; capitalism, communism, fascism all materialistic and godless; increasing emphasis on security and unity rather than liberty.

March 4.  Radio address on the New Deal Anniversary Program, concerning the emergency and long-time programs of the Department of Agriculture

March 5.  "The Problem of Farm Tenancy." Statement at Hearings on the Bankhead Tenancy Bill, S. 1800

March 6. Statement on the death of Justice Holmes

March 7.  Statement before the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, concerning S. 1807, containing proposed amendments to the Agricultural Adjustment Act

March 11. "Liberty and Security." Address at Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Colloquy with Congressman on price fixing; idea of public utility; question of liberty and security; traffic lights; plow up shocked consciences that had not been shocked by plight of farmer before; world on move, old world isn't coming back; United States mature creditor nation, doesn't want to act like one; more about duties, less about rights; self restraint of car drivers; traffic jams in economic world; Articles of Confederation and more unity; key decisions by democratic means.

March 16. "The Need for Unifying Purpose." Address before the Annual Meeting of the Foreign Policy Association, New York City

Race between dividing and unifying forces; competitive capitalism, conquest of frontier, survival of fittest, tendency to collectivization of big groups; agriculture and labor now have power like corporations; mistaken policies of industry and labor, leading to boom and crash temptation to farm and other groups to overplay hand; tariff grab; "group abuse of governmental monopolistic powers"; "competitive scarcity"; industry's scarcity policies; need balanced abundance; unifying forces; conquest of physical frontier; imperialistic gain, war, communism, fascism, inflation (Pascal: knowledge like circle--greater it is, the more there is to know); unity through democracy; parallel to Articles of Confederation; same patience needed; unity based on economic balance and advancing culture, new frontier of mind and spirit; problem tied up with foreign relations, world unity "within the bounds of the great, encircling whole."

In 1934 the industry reduced production by 42 percent below 1929 and reduced its prices by only 15 per cent to maintain prices; abused governmental powers, ignored obligation to nation; result crippled industry, caused unemployment; agricultural policies blamed, though agriculture, even with drought of 1934, produced only 15 per cent less than in 1929, while its prices were 42 per cent less than 1929.

March 17. Address at St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo, New York

March 23.  Statement on a cotton loan policy

March 26.  Statement on the drought situation

March 30.  "Identities of Interest in Restoring Foreign Trade." Radio address

April 2.  "Some Farming Problems of the Present Day." Address at the 161st Annual Dinner of The New York Farmers, New York City

April 8.  "Broadcasters, Government, and Citizens. "  Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

April 9. Address before the North Atlantic Regional Conference of State Directors, State Supervisors, and Teachers Trainers in Agricultural Education, Washington, D.C.

April 9. Excerpts from an address before the Annual American Red Cross Convention, Washington, D.C.

April 11. Address at a luncheon meeting of tobacco committeemen, Louisville, Kentucky

April 11. "The Rehabilitation of Rural Life." Excerpts from an address before the Kentucky Education Association, Louisville, Kentucky

April 12.  "The Land Utilization Program as it Affects Wildlife." Radio address to the 13th Annual Convention of the Izaak Walton League of America, Chicago, Illinois, on the National Farm and Home Hour

April 13. "Thomas Jefferson: Practical Idealist." Address before the Jeffersonian Union, Atlanta, Georgia

Jefferson would be against both Liberty League and demagogue; Jefferson would be for a "Share the Responsibility" movement; with Jefferson, interaction between ideals and circumstances; what Jefferson would think and do today; modern lobbies and Jefferson, pressure from combined Right and Left; his practical idealism needed.

April 13. "The Cotton Program Carries On." Address at Atlanta, Georgia

Cotton program, effect on sharecroppers, attack on tenancy, Bankhead Bill

Series X: Box 27

April 15. "Signing of the Roerich Pact Symbolizes International Cultural Unity"

April 15.  Statement re AAA Amendments in Brief

April 16. Statement re AAA for Path Newsreel

April 16. Statement before the House Agriculture Committee, concerning the New Farm Tenant Bill, H.R. 7018

April 17. "Common Ground." Address before the Bowdoin Institute of Politics, Brunswick, Maine

April 18. "A Joint Interest." Radio address

Farmers, consumers and the farm program

April 24. Excerpts from an address before the 67th Annual Dinner of Brown University Alumni, Providence, Rhode Island

April 27. Address before the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, Richmond, Virginia, April 27.  Excerpts from address to Youth Conference, Petersburg, Virginia

May 8.  "Philosophy of the New Order." Address at Northwestern University,  Evanston, Illinois

May 9. Address before a Farm Group Meeting, Millersburg, Ohio

May 9. Address at Wooster High School, Wooster, Ohio

May 11.  "Licking the Ghost of Alexander Hamilton." Address before a Farm Meeting, Alexandria, Louisiana

Hamilton, Jefferson, protective tariffs, government by the few; Jefferson won only partial victory; Franklin D. Roosevelt restored spirit of Jefferson; AAA and attack by Hamiltons; arousing farmers against corporations doesn't help; farmers need to use powers to equalize them with corporations.

May 15.  Statement before the House Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, concerning a Central Statistical Board

May 16.  "The Joseph Plan in Modern America." Radio address on the Washington Star Radio Forum

Reason for Ever Normal Granary plan; long advocated; duty of government and consumer to farmer

May 20. Address before the Farm Groups of Illinois, Peoria, Illinois

May 23. "The Issues Behind the Wheat Referendum." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

May 24. Text of a letter from HAW to Senator Daniel O. Hastings in reply to the latter's questions regarding a meeting of farmers in Washington, D.C., on May 14

June 4. "Is it Commencement Time for the United States?" Address at Columbia University, New York City

June 7. "The Consumer and the Land." Address before the General Federation of Women's Clubs, Detroit, Michigan

The "voiceless land"; erosion and its ravages

June 13. Excerpts from an address before a 4-H Club Convention, Washington, D.C.

June 20.  "Confusion, Choice and Unified Action." Address at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

June 24. Text of a letter from HAW to Jerome D. Barnum, President of the American Newspaper Publishers Association, in reply to criticisms against amendments to the Agricultural Adjustment Act pending in H.R. 8492

June 25. Text of a letter from HAW to W. E. Wilburn, Chairman of the Georgia State Highway Board, concerning the inadequacy of engineering and inspection on road projects financed with Federal funds in Georgia

June 27.  Statement before the House Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, concerning the Bill H.R. 7712 to coordinate the agricultural functions of the Government in the Department of Agriculture

June 27. Press conference

July 13. Address before a meeting of Colorado farm organizations, Greeley, Colorado

July 18. "In Search of New Frontiers." Address before the Biennial Convention of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Seattle, Washington

July 22. Excerpts from an address at Walla Walla, Washington

July 24. Excerpts from an address at Great Falls, Montana

August 5. Excerpts from an address at Amarillo, Texas

Series X: Box 28

August 13. Statement on the meat price situation

August 13. Statement on the Iowa State Fair

August 14.  "A Personal Report on the National Forests." A Tribute to the Forest Service

August 21.  Excerpts from an address before the American Soy Bean Association, Evansville, Indiana

October 1. "Comments on the Agricultural Situation." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

October 3.  Statement at the public hearing on potatoes called by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration

October 8.  "The Potato Hearing." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

               Question of enforcing potato act--would it work?

October 14.  "The Problems of a High-Tariff Creditor Nation." Radio address on the National Radio Forum

October 15.  "Governmental Favoritism to Special Groups." Radio address on the  National Farm and Home Hour

Aim: increased production at fair price; balance between classes

October 21.  "Comments on the Agricultural Situation." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

Nice to go back to horse and buggy days, but can't be done; farmers using centralizing power of government to help situation

October 26.  "Is It Equitable to Subsidize Industry by Protective Tariffs Without Comparable Subsidies (i.e. Processing Tax) to Agriculture?" Statement for the National Round Table Discussions

October 29.  "Comments on the Agricultural Situation." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

Contrasting letters from farm people, etc. commenting on farm program; need of balanced relationship between producing groups

November 1. "Agriculture Looks Both Ways." Radio address on the 10th Anniversary Broadcast of the Farm Forum, Station WGY, Schenectady, New York

Improved farm conditions, danger of speculation and farm land boom; review of last land boom and disastrous consequences; safe guards?

November 5.  "Processing Taxes - Real and Imaginary." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

November 11. Armistice address at the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C.

November 11. Address at a reception honoring Bishop James H. Ryan, Washington, D.C.

November 12.  "Pigs and Pig Iron." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

Pig production and pig iron production; who reduced most?

November 12.  Text of a National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries and Departments of Agriculture Meeting

November 14.  "America Considers Its Constitution." Address before the Academy of Political Science, Columbia University, New York City

Material objective--points 1, 2, and 3 (prices, conservation, democracy); need of devices to require pressure groups to consider general welfare; lack of continuity on key policies; suggestion of Council of General Welfare; need to get economic balance some way.

November 14.  "The Place of Food Research in National Recovery." Address before the Associated Grocery Manufacturers of America, New York City

November 18. "The States, the Regions, and the Nation." Address before the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C.

Relating science to ultimate human values

November 18.  "How Much More Should Farmers Produce?" Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

November 19.  Statement on the Canadian Trade Agreement

November 20.  "Regional Adjustment." Address before the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C.

November 21.  "How the Canadian Trade Agreement Will Affect Farmers." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

November 27. "Do Consumers Protest Enough?" Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

Not attacking individual business and industrial leaders, but the irresponsibility of the system which brings scarcity

December 2.  Address at a Public Forum on American Agriculture Comes of Age, Des Moines, Iowa

December 3. Excerpts from an address before the La Salle County (Illinois) Farm Bureau, Ottawa, Illinois

December 7.  "Interpreting Jesus in an Age of Change Through Social Action"

Address before the Connecticut Council of Churches and Religious Education, New Haven, Connecticut

December 10. "Farmers and the Export Market." Address before the Annual Convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Chicago, Illinois

December 11. Excerpts from the annual report to the President

Canadian trade agreement; significance of way it's received; damage from Smoot Hawley Act; AAA and trade agreements attempt to bridge gap; propaganda that flood of imports will come in; skill of its construction; facts on cream and milk; administration friendly to agriculture; idea of flood of imports evaporates; better to have 99 1/2% of good market than 100% of poor market; if imports shut off, agriculture won't have exports either; how agriculture can benefit from trade program.

December 11.  Statement on the Agriculture Report

December 17.  "Payrolls and Food Prices." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

December 24.  "Economic Balance." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

December 30.  "Farm Economists and Agricultural Planning." Address before the Farm Economics Association, New York City

Unreality of classical economics; mature civilization means attention to things like social security; change to creditor nation, impact of technology; revision of methods of computing parity; fair share of national income; middle age of capitalism and its problems; role of the modern State; quote from George W. Russell.

December 31. Statement on the recommendation of the National Resources Committee for more effective regional planning

December 31.  "Public Opinion and the Farm Fight." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

What does New Year hold in store for American agriculture?; reference to President's statement of October 25, and new trend toward soil conservation; (this talk was only 6 days before Supreme Court's AAA decision)

1935.  Letter to readers of the Producer Consumer

1935.  Statement to be used by debaters in University Interscholastic League of Texas

1935.  Statement praising the Washington Star


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