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Posted to Internet: January 2004

Go to Speeches by Wallace 1923 to 1933, 1934 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950-1964

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Prepared by: M. Bailey, M. Domenget, J. Roethler

Box List

Series X: Box 51


January 1.  Statement to radio station KPO San Francisco, California, concerning its new agricultural program

January 9.  Radio address on the final program of "Down Mexico Way"

January 9.  Radio address on the program "Pan American Holiday"

January 14.  "The Stake of the Retailers in Victory."  Message to the Wartime Conference of the National Retail Dry Goods Association, New York City

Perplexing problems of retailers in wartime; national income of $130,000,000,000 would mean retail sales of more than $80,000,000,000; for full employment, need good planning and coordinated action

January 18.  "Must We All Go Hungry to Pay for the War?"  Statement published in PM

National debt, national income, and full employment

January 20.  Statement on Chile breaking relations with the Axis Powers

January 25.  Statement given to Associated Press

Need driving force of self interest to get most of the work of the world done; hard work needed; Horatio Alger not dead

January 26.  Radio talk to youth of America on Victory Hour Program

What kind of world young people will live in?

January.  "The Last Best Hope of Earth."  Interview given to Frank S. Mead from the Christian Herald

January.  Statement for American Clinics regarding Latin America

January.  Statement for Opinion regarding war

January.  " "A Peruvian Meets Henry Wallace."  Interview given to Manuel Seoane

February 4.  Remarks at the luncheon for the Dr. Luis Quintanilla, Washington, D.C.

February 10.  Statement on Republican post-war policy concerning freedom of the air and sea

February 20.  Message to the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society, New York City

February 22.  "Finishing the Job."  Talk at the George Washington Dinner,  Washington, D.C.

Can't win in 1943 if we don't go all-out; self-restrained on partisan politics in wartime; follow our Commander-in-Chief to victory

February 23.  Statement on H.A.W.'s trip to South America in March 1943

February 26.  "Post-War Problems."  Address before a group of Latin American agricultural students, Washington, D.C.

Series X: Box 52

February 27.  Interview given to Arthur Hachten from the International News Service

March 8.  "Practical Religion in the World of Tomorrow."  Address at conference on Christian Bases of World Order, held under auspices of Board of Missions and Church Extension of Methodist Church, at Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio

Prussianism, Marxism, and democratic Christianity

March 8.  "Farm Security, National Security, and Postwar Planning."  Address before a meeting of farmers and representatives of civic organizations, Columbus, Ohio

March 18. Reply to welcoming remarks of Costa Rican Congress President Picado, San Jose, Costa Rica

March 18. Reply to official banquet welcoming remarks of Costa Rican President Rafael Calderon Guardia, San Jose, Costa Rica

March 19. Address at cornerstone laying of the Inter-American Institute of Agriculture Sciences, Turrrialba, Costa Rica

March 23. Address at the conference of the Medal of Honor of the Bolivar Society, Panama City, Panama

March 23. Reply to welcoming remarks of President Ricardo De La Gaurdia at the official luncheon, Balboa, Panama

March 24. Address before Panamanian National Assembly, Panama City, Panama

March 27. Reply to welcoming remarks of Chilean Senate President Serrado, Santiago, Chile

March 27. Reply to official banquet welcoming remarks of President Juan Rios Morales, Santiago, Chile

March 28. Address at Union Para La Victoria meeting, Santiago, Chile

March 29. Remarks at a luncheon given by the Chilean Armed Forces, Santiago, Chile

March 30. Address at labor meeting, Santiago, Chile

March 31. Reply to embassy dinner remarks of President Juan Rios Morales, Santiago, Chile

April 1. Remarks at Chilean Nitrate and Iodine Corporation luncheon, Valparaiso, Chile

April 2. Address before nitrate workers, Pedro do Valdivia, Chile

April 2. Address before nitrate workers, Maria Elena, Chile

April 3. Address before copper workers, Chuquicamata, Chile

April 3. Farewell remarks at a banquet, Chuquicamata, Chile

April 5. Reply to welcoming remarks of President Enrique Penaranda before the cabinet, La Paz, Bolivia

April 5. Reply to welcoming remarks of Bolivian Senate President Belmonte Pool, La Paz, Bolivia

April 5. Remarks upon being made an honorary citizen of La Paz, Bolivia

April 7. Remarks upon being made an honorary citizen of Cochabamba, Bolivia

April 4. Greetings to the people of Peru, Arequipa, Peru

April 9. Summary of extemporaneous remarks at Puno, Peru

April 10. Remarks at a special session of the municipality of Cuzco, Peru

April 10. Remarks at the banquet at the Governor's palace, Cuzco, Peru

April 11. Address before the University of Cuzco, Peru

April 12. Greetings to the people of Peru, Lima, Peru

April 13. Summary of the extemporaneous remarks at Lima, Peru

April 13. Summary of extemporaneous remarks in reply to Dr. Carlos Monge, Dean of the Medical Facility of San Marcos University, in presenting a copy of the act of Independence, Lima, Peru 

April 13. Reply to the welcoming remarks of president Prado at the official banquet, Lima, Peru

April 14. Remarks at a luncheon given by the Peruvian Armed Forces, Lima, Peru

April 14. Reply to the greeting of the Rector of San Marcos University, Lima, Peru

April 14. Remarks before an informal gathering of the Senators at the Peruvian Congress, Lima, Peru

April 14. Radio address to the United States broadcast from Lima, Peru

April 14. Address before a meeting of the Peruvian-North American Cultural Institute to commemorate Pan American Day, Lima, Peru

April 14. Farewell remarks to President Manuel Prado, Lima, Peru

Series X: Box 53

April 15. Reply to the welcoming remarks of the President of the municipality of Quito, Equador

April 15. Reply to the welcoming remarks of President Carlos Arroyo del Rio at the official banquet, Quito, Equador

April 19. Remarks at the Bolivar-San Martin Monument, Guayaquil, Equador

April 19. Greetings to the people of Guayaquil, Equador

April 19. Address before the University of Guayaquil, Equador

April 19. Address at a banquet at Guayaquil, Equador

April 20. Remarks at the tomb of Eloy Alfaro, Guayaquil, Equador

April 22. Address to the people of Colombia, Bogata, Colombia

April 22. Reply to President Alfonso Lopez at a farewell dinner given by him, Bogata, Colombia

April 23. Reply to the speech of welcome of labor leader Carlos Gonzalez, Barranquilla, Colombia

April 23. Address at the dedication of the site of the proposed monument to George Washington, Barranquilla, Colombia

April 24. Statement summarizing HAW's impressions of his trip through South America released by the U.S. Embassy in Bogata, Colombia

April 24. Press conference concerning the South American trip, Miami, Florida

April 26. Press conference concerning the South American trip. Washington, D.C.

May 8.    Message to the National Wartime Conference of the Professions, the Sciences, the Arts, the White Collar Fields, New York City

May 11.   Address before the Inter-American Defense Board, Washington, D.C.

May 16.   "Work, Peace and Health." Address at an American Labor Party Dinner, New York City

May 16.   "We Are All Americans." Address at a rally in Central Park, New York City, celebrating "I Am An American Day." Also includes a Portuguese translation

May 20.   Text of a letter to Mark Sullivan, concerning the Trade Agreement Program

May 31.   Statement to the National Council of the American Soviet Friendship

June 6.   "Commencement." Address at the Commencement at the commencement exercises a the Connecticut College for Women, New London, Connecticut

June 12.  Excerpts from an address at the annual breakfast of the Iowa State Society. Washington, D.C.

June 24.  Address at the presentation of awards to White House photographers, Washington, D.C.

June 29 - July 5. Statement on the controversy between the U.S. Board of Economic Warfare and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and Jesse Jones Controversy

June 29. Statement on the controversy between the U.S. Board of Economic Warfare and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation as originally prepared for the Senate Committee on Appropriations

June 30. Statement on the controversy between the U.S. Board of Economic Warfare and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

July.    Possible private memorandum for President Franklin D. Roosevelt concerning the controversy between the U.S. Board of Economic Welfare and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. (filed together)

July 9.  Address before the American Federation of the Physically Handicapped, Washington, D.C.

July 25. "America Tomorrow." Address before a meeting sponsored by Detroit labor and civic organizations, Detroit, Michigan. Includes a copy marked by President Roosevelt

July 25. Statement to a delegation of Polish-Americans, Detroit, Michigan

July 25. Statement sent to Vicente Lombardo Toledano to be read at a meeting of the confederation of Latin American Workers, Havana, Cuba

August 5. Interview given to Stanley Dixon, Des Moines, Iowa

August 20. Statement concerning the gift of $2500 appropriated by the Congress of Industrial Organizations for Bolivian strike victims

Series X: Box 54

August 21. Statement concerning relations between the United States and Latin America

August 22. Statement on the first anniversary of Brazil's entrance into World War II

August 26. Statement on the first anniversary of the dissolution of the French Parliament by Marshall Petain

September 8. Message to Denmark on the 160th anniversary of the birth of Nicola F.S. Grundtvig

September 11. Statement to a delegation of Polish-Americans, Chicago, Illinois

September 11. "What We Fight For." Address before a meeting sponsored by the Chicago United Nations Committee to Win the Peace - supporting the Ball-Burton-Hatch-Hill Resolution, Chicago, Illinois

September 13. Statement concerning the Standard Oil Company and its cooperation with various government agencies

September 13. Statement on the 25th Anniversary of the Foreign Policy Association

September 25. Interview given to Wayne Darrow

September 27. Message to the Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the American Republics, Panama City, Panama

September 27. Statement concerning the war loan drive made on Information Please Program

September 28. Tribute to Ambassador Claude Bowers at a dinner given by Senator Joseph Guffey, Washington, D.C.

October 1. Address before the Writers Congress, Los Angeles. California

October 1. Address before the Consultation on Aeronautical Charts, Geodesy and Topographic Maps, Washington, D.C.

October 3. Excerpts from an address at the Stage Door Canteen in celebration of their first anniversary

October 6. Statement to a group of Jewish Rabbis on the steps of the Capitol, Washington, D.C.

October 7. Radio message to men in the Armed Forces sponsored by the National Jewish Welfare Board, Washington, D.C.

October 10. Radio address on the 32nd anniversary of the birth of the Chinese Republic

October 14. Statement before the Sub-Committee on War Mobilization of the Senate Military Affairs Committee

October 20. "Transportation." Address before a meeting sponsored by the various civic and labor groups, Dallas, Texas

October 22. Statement on transportation rates

October 27. "Food for Victory and Jobs for Peace." Address before a meeting sponsored by Food for Freedom, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio

October 28. Statement on the 57th anniversary of the gift of the Statue of Liberty to the American people from the French people

November 3. Address before the Annual Convention of the National Congress of Industrial Organizations, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Series X: Box 55

November 7. Statement on the 26th anniversary of the Russian Revolution

November 7. Address at the dedication of the Ball Memorial Chapel, Foundry Methodist Church, Washington, D.C.

November 9. Statement in reply to charges made by the Transportation Association of America concerning the Dallas address on transportation, October 20, 1943

November 11. Statement on the 25th anniversary of Poland's independence

November 12. Statement on the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Austrian Republic

November 17. "The World We Want." Address before the New York Herald Tribune Forum, New York City

November 20. Tribute to James L. Hy at a dinner at Mayflower Hotel given by National Lawyers Guild

November 22. Statement to a meeting of the Master Farmers of Iowa, Grimes, Iowa

November 23. Message to the Liga Internacional de Accion Bolivariana, New York City

November 26. Statement in reply to Senator Hugh A. Butler's remarks concerning  South America

November 30. Statement on the 69th birthday of Winston Churchill

December 1. Statement on the 25th anniversary of Iceland's independence

December 4. "Importance of Religion in Future Planning." Radio address for the United Church Canvas

December 6. Statement concerning the joint statement by President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Premier Stalin that their nations shall work together in war and in peace

December 11. "Vitality for All." Address before a meeting sponsored by the Carolina Political Union, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

December 13. Statement concerning the Armed Forces vote

December 24. Message on the 4th anniversary of the opening of the Lima Conference, Lima, Peru

December 25. Christmas message broadcast to Spain

December 26. Interview given to Earnest K. Lindley on the radio program,  "Washington Reports on Rationing"

December 31. Message to the people of Canada concerning their production of food and war materials


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