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Posted to Internet: January 2004
Go to Speeches by Wallace 1923 to 1933, 1934 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950-1964
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Box List
Series X: Box 49
January 1. Message on New Year's Day to Latin America
January 28. "Americans All." Address at the dedication of news broadcasts to Latin America
February 10. Message by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scouts of America, read by H.A.W.
February 22. Biographical statement for This Week
February 23. "Victory Through Sacrifice." Address at George Washington Dinner, Washington, D.C.
What Axis victory would mean; we must sacrifice to limit
February 28. Introductory remarks on the initial broadcasts of the radio program "Down Mexico Way"
[February]. Statement for the "Silver Jubilee" edition of Hispania
March 2. "The Americas Speak." Radio Address
March 4. "The Unity of the Future." Radio address on This Is America broadcast series
March 9. Radio talk, 9th anniversary of National Farm Program
Must maintain farm program in good repute; if farmers push prices too far, will suffer more later; President sympathetic with farmers, but must think about others, too
March 9. Excerpts from an address before the National Conference of County Officials, Washington, D.C.
March 14. "Farmers and the War." Address before joint meeting of farmers and businessmen, Omaha, Nebraska
Same feeling of homecoming as farm boy; "war for very survival of our nation"; soil ready to respond to needs; wartime prosperity short-lived; value of Ever Normal Granary as assurance for future; enemies of farm program put to shame; must not have strikes; Axis to make one last desperate, all-out attempt in summer of 1943; America now awake; foresight of Roosevelt and Mull (Henry A. Wallace himself was bitterly attacked); must recognize role of other United Nations; must lift our eyes to distant horizons of time and space; we are not a "master race"; treatment of Germany and Japan; "psychological disarmament"; we will win, because fighting for common man in all the nations; must not let "normalcy boys" or isolationists take charge; why we should be thankful, not fighting alone; pledge of Martin Treptow; take courage when we use what others have gone through; our God a God of battles
March 29. Statement on the letter by Representative Martin Dies concerning employees of the U.S. Board of Economic Warfare
Series X: Box 50
April 2. Statement to labor organizations
April 14. Statement on Pan American Day
April 14. "El Dia de las Americas." Radio address on Pan American Day broadcast to South America
April 18. "To Men at Arms." Talk at graduation exercises, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Maryland
The man in action, who has worked hard, earns privilege to do more difficult work; United States has excelled in industrial production; heretofore we have not cared to excel in the military world; now the fight must be won and we will excel over the Germans and the Japanese, destroy their philosophy, build up decent philosophy of our own, and insure to children of the coming generation sunshine, not dark dictatorships; these commissioned men will have opportunity to be, figuratively, captains in challenging tasks of postwar period
April 23. Statement to the Pi Alpha Sigma Fraternity, St. John's University, on the presentation of its medal to persons contributing to Pan American Day
April 25. Excerpts from an address at the Golden Jubilee Banquet of the Young Men's Democratic Club, New York City
May 7. "Freedom in America." Address at inauguration of Festival for Freedom, Washington, D.C.
May 8. "The Price of Free World Victory." ("The Century of the Common Man") Address at dinner of Free World Association, New York City
May 17. Message to the Jewish War Veterans of the United States at the 47th Annual National Memorial Services
May 19. Address at the inaugural banquet dedicating the CBS Latin American Network, Washington D.C.
May 21. Statement for the Office of Coordinator of Information for broadcast to China
June 4. Statement to the 13th Annual 4-H Girls' Club Convention, Ames, Iowa
June 8. "Why Did God Make America?" Address before a group called together by "The Churchman" for the purpose of honoring President Roosevelt, at Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City
June 9. Message of greeting to King George of Greece in his visit to the U.S. Senate
June 13. Message to the people of China on the occasion of United Nations Day
June 17. Remarks for the Paramount News Program "Victory for the Americas"
June 17. Statement regarding Russia, Nazis
July 11. Statement commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Order of Ahepa
July 29. "The Price of Victory." Highlights of a speech adapted to the screen by Howard J. Green. English and Spanish versions
August 19. Message to the student pilots and cadets of Latin America
August 19. Script from parts of Free World speech for Paramount Motion Pictures. Spanish
August 30. "Immortal Lidice." Radio address on the occasion of the dedication of Mexico's Lidice
August. Statement for the Montana State Democratic Platform
August. "United for Victory." Statement for the Chicago Defender (African-American newspaper)
September 7. Statement on Labor Day submitted to various organizations and publications
September 14. Statement on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the founding of the Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union of America
September 16. "Mexican Independence and New World Ideals." Translation of address delivered in Spanish on occasion of celebration of Mexico's Independence Day at Los Angeles, California
Mexico remembers heroes of the past; increasing cordiality in relations; what might have been an "Irredenta" is a fusion ground for two cultures; think of bonds of more tangible nature in future; what Mexico is contributing to war effort; next door neighbors and good neighbors; we do not turn our backs on Old World; fight for right kind of peace.
September 16. Statement on the shortage of farm labor in California and the Western States
September 24. Address at a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davies
September 29. Statement on the arrival in California of the first contingent of Mexican labor
Series X: Box 51
October 7. Statement published in New York Daily News
Immediate problem is to get rubber; problem for future, relative cost of synthetic rubber from petroleum and from grain and cost of natural rubber; rubber essential to out national economy, security; our course should be low cost to consumers, certainty of supply, promotion of security through friendly ties with our nearest neighbors in this hemisphere, and the wider international relationships to assure a peaceful world
October 12. Statement to representatives from the Women's Auxiliary of the National Maritime Union of America
October 16. Statement for a mass meeting at Carnegie Hall under the auspices of the Artists Front
October 17. "Soil, Food and People of the Americas and Eastern Asia." Talk made before meeting of the Friends of the Land, at Louisville, Kentucky
Conversation with T.V. Soong; possibilities of increasing output of Chinese agriculture; Northwestern European came to United States and laid basis for soil erosion now we are learning conservation, soil practices put into effect in last 10 years are beginning to take hold; increased yields of corn, cotton, etc.; all we have learned should be made available to others
October 28. Statement to the American Panhellenic Federation, Detroit, Michigan
November 6. Tribute to Senator George W. Norris for his work with the Tennessee Valley Authority
November 8. "A Tribute to Russia." Address at the Congress of American-Soviet Friendship, Madison Square Garden, New York City
November 29. "The Battle Against Disease." Talk on occasion of the dedication of the Chicago Intensive Treatment Center, Chicago, Illinois
December 10. Talk at testimonial dinner in honor of Senator George Norris
"One of the far-visioned social planners of our time"; progressive cause needs him
December 28. "America's Part in World Reconstruction." Radio address on the occasion of the 86th anniversary of the birthday of Woodrow Wilson, under the sponsorship of the Woodrow Wilson foundation, the American Political Science Association, the American Society for Public Administration, and the American Historical Association
December 29. Statement for the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch in connection with series "What Are We Fighting For?"
December 29. Statement for Tass News Agency regarding friendship with Britain and Russia
December 31. Remarks in radio interview by Raymond Clapper
The University of Iowa LibrariesForce with justice; trade agreement fight will be first round in battle for just peace; need United Nations financial agency; to build international airports, etc.; international authorities; international commodity agreements; must put productive power of world to work; danger of Axis winning peace even though defeated