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Go to Speeches by Wallace 1923 to 1933, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950-1964

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Box List

Series X: Box 23


January 10. Address before the Maryland Farm Bureau Federation

January 12. Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour, concerning conservation

Awakening sense of conservation; emergency program merging into long-time conservation plan under Franklin Delano Roosevelt

January 16.  Statement for the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation Convention

January 17.  "The New Opportunity in the Corn Belt." Radio address

January 18. Statement before the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

January 20. "The Farmer and the New Deal." Radio remarks by HAW and Rexford G. Tugwell in the series, "The Economies of the New Deal," under the auspices of the National Advisory Council on Radio in Education

January 23. "The Campaign to Adjust Cotton Acreage." Radio address

Compulsion instead of voluntary program? Comments on it.

January 29. Address before the Conference of Representatives of Beef Cattle and Dairy Industries, Washington, D.C.

January 31. "The Dairy Dilemma." Address at Farm and Home Week, Wisconsin College of Agriculture, Madison, Wisconsin

January 31 . "The Reformers."  Address before the University of Chicago (Alden Tuthill Lectures)

February 1.  "The Spiritual Adventures of the Protestant Reformers"

Extemporaneous remarks before the University of Chicago (Alden Tuthill Lectures)

February 1.  "Great Adventures of the Spirit." Address before the University of Chicago (Alden Tuthill Lectures)

February 1.  "Spiritual Adventures of the Prophets." Extemporaneous remarks before the University of Chicago (Alden Tuthill Lectures)

February 1. "The Great Spiritual Adventure of Our Age." Address before the University of Chicago (Alden Tuthill Lectures)

February 1.  "Spiritual Adventures of Today." Extemporaneous remarks before the University of Chicago (Alden Tuthill Lectures)

February 6. Statement for use in Better Fruit Magazine on production control

February 7. Address before the Young Democrats' Club

February 9. Lincoln Day address at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Parish Hall, Washington, D.C.

On point of carrying out worldwide drama like that of Civil War; in our day we should stand fast, as Lincoln did, on ultimate realities.

February 10. Statement on better production and controlled production

Relation between agricultural efficiency and agricultural adjustment

February 13. Statement before the House Committee on Agriculture

February 26, [1934?] Speech for Secretary Ickes

March 3.  "The New Deal - Is It Temporary or Permanent." Address at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Desire as motivating force in the world

Series X: Box 24

March 5. Remarks at the hearings of the Commission of Inquiry on National Policy in International Economic Relations, New York City

March 7. Letter to the children of Wallace School, Des Moines, Iowa

March 8.  "Farm Practice and Agricultural Adjustment." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

March 12.  "Potentialities of a Rural Youth Movement." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

March 15. Press conference

March 22. Excerpts from an address before a YMCA group, Cleveland, Ohio.

March 23.  "Agricultural Policies of the Administration." Address before the 13th Business and Professional Men's Group 1934, University of Cincinnati

April 2.  "The Dairy Problem." Address in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, before the first session of the Regional Dairy Conference for Dairymen of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia

April 23. "The Rules of the Game." Address at a Special Arbor Day Celebration, Nebraska City, Nebraska

Farm program is change in rules of the game for farmers; but must not have class warfare.

May 2. Press conference

May 3.  "America Must Choose." Radio address based on the book, America Must Choose , by HAW, presented by the Foreign Policy Association and the World Peace Foundation, in cooperation with the National Advisory Council on Radio in Education.

May 4.  Statement for the Navel Orange Dinner, Riverside, California

May 4.  Address before the United States Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C.

May 8.  Statement before the Senate Agriculture Committee, concerning amendments to the Agricultural Adjustment Act (S. 3326)

May 9. Press Conference

May 10. Text of a letter from the Chicago Tribune to HAW, concerning the latter's financial interests in the Hi-Bred Corn Company, Grimes, Iowa, and in Wallaces' Farmer

May 10.  "Working Together in the Corn-Hog Program." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

Drought shows need of Ever Normal Granary (phrase not used)

May 11. Statement to General Motors Corporation on the use of science and inventions in the Depression

May 12.  "The Agricultural Adjustment Program." Address before the Institute of Public Affairs, Athens, Georgia

World is one world, impossibility of isolation, especially for South; should put end to private control of tariff rules, monetary rules, corporate law, public utility regulation; world spirit versus dividing nationalism and sectionalism.

May 14.  "New Ideals for Rural Life." Address before the 25th Annual Convention of the American Federation of Arts, Washington, D.C.

May 18. Excerpts from an address before the Chamber of Commerce, Dallas, Texas

Also excerpts from an address before the Texas Cooperative Council, Dallas, Texas

May. Extract from the statement before the Subcommittee on Agricultural Appropriations of the House Appropriations Committee

June 2.  Commencement address before the Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah

June 5. Address before the Cattle Growers' Association, Douglas, Wyoming

June 6. Address at Bismarck, North Dakota, on the drought situation

Flexibility of farm program, protection in emergency; crop income insurance angle

June 8.  Statement at a meeting of businessmen in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the drought situation

June 11. Message to the Choosing-A-Career Conference, Newark, New Jersey

June 15. Message to the Citizens Congress, New York City

June 18. Address at the Annual Banquet of the Advertising Federation of America, New York City

July 11. Statement praising Senator Robert M. LaFollette, Jr., Madison, Wisconsin

July 11. "The Reopening of Foreign Markets for Our Agricultural Products"

 Address at the American Institute of Cooperation, Madison, Wisconsin

July 20. Excerpts from an address at Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts

July 27. Statement in reply to the Chairman of the Republican National Committee on corn-hog benefit checks

July 30.  Excerpts from an address before the Farmers' Free Chautauqua, Ruston, Louisiana

July 31.  Address before the Farmers' and Fruit Growers' Picnic, Paducah, Kentucky

July 31.  Abstract of an address at Hopkinsville, Kentucky

Re. AAA tobacco program

August 2.  Statement on the interdependence of the United States as a whole

Series X: Box 25

August 7.  Statement on reciprocal trade agreements

August 8.  Statement on reciprocal trade agreements

August 9.  Statement to the Democratic National Committee on the agricultural situation

August 10. Statement on drought-resistant grasses in Central Asia

August 17. Statement on food supplies

August 19. Address at Rockford, Illinois

August 19. "A Charted Course Toward Stable Prosperity."  Article in New York Times

Those who oppose farm program are believers in a wonderland; why Henry A. Wallace got out of Republican party; how AAA could be reversed in time of need; in time of war; time for planning is at beginning of disastrous cycle; AAA an adjustment act, not a reduction act.

August 21. Excerpts from an address at Geneva, New York to dairymen

August 26. Message to the Waterworks Park Picnic, Des Moines, Iowa

August 30. Statement for the Jewish New Year Celebration

August 30.  Statement to Henderson Times, Henderson, Texas

September 7. Statement on the corn referendum

September 11. Statement to the World Fellowship of Faiths

September 21.  Address before the 14th Annual Convention of the American Trade Association Executives, Washington, D.C.

Business, agriculture and labor in balanced relationship; leadership and democracy of AAA committees; new frontier to replace old frontier.

October 3. Excerpts from an address at the Annual Pumpkin Show, Circleville, Ohio

October 4. Address before the 21st Annual Convention of the Mortgage Bankers Association, Chicago, Illinois

Rules of the game; traffic lights (tariff a light wrongly placed; also laws abroad); normal balance; quadragesimo anno; now whole world settled; must consider whole; rules of game; economic democracy.

October 5.  "Economic Democracy in the Corn Belt." Radio address on the National Farm and Home Hour

October 9. Excerpts from an address before the Steuben County (Indiana) Farm Bureau Federation, Angola, Indiana

October 10. Address before the National Catholic Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio

October 15. Excerpts from an address before the Institute of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University, New York City

October 21.  Statement upon being appointed to sign the Roerich Pact

October 24.   "Toward a Unified Land Policy." Address before the American Civic Association, St. Louis, Missouri

October 29. Address at Norris, Tennessee, on the Tennessee Valley Authority and its future

TVA and its future; "economic man" a mere skeleton; make law of supply and demand serve man

October 31.  Statement to National Corn Husking Contestants, Waterloo, Iowa

November 8. "The National Agricultural Program in Relation to the Northeast." Address before an Agriculture Conference of Northeastern States, New York City

What is fair share of national income for agriculture?

November 15.  "The Price and Method of Adjustment." Summary of an address before the Union League Club, Chicago, Illinois

November 16. "Six Decades of Corn Improvement and the Future Outlook"

Address at Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa

November 16. Extracts from an address before the 4th Annual International Student Conference, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa

November 19. Address before the Annual Meeting of the Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C.

November 20. Address before the 68th Annual Meeting of the National Grange, Hartford, Connecticut

Outline of Ever Normal Granary idea; importance of more city income also

November 21. Excerpts from an address before the 16th Annual Convention of the Indiana Farm Bureau, Indianapolis, Indiana

December 1. Excerpts from an address before the 24th Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Washington, D.C.

December 7. "The Challenge to Protestantism." Address before the World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches, New York City

December 7.  "High Freight Rates as a Retarding Factor in Agricultural and General Recovery." Statement before the Interstate Commerce Commission on Increases in Freight Rates and Charges

December 11. Address before the Annual Meeting of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Nashville, Tennessee

South plus West, must link up also with Northeast and Pacific Coast; outline of Ever Normal Granary, need of wise loan policy.

December 20. Address before the National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., New York City

December 21. Statement on farmers' income in 1935

December 29.  "Unity of Purpose as an Historical Force." Address before the American Historical Association, Washington, D.C.

Series X: Box 26

December 28. Address before the American Statistical Association, Chicago, Illinois

December 29. Excerpts from an address before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

December 30.  Article "Wallace on Crop Control." New York Herald Tribune

1935 is farm program to be stop gap year, preparing for "the threatening exigencies which loom for agriculture on the 1936 horizon"; improvement in demand next step; what emergency farm motion meant in attack on depression; plow up and pig program compared to fire department; suggestion of Ever Normal Granary--what better nutrition would mean for consumers and agriculture.

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