This table lists UI Policies and Guidance that are applicable to research data across the data lifecycle.

Policy Source and Office Planning for research During research Sharing and preserving data & code Closing a project/leaving UI
Privacy Rules and HIPPA at the University of Iowa
– IT Security & Policy Office
Requirement for privacy notices
Policy Roles and Responsibilities
– IT Security & Policy Office
Roles of data steward, data custodian, authorized user External data sharing guidelines
Data Ownership and Transfer
– Researcher Handbook
Considerations for contracted research, terms and conditions in grants Considerations for contracted research, terms and conditions in grants Transfer of data if PI leaves UI
Institutional Data Policy
– IT Security & Policy Office
Choosing infrastructure and tools for research type Restrictions on who, where, and how data may be accessed; data backup requirements Disposal of equipment with institutional data
Managing University Data
– IT Security & Policy Office
Choosing infrastructure and tools for research type UI System Registry requirements Export controls for technical data Policy statements re: disposal/transfer of equipment with data
Responsible Conduct of Research
– Office of the VP for Research
Training for students, postdocs, and K-award faculty when planning for research. Training for students, postdocs, and K-award faculty during research. Training for students, postdocs, and K-award faculty when sharing and preserving research data. Training for students, postdocs, and K-award faculty when closing a project.
Data Management: Research Records
– Researcher Handbook
Considerations for managing data; PI responsibilities
Data Use Agreements
– Division of Sponsored Programs
Gaining access to restricted data from an external source Sharing restricted access data with an external entity
Research Data Policy
– Division of Sponsored Programs
Responsibilities for collection and retention of data Sharing of data per federal guidelines and IRB Transfer of data if PI leaves UI
Computer Data and Media Disposal
– IT Security & Policy Office
Securely removing data from computers