Please use this form or contact if you would like assistance with:

  • Writing a data management and sharing plan in compliance with funding agency guidelines
  • Organizing, documenting, and other aspects of managing your research data during research
  • Publishing and preserving your research data in a discipline-specific or institutional repository
  • Finding repositories and other sources of data

We provide:

  • Data Management & Sharing Plan consultations and support
  • Course-integrated instruction, including for Responsible Conduct of Research training
  • Data curation and deposit assistance when you want to deposit your data in a discipline-specific repository, or a generalist repository, like Iowa Research Online.
  • Assistance with finding an appropriate repository for sharing your data
  • Creating a citable record for data that is available only via a data use agreement.

For workshops, please use the Workshop Request form

Contact Research Data Services

Please provide a University of Iowa address if applicable.
Please provide more details about the reason you are contacting us.
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