Open Science
What is Open Science?
“Open Science is the practice of science in such a way that others can collaborate and contribute, where research data, lab notes and other research processes are freely available, under terms that enable reuse, redistribution and reproduction of the research and its underlying data and methods.” – FOSTER Open Science Definition
Providing access to data and code are discussed in our Research Data Services web pages.
Below are a few other resources related to open science. This is a short list of a few representative examples, and not a comprehensive guide. As always, contact us if you have comments or questions.
Case studies and examples
Funding, Policies, Federal Sources
- Case Studies of Federal Involvement in Tools for Open Science (Wilson Center)
- Open Research Funders Group
A coalition to promote greater dissemination, transparency, replicability, and reuse of papers, data, and a range of other research types. - – Open Science and Public Access
Open science announcements, agency public access plans, public access collections and services.
Case Studies
- Open Science Case Studies 4 UCL (University College London)
How open science can support career development and progression. - Open Science Success Stories Database (ProjectOpen)
Research articles, perspectives, case studies, news stories and other materials - Open Case Studies (Public health challenges)
Guides demonstrate the data analysis process and the use of various data science methods, tools, and software in the context of messy, real-world data.
- Open Data Commons
Legal tools and licenses to help you publish, provide and use open data. - Creative Commons – Open Science
Open Climate, Open PrePrints, Open Science and AI, Open Science Policy
Also see the Open Scholarship Toolkit by the UI Libraries for more about:
- Open Access Articles
- Open Access Publisher Agreements
- Self-Archiving
- Open Research