What is Iowa Research Online?

Iowa Research Online (IRO) is a service of the University of Iowa Libraries dedicated to preserving and providing open access to data, code, and other research and creative scholarship of the University. The Libraries staff work with university departments, research centers, and individual faculty, staff and students to select, submit, and manage content.

Members of the academic community are invited to contribute their data and other scholarship for long-term preservation and worldwide  accessibility.

Why Contribute to Iowa Research Online?

Datasets deposited in IRO are:

  • Discoverable by search engines such as Google, Google Dataset Search , Google Scholar
  • Indexed DataCite Commons and the Data Citation Index
  • Indexed and searchable in InfoHawk+, the University of Iowa Libraries’ catalog
  • Hosted on a secure server and given a persistent URL to ensure permanent access
  • Registered with a digital object identifier (DOI) – for datasets, working papers, pre-prints, and accepted manuscripts
  • Openly accessible to researchers around the world who may have limited access to scholarly materials.

Who can contribute?

  • University of Iowa faculty and staff from any department, research unit, or center
  • University of Iowa students with authorization from a sponsoring department or faculty member

How to contribute

Data deposit guide

Metadata guide